43-077 (3) 57 DUNPHY DR BP-2016-1373 GIs#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:43 -077 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2016-1373 Project# JS-2016-002364 Est. Cost: $5946.68 Fee: $75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: ALL ENERGY SOLAR INC 052870 Lot Size(sq.ft.): 15855.84 Owner: GIRARD KIMBERLY C&CHRISTOPHER E GARNER Zoning: Applicant: ALL ENERGY SOLAR INC AT. 57 DUNPHY DR Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 159 FRONT ST (413) 461-7621 () WC CHICOPEEMA01013 ISSUED ON.5/20/2016 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.INSTALL 20 ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR PANEL 4.54 KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 5/20/2016 0:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner File#BP-2016-1373 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON ALL ENERGY SOLAR INC ADDRESS/PHONE 159 FRONT ST CHICOPEE (413)461-7621 Q PROPERTY LOCATION 57 DUNPHY DR MAP 43 PARCEL 077 001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid r A:,04 A�R �5 Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: INSTALL 20 ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR PANEL 4.54 KW New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 052870 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFO ION PRESENTED: pproved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management Sign re of Buildin Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. Dopown"t awe oelly City of Northampton � = Building Department Cwbwwmw*YPWVA F, 212 Main Street ledteplka A"liigr Room 100 Waft~Av Northampton, MA 01060 To*Sallo 4 ►el _. phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address; This section to be conspk4ed by office j� ` Map Lot Unlit S Du(I /4-v`v` Zone Ovetfay Dwrict 1 ( Elm St Distict C6 Distet SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIPIAUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: f-, kk--, 6�� Don 0 A Ll Ra"',co Namerr 4Current Mailing 177. 0 4, 3 I eieptwe SignaWre 2.2 Authorized Anent: All Energy Solar 159 Front St, Chicopee, MA 01013 Narne{Prretg Current Mailing Address: 413.461.7621 Signature Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit appiicant 1. Building (a)Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical / (b)Estimated Total Cost of Construction from(E) 3. Plumbing BuddkV Permit Fee 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5. Fire Protection C. Total={i +3+3+4 +5) - Check Number Ttas Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: Date Issued: Signature: Budding Corm►issioneehispector of Buildings Date Section 4. Z01411IG All information Must Be Compteted-Permit Can be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required bir Zoning 11ns cohnim to be fX&I in bm- Builditil Dqmmm Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L:-R- L:_R., Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage 010 Open Space Footage *4' ,lAx area mime bkg&paivd PaA-11411 10 of Parking SLmcess Fill: (Voh=e,k Locan") A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? 110 0 DOIIT KIIOW YES 0 IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? 1* 0 MIT KIIOW 0 YES 0 IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook. body of water or wetlands? 140 D0117 KIIOW 0 YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained 0 Obtained 0 Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES 0 t40 IF YES., describe size, type and location: D. Are there arty proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property ? YES 0 140 IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing.grading, excavation. or filling)over I acre or is it pan of a common plan that will disturb over I acre? YES 0 NO Q) IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Superrisor. Not Applicable License Holder Name Kerry Fournier CS-052870 of License Number 159 Front St, Chicopee, MA 01013 5/12/17 Address Expiration Date � — 413.461.7621 Sigrsature Telephone 9 Re turned I!How knorcwewurrrul r Not Applicable C3 All Energy Solar 175144 Comwny Name Registration Number 4/25/17 159 Front St Chicopee MA 01013 Address Expiration Date Telephone 413.461.7621 SECTION 10-WORKERS"COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c. 152,§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance afsiavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes. _.... No.... G 11. Home Owner Eal�m�r��n The current exemption for Aomeowmas`"etas extended to include Owaor-occupied Dwellings ofone(1) or two(2)famthes and to allow such homeowner to engage an uufindual for but also doe:not possess a license,prorided that the owner acts as supervisor.CNfR'10, Sixth Edition Section 108.311. Definition of Homeowner:Person(s)who own a parcel of land on which her she resides or intend,to reside.on which there is.or is intended to be.a one or two family dwelling.attached or detached structures accessory to such use and,or farm -=ctures.A person who constructs more than one hoat in a tsro-rear period shall not be considered a honeoaner. Such'homeowner-shall submit to the Building Official.on a form acceptable to the Building Official,that he:she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. A,acuug Construction Supervisor vow presence on the gob site will be required from nine to time,during and upon completion of the eons for which thu permit is nsued- Aho be a(hised that with reference to Chapter 152(Workers'Compensation) and Chapter 153(Liability of Emplo)Vrs to Employee;for mjuries not resulting in Death)of the:Massachusetts General Laws annotated,you mati-be liable for persons) you hue to perform work for)vu under this permit. The under,igmed homeowner"certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance wrth the State Building Code.City of Northampton Ordinances. State and Local Zoning Lace,and State of Massachusetts General Lawn annotated. Homeowner Signature -�+-- DocuSign Envelope ID:A74C7E3A-6EAE-462A-BD8D-C799CF77D2D9 SunGEVITY` Homeowner's Agent Authorization Form State of Massachusetts I, Christopher (Chris) E Garner (print name) am the owner of the property located at address: 57 Dunphy Drive Florence MA 01062 (print address) I hereby authorize Sungevity or its subcontractor to act as my Agent for the limited purpose of applying for and obtaining local building and other permits from the Authority Having Jurisdiction as required for the installation of a PhotoVoltaic System located on my Property. DocuSigned by: Customer Signature: -6° kr Date: 4/26/2016 Print Name: Christopher(Chris) E Garner Sungevity MA Home Improvement Contractors License # 168430 66 Franklin Street. Suite 310 o 510.496 5500 866.SUN.4ALL Ciakland, CA 94607 USA 1 510.496 5501 Nawv:'."ung€vit°y coo The Commonwealth of►Iassachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents 1 Congress.Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 a �e www.mass.go v1d is NN-csrkers'Compensation Insurance affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PER'IIITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business?Organization Individual):All Energy Solar Address: 159 Front Street City/State/Zip: Chicopee, MA 01013 phone #:413-461-7621 Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): i.a I am a eurloyer with 50 employees(full and Forpanr-tune).* 7. New construction ?.❑lain a sole proprietor or parttrerslup and have no employees working for nue in 8. Remodeling any capacity. [No workers'connp.insurance required.] ❑-;.[:]I am a homernworkuiner doing all wk myself[No workers'com9. Demolition insurancep.insurance required.]' 4.❑ m I aa homeowner and will be luring contractors to conduct all work on ury property. I will 10 Building addition ensure that all contractors either have workers'coutpensation insurance or are sole I LE]Electrical repairs or additions proprietor}with no eunployees. 12.❑Plumbing repairs or additions 5.❑I un a general contractor and I have lured the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 13.❑Roof repairs These sub-contractors have ennployees and have workers'comp.irrstrance.� 6.❑NVe are a corporation and its officers have exercised their richt of exennption per NIGL c. 14.[✓ other solar 152.§10).and we have no eunployees.