10D-017 TACEY (19) i DECISION OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ' :. At a meeting held on May 6 , 1987, the Zoning Board of Appeals, in a split decision, voted to den the Findin request of Eugene A. Tacy, 158 North Maple Street, (Florence) , Northampton for the purpose of constructing a 60 x 60 ' building to be used in conjunction with the existing r: contractor' s yard located on Main_ Street, Beds, MA (more i' particularly identified as Parcel 10D of Sheet 17 of the �i Northampton Assessors ' Maps) . Present and voting were: Acting Chairman Peter Laband, William Brandt and M. Sanford Weil, Jr. The findings were as follows: S. Weil stated that he took a site view and spoke with several neighbors. He found that as the site measures 2+ acres and the proposed building will be situated on the rear of the lot directly facing a bridge, that the addition of a 60 x 60 ' ( 23 . 5 ' high) structure on the rear of the lot will not affect the atmosphere of the village, of Leeds. He added that the proposed "park" referred to at the public hearing is, in fact,a narrow strip of land along the bank of the river away from the bridge, which starts 1/4 block beyond this site. He also suggested that as those in power chose to zone this parcel SI , the applicant/owner is entitled to this use. He found in favor of the finding request. W. Brandt found that as the request represents a long- term impact on the conditions of the neighborhood and town, the construction of a 60 x 60 ' building would be substantially more detrimental to this existing residential neighborhood than the existing use. P. Laband found that as this neighborhood is in transition and is in the process of being upgraded, and as !' this single parcel zoned SI is in the middle of the neighborhood, the expansion of this use with the accompanying increase in noise, heavy truck traffic and activity would be more detrimental to the neighborhood. It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously that a Special Permit is not applicable in this situation and is , Ij therefore , put asidF-, -following he City. S lic ' tor ' o inion. See minutes . Peter Laband, Acting Chairman A67 i MAY I I x M. Sanford feil, Jr. PATRICK J. MELNIK / ATTORNEY AT LAW 110 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 February 20, 1987 Telephone 413-584-6750 ria Zoning Board of Appeals MAR 4 1%7 > Planning Board and E Building Inspector for the O ff-OFtDINGtNSPECT+C'`: City of Northampton NORTHAMPTON,MA 01066, 212 Main Street Northampton, Mass . 01060 RE: Application of Eugene Tacy for Zoning Permit Dear Sirs : Enclosed please find an application of Eugene A. Tacy for a zoning permit together with the filing fee in the sum of $72 . I would appreciate you advising me of the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeal ' s Hearing dates when they are scheduled. Eleven copies of the zoning permit are enclosed. S' erely, trick J. Melnik PJM/dfk Enc . :" /72 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION + w ap No. �1 Lot12 Zoning Ordinance Section 10.2 Receiivved: 4 1987 Plan File 0 n of euIIAING Owner Eugene A. Tacy Tacy=_ Address 158 North Maple Street - Florence, MA Address 158 North Maple Street - Florence, M! Telephone 584-7114 Telephone 584-7114 This section is to be filled out in accordance with the "Table of Dimensional and Density Regulations: (Z.O. ARTICLE VI) Zoning Use Lot Front Depth Setbacks Max. Bid. Min. Op. District Area Width Front Side Rear Cover Space Construction Past S.I. Existing storagE acres 360 300 -- -- -- 0 % 100 % Construction Present S.I. Proposed supply acres 360 300 30 30 30 5 % 95 Mark the appropriate box to indicate the use of the parcel: ® Non-Conforming Lot and/or Structure. Specify _Addition to conforming use to current non-conforming use. ❑ Residential ❑Single Family Unit ❑Multi-Family ❑ Duplex ❑ Other ❑ Business ❑ Individual ❑ Institutional ❑ Regular ❑ P.U.D. El Subdivision ❑ Cluster ❑ Other ❑ Subdivision with "Approval-Not-Required"-Stamp: ❑ Planning Board Approval: ❑ Zoning Board Approval (Special Permit 10.9: Variance) ❑ City Council (Special Exception S. 10.10) Watershed Protection District Overlay: (Z.O. Sect. XIV) ❑ Yes M No Parking Space Requirements: (Z.O. Sect.8.1) Required ___Z_ Proposed __1.0__ Loading Space Requirements: (Z.O. Sect.8.2) Required 1 Proposed 1 Signs: (Z.O. Art. VII) ❑ Yes 4D No Environmental Performance Standards: (Z.O. Art. XII) ❑ Yes X=7 No Plot Plan 9� Yes ❑ No Site Plan ❑ Yes 11 No (S. 10.2) (S. 10.2 and 10.11 Waiver Granted: Date ❑ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - --- This section for OFFICIAL use only: ❑ Approval as presented: p Modifications necessary for approval: ❑ Return: (More information needed) Denial: Reasons: February 20 1987 Signature of Applicant Date Signature of Admin. Officer Date P Nf f Tehese ces Application Number: 99 r', .ec d.' B.I. Ch ` iced FiledFee Pd. Rec'd. ZBA Map(s) Parcel(s) ` by Uau; of y ate Date Amt. DaE3y Date �. Q A MMADE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: 1. Name of Applicant Eugene A. Tacy Address 158 North Maple Street - Florence, MA 2. Owner of Property Eugene A. Tacy, James J. Tacy, Richard J. Tacy, Harold G. Tacy and Address Main Street - Leeds, MA Helen N. Tacy 3. Applicant is: 70wner; Contract Purchaser; []Lessee; ❑Tenant in Possession. 4. Application is made for: VARIANCE from the provisions of Section page of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. X'SPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Section 5.2-13 page 13 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. 'MOTHER: Finding ha a a ion of existing use to include construction st:ppiy sup ly§�s a �i'sh ent ids nXt substantially more detrimental than the existing use pen ix Main Street - Leeds MA 5. soca ion o F60ert�' being situated on the -aqr side of Main Street; and shown on the Assessors' Maps, Sheet No. 10D Parcel(s) 17 6. Zone Special Industrial 7. Descrir.)+ion of proposed work and/or use; Applicant proposes to construct a construction supply scablishment on a parcel that is currently being used for open storage of raw materials and constructs;,,. equipment. e new structure may also be used to store construction equipment as werl as construction supply equipment. 8. (a) Sketch plan attached; PgYes ❑No (b) Site plan: ❑Attched K Not Required 9. Set forth reasons upon w"'ch application is based: Current use is existing non-conforming use that would 6e allowed by Special permit under existing zoning. The proposed use is allowed by right construction supply or by Special Permit storage of equipment). The use will not be more detrimental than existing use and, in fact, will be less detrimental since the equipment currently being stored in the open will be screened by a fence and the building to be constructed. A permit was previously granted. This is a request for a renewal of 10. Abutters (see instructions; list on reverse side of form). with a larger building than pre- iously approved. 12. 1 hereby certify that information contained herein is truZeL of my knowledge. DateFebruary 20, 1937 Applicant's Signatur , 110 King St. - Northampton, MA 01060 A For Eugene A. Ta-,,.v 11. List of Abutters: Address Sheet No. Parcel Roman Catholic Bishop �. of Sprir.;y,f;eld 217 Main St. Leeds 1OB-91 St. Catherine' s Church - Roman 2. cntlhlic Rishozp, of Springfield 195 Main St_ Leeds IOB-92 ,3. Massachnsetts Electric Route 9 Haydenville Road 1OB-100 4. Helen A. McCarthy 183-185 Main St. Leeds 1OD-16 5. Clarence L. Chatfield Main St. Leeds IOD-18 6, James P. Doppman 167 Main St. Leeds 1OD-19 Sean R. Lococco 7, Joseph S. Lococco 163 Main St. Leeds 10D-20 g City of Northampton City Hall Northampton 1OD-22 g James & Kathleen Ellito 39 Florence St. Leeds 1OD-23 10. Heirs of Nora Steidler 41 Florence St. Leeds 1OD-24 11, Russell J. Myette 182 Main St. Leeds 1OD-33 12. 13. 14. fit 16 MM q�" E 17. -..._. ...,.. 19. 20. 2).- 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) INTI-SHOP Y i � S t i � 4 ti a x �