17C-197 (7) Versionl.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15, 2000 q SIQI�At,`OE IG�1 AID ,, 'TRUCTl,dk SERYIC1vS -'FOR �t)ILaING5;AND 5,T , 5, ;1�lECr7"ICU kod CQnNST UC`I�QN r 4 I RD is Uq StJ�4t�?TQ` SQ GMR X16(CON7AIN'1 F"to CIO%; "I 9.1 Registered Architect: Not Applicable ❑ Name(Registrant): Registration Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 92 Registered Professional Engineer(s): Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility Address . Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility Address Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date Name Area of Responsibility Address 4 Registration Number Signature Telephone Expiration Date 9.3 General Contractor CHASE GLASS & ALLIED PRODUCTS, INC Not Applicable ❑ Company Name: John Lanucha Responsible In Charg nHa ucti_)n ock St reet Address ri field, MA 01109 John Lanucha (413) 732-1115 Signature Telephone 900in uoadwBq dO sonuTN S�TSSRSCU IVd 9t:TT TO/TO/OT + Version 1.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 RICTLf"L0,11E,"li' ILI Independent Structural Engineering Structural Peer Review Required Yes......❑ No......❑ ECT10 ]x =`0lflit>fER AI�T�iQE IZA7IQN „Tp BE',CQryIP�.ETED" WHEN oR'coNV*9A'G- OR�QPIp ads{fog, IPIN�q E'lli IIT 1, as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act c my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application_ Signature of Owner Date l as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Print Name Signature of Owner/Agent Date SECTIQN 1'2=col Tlk)C`T;�AN, ►�CS 10.2 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ License Number Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone S�GTIQN �3 WQRK'„EFtS” COMP'ENS,ATIO-N INstiFRANCE'AFEkDAVIT(Kol.c. 152,1 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidav will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes....... ❑ No...... ❑ L00In uoJdU1'6tll.1oN SoKuTg Sf:TSSB M XFd St :TT TO/TO/OT Version 1.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 �TIaN r4 CONSTIZ�JOTIQN ' 1006 FOR PROJECTS LESS'THXN 3!44,60 ' 161 'o�a;lact osD's� � , r Interior Alterations Existing Wall Signs Existing Ground Signs Additions ❑ Roofing ❑ ❑ ❑ Exterior Alterations Demolition❑ New Signs [ ] Change of Use [ ] Other [ ] . ❑ Accessory Building[ 1 Repairs [XI EMERGENCY Masonary Work as well as glass & glazing �1 I 15E UP AND'CO T160''TYPE USE GROUP(Check as applicable) CONSTRUCTION TYPE A Assembly ❑ A-1 ❑ A-2 ❑ A-3 ❑ 1A ❑ A-4 ❑ A-5 ❑ 18 ❑ B Business ❑ 2A ❑ E Educational ❑ 213 ❑ F Factory ❑ F-1 I] F-2 ❑ 2C ❑ H High Hazard ❑ 3A ❑ Institutional ❑ 1.1 ❑ 1-2 ❑ 1.3 ❑ 313 ❑ M Mercantile ❑ 4 Q R Residential Io R•1 ❑ R-2 ❑ R-3 ❑ 5A ❑ S Storage Q S-1 ❑ S•2 ❑ 5B d U Utility ❑ Specify: M Mixed Use ❑ Specify: S Special Use ❑ Specify: G'bfVjP1 EE,TF�I$SElGTr'QI� :1, 3CITIfG BUILDINGtlpRC011 REhlp 'ATIO(�S, ADDITIQMS'A�ID�d ;CF�11NOE+1sN;il�S Existing Use Group: Proposed Use Group: Existing Hazard Index 780 CMR 34). Proposed Hazard Index 780 CMR 34): 'SFC�Wfi , L',DI"N�G HIEI HT ANP'74Rl A BUILDING AREA EXISTING PROPOSED NEW CONSTRUCTION ! Floor Area per Floor(sf) ,, F 21,a �s7 C 1 11,3 r 3rd 2nd 4th I, 1 h d k III II 1+r 3rd ilihl 4th I Total Area (sf) Total Proposed New Construction (sf) 1;�, " Total Height(ft) Total Height ft -------------------- r�lllll Yf `i}i u,Y I i"� �xi��� ti ,r ail tai , r!i it„ !� "in�,li4.;,•,n.r ,' f00f�j uozdwetla.toN SONUTH SCTSSSSCTt YLYJ Et :TT TO/TO/OT VersioTkl.7 Commercial Building Permit May 15,2000 ' t� Q � c � City of Northampton � a '' ! W „ 4` ilding Departmentu� A ' AN O""! M1�µl vMd \l Main Streetwr`6�pti Room 100ntrlVf "iIua�Eh�ll `t M '; V <l� Jw.a. H� yr"..r vowv r,r.Iry N Ir a iiav a. r ampton, MA 01060 v��y'� v»p � {vr�AwYW' 1 Ar4 ;Ri 1G' on 87.1240 Fax 413.587.1272 PLotjSixePi s^ w ^ �<< r t, Wa ,W� /�!1 F`M 6,6 w 1 vA V'� ✓t ,i% '4wTt �lL �r'Q Ol�/0� �Jt'fiQfP. I vvr 'f MV AAvan"^ 7 7uM. 7Fh Y,.A Tw. �4 P7i�4 1 G4;A�� 1 h . APPLICATION TO STIR T, REPAIR, RENOVATE, CHANGE THE USE OR OCCUPANCY OF, OR DEMOLISH ANY BUILDIN( OTHER