17A-127 (6) 1 -7P CITY of NORTHAMPTON OFFICE of PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Bruce Palmer, Building Inspector MC 81999 , FROM: R. J. Pascucci, Planning Board Secretar , DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS SUBJECT: 305 Bridge Road NORTHAMPTON.MA 01060 DATE: September 15, 1989 FILE: After last night' s Planning Board meeting, Judith Hale, one of the Board members, pointed out a zoning violation at 305 Bridge Road. In July, 1988 , Richard Wanczyk filed an application for a variance. His home had an attached garage, which he converted to a family room. Then he built a detached garage, four feet from the side lot line (OK because detached) . He sought a variance to connect the detached garage to the house. Both the Planning Board and the Zoning Board felt he was taking a "back-door approach, " to extending his house to within four feet of his side abutter. The request for a variance was denied. Mrs . Hale says that, in spite of the variance denial, he has gone ahead and connected the detached garage. The Board voted unanimously to request that you visit the premises, and if you find the violation as described, take whatever steps are necessary to correct the situation. Thanks. l� December 8 , 1989 The Board would like a response . What , if any steps have you taken with this rather flagrant violation?