10D-017 BUILD PERMITS (5) CITY OF NORTHAMPTON 9• .� NASSA',CHUSETTS • OFFICE of the INSPECTOR of BUILDINGS � e t Page / 0 �0Plot / 7,4 APPLICATION FOR INSPECTOR ZONING PERMIT AND BUILDING PERMIT z IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all'items in sections: 1, 11, 111, IV, and IX. o 1• ZONING AT (LOCATION) + , '4 r! e S DISTRICT LOCATION IN 0.) y - (STREE'Ir) G OF BETWEENLC�JIC•/ �/ ✓.c AND BUILDING (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) LOT SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SIZE N 11. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING — All applicants complete Parts A — D A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT D. PROPOSED USE For"Wrecking- most recent use M M 1 New building Residential Nonresidential 2 Addition([/residential, enter number 12❑ One family 18Amusement, recreational of new housing units added, if any, in Part D, 13) 13 ❑ Two or mord family — Enter 19 ❑ Church, other religious 3 Alteration (See 2 above) number of junits— — — — —> 20 X Industrial ❑ 14 ❑ Transient Motel, motel, 21 Parking garage 4 ❑ Repair, replacement or dormitory — Enter number r 5 ❑ Wrecking (IJ multifamily residential, of units ——————— — -i 22 C� Service station, repair garage enter number of units in building in 15 ❑ Garage 23 ❑ Hospital, institutional Part D, 13) ❑ 16 Carport 24 n Office, bank, professional 6 ❑ Moving (relocation) 7 ❑ Foundation only 17 ❑ Other — Specify 25 ❑ Public utility 26 ❑ School, library, other educational B. OWNERSHIP 27 ❑ Stores, mercantile 8 Private (individual, corporation, 28 ❑ Tanks, towers nonprofit institution, etc.) 29 ❑ Other — Specify 9 ❑ Public (Federal, State, or local government) C. COST (Omit cents) Nonresidential — Describe in detail proposed use of buildings, e.g., food processing plant, machine shop, laundry building at hospital, elementary 10. Cost of improvement,,,•••,,•.•,...• school, secondary school, college, parochial school, parking garage for, department store, rental office building, office building at industrial plant. To be installed but not included If use'',of existing building is being changed, enter proposed use. in the above cost a. Electrical....................... b. Plumbing ..................... c. Heating, air conditioning.......... d. Other (elevator, etc.)............. 11. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT Is 111. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING --For new buildings and additions, complete Parts E — L; for wrecking, complete only Part J, for all others skip to IV. E. 3RINCPALTY PE OF FRAME G. TYPE OFSEWAGE J. DIMENSIONS 0Iory ( arg) bprivate company 48. Number of stories.............. 31 E] Woodframe 41 Private (septic tank, etc.) 49. Total square feet of floor area, all floors, based on exterior 9 32 ❑ Structural steel dimensions ..................... J ©O 33❑ Reinforced concrete H. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY / 34 ❑ Other — Specify 42 Public or private'company 50. Total land area, sq. Ft. ........... 7t0 270 t 43 Private (well, cistern) K. NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL 51. Enclosed ....................... O 35 ❑ Gas Will there be central air 52. Outdoors........................ 36 ❑ Oil conditioning? L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 37j Electricity 44 n Yes 451X No 53. Number of bedrooms.............. 38 ❑ Coal 39 ❑ Other — Specify Will there be an elevator? Full.......... 54. Number o No bathrooms 46 1 Yes 47,I Partial........ IV, IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants Name Mailing address — Number, stmt, city, and State ZIP code Tel. No. Owner or Lessee Builder's 2. License No. teApwo 'N. Contractor � Qd 3. Architect or Engineer I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to mak s applicatio s s authorized agent and we agree to conform to all applicable laws of this jurisdiction. Signa ure applican Address Application date L 00 NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE V. PLAN REVIEW RECORD — For office use Plans Review Required Check Plan Review Date Plans By Date Plans By Notes Fee Started Approved BUILDING $ PLUMBING $ MECHANICAL $ ELECTRICAL $ OTHER $ VI. