18-004 (7) s Lztu of c 'ortllampton MASSACHUSETTS In the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and ......l;fight..y..-MI ne...............-......._.. UPON THE RECOMMENDATION OF _Paul,,,A,,,...&„IC hryn...M,,,,, Marion C. Dulong (property owners) ORDINANCE An Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, providing that the Code of Ordinances, Ap endix A. City of Northampton, Massachusetts, be amended by revising section ....... ...4..................... of said Code; providing that _.the following_de.scribed,.land be._,reZoned,.,from....._Sut�ur�a�._Re_s den�.�,aI ..... ......... (SR) to....H...i..gjway Business (HBO, Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Northampton, in City Council assembled, as follows: Appendix A. Section 1. That section _3_4........... of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Northampton, Mas- sachusetts, be amended so that such section shall read as follows: "Section_..._..3.,.4.......- That the following described land located generally off of the easterly side of North King Street, just northerly of its intersection with Hatfield Street, and more particularly described below, be rezoned from the Suburban Residential (SR) District to the Highway Business (HB) District: all of Parcels 59 & 95 of Northampton Assessor ' s/ Zoning Map 13 . In City Council, . ADril 6_ 1,9..$9..,o.._d Rules suspended,passed two readings,ordained and enrolled. Attest: Adeline Murray , City Clerk ApproV2d: David B. Musante, Jr. , Mayor .4 true coom. Attest: City Clerk OBTAIN THE FOLLOWING AUTHORIZATIONS BEFORE SUBMITTING THE APPLICATION TO THE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DIVISION 111 CMR 3.81(1)e. Each application shall contain the following certification which Lust be signed by a duly authorized official of the city/town no earlier than 69 days before the filing of the application under 111 CMR 3.64(1). "I hereby certify that the subject sign is (check applicable box) ❑not in conformity with Din conformity, with t subject to ❑authorized by a special permit/variance from ,Ft by specific provisions which "grandfathers" off—premises signs in the applicable 0 di�ranaes/By—Laws of the City/Town ( strike one ) of � �. The location of the sign is in an area :_oned The subject sign ` as of this date standing at the location in the application — _ (yes/no) . " PC Name and Title oaf- C4ty/T n of icial,/ Telephone Signature of City/Town official Date 111 CMR 3.61(1)f. Bach application shall contain the following certification which Bust be signed by a duly authorized official of the Massachusetts Departtent of Public forks (MDPI) no earlier than 31 days before the filing of the application under 111 CMR 3.64(1). "I hereby certify that the subject sign is (check applicable box) ❑not in conformity with Din conformity with ❑not subject to the provisions of Chapter 93D of the General Laws. If subject to Chapter 93D, the subject sign iss ❑ in conformity with applicable municipal ordinances or by—laws. ❑not in conformity with applicable municipal ordinances or by—laws. It has been maintained in violation since (date) . " Name & Title of MDPW official Comments Signature of MDPW Official Date 111 CMR 3.61(2). If the duly authorized official fails to cosplete the certification within 66 days, the application say be filed with an affidavit in place of the certification. The affidavit shall state that :ertification fro& the hated &uoicipal of MDPf official has been sought not less tbaa 36 days prior to the filing of the appi:cation and that no certificate of non- confortity, confortity or non-applicability has been issued. The affidavit shall alsc aescribe the applicaat's atte&pts to obtain the certification and the dates on which such attetpts were side. The affidavit shall be dee&ed part of the application. 111 CMR 3.11(3). In the case of an initial pertit application, a tesporary per&it application, a pertit renewal application or a request to revoke a pertit if the duly authorized tonicipal or MD111 official certifies that the proposed sign would not confors to applicable &uticipal ordinances or by-lava or the provisions of LCA. Chapter 930, as the case toy be, the Executive Director or the Board say, in its discretion, sake a prelisinary detertination to deny the application for or revoke a pertit. T-4c Gniniouivraltll of �ffiaeearltusvttz o0•0 \\kiii OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DIVISION 0 != APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO LOCATE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING a Please check the kind of permit for which you are applying, New X Renew , Permit # Temporary_ i Application is hereby made to erect and maintain an advertising device in accordance with the rules and regulations under provisiOt-s of MGL Chapter 93, Section 29 at the following location. I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information set forth in this application is true and complete. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION Name of Applicant navi rl T - Mj pnq F. Fa„1 A _ T.ahbee Address 285 N. King Street (P.O. Box Will NOT be accepted) City/Towr.Nc.rthampton State Ma _ zip nln6n Telephone ( 413 ) 586-3333 Person to Contact Paul A. Labbee Authorized Signature —Date 9/9/89 YOU MUST COMPLETE ONE APPLICATION FOR EACH ADVERTISING FACE C INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED 1 . EXACT LOCATION OF ADVERTISING SIGN a. Street and number 285 N. King St. b. Route# ( if applicable ) 5 & 10 City/Town Northhampton .n = _ C. Name of Road sign is intended to face a a a d. Distance from the road on which the sign is located, to nearest edge ago of sign 18 ft e. Distance from the road the sign is intended to face to nearest edge of sign 33 ft f. Check ones On Wall? On Roof? On Ground? X — — — g. Does sign exist at present? X If yAh ,vhen was it x built?- 1968 Was it ever permitted?`. es If yes, give date permit was issued, and permit number 33224 h. Sign faces N , S X , E , W__ 2. DIMENSION OF SIGN (do not include any extensions or cutouts) LENGTH31 ft 8 in HEIGHT12 ft 0 in DEPTH ft 4 in D U HEIGHT from ground to top of sign 24 _ft Din o y' m HEIGHT from roof to top of sign ( if applicable ) N./�ft in °C _ HEIGHT above road sign is intended to face to top of sign c 24 ft in y 3. CONSTRUCTION OF SIGN Materials Steel & Wood Number of uprights supports? 3 Illumination ( if any, specify) 2 Hubbel lights ballast pe H:_