10B-081 (4) City of Northampton �! Massacbluset:ts DEPARTT-MYT OF Z UI:L'DXNG XNSPECTXOMS f 212 Main Street +'Municipal building Northawptoxh, HA 01060 hyy 3rj PERIODIC INSPECTIONS QEPT OF BU,LAiNG INSPECTIONS NORTHAMPTON MA01060 Application Sent on February 3, 2016 PREMISE NAME: LEEDS VILLAGE ASSOCIATES PREMISE ADDRESS: 260 MAIN ST OWNER(S) OF RECORD: OWNERS: ADDRESS: LEEDS MA 01053 f TELEPHONE NO: NAME ON CERTIFICATE: TYPE Or BUSINESS USE GROUP: q INSPECTION FEE $260 fT I I Please complete and return this application to the Department of Building Inspections, 212 Main Street, Northampton, IVA 01060. We will contact you to arrange!,a time to inspect your property. If this information is not correct, or if you no longer own this property, please note any changes at the bottom or on the back of this form and return it to the building department. Feel free to t ontact us if you have any questions. We can be reached at (413) 587-1240. Thank you. Applicant name: ---'" Applicant Title _ C Dk)e( Cirri ' Telephone Preferred inspection time/date GA- ) ao �>rn Comments: _ _ _ Commonwealth OfMassachusetts City of North amp ton Map: Block: Lot: IOB 081 001 In Accordance With The Massachusetts State Building Code, Section 110, This CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION is issued to LEEDS VILLAGE ASSOCIATES I Certify that I have Inspected the Multi-Family known as Leeds Village Apartments located at 260 MAIN ST, in the City of Northampton The Means OfEgress Are Sufficient For The Following Number Of Persons: BY STORY Story Capacity Story Capacity Basement Level 3 Units 12 First Floor 6 Units 24 Second Floor 5 Units 20 Third Floor 5 Units 20 Fourth Floor 3 Units 12 BY PLACE OF ASSEMBLY OR STRUCTURE Place of Assembly or Structure Capacity Location Place of Assembly or Structure Capacity Location CI-2016-0061 03/15/2016 03/15/2017 Certificate Number Date Certificate Issued Date Certificate Expires uil ing 1 al **A COPY OF THIS CERTIFICATE AIUST BE POSTED IN CLEAR VIEW NEAR ALL ENTRANCES ** 212 Main Street-Rm 100*NORTHAMPTON,MA*Phone:(413)587-1240*Fax:(413)587-1272