[No workers'courp.ursurance required] *.1tr' applicant that checks box 91 must also till out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy inforulation. i Hoineowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must subunit a new affidavit indicatnna such. =Contractors that check this box must attached an additioual sheet showing the name of the sub-contactors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have ennployees.they unit provide their workers'corup.policy ntunber. I ani an einploi'er that is providing workers'connpennsatiorn insurance for my enrnplohees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Narire:Ace American Insurance Company Policy�or Self-ins. Lic. y: C4820241A Expiration Date: 9/30/16 Job Site Address: 57 Dunphy Ave City,State Zip: Florence, MA 01062 Attach a coPy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the police number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152. §25A is a criurinal violation ptuiishable by a fine up to$1.500.00 and or one-year iurprisonnrent. as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. A copy of this statement inlay be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certifi•under the pains and penalties of perjury that lite information provided above is true and correct. Signature: Date: 5/18/16 Phone$:413-461-7621 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official. Cite or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.Cite/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other if Contact Person: Phone#: =_ 1e '(75�2J:zlzazr��t'r't� Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 10 Park Plaza - Suite 5170 Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration Registration: 175144 Type: Corporation ALL ENERGY SOLAR INC Expiration: 4/25/2017 Tr# 264192 MICHAEL ALLEN _----___-- _- 159 FRONT ST _ ---- _ CHICOPEE, MA 01013 Update Address and return card.Mark reason for change. SCA 1 Address -_ Renewal —_ Employment 1 Lost Card >• Office of Consumer Affairs&Business Regulation License or registration valid for individul use only _j NOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR before the expiration date. If found return to: '—i-";Registration: 175144 Type: Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation Expiration: 4/25!2017 Corporation 10 Park Plaza-Suite 5170 Boston,MA 02116 ALL ENERGY SOLAR INC MICHAEL ALLEN 159 FRONT ST CHICOPEE,MA 01013 ---- -- -- Undersecretary Not valid without signature ,eco o® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) �.� 10/30/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT LOCKTON COMPANIES NAME: PHONE 5847 SAN FELIPE,SUITE 320 FAX HOUSTON,TX 77057E-MAIL o ADDRESS: INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:Indemni Insurance Companyof North America 43575 INSURED INSPERITY PEO SERVICES,LP UC/F ALL ENERGY SOLAR,INC. INSURER B: 19001 CRESCENT SPRINGS DRIVE INSURER C: KINGWOOD,TX 77339 SEE BELOW INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:M2YHZ6Z9 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSRSUB TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL R POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR INID POLICY NUMBER MM/D MM/DD/YY LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ DAMAGET RENTED CLAIMS-MADE DOCCUR PREMISES Ea occurrence $ MED EXP(Any one person) $ PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRO- POLICY JECT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ OTHER: $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Ea accident ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ NON-OWNED PROPERTY MAGE HIRED AUTOS AUTOS Per accidentDA $ UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ DED I I RETENTION$ $ A WORKERS COMPENSATION C48662729 10/01/2015 10/01/2016 X STATEMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N TAT TE ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE 1,000,000 OF EXCLUDED? N/A E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) ALL ENERGY SOLAR,INC.(3275700)IS INCLUDED AS A NAMED INSURED THROUGH ENDORSEMENT. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. All Energy Solar,Inc AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 1642 Carroll � Saint Paul,MNN 55104 55104 5/10/2016 Kerry Fournier Construction Supervisor License.JPG ,., IBM, Wk t ^ y https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B35cnD_M-i LCflyM W I EVEVmV1 M4U H RjSjNvZOpC WjlyeW hj W W hXdTJycGV2Vjg4TE91ZW M 1/1 1 2 3 4 5 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SHEETINDEX PV0.0 COVER AND SITE PLAN PV1.0 GENERAL NOTES SYSTEM SIZE: PV2.0 ARRAY LAYOUT AC/DC kW STC: 4.547kW\5.1 kW PV3.0 LINE DIAGRAM PV4.0 LABELS EQUIPMENT: S1.0 STRUCTURAL UPGRADES A A PV MODULES: (20)Trina Solar TSM-255 PD05.05 INVERTER(S): (1)SDIarEdge SESOOOA-US --- ----------� __.___ PROPERTY LINE KEY:- --- CONDUIT RUN O INVERTER - DRIVEWAY 0 SUaPANEL SCOPE OF WORK: FENCE (E) DCDISCONNECT FIRE CLEARANCE INSTALLATION OF A SAFE AND CODE-COMPLIANT ROOF MOUNTED I _ STRUCTURAL O AC DISCONNECT GRID-TIED SOLAR PV SYSTEM ON AN EXISTING CONDUIT UPGRADES BOO JUNCTION BOX RESIDENTIAL ROOF TOP. SOLAR MODULE MONITORING UNIT — _ ..__ _—'i O MAIN SERVICE PANEL OO COMBINER BOX I ❑" UTILITY METER ROOF Q PV METER OBSTRUCTION i APPLICABLE CODES: 2014 NEC 2009 INTERNATIONAL CODES WITH MA AMENDMENTS B a CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: B ALL ENERGY NORTHAMPTON 159 FRONT STREET j — -- — -- CHICOPEE,MA 01013 JURISDICTIONAL INFORMATION: LOCATION OF(E)MAIN NORTHAMPTON,CITY OF < SERVICE PANEL INSIDE 212 MAIN ST. m BASEMENT NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 D < DUNPDR NOTES TO INSTALLER: IHY t FOR INSTALLER USE ONLY POST INSTALL SUNEYES REQUIRED? YES I CERTIFY THAT NO CHANGES HAVE C BEEN MADE TO THE ARRAY LAYOUT: CUSTOMER INFORMATION: CHRISTOPHER GARNER 57 DUNPHY DRIVE FLORENCE,M01062 SITE PLAN N (4133)281-0363 A#2549653 SCALE: N.T.S. - ry DESIGNED BY: REV#: DATE: VALID.B 0 5/5/16 PV��� BUXOEVrtY WD.BB FRuINLIN ST SUITE 3100AKlAND.G9aSpT DyWOv pale:—LonooR..Garro,-3SaSS536Vt SroN S'¢e.tfefl THESE DRAWNGS.SPECIFICATIONS,AND DESIGNS ARE THE NtOPERTY OF SUND-ITY INC.NO PANT SHALL HE CONED OR USED FOR OR WITH NIY OTHER WOPo(OTIIER TWIN THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY IUVE SEEN DEVELOPED MTNDUT WR WRITTEN CONSENT 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 GENERAL NOTES. ELECTRICAL NOTES: GENERAL NOTES: El.ALL EQUIPMENT 15 LISTED FOR USE. Nl.DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY.THE LOCATION AND ROUTING OF RACEWAYS E2.MAXIMUM VOLTAGE DOES NOT EXCEED 600VDC. SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR E3.ANY EQUIPMENT OR ELECTRICAL MATERIALS USED FOR THIS INSTALLATION SHALL STANDARDIZED. BE NEW AND LISTED BY A RECOGNIZED ELECTRICAL TESTING LABORATORY. N2.ALL EQUATIONS ACCOUNT FOR WORST CASE CONDITIONS. E4.AN INVERTER IN AN INTERACTIVE SOLAR PV SYSTEM SHALL AUTOMATICALLY A N3.IF A DISCREPANCY IN QUANTITY OR SIZE OF CONDUIT,WIRE,EQUIPMENT DEVICES, DE-ENERGIZE ITS OUTPUT TO THE CONNECTED ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION AND A OVERCURRENT PROTECTION,GROUNDING SYSTEMS,ETC.(ALL EQUIPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK UPON LOSS OF VOLTAGE IN THAT SYSTEM AND SHALL MATERIALS)THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND INSTALLING REMAIN IN THAT STATE UNTIL THE ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION ALL MATERIALS AND SERVICES REQUIRED BY THE STRICTEST CONDITIONS IN THE NETWORK VOLTAGE HAS BEEN RESTORED. SPECIFICATIONS OR NOTED ON THE PLANS TO ENSURE COMPLETE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL E5.ALL PV ARRAYS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH DC GROUND FAULT PROTECTION. CODES AND TO ENSURE THE LONGEVITY AND SAFETY OF THE OPERABLE SYSTEM. E6.ANY AC COMPONENT SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT N4.ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE MIN.NEMA 3R RATED. CALCULATED AT THAT COMPONENT. N5.METAL CONDUIT AND ENCLOSURES SHALL BE USED WHERE PV SOURCE OR OUTPUT E7.ALL MODULES AND ANY RELATED ROOF MOUNTED METALLIC EQUIPMENT SHALL CIRCUITS ARE RUN INSIDE A BUILDING. BE PROPERLY GROUNDED. N6.MODULES SHALL NOT BE PLACED OVER ANY PLUMBING VENTS AND AT LEAST 6"ABOVE E8.DC EQUIPMENT SHALL BE 60OVDC RATED MINIMUM. FLUSH VENTS. E9.MARKINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO INDICATE THAT ALL CONTACTS OF THE N7.THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ANY AND ALL REQUIREMENTS DISCONNECT EQUIPMENT MIGHT BE ENERGIZED. GIVEN BY UTILITY COMPANIES. E10.CONDUIT RUNS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT WEATHERPROOF PULL N8.FOR ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS,SEE PROVIDED CUT SHEETS. BOXES OR JUNCTION BOXES/COMBINER BOXES PER APPROPRIATE JURISDICTIONAL N9.ALL LABELS AND MARKINGS SHALL BE ATTACHED ACCORDING TO REQUIREMENTS BY REQUIREMENTS. NEC AND THE LOCAL AHJ.THE AHJ MAY HAVE SPECIAL LABEL REQUIREMENTS BEYOND THE Ell,FOR ANY UNGROUNDED PV SYSTEM,A LABEL READING: B SCOPE OF THIS DOCUMENT.THIS MAY ENCOMPASS LANGUAGE INCLUDING,BUT NOT WARNING-ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD.THE OC CONDUCTORS OF THIS B 690.53,690.90.35(F), 690.54,690.64(8)(7)and 705.10 LIMITED THAT FOUND NEC ARTICLES 690.5(C),690.14(C)(2),690.17, PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED AND MAY BE ENERGIZED." 6 N10.INSTALLER TO FOLLOW ALL LOCAL JURISDICTION GUIDELINES. SHALL BE PLACED AT EACH JUNCTION BOX,COMBINER BOX,DISCONNECT AND DEVICE WHERE ENERGIZED,UNGROUNDED CIRCUITS MAY BE EXPOSED DURING SERVICE. NSl.ALL NEC REFERENCES SHALL BE DIRECTLY INTERCHANGEABLE WITH CEC REFERENCES. E12.INVERTER(S)SHALL CONTAIN A GROUND FAULT DETECTION AND INTERRUPTION N12.IT IS ILLEGAL FOR ANYONE UNLESS ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED DEVICE. PROFFESIONAL ENGINEER OR REGISTERED ARCHITECT TO ALTER ANY ITEMS ON THIS PLAN. E13.ALL METALLIC RACEWAYS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE BONDED AND ELECTRICALLY N13.THE ENGINEER HAS NOT BEEN RETAINED FOR JOB SUPERVISION. CONTINUOUS. N.14 ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS FOR SAFE AND HEALTHFUL WORKING E14.THE POINT OF CONNECTION COMPLIES WITH APPLICABLE CEC/NEC. CONDITIONS TO BE FOLLOWED. E15.BACKFED SOLAR BREAKER(S)SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE OPPOSITE END OF THE N.15 ALL CONTRACTORS WORKING ON ROOFS TO BE INSURED AS SUCH. CIRCUIT OR FURTHEST AWAY FROM THE MAIN BREAKER. E16.ALL WIRE,VOLTAGES,AMPERAGES AND EQUIPMENT IS SIZED ACCORDING TO STRUCTURAL NOTES: TEMPERATURE DERATING AND LOCATION. Sl.MOUNTS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND EXACT LOCATION MAY CHANGE,BUT SHALL BE E17.ONLY COPPER(CU)CONDUCTORS SHALL BE USED.CONDUCTORS SHALL BE ACCURATELY SPACED. STRANDED OR SOLID WITH PROPERLY RATED CONNECTORS. S2.MOUNTS SHALL BE STAGGERED WHEN NECESSARY TO EVENLY DISTRIBUTE LOAD E18.DISCONNECT SHALL BE WIRED 50 NO BLADES ARE ENERGIZED C AMONGST RAFTERS. E19.ALL MODULES AND RACKING SHALL BE GROUNDED VIA IRON RIDGE RAIL CUSTOMER INFORMATION: 53.DO NOT SPLICE RAILS IN MIDDLE 50%OF SPAN BETWEEN TWO MOUNTS. INTEGRATED GROUNDING(PLEASE SEE DATA SHEET)OR WITH TIN PLATED DIRECT CHRISTOPHER GARNER BURIAL RATED LAY IN LUGS USING STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE,STAR WASHERS,AND 57 DUNPHY DRIVE THREAD FORMING BOLTS. FLORENCE,MA 01062 E20.ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GROUNDED,INCLUDING BONDING JUMPERS WHERE (413)281-0363/#2549653 NECESSARY ACROSS RAIL SPLICE PLATES TO BOND INDIVIDUAL PIECES OF RAIL. DESIGNED BY: REV#: DATE: PV-1.0 VALID.B 0 5/5/16 SIINDE9Iry ING.6fi FRAN1RIN ST SUITE]t00AKlAND.CA 91807 y TDue.-Loccxn:G-ror-15aH8835vt SNM S¢e:ttstl THESE DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS.AND DESgNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF SUNGEVRY INC.NO PMT SHALL BE COPIED OR USED FOR OR WRH ANY OTHER WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED WITHOUT OUR WRITTEN CONSENT 1 2 3 4 5 ELECTRICAL KEY: MODULE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS BREAKER (20)Trina Solar TSM-255 PDO5.05 -.�.- SWITCH SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT(Ise): 8,88 OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE(Voc): 38.1 Q SCREW TERMINAL OPERATING CURRENT(IMP): 8.37 m FUSE OPERATING VOLTAGE(VMP): 30,5 • SPLICE MAX SERIES FUSE RATING: 15 ! EARTH GROUND STC RATING: 255 m CHASSIS GROUND PTC RATING: 232 ——— GEC RESIN CONDITIONS EGC HIGHEST 2%DB DESIGN TEMP(°C): 32 MIN.MEAN EXTREME ANNUAL DS(°C): -20 A INVERTER i SPECIFICATIONS A SOLAREDGE SE5000A-US RATED WATTS(EACH): 5000 AC OPERATING VOLTAGE(V): 240 AC OPERATING CURRENT(A): 21 NUMBER OF MPPT CHANNELS 0 INVERTER EFFICIENCY: 0.98 INTEGRATED DC DISCONNECT 200A MAIN BREAKER INVERTER 11NPUT SPECIFICATIONS (3)#10 THWN-2 (3)#10 THWN-2 (3)#1O THWN-2 NOMINAL CURRENT PER STRING(Inom): 14.6 (2)#10 PV-Wire (2)#10 THWN-2 (1)#8 GEC (1)#8 GEC (1)#8 GEC NOMINAL VOLTAGE(Vmm): 350 (1)#10 EGC (1)#10 EGC 3/4"EMT 3/4"EMT 3/4'EMT MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE(Vmax): Soo FREE AIR 3/4"EMT MAX CURRENT PER STRING(Imax): 15 METER MAX INPUT CIRCUIT CURRENT(Imax): IS AC DISCONNECT, (E)LOADS (N)SE5000A-US 30AMP, INVERTER W/INTEGRATED NON-FUSIBLE, DC DISCONNECTS CUTLER-HAMMER, (E)LOADS —______ DG221URB (E)200A Square D MSP 1 STRING OF _AC 30A 2P 240V 2P 3-W 1-D 20 MODULES \ LOCUS METER OPT.CURRENT=14.57A DC« OUTPUT LOAD LINE -7 I INVERTER i B B GEC IRREVERSIBLY SPLICED TO EXISTING GEC OR BONDED DIRECTLY TO EXISTING GROUNDING ELECTRODE (IF APPLICABLE) MIN.NEMA3R UL LISTED JUNCTION BOX WITH 90°C TERMINAL RATINGS LOCATED ON ROOF C Inom=(20 x 255WY350V=14.6A CONDUIT ELEVATION:1/2 TO 3-1/2"=22"C 20 MODULES TOTAL OPERATING VOLTAGE=35OVDC(REGULATED) HIGH AMBIENT TEMPERATURE:32 eC 20 x 232(PTC WATTS)x 0.98=4547 CEC WATTS CUSTOMER INFORMATION: EXTREME LOW:-20"C 200 x 1.2=240 ROOFTOP AMBIENT TEMP(Tcorr):54'C=0.76 SE5000A-US MAX OUTPUT CURRENT=21A CHRISTOPHER GARNER 240-200(MCB)=40A CONDUIT FILL(Cfill):1 BREAKER SIZE=21A x 1.25=26.25A=>30A 57 DUNPHY DRIVE MAX ALLOWABLE AC PV BREAKER=40A FLORENCE,MA 01062 CONTINUOUS USE=Imax'1.25=15A (413)281-0363/#2549653 CONDITIONS OF USE=Imax/Tcorr/Cfill =15A/0.76/1=19.74A CONDUCTOR SIZE FOR 19.74A DESIGNED BY: REV#: DATE: INSTALLATION SHALL USE MIN.#10 AWG PV-$,Q VALID.B 1 0 1 5/5/16 SBNGEWTY WG 66 FRANKLIN ST SUITE 310 OAKLAND,CA 9160] By MJOY OaIe—LooWO.Gv,mr-R5196535Vt Snell SRe'.t 1x11 THESE DMWINGS,SN:gFICATIONS,AND DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF 6UNGEV INC.NO PART SHALL BE CONED ON USED FOR OR WITH ANY OTHER WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED WITHOUT OUR WRITTEN CONSENT 1 2 1 3 4 5 NEC 690.5(c) NEC 690.31(E)3&4;2012 IFC 605.11.1 INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE PLACE THIS LABEL ON INVERTER(S)OR NEAR PLACE ON ALL JUNCTION BOXES,EXPOSED GROUND-FAULT INDICATOR(ON INVERTER(S)U.O.N.) RACEWAYS EVERY 10'AND V FROM BENDS RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT(A): 21 AND PENETRATIONS,ADJACENT TO THE NOMINAL OPERATING AC VOLTAGE(V): 240 MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT WARNING INVERTER 1 DC DISCONNECT PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECT WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD RATED MAX POWER POINT CURRENT(Imp): 14.6 A IF A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED, PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER RATED MAX POWER POINT VOLTAGE(Vmp): 350 A NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE(Vx): 500 MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED SOURCE SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT(Isc): 11.1 NEC 690.17(E) NEC 690.35(F) PLACE THIS LABEL ON ALL DISCONNECTING PLACE THIS LABEL AT EACH JUNCTION BOX,COMBINER BOX, MEANS WHERE ENERGIZED IN AN OPEN POSITION DISCONNECT AND DEVICE WHERE ENERGIZED,UNGROUNDED CIRCUITS MAY BE EXPOSED DURING SERVICE: WARNING WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS SIDE MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED POSITION AND MAY BE ENERGIZED NEC 705.12(DK2)(b) B PLACE THIS LABEL AT P.O.C.TO SERVICE B DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT(I.E.MAIN PANEL(AND NEC 690.56(c) SUBPANEL IF APPLICABLE)) PLACE ON RAPID SHUT DOWN DISCONNECT WHEN RAPID SHUT DOWN IS INSTALLED WARNING PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE NEC 705.12(D)(3) PLACE LABEL ON ALL EQUIPMENT CONTAINING OVERCURRENT DEVICES IN CIRCUITS SUPPLYING POWER TO A BUSBAR OR CONDUCTORS SUPPLIED FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES. CAUTION NOTE: C CONTAINS MULTIPLE POWER OUTSIDE LABELING OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND SOURCES METERS IS TO BE DONE IN A WAY SUITABLE FOR CUSTOMER INFORMATION: THE ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH THE EQUIPMENT IS CHRISTOPHER GARNER INSTALLED.NO STICKERS ARE PERMITTED. 57 DUNPHY DRIVE NOTE: FLORENCE,MA 01062 BACKGROUND AND LETTERING COLORS FOR (413)281-0363/#2549653 SIGNAGE/LABELS SHALL COMPLY WITH(IN ORDER OF PRIORITY)AHJ&FIRE DEPARTMENT AMENDMENTS, STATE CODE,AND ANSI GUIDELINES.THIS PAGE IS DESIGNED BY: REV#: DATE: INTENDED FOR SIGNAGE/LABEL VERBIAGE ONLY. PV-4.O IE VALID.B 0 1 5/5/16 eUNOEWTY.—FRANI6INSTSUITEOIOOANLAND,Ln 9180] BY:—Otle:—LocPouO:-2-18--17 THESE DRAWINGS,—FICATIONS.AND DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF SUNDEVFTY INC.NO PART SHALL BE CONED OR USED FOR OR WITH ANY OTHER IO OTHER THAN THE SPECINC PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED WITHOUT OUR WRITTEN CONSENT SYMBOLKEY: 5 ODUL SP CIFI ATI S RAIL SISTER(N)2 x 6 (20)Trina Solar TSM-255 P005.05 ---- -- -'- RAFTERS RAFTER TO(E)RAFTER MODULE WEIGHT: 41 ROOF SEE DETAILS 1A AND 1 B ON SHEET S1.0 MODULE LENGTH: 64.95 MODULE WIDTH: I 39.05 FIRE CLEARANCE FOR CONNECTION ROOF 1 SPECS STRING CONFIG. RAFTER SIZE: 2X6NOMINAL - STRUCTURAL , RAFTER SPAN: 12'-W UPGRADES RAFTER SPACING: 16^ ROOF MATERIAL: COMPOSITE SHINGLE E3 SOLAR MODULE e ' ARRAY 1 SPECS NUMBER OF MODULES: 20 A ® MOUNT . ci 4� I TOTAL MOD.WEIGHT(lbs): 820 A RACKING WEIGHT(lbs): 171 7 ® SKYLIGHT - I " ARRAY WEIGHT(Ibs): 991.7 _ ® CHIMNEY _�__.--®. __��_�_ � � _�_-_ _ - ARRAY AREA(sgft): 352.3 6 PLUMBING OR ARRAY DEAD LOAD(lbs/sgfl): 2 B ATTIC VENT NUMBER OF MOUNTS: s0 C3 ATTIC VENT -_—_t—� —�_ _�--�_—�- -� -�� -T-�j�- ( LOAD PER MOUNT(IbS): 19.5 ARRAY AZIMUTH(') 161 ARRAY TILT(') 21 - - � 1 � NUMBER OF FLOORS 1 `N F 37' 1 (-,"�ARRAY LAYOUT SCALE: 3/16"=V-0- NOTE: B MODULES SHALL NOT BE GREATER THAN 81NCHES B ABOVE ROOF COVERING OF SOLAR MODULEc JANICE --'" AKIKO SPENCER CML _•"` IRONRIDGE XR100 NO. 51861 - - -- L-FOOT -- ---- - OMSE-LAG SHINGLE OVAL E COMPOS ITE SHINGLE- 51 HINGLE �� �i, ,l 5" X 5/16"-LAG 2.5"MIN.EMBEDMENT PER C SCREW 12-3" 2X6 NOMINAL,16 O.C. CUSTOMER INFORMATION: 8 ROOF SECTION 57 DUN HY DRIVE CHRISTOPHER RNER AMOUNTING DETAIL SCALE: 3/8"=1'-0" J SCALE: NTS FLORENCE,MA 01062 (413)281-0363/#2549653 DESIGNED BY: REV#: DATE: VALID.B 0 5/5/16 PV-:2.0] SUxOEVITY WC.66 FRANI4IN STBVITE]IOOAKIANO.G4i6p] Y JOT OaIa—Lo®Lon:Gamer-]61866]SV15tieel Sue:tlst) THESE DRAWINGS.SPECIFICATIONS.AND DES-DARE TNF PROPERTYOF SUN—ITY INC.NO PART BxALLBE COPIEOOR UEEOFORORWRH ANYOTHER WORK OTHER TNAN THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICHTHEY HAVE BEENOEVELOPEO WITHOUT OUR WRITTEN CONSENT 1 2 3 4 5 NOTE: IF WOOD IS SEEN SPLITTING DURING CONSTRUCTION PRE-DRILL HOLES INTO RAFTERS A A --------------- (N)SISTER RAFTER (E)RAFTER I (E)RAFTER4'-0- (N)2 x 6 LAPPED SISTER -� SIMPSON SDW22300 WOOD SCREWS AT 18'O.C.STAGGERED \ 4'-0" ( ) OR#14X2-7/8'GRABBER LAG MASTER SCREWS AT 16"O.C.STAGGERED _ \_ _ / RAFTER SEE DETAIL FOR TOP VIEW _ OR 16tl COMMON NAILS AT 6'O.C.STAGGERED _____________ � AT 1G"O.C.STAGGERED •- � � • I-L' SIMPSON SDW22300 WOOD SCREWS • / " (N)2 x 6 SISTER RAFTER • - ' AT O ^' i STAGGERED OR#14X2-7/8 see P GRABBER LAG MASTER SCREWS S or 2 FASTENERS EACH END-TVP B s • -. 