02-019 (4) CITY of NORTHAMPTON OFFICE of PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM TO: City Clerk's Office FROM: Robert C. Buscher, Chairman, Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals SUBJECT: Request for Waiver of Time Restraints DATE: March 5, 1986 FILE: At a public hearing held on May 22, 1985, the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Northampton voted unanimously to grant the request of Lawrence and Rita Corbett for a waiver of time restraints in regards to their application for a Variance, submitted 4/1/85. Please see attached minutes of said public hearing. ? !986 . w VII41 1G / L�.liY • VGI\VVG V/ / I.. I Y1111J 1\V. L 1 1■■{■j■■ 2. Patrick M./Denise M. Goggins 666 N.Farms Rd. 2 21 { Patrick J./Rebecca Land 422 N. Farms Rd. 2 22 4 David/Deborah B. Morse 569 N. Farms Rd. 2 20 5 Leonard C. Jenkanowski 549 N. Farms Rd. 7 27 6. James R.III/Evelyn M. Martin 546 N. Farms Rd. 7 1 7 James R./Jane Ann Martin 534 N. Farms Rd. 7 3 8 Planning Board - Town of Hatfield, Massachusetts 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. AUG 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. i 20. 21. 22. 23. I 24. i 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) - Do Not Write In These�p�aces Application Number: a Rec'd. B.1. :( ked Filed Fee Pd. Rec'd. ZBA Map(s) Parcel(s) By i Date By ?Date Date Amt Date By Date 2 19.6 APPLICATION it` RE MADE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ;j0M9(IfRCX R1 X0VA(IPRMx9XX 1. Name of Applicant Lawrence E. Corbett & Rita D. Corbett CITY COUNCIL Address SR9 Nnrth Farms Road. Northampton. Mass. 01060 (Florence) 2. Owner of Property Same Address Same 3. Applicant is: IOwner; ❑Contract Purchaser; ❑Lessee; ❑Tenant in Possession. 4. Application is made for: `l VARIANCE from the provisions of Section page of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. 7lSPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Section 6.13 page---L-11 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. t:,OTHER: 5. Location of Property 589 North Farms Road, Northampton , being situated on the North side of 589 Nn_ Farms Road Street; and shown on the Assessors' Maps, Sheet No. 2 Parcel(s) 19 6. Zone RR 7. Description of proposed work and/or use; Flag Lot: Applicants desire to create a Flag Lot, with an area of 5.69 Acres with Seventy Feet 70' of frontage on which to construct a single family dwelling for our daughter. 8. (a) Sketch plan attached; ❑Yes ❑No (b) Site plan: I'fAttched ❑Not Required 9. Set forth reasons upon which application is based: Applicants desire to build a single fa mil dwelling for their daughter on said 5,690 acre parcel , in order to have her c ose y, since she nas and a physical isabilit throughout her life 10. Abutters (see instructions; list on reverse side of form). 12. 1 hereby certify that information contained herein is true to the best of my knowledge. LAW NCE E. CORBE9TT & RITA D. CORBETT Date �imt- F, 199E Applicant's Signature �tsf/r '� BY: LEONARD C. JECKANOWSKI, ESQ. i DECISION OF NORTHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL At a meeting held on August 21, 1986, the City Council of the City of Northampton voted unanimously to grant the Special Permit request of Lawrence E. Corbett and Rita D. Corbett, 589 North Farms toad, Northampton, for the purpose of creating a Flag Lot under the provisions of Section 6.13 Flag Lots of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton, for their property at 589 North Farms Road. Public Hearing for this application was held on August 21, 1986. Based upon evidence presented to the City Council at said Public Hearing and after due deliberation, the City Council issues the following findings : a. The use requested is listed in the Table of Use Regulations as a special permit in the district for which application is made or is so designated elsewhere in this Ordinance. b. The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare. c. The requested use will not create undue traffic conges- tion or unduly impair pedestrian safety. d. The requested use will not overload any public water, drainage or sewer system or any other municipal system to such an extent that the requested use or any developed use in the immediate area or in any other area of the City will be unduly subjected to hazards affecting health, safety, or the general welfare. e. Does not apply. f. The requested use will not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district or adjoining zones , nor be detrimental to the health, morals , or general welfare. The use shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Ordinance. AUG2 9 d DEPT.OF 8L!fLGf tdG As p / NCftrNKtr. ,r° NA C 1 a6f} ,- 1 Assessor's Map 11. LiSt of Abutters: Address Sheet No. Parcel 1. Charles W./Leila K DeRose 677 N Farms Rd 2 1 _ 2. Patrick M./Denise M Goggins 666 N Farms Rd 2 21 3. Patrick J./Rebecca Land 422 N. Farms Rd. 2 22 4. David/Deborah B Morse 569 N Farms Rd 2 20 5. Leonard C. Jekanowski 549 N. Farms Rd. 7 27 6. James R III/Evelyn M Martin 546 N Farms Rd 7 1 7. James R./Jane Ann Martin 534 N Farms Rd 7 3 8. Planning Board - Town of Hatfield Massachusetts 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. nn .19 CC F U k-f. 20. . ADDs 21. 