17C-307 ln� fin __..... CITY OF NORTHAMPTON BUILI DING l ROOFING - WINDOWS & DOORS - SIDIN 48 LAKE ST , Map _w. �00 licainA. e'sfeim ! ass-Si4 g in x Roofing BP-1999-0340 JS-1999-0710 Date issued 1-Oct-1998 ----E---s--- ---------��� ---------------------- Building Inspeptiorit Rough Building Inspection - Finish 0 Approved b .. ' pp Y i Btfilding Commissioner sioner This Certifies Roo ssion to -11 511 Li. 21 "i ,SWINGA` SHINGLE ROOF),situated at 48LAKE ST,provided that the person,accepting this permit shall in every respect conforin to the terms of the application on file im the office of the Building Department,and to the provisions of the Statutes and the Ordinances relating to the construction,Maintenance and inspection of Buildings;in the City of Northimpton.Any violation of any of the terms above noted is an immediate revocation of this permit.Eires six mpnths from!hte of issuance if not started.All installations of windows,siding,roofing materials and doors shall be to manufacturer's specifications. DO SHUMM h'r a tric n if a removal or locati n of e,, 3 ft.;sr40ga ij Wad- r installation of siding R ducts i tt ,111AI g DeRvrtmP"' C11TY OF NORTHAMPTON BUILDING . PERMIT ROOFING - WINDOWS & DOORS SIDING 48 LAKE ST Map in -- Fee $20.00, Applicant Western Mass Siding & Roofing BP-1999-0581 JS-1999-0710 Date issued 12/15/1998 rrrrrrrrrr---a r-r----------r----------------r-r-----------r ---Building Inspection - Rough Building Inspection - Finish ' Approved by Building Commissioner This certifies that Western Mass Siding&Roofing has permission to(INSTALL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS),situated at 48LAKE ST provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every respect conform to the terms of the application on file in the office of the Building Department,and to the; provisions of the Statutes and the Ordinances relating to the construction,Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in the City of Northampton.Any violation of any of the terms above noted is an immediate revocation of this permit.Expires six months from date of issuance, if not started.All installations of windows,siding,roofing materials and doors shall be to manufacturer's specifications. The contractor is responsible to hire a licensed electrician if the removal or relocation of any electrical lines or fixtures is required for installation of siding products. M a PsAdine Dmartment