31B-051 (29) L2 Obscene displays; blocking or shading of windows. (1) No signs, text, graphics, pictures, publications, videotapes, CDs, DVDs, movies, covers, merchandise or other objects, implements, items or advertising depicting or describing sexual conduct or sexual excitement as defined in MGL c. 272, § 31, shall be displayed in the windows or on any building or be visible to the public from the street, pedestrian sidewalks, walkways, or bike paths or from other areas outside such establishments. (2) Further, windows may only be blocked or shaded by approval of the Planning Board through site plan approval. E f s I i i i f r I � k �t to 13 EC MWE MYY 2 1 2015 � ;0$ Electric, Plumbing&Gas Inspections . Northampton, MA 01060