2 FASTENERS EACH END-TYP • '` B (E)ROOF TRUSS WEB MEMBERS • (E)ROOF TRUSS WEB MEMBERS WHERE OCCURS WHERE OCCURS fr (E)CEILING JOIST WHERE OCCURS (E)CEILING JOIST WHERE OCCURS (E)BEARING WALL `(E)BEARING WALL ASIDE VIEW-OPTION#1SIDE VIEW-OPTION#2 1 B j"of �M SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS JWJYCE� AKIKO SPENCER 1 RAFTER REINFORCEMENT DETAIL g �CML 1 O/STERF�. f IONAL C CUSTOMER INFORMATION: CHRISTOPHER GARNER 57 DUNPHY DRIVE FLORENCE,MA 01062 DESIGNED BY: REV#: DATE: 1.0 TM 0 5/5/16 S e1XIGENTY IXC.BSfMX141N ST SUITE3t00AKlANp,CA 9ie0i y:MJOV Dae:—L—W,Gemer-25196A35V15M:H Size.—11 R1T THESE DRAWINGS,SPEGFIG1lON MD DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF SUNGEVITYINC.NO PART S—L BE COPIED OR USED fOR OR WRH ANY OTHER WOR!(OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED WRHOUT OUR WRITTENCCHBENL Classic Conduit Composition Mount QMCC Classic Conduit Mounting Instructions Installation Tools Required:tape measure,roofing bar,chalk line,stud finder,caulking gun,1 tube of appropriate sealant,drill with 1/8"bit,drill or impact gun with 7/16"deep socket. THIS EDGE TOWARDS ROOF RIDGE ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QTY.1 FLASHING,v'x 12'X.040",5052.MILL 1 2 QBLDCK,CONDUIT,5/16,.1111,MILL 1 3 WASHER,SEALING,1/4"ID X 7/8'OD.EPDM 1 BONDED SS 4 LAGSCREw,HEX HEAD,1/4'x2-1/2',18-855 1 AVAILABLE IN MILL,CLEAR ANODIZED, AND BRONZE ANODIZED FINISHES. 12.0 CONDUIT CLAMP 1.3 NOT INCLUDE 4 2,3 Choose placement of conduit mounts along path Lift composition roof the with roofing bar,Just Slide conduit mount into desired position.Remove 2.5 of conduit.Select location over center of rafter. above placement of conduit mount, any nails that conflict with getting the mount Flush 3 with front edge of shingle course.Mark cernter for ® drilling. qe 4.5 2 �o 9.0 .79 Quick Mount PV IITLE'. { QMCC:CLASSIC CONDUIT COMPOSITION MOUNT Nex:"a SIZE DRAWNB' RAD REV A DAiE: 9/2112013 4 Using drill with 1/8"long bit drill pilot hole into Clean off any sawdust,and fill hole with roof Lift shingle and slide conduit mount into place. 5 4 3 2 1 roof and rafter,taking care to drill square to the manufacturer's approved sealant. Prepare lag bolt with sealing washer and single hole roof. clamp(not included)as shown.Insert lag through hole in block,and position clamp over conduit. li;Lag BDII Specifications All e F9 roofingmanufacturers' fit- I s s3 02ten instructions must also be 353 2 followed by anyone modifying a L F79 roof system.Fe Nor J59 Please I S !60 y.,5 roo manufacturer's specs and L,—,—. r instructions prior to touching ce Pill. ?m an Y gree I.5 ntl MFl 50 39? 2. roof.the Sou ces:American Wood Council,NDS 2005,Table 11.2A,11.3,2A Notes: 11Thread mustbeembeddedina,fterorotherstructuralroofinember' 2 1 See IBC for required edge distances. Insert lag through hole in block,and position IMPORTANT:To maintain waterproofing It important that the aluminum Bashin (item 1)is property clamp over conduit.Using drill with 7116"socket, p g po g p perry placed under one full above the mounting block at some o/the drive la until block is tight.fWshing ex[ending up under the course above th=+=�wdl c".1n.m inion.nn F=.Y 9 9 Quick Mount P�1` Quick Mount Pel 925-478-8269•www.quickmountpv.com•info@quickmountpv.com RESPECT THE la G o 2700 Mitchell Dr.,Bldg2•Walnut Creek,CA 94598 617.2.3-8 Aug-2014,Rev 4 BI 7.2.3-8 Aug-2014,Rev 4 02013 by Quick Mount PV.All rights reserved, Locus ENERGY October 22nd,2013 This letter is to certify that the LGate 120 and-Gate 320 are communication boards built into the Vision Meter 2S CL200 and 16S CL320 socket meters,respectively. Each of these meters was certified to the ANSI C12.20(class 0.2%)standard by Underwriters Laboratory on June 7,2013 as part of the Vision Meter Family(Project Number 12CA71134,Job Number 1001541515,and Report Number R12CA71134- ANSI). ANSI 012.20 is currently recognized as the industry standard for electrical socket meters in both utility and PV monitoring applications. These tests cover both meter accuracy as well as several safety standards including electrical and environmental safety,as well as resistance to various types of mechanical shock. As electrical socket meters are generally installed and maintained by trained and certified professionals,rather than consumers,they do not fit the typical criteria for additional types of UL or IEC certification. If you have any further questions regarding the product certification of any Locus Energy LGate-branded device,please contact us at supportL@Iocusenergy.com. The Locus Energy Team Locus Energy,LLC www.locusenergy.com Single Meter Sockets -Without Bypass Single Meter Sockets -Without Bypass 125&200 Amp 125&200 Amp Application Single meter position - • ' Receive ANSI C12.10 watthour meters •Surface or flush mount(see chart) 1 a Construction 011 F-Flush Mount nv= F • Ring type (U)204 MS68-2"Conduit Huh A� � " • NEMAType.3R �` (U)207 MS6&A-MS73i MS68 41` 2"-IV- ANSI 61 gray Ecoat finish 927 MS73-AL Screw Type fling aG 2h 2" 7'f' Pi •Aluminum snap ring included SF-Semi Flush Mount Too p - =See- SS-Stainless Steel J Standards Accessories ' s---� UL 414 Listed 5th Jaw Kit-50365 O11(Clo9ed) U204Iopenl •ANSI C12.7 : 2�HFnlplex Ground-ETB200 Knockout Layouts A Part7UPC Carter Amp Service Connections Fig.1 Fig.2 Number Number Patine Jaws Type A...aa Un• Load Neutral 7820514200 011 125 4 10/30 OH/UG #14-2/O #14-2/0 ,114.2/0 Top Provision a-..a Top Provision 78205142040 011F 125 4 10/30 OH/UG #14-2/0 #14-2/0 #14-2/0 78205142045 011 MS73 125 4 10/3W OHNG #14-2/0 #14-2/0 #14-210 78205142050 Oil SIF 125 4 1013W OHNG #14-2/0 #14-2/0 #14-210 1 78205144030 927 100 7 30/4W OH/UG #14-1/0 414-1/0 #14-210 78205156000 209 200 4 10/3W OH # -250MCM #6-250MCM #6-350MM Q O 78205156020 204E 200 4 10(30 OR #6-250MCM #6-250MCM #6-350MOM 78205156030 204 F MS73 200 4 10/3W OR #6-250MCM #6-250MCM #6-350MCM 1 78205156040 204 MS68 200 4 10/30 OR #6-250MCM #6-250MCM #6.350MCM j 78205156035 204 MS68A 200 4 10/3W OR 46-250MCM #6-250MCM #6-350MCM O n _78205108990...20988873. . .200. 0. ialaW OH. #s50BdCA4 .-2 . ..#s..259CACpA.....Its-.3WMCA4 i 4F 1 I �_'� V 78205156005 U204 200 4 10/3W UG #6-250MCM #6-250MCM #6-350MCM 4F 4F 4F 78205156045 U204 20 4 10/3W UG #6-250MCM #'6-250MCM #6-350MCM e: 1 4F 7820515600 U204 MS73 200 4 10/3W UG #6-250MCM #6-250MCM #6-350MCM 1A n°u:a 78205156070 U204 MS73 200 4 10/30 UG #6-250MCM 06.250MCM #6-350MCM 78205156140 U207 200 7 30,4W 0H/UG #6-250MCM #6-250MCM #6-253MCM 4F 1A 78205156170 U207 200 7 30/4W UG #6-250MCM #6-250MCM #6-250MCM L __ 7820615618E U207 MS73 200 7 30/4W GH/UG #6-250MCM #6-250MCM #6-250MCM ParVUPC Catalog Overall Dimensions— T!p Knockout — — Number Number Height Width Depth P—mian Layout Fig.3 Fig.4 7820514200 011 12" 8" 4'/e" AW Hub Fig.1 Top Provision 78205142040 011 F 12" 8 /n" 2"max Fig.1 Top Provision 78205142045 011 MS73 12" 8"' Vle" AW Hubb Fig.1 78205142050 011 SF 12" 8" 4'/n" 2'—KO Fig.1 78205144030 927 17" 8" 4'/e" AW Hub Fig.1 7820515600 204 15" 8" 4'/e" AW Hub hg.2 70205156020 204 F 15" 8- 6- 2"mar KO Fig.2 78205156030 204 F MS73 15" 8" 61, 2"max KO Fig.2 //�\\I 78205156040 204 MS68 15" 8" 4'/e" AW/2"Hub Fig.2 O 41 \ / 78205156035 204 MS68A 15" 8" 4°/a" AW/2"Hub Fig.2 �—/ 4G 78205108490 204 MS73 15" e" 45/a" None Fig.2 _ 78ZU51560D5 U204 15" 12" VA None Fig-3 -- 78205156045 U204 15" 12" 6" (212'mu KO Fig.3 � 4G , 78205156060 U204 F MS73 15" 12" 6" None Fig,3 4F 4G 4G ' s 4G 78205156070 U2W MS73 15"" 12' 4'/a" None Fig.3 78205156140 U207 18' 12' 5" AWH,jIb as 76205156170 0207 F 18" 12" 5' 2'/z max KO Fig. 9.4 AI N t � 4 For shun c r arena 4G 1W 4G Tq 78205156180 U207 MS73 18" 12' 5'' AW Hcb Fig.4 at tgs s p g 131. 1 B—Line Data s,,blecl to change Without ro:ce-C—,i tical utilltY fora --P'all Alldm para subiec[to Y,a iye w.nout normo-Coos.111-1 tLpf r——ept.. All Athan Inches. by E:T•N 5 N_,er Mounting Eg.ipment Mete,Mo ntng Ep.p—T 6 B-Line by E:T•N Locus Product Datasheet DIAGRAM-TYPICAL CONFIGURATION ENERGY 3=MOB 7!A i Shielded CATS �= INTERNET • 120 �4 91T� RESIDENTIAL SOLAR MONITORING SOLUTION " .. ELECTRICAL SERVICE INVERTER(5) LGATE 120 PV ARRAY DIMENSIONS SOCKET HE Lk LOCUS ENERGY METER BASE COMM MODULE METER MODULE I o The LGmw69511 _Gate combines arevenue-grade.solid-state power meter with an advanced communicatens gateay. jolt 631Tnese c� pnents,vc rk o cpr cnction to rem tel,:r r onitor the Performancee of rsldenhalnlar energy installatir;n in regarole s of panel ,r irverter type.The LGat 120 is a one-piece completely -�lda.glass meter whlcl-.installs 0 easily u5.ng a standard socks,base.PerfrtTrarce data`s uploaded t <o'�real fm �_to th> ecus En_rgy So1ar05 - -.-- ` monitoring platform which provides a suits of tools and analytics for aset managers. .— S.461n �. 6.00 in —. �— 7.30 in —� DATA COLLECTION AC energy data is collected by the meter and passed to the com reun_ations module.Additional system performance data can be collected directly from meteorological sensors and supported inverters via available RS-485 or Zigbee connections.All data 1s stored n non-volatile memory and then automatically uploaded to the SelarOS and SPECIFICATIONS Solarel platforms. Processor ARM9 embedded CPU Accuracy ANSI 12.20(Class 0.2%) OS Custom-,i-of Linux 2.6,OTA firmware updates Voltage Inputs 120-460 VAC NETWORK CONNECTIVITY Memory 128 ME RAM Ma>C.—nedoPGt 200A ThecommuR.�cacionDisplay LCDscreeP Ser..«Type S,ngleph.",60Hc �gateway elide the LGate 120 supports plug and play cor 1�ediv�ty thrcug'n a cellular or available E`hemet netv.