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED OR OTHER JURISDICTION APPROVALS Dae Date Permit or Approval Check Obtained Number By Permit or Approval Check obtained Number By BOILER PLUMBING CURB OR SIDEWALK CUT ROOFING ELEVATOR SEWER ELECTRICAL SIGN OR BILLBOARD FURNACE STREET GRADES GRADING USE OF PUBLIC AREAS OIL BURNER WRECKING OTHER OTHER VII. VALIDATION Building FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit number Building Use Group Permit issued 19 Building Fire Grading Permit Fee $ Live Loading Certificate of Occupancy $ Occupancy Load Approved by: Drain Tile $ Plan Review Fee $ TITLE NOTES and Data — (For department use) Vill. ZONING PLAN EXAMINERS NOTES FRONT YARD IX. 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L11,4 T96 L 7 /c'e s�= 1P p zor SPSGG 7 7� Fr p 15 j T TJ/U 91 7 fj I REPORT THAT SURVEY CONFORM AND PROCFDURAL- FORMI A N0RTHAXF T ON , M,". � . ,?ul_y 28 , 1987 Date APpLICATI014 FOR ENDORSEY—EMIT OF PLA14 ELLIEVED NOT TO REQUIRE APPROVAL �ile one completed form with the Planning Board and one copy with the City Cler2/ in accordance with with requirements of Section 3 . 02 . To the Planning Board: The undersigned, believing that the accompanying plan of his property in the City of Northampton does not constitute division within the meaning of the Subdivision Control Law, herewith submits said plan -for a determination and endorsement that Planning Board approval under the Su4,6a vision Control Law . is not required. 1 . Applicant Eugene Tacy %� ✓� �r F.M-- /°tet^ , Print or type name Sj gnat re North Maple Street - Florence , Mass . 01060 Address v (� 2. Owner Eugene Tacy et al. . �.��,�r Print or type name r Signature North Maple Street - Florence , Mass . 01060 Address 3 . Surveyor ALMER NVK LEY JR. � AS�CG. INIC. Print or type name Signature 3011MQSCR.W D' N_O_RTHPkAFTONI MA. Ot0(n0 Address �1 . Deed or property recorded in +Vy �k-nt51r,Lyt �o� Registry, Book 2 2.-19 Page 3 5 . Location and Description of Property : tw p �) 'J Date of Submission August 17 , 1987 City Clerk!'. / /// ^ � a-t/ure 1987 i 33 i CITY-OF NORTHAMPTON ?0�5 ^TL ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION 9 g Tax Map No. Lot Zoning Ordinance Section 10.2 Deceived: File No. Plan File Eugene A. Tacy, Harold G. Tacy, Helen Eugene A. Tacy Owner N. Tacy, James J. Tacy & Richard .T 'Applicant Address acy158 N. Maple Street - Florence ';Address 158 N. Maple Street - Florence 584-7114 -7114 Telephone Telephone This section is to be filled out in accordance with the "Tablo of Dimensional and Density Regulations: (Z.O. ARTICLE VI) Zoning Use Lot Front Depjh Setbacks Max. Bid. Min. Op. District Area Width Front Side Rear Cover Space , 770 p % 100 % Past S. I . Existing NONE sq. f t . 120 300+ - - --- --- Constructio 40, 770 5 % 95 Present S. I . ProposedSuppl sq. ft . 120 300+� — 30 30 30 Mark the appropriate box to indicate the use of the parcel: ❑ Non-Conforming Lot and/or Structure. Specify ❑ Residential ❑Single Family Unit ❑Multi-Family ❑ DOplex ❑ Other KI Business Proposed construction suppply establishment of vacant lot , allowed El Individual under city zoning 5-12 Section 3 ❑ Institutional El Regular ❑ P.U.D. El Subdivision ❑ (duster ❑ Other ❑ Subdivision with "Approval-Not-Required"-Stamp: ❑ Planning Board Approval: ❑ Zoning Board Approval (Special Permit 10.9: Variance) ❑ City Council (Special Exception S. 10.10) Watershed Protection District Overlay: (Z.O. Sect. XIV) ❑ Yes V No Parking Space Requirements: (Z.O. Sect. 8.1) Required 2 Proposed 10 Loading Space Requirements: (Z.O. Sect.8.2) Required T Proposed 1 Signs: (Z.O. Art. VII) ❑ Yes ® No Environmental Performance Standards: (Z.O. Art. XI 1) ❑ Yes ® No Plot Plan f7 Yes ❑ No Site Plan ❑ Yes I3 No (S. 10.2) (S. 10.2 and 10.11 Waiver Granted: Date ❑ This section for OFFICIAL use only: ❑ Approval as presented: ❑ Modifications necessary for approval: ❑ Return: (More information needed) ❑ Denial: Reasons: ignature of Applicant %� Date " Signature of Admin. Officer Date P Mf;.. P ell A, C'e, W,tl i i i iq 3 3 e I , I }} r - .mow` _� - - ,_. lj..��,r '�w `k•.. id'.. ti ,. - _'�+� � ry , '... } � ✓.1��,i. T�; x � �.�'� f.�° s , •. ix 'aP e ^ . � ':'� A n i''. y,f ag�F* Aw ' G f P. i I I