17D-081 (2) City of Northampton Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street • Municipal Building Northampton, MA 01060 May 19, 2015 I Mr. Thomas Michel 65 North Main Street Florence, MA 01062 RE: Property owned by you Garfield Avenue, Florence, MA. Dear Mr. Michel: This letter is to notify you that your Garfield Avenue property is in violation of the City of Northampton zoning ordinances, chapters 350, sections 5.2 and 5.3(A). This clearly states no accessory structures or storage is allowed on any property, not containing a primary structure. I have enclosed a copy of this section. You are ORDERED to REMOVE these articles placed on the subject lot within 10 days of the receipt of this letter. If the various trailers and stored items are not removed during this period you will be subject to weekly fines of $100.00 dollars and possible action in housing court. Should you wish to discuss this matter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. Respectfully, G Kyle . Sc t Local Building Inspector City of Northampton Tel: (413) 587-1240 Email: kscott @nothamptonma.gov