22. r. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) Do Not W r s Application Number: _ ..•�--a I d Filed Fee Pd. Rec'd. ZBA Map(s) Parcel(s) Date By a Date Amt. Date 7 By Date (DINGI� Y ADE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: NORTHAMPTON. A ame of Applicant Lawrence E. Corbett and Rita D. Corbett Address 589 North Farms Road, Northampton, MA 01060 (Florence) 2. Owner of Property Same Address 3. Applicant is: X)Owner, F)Contract Purchaser; 1 1Lessee; i )Tenant in Possession. 4. Application is made for: tt'' 11 IXI VARIANCE from the provisior���f Secct6VI 6.8L2 page 6- the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. (pertaining to one building per lot) anyor © Variance from the provisions of Article V1 , Section 6.2, Page 6-2 of the Zoning Ordiance of the City of Northampton. (pertaining to frontage) . 1 11 SPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Section page of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. 10THER: 5. Location of Property Near 589'North Farms Road being situated on the Easterly side of North Farms Road Street; and show on Sloe Assessors' Maps, Sheet No. Parcel(s) 6. Zone 7. Description of proposed work and/or use; Applicants desire to build a single family home for their daughter re parcel of real estate with accessory right of way) which already has an Pxistinq single fami 1_y home and frontage of 247„09 said frontage having been dprrPa,;Pdi by the relocation of North Farms Road Division of this lot results in a 5 69f1 acre parcel for this new home as shown on the survey filed hprpwitb 8. (a) Sketch plan attached; X]Yes ❑No (Survey - Huntley) (b) Site plan: F]Attched NJ Not Required 9. Set f rth reasons upon which application is based: applicants desire to build a single family home for their daughter on said 5.690 acre parcel , in order to have her closeby, since she has had a physical disability throuqhout her life. 10. Abutters (see instructions; list on reverse side of form). 12. 1 hereby certify that information contained herein is true to the best of my knowledge. LAWRENCE E. COR and RITA D. ORBETT Date_ October 10, 1984 Applicant's Signature ----' BY: Leonard C. Jekanowski , Esq. Their Attorney • 1 5. Location of property should be indicated by street address; where the property is situated i.e. south side of South Street; and with reference to the sheet numbers and parcel numbers as designated on the assessors' tax maps. 6. Indicate the zone in which the property is located. 7. State as concisely as possible the work you propose to undertake and/or your proposed use of the property should your application be approved. 8. SITE PLAN/PLOT PLAN: The applicant is required as part of this application to submit a site/plot plan drawn AS NEAR TO SCALE as possible showing the lot boundaries, dimensions of existing and/or proposed buildings and the distances from said buildings to said lot boundaries and all in- formation relevant to the consideration of the application. A copy of the site/plot plan should ac- company each copy of the application required to be filed. When the applicant is required under Section 10.11 of the Zoning Ordinance to file a site plan, a plot plan is not required. 9. Applicant should state sufficient reasons upon which the Board of Appeals can base a finding that the applicant has met the requirements as set forth in either the General Laws of Massachusetts or the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts. Applicant should review these requirements prior to completing this item. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) 10. Notice of the public hearing is required to be mailed, postage prepaid, to all "parties in interest" as defined in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Se -,tion 11. "Parties in interest", as used in this chapter, shall mean the petitioner, abutters, owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters within three hundred feet of the property line of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent app- licable tax list, notwithstanding that the land of any such owner is located in another city or town, the planning board of the city or town, and the planning board of every abutting city or town." 11. Read and sign the application. If the applicant is a corporation, partnership, trust or other business entity, a duly authorized officer should sign. An attorney or other duly authorized representative of the applicant may sign on behalf of the applicant. ADDITIONAL COPIES: In addition to the original application form eleven copies of the complete application are required. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide these copies. FILING FEE: A filing fee of$75.00 for a variance, $50.00 for a special permit, plus $2.00 per abut- ter listed, is required to be paid upon the filing of the application with the Building Inspector. The applicant should be aware that if the application is approved, the Board of Appeals may, in its discretion, and in addition to any applicable conditions specified in the zoning ordinances, impose such additional conditions as it finds reasonably appropriate to safeguard the neighborhood or serve the purposes of the zoning ordinances. Such conditions will be imposed in writing and the applicant may be further required to post bond or other security for compliance with said conditions in an amount satisfactory to the Board. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, CONTACT: City of Northampton Building Inspector City of Northampton Room 100,Municipal Office Building or Zoning Board of Appeals Office 212 Main Street Room 102, Municipal Office Building Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 212 Main Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 - o o � YIAMP �0 D C Qb Uz., `�[ APR I I L APPLICATION TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Dtr`'i DF BUILDING INSPECTIONS ;ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS rlc;���a�t�oN,�tA.ozoso FOR VARIANCE OR SPECIAL PERMIT This application folder includes an application form, addressed to the City of Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals, requesting the granting of a VARIANCE or a SPECIAL PERMIT and information intended to assist the applicant in properly completing the application. The application must be completed using a typewriter or hand printed block-type letters. All numbered items on the application must be completed. When completed and signed by the applicant, the application should be submitted to the Building Inspector for filing. Even though received, the application will not be considered "filed" with the Building Inspector until it has been-reviewed to insure proper completion. A review of the application will be made within two business days from the date received by the Building Inspector. The applicant will be notified of any additional information required. Applicants seeking a VARIANCE should note that the Zoning Board of Appeals has the power to authorize a variance from the terms of the applicable zoning ordinance where the Board determines that the applicant has met all requirements set forth in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40 A, Section 15. Reference should be made to applicable Massachusetts Law and to Chapter 44 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, 1959, as amended. Applicants seeking a SPECIAL PERMIT should refer to the Table of Use Regulations contained in Chapter 44 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, 1959, as amended, which indicates uses which require special permits in particular zones. The general and specific condi- tions which must be met to obtain a special permit are set forth in Section 10.9 (3) of the above referred to Zoning Ordinances. The Zoning Board of Appeals is required to hold a public hearing to consider the merits of each application. A notice of the public hearing will be published in the appropriate newspaper and written notice thereof given to those legally entitled thereto. A copy of the rules adopted by the Zoning Board of Appeals for the conduct of its public hearing is filed in the Office of the City Clerk. The applicant should familiarize himself with these rules prior to attending the public hearing. THE BURDEN IS UPON THE APPLICANT TO PROVE THROUGH THE WRITTEN APPLICATION AND ORAL PRESENTATION AT THE PUBLIC HEARING THAT ALL OF THE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN THE APPLICABLE STATUTES AND ORDINANCES ABOVE REFERRED TO HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. FAILURE TO SUSTAIN THIS BURDEN MAY PREVENT THE APPLICANT FROM REAPPLYING FOR TWO YEARS. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. State name and address of applicant. 2. State name and address of the owner of property. 3. Indicate applicant's standing to apply. 4. Indicate whether this is an application for a variance or for a special permit. If you are making application for both, use a separate form for each (only one fee will be required). You may apply for more than one variance or more than one special permit on the same form. If other, so indicate and explain. I