THAN A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SC�1'OrZ }S1`T iIfF4l211hOON 1.1 Property Address: EMERGENCY REPAIRS r This sect►od fwp P i Cumberland Farms I `77777: � v t Il ��v v S�iF;�vllr v 9� 1,�uvv iE zone " 53 Main Street o r^ Florence, MA S GT ON 2 -;PROPERTY'OW,NEkSHIP/AUTH¢R;i2ED ACENT', ?., 1 Owner of Record: Name(Print) Current Mailing Address: Signature Telephone 2,2 Authorized Agent: Name(Print) Current Mailing Address: Signature Telephone SECTIA ES-1MATE6 OI`1STt UCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be C�t�!c�al �ls� Orly Completed by ermit a licant 1_ Building (a) Building P,errnit l=ee $10,000.00 2. Electrical ;'(b) ESfjmated Total 0Q5t afii Co, nstruCf P #rQm 6 3. Plumbing Bu�ling'P,eKm�t Fee: 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Fire Protection 6, Tata1 =(1 +2 + 3 + 41- 5) $10,000.00 OhQCIc,Number `► Tnis S,ection`'For Official Use dn r ,t a�uilm I sued " S'ignaturey Bu�Id�r� issi�lier..finspectp>"Qf Bu;l�tfings ' ' bite ' 'T , g Garxtm' E00� uojdWegj ON soxuTH SCTSSSSCT` IVA Zt:TT TO/TO/OT File#BP-2002-0377 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON CHASE GLASS&ALLIED PRODUCTS INC ADDRESS/PHONE P O BOX 1311 (413)732-1115 PROPERTY LOCATION 53 MAIN ST-CUMBERLAND FARMS MAP 17C PARCEL 197 001 ZONE GB THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid — Tyneof Construction: MASONRY WORK AS WELL AS GLASS&GLAZING New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accesso1y Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFO ATION PRESENTED: pproved Denied PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan OR Special Permit and Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan OR Special Permit and Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding I Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commissio Q Signature of Building Official Date Note:Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all Zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. 53 AI S -44 EPAND- A BP-2002-0377 G1s# COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS �_. = 197 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 Permit: Buildb Cate o :Non structural interior renovations BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2002-0377 Project# JS-2001-0069 Est.Cost: $10000.00 Fee: $50.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: CHASE GLASS & ALLIED PRODUCTS INC Lot Size(sa.ft.): 21387.96 Owner: VSH REALTY INC Zoning: GB Applicant: CHASE GLASS & ALLIED PRODUCTS INC AT. 53 MAIN ST - CUMBERLAND FARMS Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: P 0 BOX 1311 (413) 732-1115 SPRINGFIELDMA01101 ISSUED ON.10 131010:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.-MASONRY WORK AS WELL AS GLASS & GLAZING POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy signature: Fee Type: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: Building 10/3/010:00:00 8518 $50.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Building Commissioner-Anthony Patillo v r is z � r ` a n ` a z? :m m. - s > '� ���,,. fix .� a. & 1:NWA l f°Y 1 h 5 i r k. 6 t y�, r A�' .? s - x _ ay , iys : A - -r a Sf y- _' `' t +. _,1 `� �, "`..„ roc '' ''r+F,mr' r'ttva "">t` ,-y'". ' �. ° � � : r f � ¢ a s n 2� -' d t x °ice'A "r rs.r `,',' ' "'4 S "!«:� rfi , > ,� '� � "3'�.e x ,:' a y :t� d a �'`+> a r 3 x a i ^s rx 'y rr t."X^•z°A jw *c,,, '�x . �i"� Y _ .—..,.T'x s r �3 s Id""s' r�' rw 2 ­i 11 f i . 1 s s '� r r w ,;' a x �s s W r, » s r a s`� Y MkF > x m � z � k ,_` r�� 4 �# r ,,r, .xr`'� - 's '- - tom, '"a. z i, �t �u?� a€' n : 4 , r ` a r¢ r h ,3' .s r ��,' v cry s^ s,.. 3 4" s x..,ar°+>x rx t ,r . , t $ r `5 s. TM s a -r �s ' d * x rk as*z2�'� ': s a 4 y y ,a� ' a tx xx z rx `' .,y add v s-x 3 € ' 'r` � , r ,, �, 4 � RUA 0, a , -�n r i e - r k v* z 'x i# *ate s 'S�ny x :�n>ri t 3, - v .;y�".�^� #? � xi „I z rs, hafts . * } v a� g x#x rx„iu "Y FINJOARKA r s3 c .:- ~;ice a t x '.' s` c i ME r,ya'' t � xv'X lr`i. . 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