­rk cdnne:.6o n.Once rhe unit is Installed and powered en,it will=mmediately begin transmitting data Socket Type 2S without any cenfiguraton.For maximum r had,lity,the communications gatew will a�.tom.Thcally route uploads Erdosure NEMA 3P Type between the wireless and wired connections if either cf the netwo,s are unavailable. Welgnt E n2 AN,112.20 daea 0.2% Dimensions 6.95-x 6.5"x 7.3" .CC Pet 15B Environment -2.0 to 60C,all-weather PTCRB Warranty 5 year 1—ted warrant AT&T carrier Com FEATURES y pi—e • ANSI C12.20 power meter Easy,Icw cost installation Model NOmLer • RS-485 and Zigbee incu[> Doem't require entraree�,rto the building L—L-120-1 LG11e120-3Gy LGafe120-SG1 GSM ✓ ✓ GSM cellular or Et hernat co Id=ctiv .tity Plug and pia,ayaticr' C010,-3G ✓✓ • Over thewRs-ae5zapdawire air firm are updates LCD display Moa 85 ✓ Zigbee ✓ EV­ret R,45 10/100 DHCP/Static ✓ E-Mount Lag I QMSE - LAG E-Mount Lag Installation Instructions Installation Tools Required:tape measure,roofing bar,chalk line,stud finder,caulking gun,sealant compatible with roofing materials, THIS EDGE TOWARDS ROOF RIDGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OTV./BOX drill with 7/32"long-style bit,drill or impact gun with 1/2"socket. NO. 1 FLASHING.9"X 12X.040".5052,MILL I 2 QBLOCK,CLASSIC,A360.1 CAST AL.MILL 1 3 PLUG,SEALING.5116'X 7/8,EPDM/I"SS 1 - 4 LAG SCREW,HEX HEAD,5/16"x 5-1/2'.18-8 SS I 5 WASHER.FENDER,5/16"10X1-I/4"OD,18-BSS 1 } RACKING COMPONENTS NOT INCLUDED _ 5 s a 3 - Locate,choose,and mark centers of rafters to be Carefully lift composition roofshingle with roofing Insert flashing between 1st and 2nd course.Slide mounted.Select the courses of shingles where bar,just above placement of mount.Remove nails up so top edge of flashing is at least 3/4"higher p mounts will be placed. as required.See"Proper Flashing Placement"on than the drip edge of the 3rd course and lower next page. flashing edge is above the drip edge of 1st course. Mark center for drilling. 2 i I , i Quick Mount PV TITLE: AVAILABLE IN MILL,AND QMSE-LAG:QMPV E-MOUNT BRONZE ANODIZED FINISHES WITH LAG BOLT SIZE DRAWNBY: DFM REV - �'- ne.cnss • DIE, B/29/201d x Nn«es naxYw�rveveo,ienw. 4 3 .rues �ewu x.ixs sG1E.t.3 w­­ inEFi ort Using drill with 7/32"bit,drill pilot hole into roof Clean off any sawdust,and fill hole with sealant Slide the flashing into position.Insert the rubber 11911111S p—l—b— and rafter,taking care to drill square to the roof. compatible with roofing materials. plug into the QBlock cavity. -------- -------- ------ +---- -- - - — - aeo n -�- - -- -J Do not use mount as a drill guide.Drill should be spec a�v s s an pe,I n as � "°s"as -°eF � 'long style bit;aka aircraft extension bit'to drill a w I a5 F�.Leryh I >sn 1'/."deep hole Into raker. s 6 L e o /s23, ang ors , - ,. I. . I - . your F­N­ t 705 2 r) choice. Follow all the directionsof anethe rack manufacturer as well as the �n, module manufacturer, Pine E s r 1 .aes 1s „nEu s �, Asa e „ - — — — 5 ur<ez Amer can Wood C.—J.NDS 2005,Table 112 A,11.3.2 A instructions must als be f-If.wed by anyone modifying is roof system. Note. 11 Thread must be embedded In a raker or other structural roof member. 27 See NDSTable 11.5.1C for requ-d edge distancesConsult the roof manufactures's specs . and instructions prior to touchingm therooCQuick Mount PV Slide the washer and the Lf t(notincluded)onto Using a 1/2 inch socket on an impact gun drive „ the lag screw. the lag screw until the QBlock stops rotating easily. DO NOT over-torque. BI 7.2.3-31 Sep-2014,Rev 1 BI 7.2.3-31 Sep-2014,Rev 1 IronRidge June 16,2014 IronRidge June 16,2014 Mr.David F.Taggart Page 7 of I I Mr.David F.Taggart Page I 1 of I I IronRidge XR100 Rail,Roof Flush Mounting System-Structural Analysis IronRidge XR100 Rail,Roof Flush Mounting System-Structural Analysis Table 6-MAXIMUM SPANS(inches)-Roof Slope 7 to 27 Degrees-Wind Zane 3 Notes-Tabulated values are based on the following criteria: XR100 Wind Rail Speed Ground Snow Load I. Building mean roof height=30 ft 2. Risk Category I Exposure mph 0 psf 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 3. Solar module long dimension=67.5 in sf PSI psf psf psf psf Psf psf psf 4. Provide 2 in.clear between roof and rail 100 87 87 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 105 83 83 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 5. End cantilever span(max)=0.40 x maximum span from above tables 110 80 80 80 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 6. No rail splices in end spans7. No rail splices in middle 1/3 of interiorspans 120 73 73 73 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 P Category 130 68 68 68 68 64 58 53 49 46 43 8. Single simple span(s). Spans listed in the tables above may be multiplied by 1.08 for 8 140 63 63 63 63 63 58 53 49 46 43 continuous rails of 3 or more spans. 150 59 59 59 59 59 58 53 49 46 43 160 56 56 56 56 56 56 53 49 46 43 170 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 49 46 43 Our analysis assumes that the rails,including the connections and associated hardware,are installed 100 74 74 74 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the"IronRidge Roof Mount Installation Manual"by 105 71 71 71 71 64 58 53 49 46 43 IronRidge and generally accepted standards of construction practice. Additional information is 110 1 68 68 68 68 64 58 53 49 46 43 1 available at the IronRidge web site,IronRidge.com. Verification of PV Module capacity to support 120 62 62 62 62 62 58 53 49 46 43 the loads associated with the given array shall be the responsibility of the Contractor or Owner and Category 130 58 58 58 58 58 58 53 49 46 43 not IronRidge or Starling Madison Lofquist. C 140 54 54 54 54 54 54 53 49 46 43 150 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 49 46 43 160 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 46 43 The adequacy of the supporting roof framing is to be determined by others. 170 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 43 100 68 68 68 68 64 58 53 49 46 43 105 65 65 65 65 64 58 53 49 46 43 Please feel free to contact me at your convenience if you have any questions. 110 62 62 62 62 62 58 53 49 46 43 120 57 57 57 57 57 57 53 49 46 43 D ,.� Category 130 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 49 46 43 Respectfully yours, 140 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 46 43 150 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 43 s'' o TRES d o INA NCR + d 160 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 CMI. _ 170 41 41 41 41 1 41 41 41 41 1 41 41 Tres Warner,P.E. No.49432 a Design Division Manager �eFo157ePFoe Notes-see P S it S�ONAt ENS Starling Madison Lofquist,Inc. Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers Starling Madison Lofquist,Inc. Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers -7- 11- IronRidge June 16,2014 IronRidge June 16,2014 Mr.David F.Taggart Page 5 of 11 Mr.David F.Taggart Page 6 of I 1 IronRidge XR100 Rail,Roof Flush Mounting System-Structural Analysis IronRidge XRI00 Rail,Roof Flush Mounting System-Structural Analysis Table 4-MAXIMUM SPANS(inches)-Roof Slope 7 to 27 Degrees-Wind Zone 1 Table 5-MAXIMUM SPANS(inches)-Roof Slope 7 to 27 Degrees-Wind Zone 2 XRWind Ground Snow Load xRWind Ground Snow Load Railail Speed Railail Speed Exposure mph 0 psf 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Exposure mph 0 psf 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf Psf psf PSI PSI psf PSI PSI psf 100 112 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 100 106 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 105 112 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 105 102 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 110 112 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 110 97 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 Category120 112 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 Category 120 90 90 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 130 112 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 8 y 130 83 83 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 140 105 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 140 77 77 77 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 150 98 96 82 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 150 73 73 73 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 160 92 92 81 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 160 68 68 68 68r64 58 53 49 46 43 170 87 87 79 71 64 58 53 49 46 43 170 64 64 64 64 58 53 49 46 43 100 112 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 100 91 91 83 72 58 53 49 46 43 105 112 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 105 87 87 83 72 58 53 49 46 43 110 112 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 110 83 83 83 72 58 53 49 46 43 120 103 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 120 76 76 76 72 58 53 49 46 43 CateCgory 130 96 95 82 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 CateCgory 1307171 71 71 58 53 49 46 43 14089 89 80 71 64 58 53 49 46 43 140 66 66 66 66 64 58 53 49 46 43 150 84 84 78 70 64 58 53 49 46 43 150 62 62 62 62 fit 58 53 49 46 43 160 79 79 76 69 63 58 53 49 46 43 160 58 58 58 58 58 58 53 49 46 43 170 74 74 74 67 62 57 53 49 46 43 170 55 55 55 55 55 55 53 49 46 43 100 112 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 100 84 84 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 105 108 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 105 80 80 80 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 110 103 97 83 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 110 77 77 77 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 120 95 95 82 72 64 58 53 49 46 43 120 70 70 70 70 64 58 53 49 46 43 CateDgory 130 88 88 80 71 64 58 53 49 46 43 Category 130 65 65 65 65 64 58 53 49 46 43 D 140 82 82 78 70 63 58 53 49 46 43 140 61 61 61 61 61 58 53 49 46 43 150 77 77 76 68 62 58 53 49 46 43 150 5757 57 57 57 57 53 49 46 43 160 73 73 73 67 61 57 53 49 46 43 160 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 49 46 43 170 1 68 1 68 68 65 60 1 56 53 49 46 43 170 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 49 46 43 Notes—see page 11 Notes—see page 11 Starling Madison Lofquist,Inc. Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers Starling Madison Lofquist,Inc. Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers -g- -6- 1 8431 ® Murphy Odve Middleton,WI 53562 USA Tele Telephone:608.836.4400 Starling Madison Lofquist, Inc. Facsimile: 608.831.9279 wwW.intertek.cora 5224 South 39'Street,Phoenix,Arizona 85040 Test Verification ®f Conformity tel:(602)438-2500 fax:(602)438-2505 www.smleng.com IronRidge June 16,2014 In the basis of the tests undertaken,the sample(s)of the below product have been found to comply wRh the requirements of 1495 Zephyr Ave Page 1 of 1 I the referenced specifications at the time the tests were carried out. Hayward,CA 94544 Applicant Name&Address: IronRidge;Inc. Attn:Mr.David F.Taggart,Vice President Products 1495 Zephyr Ave. Hayward,CA 94544 USA Subject: IronRidge XR100 Rail,Roof Flush Mounting System—Structural Analysis . Product Description: XR Rails with Integrated Grounding. Dear Sir. Ratings&Principle Eire Class Resistance Ratine: Characteristics! -Flush Mount 5 mmetrital.Class A Fire Rated for Low Slope applications when using Type 1,2 We have analyzed the IronRidge XR 100 Rail for the subject solar module support system and and 3,listed photovoltaic modules.Class A Fire Rated for Steep Slope applications with Typel, determined that, for the configurations and criteria described below, it is in compliance with the 2 and 3,listed photovoltaic modules.Tested with a 5"gap(distance between the bottom the applicable sections of the following Reference Documents: module frame and the roof covering),per the standard this system can be installed at any gap allowed by the manufacturers installation instructions. No perimeter guarding is required. Codes:ASCE/SEI 7-10 Min.Design Loads for Buildings&Other Structures International Building Code 2012 Edition Models: 51,cnnnvtt a stc�Ar _ � California Building Code 2013 Edition Brand Name: IronRidge Roof Mount � Other: AC428,Acceptance Criteria for Modular Framing Systems Used to Support PV Relevant Standards: UL 2703(Section 15.2 and 15.3)Standard for Safety Mounting Systems,Mounting Devices, Modules,dated Effective November 1,2012 by ICC-ES Clamping/Retention Devices,and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules Aluminum Design Manual,2010 Edition and Panels,First Edition dated Jan.28,2015 Referencing UL1703 Third Edition dated Nov.18, 2014,(Section 31.2)Standard for Safety for Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels. The IronRidge XR100 Rail is an extruded aluminum section with an overall depth of 2.438 in,and a Verification Issuing Office: 8431 Murphy ng Services NA,Inc. net area of 0.583 sq.in. The rails are used to support solar modules,typically,on the roof of a 8431 Murphy Drive building. See Exhibit A—attached. The rails are clamped to aluminum angle brackets that are either Middleton, to 5317 attached direct) to the roof framing or attached to a stand that is screwed to the roof framing. The Date of Tests: 08/27/2014 to 03/17J2015 y g & Test Report Number(s): 101769343MiD-001r1,101769343MiD-001a,101915978MID-001&401999492MID-OOlarl-crl. rails are mounted across the slope with a small clearance(flush mounting)to the underlying roof This verification is part of the full test report(s)and should be read in conjunction with them.This report does not automatically structure. The installed solar modules are at the same slope as the underlying roof structure. imply product certification. All loads are transferred to the roof framing through the angle brackets by simple bi-axial flexure of Completed by: Chad Naggs Reviewed by: Gregory Allen the rails. The maximum span of the rails is governed by either the mid-span flexural stresses or the Title: Technician U.Fire Resistance Title: Engineering Team Lead,Fire Resistance deflection requirement that the rail not come into contact with the roof. fI 1. ,�L ' �.. ._ q Signature: Signature: Date: 03/30/2015 Date: 03/30/2615' The effect of seismic loads(for all design categories A-F)have been determined to be less than the effect due to wind loads in all load conditions and combinations. Therefore,the maximum allowable spans for common load cases are shown in Tables 1,2&3 below for 0-6 degree slopes,Tables 4,5, &6 below for 7-27 degree slopes,and Tables 7,8&9 below for 28-45 degree slopes. - c .r;d�l"tl.e u� ,Fri/iii,-�,.��,fy the,...._. v.r .c�1 to Perm[tt�py nye p.[h; - , . 11"1" e - e j[f n- .,, i w r c StarlingMadison Lof uist,Inc. Consulting Structural and Forensic En i 9 P, �neers GFT-OP-11 a(24-MAR-2014) }, IRONRIDGE Integrated Grounding System Installation overview Install Roof Attachments Install appropriate roof flashing and/or standoff for roof type. r Attach L-Feet to flashing or standoff. Traditionally,solar modules are grounded by attaching lugs,bolts or clips to the module frame,then connecting Prepare Rail Connections these to a copper conductor that runs throughout the array.This process adds time and cost to the installation, Insert splice into first rail,then secure with Grounding Strap and and often results in improper grounding,creatingself-drilling screw. significant long-term safety risks. Slide second rail over splice,then secure with opposite end of The IronRidge Integrated Grounding System solves these Grounding Strap and self-drilling screw. challenges by bonding modules directly to the mounting rails.This approach eliminates separate module Mount&Ground Rails grounding hardware,and it creates many parallel grounding paths throughout the array,providing Attach rails to L-Feet and level rails. greater safety for system owners. Grounding Mid Clamp Install one Grounding Lug per row of modules. Each Grounding Mid Clamp pierces through the anodized coatings of both the module frame and Connect Grounding Lug to grounding conductor. the mounting rail to form secure electrical bonds, which are repeated throughout the array. Install Modules&Clamps Install first module using End Clamps and Grounding Mid Clamps. Install additional modules using Grounding Mid Clamps. Finish row with a second pair of End Clamps. Testing&Certification The IronRidge Integrated Grounding I B� Module Frame Compatibility System has been tested and certified to Dimension Range UL 2703 by Intertek Group pia A 31.Omm-51.Omm minimum 5.O8mm UL 2703 is a proposed UL standard " B (minimum) for evaluating solar module mounting Any module frames whose parameters are not listed in the and clamping devices.It ensures these provided table have not been tested for compatibility. 3 devices will maintain strong electrical and Q mechanical connections over an extended period of time in extreme outdoor The Grounding Clamp has proven robust in grounding 60cell and environments. 72-cell solar module frames with box construction and a range of anodization thicknesses. 2 w_ The testing process closely mirrors that / All solar modules listed to UL 1703 and with frame construction Grounding Strap of UL 1703,the solar module testing Grounding Straps are used to rg within the parameters stated above are compatible with the bond rail-to-rail connections. j standard,including temperature and IronRidge Integrated Grounding System. They are only required on the Grounding Lug humidity cycling,electrical and mechanical rail with the grounding lug. / A single Grounding Lug connects an entire row load testing,and manufacturing quality °' +' of PV modules to the reviews. grounding conductor. IRONRIDGE Roof Mount System AUTHORIZATION TO MARK �j This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s)shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Report.This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s)identified on the correlation page of the Listing ` Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable.The certification mark(s)may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: IronRidge,Inc. Manufacturer: IronRidge,Inc. Address: 1495 Zephyr Ave Address: 1435 Baechtel Road Hayward,CA 94544 Willits,CA 95490 Country: USA Country: USA Contact: Yann Schwarz Contact: Jim Norswor by Phone: (510 225-0973 800)227-9523) Phone: (800)227-9523 ( FAX: (707)459-1833 FAX: (707)459-1833 Email: yschwarz@ironridge.com Email: jnorsworthy@ironridge.com Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer ,. Report issuing Office: Lake Forest,CA � ���,i,�l�p.-,J ifZ Control Number: 4007559 Authorized by: for Thomas J.Patterson,Certification Manager ETL CLASSIFIED 0Us Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. IronRidge builds the strongest roof mounting system in solar.Every component has been tested to the limit and proven in extreme environments. 9f.