17C-301 i i j i s I I i i i 67 Chestnut Street Florence, Mass. 01060 May 6, 1980 586-2479 office of the Building Inspector City ball Northampton, Mass. 01J60 Gentlemen: This letter is in reference to my several telephone conversations with you regarding the horses bordering my back yard that belong to Charles Asher, 50 High Street, Florence. When I purchased this property on November 13, 1978, there was one horse there. It was bad enoubh finding that out since there was no horse evident both times I looked at the property. In the fall of 1979, the electric fence was partitioned and a second horse added. The smell is twice as bad, and in fact, prohibits my family from use of our back yard, since the horses are approximately two feet from my yard. My clothes are continually covered with horse flies and have a manure smell when I bring them in. I am forced, for the most part, to use Iny dryer. Ars. June Sporbert, the sister of Charles Asher has advised me of the following. one horse was purchased approximately 10 years,�Lgo. The house is a duplex, and Charles Asher,Sr. lived on the other side. Mr. Asher, Sr., was quite ill for over a year and housebound until his death in April or May of 1979. Mrs. Sporbert was dovW there daily caring for 11m. She told me that in 1978, David Asher, one of the sons had a horse, WHICH HE DID NOT KEEP Xfj O HIGH STREET. It was not until after the death of Charles Asher, Sr., that the horse was then brought down to that address. This was in the fall of 1979, and in fact, is when I first saw the second horse. Charles Asher, Sr. , owned the property. I am very upset about the situation. We cannot use the backyard for cookouts because the horseflies are all over the food, I cannot open my windows on the back of the house because the smell comes in. In fact, my almost constant headaches, coincide with the warm weather and the horses and manure being out there. It's disgusting. Through your office in March 1980, I requested that Asher at least put up a solid fence high enough (6 feet) to screen the horses from my land. I know you stated he agreed to do this, but as yet, this has not been done. In any case, the best route if for the horses to cease being in that location. tdhy doesn't he fence them in outside his backdoor instead of mine? I would appreciate you and/or the Board of Health doing something to alleviate this situation as soon as possible. If you would like to contact Mrs. Sporbert, her address is South Main Street, Haydenville, Mass. 263-7003. Very truly yours, ni .:...,tea...... everly A. M. Duplisse cc: Board of Health. MAY ! 21990 DEPT.OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS a NORTHAMPTON,MA.01060 m...,... r a , March 270 1980 Mr, Charles Asher 50 High Street Florence, Ma. 01060 Dear Mr. Ashers We have had a request for information on the keeping of horses on your lot, Page 17C • Plot 301 in a U.R.B. Zone. It appears that you have a nonconforming use under Section 5.3 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinances. Keeping of one horse has now expanded to two horses. It now appears that you are in violation of the zoning ordinances. However, this has not been brought to this office as a for- mal complaint, and the person who requested information, is not objecting to the horses, but would like a fence or suit- able screening from your use. Please advise this office if some agreement can be reached as soon as possible, or before April 27, 1980. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Sincerely, Cecil I. Clark BUILDING INSPECTOR CICllp 4 I � , I l o� off, �M58RCh1isCtt3 _- "� Offire of the �ns}rertor of 'Auilbings INSPECTOR 212 Main Street Municipal Building 1 g Northampton, Mass. 01060 March 27, 1980 Ix Mr. Charles Asher 50 High Street Florence, Ma. 01060 Dear Mr. Asher: We have had a request for information on the keeping of horses on your lot, Page 17C - Plot 301 in a U.R.B. Zone. It appears that you have a nonconforming use under Section 5.3 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinances. Keeping of one horse has now expanded to two horses. It now appears that you are in violation of the zoning ordinances. However, this has not been brought to this office as a for- mal complaint, and the person who requested information, is not objecting to the horses, but would like a fence or suit- able screening from your use. Please advise this office if some agreement can be reached as soon as possible, or before April 27, 1980. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. � Sincerely/ �1 3-3 � " / Cecil I. Clark �Oo / BUILDING INSPECTOR 4ari ��,�? i ,/ 'f L i i I i i i I i i i i i i I i i I I I I i i i o�s� oti Crit� of Xort4auiptou �'� °g �Iassach�tsetts - Office of the �nzptrtox of 'Oailbings W 212 Main Street•Municipal Building = �� Northampton, Mass. 01060 COMPLAINT SHEET How received: Telephone ( ) Complaint No. Personal ( Date: �{_J. ') - </0 Letter ( ) Time: A.M. Ul_o P.M. Telephone No. -6 Complainant's Name: 1,A Complainant's Address: "e C;VcAC6 J Complaint received by: VIOLATIONS OF: ❑ Chapter 44 Zoning Ordinances, City of Northampton ❑ Chapter 802 As Ammended Mass. State Building Code ❑ Sanitary Code,Art.2 Complaint reported against: Name: Zc,i2\ ,4'\C� Tel. Address: Location of complaint: Map# Lot# Signature of Complanants: -" Nature of complaint: e, } \vc �/� litc w� io r zi rc: a Investigation: Yes ( ) No ( ) Investigated by: " i �_ Complaint No. I//- 80 Date: 47 &A OFFICE of INSPECTOR of BUILDINGS NORTHAMPTON,MASSACHUSETTS Complaint against: Name: Address: Location _,,��_ Page 7 C Plot J3t)' VIOLATION: ❑ Chapter 44 Zoning Ordinances ❑ Chapter 802 State Building Code ❑ Art. 2 Sanitary Code Date Investigated: 27- SlJ Investigated by: Q�:: / Z 0 H (A Action taken: C4. ,A• C Date: 3'".�7—B ❑ Tel. ft 1 Letter ❑ Reg. letter ❑ Pictures ❑ Yes.K No