32A-168 (11) t NORTHAMPTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 60 Masonic Street, Northampton , MA 01060 � (413) 584 - 7165 Decemb _ Date- er 20, 1993 Box#: Tel#: 911 i Time: 1732 On Scene: 1733 Dismissed: 1823 Street #: _ 50 _ Street Name: Hawley St. HowOccup: apts. Owners Name: Fleet Bank Tel#: OwnerAdd: Occupnts: Matthew Gershoff 586-1558 Apartus: E-2-4 L-2 Flow Extinguished: water - booster :v Officer: D. Favaro FMarshal : MFIRS: 051 Cause: 451 Loss*: InsAgent: Remarks: Call was for a fire in the ceiling. Found a glowing area above a pulled down surface mount kitchen light fixture Used booster to douse fire. Spread tarp in kitchen and cut a small square in ceiling Removed hijrnt material and checked for extension, Building is in the process of hPing sold according to tenants Notified John Glenowicz of the situation. Two other building tenants complained of electrical Signe '; 6eputy Chief Captain - �. y { i