-a'1'"'e "'°;°"„'" Cl- '°a ° P o,ymacn°" � o n�reo, mn°a,m°rano�ww,k.n Our rigorous approach has led to unique structural features,such as curved rails and reinforced flashings,and „ey° „b, ° ,”' 4 a;M�aaa"aa „°,, u, °,,�„11111 -m',a,"a aP 9 '"a`°" ”�'"'"° "' '"eases is also why our products are fully certified,code compliant and backed by a 20-year warranty. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road,Arlington Heights,IL 60005 Telephone B00-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 Strength Tested PE Certified UL Subject 2703 Outline of Investigation for Rack Mounting Systems and Clamping Devices for Flat-Plate Standard(s): Photovoltaic Modules and Panels,Issue Number:1,October 4,2010 All components evaluated for superior Pre-stamped engineering letters structural performance. <,'r`+ available in most states. Product: xR Rails with Integrated Grounding. Brand Name: N/A Models: 51-61 GD-005,51-61 GD-005B,51-5000-001,and 51-65-001 Class A Fire Rating Design Software Certified to maintain the fire resistance Online tool generates a complete bill of rating of the existing roof. „`" materials in minutes. Integrated Grounding 20 Year Warranty UL 2703 system eliminates separate olTwice the protection offered by module grounding components. �'y competitors. ATM for Report 101541132LAX-002 Page i of 3 ATM Issued:10-Nov-2014 so se..Ill 0-.. • solar - • • ! solar " • • SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add-On for North America P300 / P400 / P405 SolarEdge Power Optimizer _.. _ _ P300 - _. -P400 _... P405_..__ -.. . (for 50-cell modules) tf,r 22&96 cell modules) Ifor thin film modules) Module Add-On For North America INPUT Rated Input DC Power300 400 405 W P300 / P400 / P405 • Absolute Maximum Input Voltage (Voc at lowest temperature) 48 80 125 Vdc _ MPPTOperating Range 8-48 8-80 12.5-105 Vdc Maximum Short Circuit Current(Isc) 10 Art M ximum DC Input Current 12.5 Ade ' '� • Maximum Efficiency 99.5 % at Weighted Efficiency 98.8 % F .--' Overvaltage Category It OUTPUT DURING OPERATION(POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING INVERTER) Maximum Output Current - 15 Ad, - ¢ t x MaX or Output Voltage 60 85 Vdc OUTPUT DURING STANDBY(POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM INVERTER_.OR INVERTER OFF) _ Safety Output Voltage per Power Ophm zer 1 Vdc ' a "t,: • STANDARD COMPLIANCE EMC . _FCC Pmt15 Class B,I_EC61000 6-2, EC61000 6-3 _. Safety IEC62109 1(class II safety),UL2741 'a 1 ". . .. + RoHS '. Yes INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS - - - --- Maximum Allowed System Voltage - - 1000 - - - Vdc Pxxx-2 series 141 x 212 x 40.5/5.S5 x 8.34x 1-59 Dimensions(1N xlx H) 128x 152x 27.5/ 128x 152x 35/ 128x 152 x48/ mer in Pxxx-5 sones 5 x 5.97 x 1.08 5 s 5.97 x 1.37 5 x 5,97 x 1.89 Weight(including cables)'Pxxx2series 950/2.1 gr Pxxx S sones 770,1.7 930/2.05 930/2.05 gr/Ib Input Connector MC4 Compatible Output Wire Type/Connector Double Insulated;Amphenol Output Wirc Length 095/30 1.2/39 m/ft Operating Temperature Range 40-+85/-40-+185 C/"F P.­2 series IP65/NEMA4 gr/Ib Protection Rating Pxxx-5 series IP68/NEMAGP gr/Ib Relative Humidity 0-100 % PV SYSTEM DESIGN USING A SOLAREDGE INVERTER(" SINGLE PHASE THREE PHASE 208V THREE PHASE 480V Minimum String Length _ 8 .. 'G 18 _ PV power optimization at the module-level (Power Opnmi2ers)Max mum string Length 25 25 50 Up to 2595 more energy (Power Opffmizers) Superior efficiency(99.5%) Ma m Power pe String 5250 6000 12,50 W Parallel Strings of Differunt Lengths Y" Mitigates all types ofor 0'e rtadonsmodule mismatch losses,from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading '. Flexible system design for maximum space utilization etl" ""_' "'�. ' Fast installation with a single bolt Next generation maintenance with module-level monitoring Module-level voltage shutdown for installer and firefighter safety n.:A11Y iC t A".'V ,i;11 11 i,P.NfL \0,t i'Al '.VA,A f)]{Ec�.E'._U> ® Tele ho Route ) Cortland.NV 13045 Telephone:(607)753-6711 Facsimile: (607)756-9891 www.Intertek Co. SolarEdge Technologies Ltd Letter Report 101703554CRT-001 June 20,2014 Letter Report No.101703554CRT-001 June 20",2014 Project No.G101703554 • 3-ph Inverters: Mr.Meir Adest Ph:+972.9.957.6620 o SE9KUS/SE10KUS/SE20KUS when the SolarEdge rapid shutdown cable labeled"MCI-CB-xxxxx- SolarEdge Technologies Ltd email:meir.a@solaredge.com 6 Ha'Harash St. x'which is part of kit SE1000-RSD-xx is installed in the inverter Safety Switch where xxxxx-xx is HOD HASHARON,ISRAEL any number;inverter part number may be followed by a suffix Subject: ETL Evaluation of SolarEdge Products to NEC Rapid Shutdown Requirements Dear Mr.Meir Adest, This letter report completes this portion of the evaluation covered by Intertek Project No.G101703554. If there are any questions regarding the results contained in this report,or any of the other services offered by This letter represents the testing results of the below listed products to the requirements contained in the following Intertek,please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. standards: Please note,this Letter Report does not represent authorization for the use of any Intertek certification marks. National Electric Code,2014,Section 690.12 requirement for rapid shutdown. Completed by: Radhe Patel Reviewed by: Howard Liu This investigation was authorized by signed Quote 500534459 dated 06/10/2014.Rapid shutdown test were Title: Engineering Team Lead Title: Staff Engineer perform at SolarEdge Technologies Ltd,6 Ha'Harash St HOD HASHARON,ISRAEL and witness by Intertek C� E "CP'dE personal on 06/17/2014. ��Y.CL_- _ —-- Signature: — Signature The evaluation covers installations consisting of optimizers and inverters with part numbers listed below. Date June 20",2014 Date: June 20",2014 The testing done has verified that controlled conductors are limited to not more than 30 volts and 240 volt- amperes within 10 seconds of rapid shutdown initiation. Applicable products: • Power optimizers: o PBxxx-yyy-zzzz;where xxx is any number,0-9,up to a maximum value where xxx=350;yyy could be AOB or TFI;and zzzz is any combination of four letters and numbers. o OP-XXX-LV,OP-XXX-MV,OP-XXX-IV,OP-XXX-EV;where xxx is any number,0-9. o Paaa,Pbbb,Pccc,Pddd,Peee;where aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd,eee is any number,0-9 to a maximum upto aaa=300,bbb=350 ccc=500,ddd=600,eee=700. o Pxxx,Pyyy,Pzzz,Pmmm,Pnnn and P000;where xxx,yyy,zzz is any number,0-9 to a maximum up to xxx=300,yyy=350,zzz=500;where mmm,nnn,coo is any number,0-9 to a maximum up to mmm=405,nnn=300,000=350 • 1-ph Inverters: o SE3000A-US/SE3800A-US/SE5000A-US/SE6000A-US/SE7600A-US/SE10000A-US/ SE1140OA-US when the SolarEdge rapid shutdown cable labeled"MCI-CB-xxxxx-x" which is part of kit SE1000-RSD-xx is installed in the inverter Safety Switch where xxxxx-xx is any number; inverter part number may be followed by a suffix Page 1 of 2 This report Is for the exclusive uae of IntPook's Clknl and is loot i putauant to the 97—t between Inlenek and IIs Client.ImcrIok's responsrdlily antl li ,ly are 11—to the leans arH oo s of the agree nt.In1eMN essurres no liability W any party.othlb lo Ibe 0.1.-n aaw —Mh the agreemaw.Iw any loss.expense o,damage---d by the uae ¢port Only Ifle Clcnl is aulhoriietl to permit copM,or dls-.- r Ih f repon and Inert amy In its entirety My use of the lm ttone Wits marks tar the sale— or entsement of Ibe tested material,potluc[or seMtt—firs!.approved in ftg by Intertek.The W serva4ons aM test resNls In this report III,ea—t omy the sanple lhsled TMs repos by Itself does sol.Mly that the Irslerlal.product or same¢is w has ever been urtler an Inlenek ob—ton pogrom. & Page 2 of 2 -r t '' I ntertek Testing Services NA.Inc. S01212(11111/10)Informative Intertek Testing Services NA.Inc. SD 12 12(11111/10)Informal- AUTHORIZATION TO MARK AUTHORIZATION TO MARK This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s)shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Product: Utility Interactive Inverter Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Brand Name: SolarEdge Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s)identified on the correlation page of the Listing Modes7 models:SE3000,SE3300,SE3800,SE5000,SE6000,SE7000,SE7600 Models:Report. (Option:followed by A to indicate Interface board,etc.) This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable.The certification mark(s)may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: SolarEdge Technologies Ltd Manufacturer: Jabil Circuit(Guangzhou)LTD DEV EAST DISTRICT Address: 6 Ha'Harash Street 45240 Address: 128 JUN CHENG RD Hod Hasharon GUANGZHOU GUANGDONG 510530 CHINA Country: Israel Country: China Contact: Mr.Oren Bechar or Mr.Meir Adest Contact: Elaine Ouyang +972 9 957 6620#293 or Phone: +972 9 957 6620#131 Phone: 020-2805-4025/135-7023-5852 FAX: +972 9 957 6591 FAX: NA Email: OREN.B@SOLAREDGE.COM Email: Elaine.ouyang@jabil.com Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Cortland,NY 13045 Control Number: 4004590 Authorized by: for Thomas J.Patterson,Certification Manager Co US Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. This Authonzabon to MaM is for IM1e e.dusive use of Ince—e Client antl is provided pursuant to Me Certification agreement beMeen Intertek end 14 Client.In ek's responsibifity en0liability are IimilN io the terms and conditions ofthe agreament.Inl—assumes no liehiliy to any party,oMer Men to Me Client in accortlance with ibe agreement,M any loss.e or damage occasoned by Me use of MIs AUMcnzebon to Mark.Only Ma Client s auMorizao to permit copying or disMWOon o!this fWthoriza to Ma end tlren only in its entirety.Use of I nMrte C-fi-.,mark,s Mctetl to the I-1,lions laid out in Me agreement and in Mis lwMorizelion Ie Mark.Any fuller use of Ina Intedek name for the sale or adveNsement of the le—material,product or service must rst be approvl In waling by Intedek.IniMal Factory Assessments end-1-up Services are for the­­of assuring aDprophafe usage d the Cert tion mall In eccordarlce will the agreement,they are not!or Ina Ourposes o1 poducbo quality coniM and do not relieve the Client EMeir obligati ns in MIs respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road,Arlington Heights,IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 UL 1741 Standard for Safety for Inverters,Converters,Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources,Second Edition Dated:January 28,2010 CSA C22.2 107.1 Issue:2001/09/01 Ed:3 General Use Power Supplies -(R2011) Standard(s): UL SUBJECT 1699B,Outline of Investigation for Photovoltaic(PV)DC Arc-Fault Circuit Protection-Issue No.2,2013/01/14 CSA TIL M-07,Interim Certification Requirements for Photovoltaic(PV)DC Arc-Fault Protection-Issue No.1,2013/03/11 ATM for Report 3168027CRT-001a Page 1 of 8 ATM Issued:13-Nov-2014 ATM for Report 3188027CRT-001a Page 2 of 8 ATM Issued:13-Nov-2014 M 16 3 15(1 1an-131 Mandatory ED 16.3.15 11-Jan-13)Mandatory solar=eeSingle Phase Inverters for North America solar=@9 . SE309OA-USiSE3800A-US/SE5000A-US,Sc6000A-US. SE7606A-US/SE10000A-US/SE1140OA-US SE3WOA US SE380OA-US SE5000A-US SE6000A-US SE760OA-US Si US SE11400A Us OUTPUT _ _ _. --. SolarEdge Single Phase Inverters6000 7600 9980a108V 400 V Nom nal AC Power Output 3000 3800 5000 10000 L)a 240Y 11 , 5300 @ 208V 10800 r[9 208V For North /tm��l^� Rt,x AC Power Output 00 4150 5450 Ca240V 6000 8350 0950C Z40V 12000 VA (�l l America y AC 0-utmt Voltage\Ain:Nom:Ma* ✓ 183 208-229Va SE3000A-US/SE380OA-US/SE5000A-US/SE6000A-US/ ACOutput V,[txi M,n.N„m.M3, SE760OA-US/SE10000A-US/SE1140OA-US 211-240-264Vac AC Frequency Min:Nonr.-Max.” 59.3 60-60.5 Ht Max.C-um—,Output Current 12.5 16 24 @ 20SV 25 32 '18 rz 208V 47.5 A �'. 40V 4 of 240V 6F0I Th hold A INPUarm Otless�l.nlS tlndedotectot,CoualryC figurabe Thr sholds ves Ves F C + 3 ! M ) 50 5100 6150 810() 10250 13500 113iJ W q grou es �jpst8 M.Input Voltade 500 'vdc Nom OC Input Voltage 325 nr 208V/350(240V Vdc M".'Inp rt Current''' 9.5 13 105 208V 18 23 33 ra 208V 345 Adc 1�5 @ 240V 30.5 @ 240V Max.Input Shart C­­Cu rcpt 45 Adc Re'...se-Polarty Protechon Yes Ground Fault Isolation Detection 60ok Sensi-ty Maxm_m l nverter Effirlency 97.7 98.2 98.3 98.3 98 98 98 .� 9/i�208V 97 @ 208V CEC Weighted Efficiency 97.5 98 97.5 97.5 97,5 Y 98 @ J40V 915 @ 240V '25 ...-. _.. ADDITIONAL FEATURES ..... -..... _... _.. _.. _..... Supp td C nlnlerfaces P.5485,RS232 Ethernet pace(Ppdonal) Ree.e.Grade Data,ANSI C12A Ophonal' 7 <i Rapd Shutdown-NEC 2014690.12 ves STANDARD COMPLIANCE_._. .. -. ........ _.. ... - Safuty -- - UL1741,UL16996,UL1998,CSA 22.2 Gr d Convention Standards IEEE1547 FCC P.«75 class a INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS - - - - - AC tPt oiAWGG.-.ng, _ 3/4 /166AWG -._. .. 3/ yin 83AWI, DC l 1 1.uduF o f t'ngc3,1 min /12. 34 n /13str ng,/ Z'AWG--g,, ti g.16-6 ANG 4f\W6 -s .v,0,Sstcty SN IFh 30.5 v 12 S x 10 5 (H,W.D) s 30.Sx 12.5t7.2u 715 si5x 184 775 x3LSx260 Weghtwj,Safety s"uh 51.2/23.2 54.7/247 88.4/40.1 ib/kg Natural F'u I, Cooling Natura Cornecton .d nal Fans(....repla.eahlel The best choice for SolarEdge enabled systems fan( er o Integrated arc fault protection For NEC 2011 690.11 compliance - Nese <25 re.Place,00 �50 dRA -Rapid shutdown for NEC 2014690.12 Mil Ma, Jpe,a ,igTF,-F,a--tie Superior efficiency(98%) Rark -13 to 1140/25 to r60140 tc-60—u—ava-1, 1 'F/'C Proi- ian Rating NCAA 3R — Small,lightweight and easy to install on provided bracket Built-in module-level monitoring Internet connection through Ethernet or Wireless •0 �^ ^" `t ,,.a =a.vao a,oa,. — Outdoor and indoor installation — Fixed voltage inverter,DC/AC conversion only — Pre-assembled Safety Switch for faster installation Optional—revenue grade data,ANSI C12.1 .51,._.:,<. • lSi>.6l yt .,v-lrany ,u... r-.'NE TI HLA 14 DSC„f.LiS �7 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Certificate Number 20140630-E306515 Certificate Number 20140630-E306515 Report Reference E306515-20121213 Report Reference E306515-20121213 Issue Date 2014-JUNE-30 Issue Date 2014-JUNE-30 Issued to: TRINA SOLAR LTD The modules with the specified construction as below may be marked with its type 2 TIAN HE RD,ELECTRONICS PARK NEW DISTRICT, for UL listed fire performance products only as the below table: CHANGZHOU,JIANGSU 213031 CHINA, Module model Specific construction Marking TSM-xxxPD05, Superstrate: 3.2-4.36mm thick; Module Fire This is to certify that PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES AND PANELS WITH TSM-xxxPDo5.08 EVA: 0.25-0.61mm thick; Performance: Substrate: 0.30 mm - 0.64 mm Tyne 1 representative samples of SYSTEM VOLTAGE RATINGS OVER 600 VOLTS thick; Refer to addendum page for Models Frame: Cross sectional dimension: 35 x 35mm, Height: 35mm, Have been investigated by UL in accordance with the Thickness: 1.5mm Standard(s)indicated on this Certificate. TSM-xxxPD05 Superstrate: 3.2-4.36mm thick; P1. Fire TSM-xxxPD05.C5, EVA: 0.25-0.61mm thick; Performance: Standard(s)for safety: UL 1703-Standard for Safety for Flat-Plate Photovoltaic TSM-xxxPDos.08 substrate: 0.284 mm - o.3o mm Type 2 thick; Modules and Panels and ULC ORD/C1703-01-Flat-Plate Frame: Photovoltaic Modules and Panels. Cross se,t_­al dimPns ,n: 35 x 35mm, Additional Information: See the UL Online Certifications Directory at Height: 35mm, www.ul.com/database for additional information Thickness: 1.Smm TSM-xxxPD14, Superstrate: 3.2-4.36m, thick; Module Fire TSM-xxxPD14.08 EVA: 0.25-0.65mm thick; Performance: Only those products bearing the UL Listing Mark for the US and Canada should be considered as Substrate: 0.284 mm - 0.300 mm Type 8 being covered by UL's Listing and Follow-Up Service meeting the appropriate requirements for US thick; and Canada. Frame: The UL Listing Mark for the US and Canada generally includes:the UL in a circle symbol with"C" Cross sectional dimension: and"US"identifiers:c@-the word"LISTED"a control number(may be alphanumeric)assigned 40*35 mm, by UL;and the product category name(product identifier)as indicated in the appropriate UL Height: 40mm, Directory. Thickness: 1.5 mm Look for the UL Listing Mark on the product. TSM-XXXPD05.10 Superstrate: 3.2-4.36mm thick; Module Fire TSM-XXXPDO5.18 EVA: 0.25-0.65 rmn thick; Performance: Substrate: 0.025 - 0.284 mm Type 5 thick; Frame: Cross sectional dimension: 40* 38 mm, Height: 40mm, Thickness: 1.8mm lc IU�I�any mm.ua�ia...et U�Fa vuaeum,q.... Page 1 of 4 Page 3 of 4 Mono Mult( Solutions THE Universal MODULE PRODUCTS POWERRANGE EIECTRiCAI DATA(STC) TSM-PDOS 250.265W Peak Power Watls-P (Wp) 245 250 2b5 263 265 THEUniversal TSM PDU5 08 250-265W Moower Pawioleronce P.x l)TSM-PDO505 245-260W mum Power Vonoge-V«•.(V 29.9 30.3 30.5 33.6 30.8 Maxi-Power Curren M,-JAI 8.20 8." 8.3] 8.50 8.61 DIMENSIONS OF PV MODULE Open Circuit Voltoge-Vc-iV) 37.8 380 1&1 36.2 38.3 mm MODULE ,L MO Ci-11 (A) I 75 619 9.00 9I0 V 941 Module Elfc en[y n-I%) I50 15.3 IS.b 15.9 16.2 + .n .encs re]u.. a4.5%al 2w w. _wdngl E3. ` ELECTRICAL DATA INDICT) ax Ma' P P.+.(WPI 182 186 190 193 197 L� CELL G�� Ma P V nage V. N) 21.6 28.0 28.1 28.3 28.4 Q G PD05.05 Masmum Power Current--JA) 6.59 6.65 6.74 6.84 6.93 MULTICRYSTALLINE MODULE _ 0p Cl-itValtag-IV) 35.1 35.2 353 35.4 35.5 Short Crcult Current-IK JA) 7.07 7.10 7.17 7.27 7.35 -- PD05.08 ,CC r--.110a 2- 245-265W •c245-265W FD05 POWER OUTPUT RANGE MEC ANICALDATA Our most versatile product , A e alaraan, M ncrysmRne156*156 mm(6nobe,l F if niT Cell onenrdrlon 60 calls(6-10) //� (�%'� •S Module dmenslOns I650x992*35 mm164.95x 39.OSx I.J7 nches 16.2/ 812 - o We19h1 18.6 k91411b) MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY _____ - -___- __- -____ Giles 3.2mm(0.131nches).High i 111ileon,ARCopredTemperedGil- Bockshset Wh'le(PD05&PD0508T III-1,PD05.0S) IT Frame(/ Silver Anodized Alum rium Alloy IPD051;elcck(FD05.08&PD05.05)� One of the industry's most feasted modules }II)�I gp„ IP 65 or 1P67mted Q"' 3�Q -- Tech notogy cable 4.0-(0.006 inches') �u� taoomm139.3Jinches7 POSITIVE POWER TOLERANCE - - ---- Connector MC4 COmpafble S5 AA Highly reliable due to stringent quality control I-V CURVES OF PV MODULE(26OW) ,I ;t'. 11irt'r -•IS TEMPERATURE RATINGS MAXIMUM RATINGS F` .tI •PIC' lli` W'^,.,�w_I_ - N-1-1 Operating Call 44 C1f2C1 -t.- - h, r9 iemPerure(rvOCtl Maz mum System tOpLW OC(EQ t j0iW7"'--- temperature CoeMcienl of P+w -0.41%!°C Voltage IOOOV DC(Uu -_-_�- --- -�-- --__-- --- -_- Max Sere,fuse R.fiin 15A ro„y, lamaemwTe coetadam or vac -p.32%7°c u ) r.. r Cr � - g 1' Certified to withstand challenging environmental remperawrecaetnciemm�,- p.ps%7c p. F r, rr conditions �w,r• I � ,rlL. a -..) WARRANTY r,L )� - '° '0 " � l0 yearPmduct Workmanship WOrmnfy bn t enrm 25 ye11Ln6ar POWei Warranty CERTIFICATION - LINEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY cE ,®� PACKAGING CONFIGURATION - -� -" -_--�-- il10 ar Produ Veti WarraNy 25 Year LMea Power War anfy Modules perbox.33 pieces d ino Solar Limited E.oJy, try Dy- Modules per a0'conto neT 840 pieces 3 Atltliryaaa)v9 ue � � - I 6 mrrna5 of r " 5 'P y • nasolar Trmasalar -015 e