12C-111 -, Ilk L.O-, gTvn Wku- eJAA I LA S►��,p aon . 1 1 _ - r r �E s �f .y ry --� � L � r n Q4 to J ?� f i /-V Ora) f i i -7-1 Id v 4 �- OQ s.. s sqA j , -�,o rrt7)� - -el {tI Contractor Copy of Order WORK ORDER # 20666 Ordered On:10/16/08 a 181 GOODWIN ST Projected Delivery By: 10125108 ** ENGINEERING TN PO BOX 51027 Requested Delivery: To Be Confirmed �a INDIAN ORCHARD, MA 01151 Job: CLARK MANUFACTURERS OF ROOF&FLOOR TRUSSES Phone(413)543-1298 Fax(413)543-1847 Toll Free(800)456-0187 70 RICK DRIVE FLORENCE, MA Sold To:r.k. Miles, Inc. 24 West St. West Hatfield, MA 01088 Attn:PATTY JORDAN Phone:(413)247-8300 PO: RU4233-CLARK Ordered By: PATTY JORDAN Our Salesman:Brian Tetreault Cancellation Date: 10 119108 ** Truss Engineering must be contacted 7 - 10 business days before your optimal delivery date. Only Matt Taylor or Joe Henley can issue a CONFIRMED DELIVERY DATE. ROOF TRUSSES LOADING I TOLL-TCDL-BCLL-BCDL ROOF TRUSS SPACING:24.0 IN.O.C.(TYP.) LAYOUT BY:BRT ON:10/10/08 INFORMATION I an n in n n n in n PROFILE QTyl PITCH TYPE BASE O/A LUMBER OVRHG/CANT SHIPPING UNIT TOTAL TOP Bor TRUSS ID SPAN SPAN TOP I I WIDTH WEIGHT PRICE PRICE PLY BOr I LEFT I RIGHT SCISSORS 01-00_00 01-00-00 03-08-08 55 7 4.50 3.00 S1 16-01-04 16-01-04 2 X 4 2 X 4 GABLE 01_-0_0-0_001 -00-00� 03-08-08 47 1 4.50 3.00 S1GE 16-01-04 16-01-04 2 X 4 2 X 4 ro GABLE ----- ----- 02-03-10 28 1 4.50 0.00 12-01-04 12-01-04 2 X 4 2 X 4 VALLEY ____ ____ 01-06-10 18 1 4.50 0.00 V2 08-01-04 08-01-04 2 X 4 2 X 4 VALLEY ----- -----� 00-09-10 7 - 1 4.50 0.00 V3 04-01-04 04-01-04 2 X 4 2 X 4 ROOF SUB-TOTAL: ***** IMPORTANT NOTE ***** It is the sole responsibility of the retailer to supply all attached drawings and information to their customer for review and approval Any and all changes must be received by Truss Engineering prior to the cancellation date. Any changes received after cancellation date may result in added charges and delay of order. No response before cancellation date will be perceived as a full approval of order. Truss Engineering is responsible for supplying only the material as listed on the order. SUB-TOTAL Deliveries are F.O.B. our truck to jobsite. Inability to access the jobsite or take delivery FUEL SURCHARGE/ of order may result in additional charges. ESCORT GRAND TOTAL 70 RICK DRIVE vi I Ns Job as Truss Type 2x4_ Qty Ply 70 RICK DR.FLORENCE,MA 20666 V3 VALLEY 1 1 Job Reference(optional) Truss Engineering Corp., ndian Orchard,MA 01151 7.050 s May 22 2008 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Oct 16 13:12:03 2008 Page 1 2 20-10 4-1-4 2-0-10 2-0-10 4.60 F12 Scale=1:6.8 T 1 3 1 B1 0 (o 0 0 4-1-4 r 2x4 5� 4-1-4 2x4 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP 30.8 TCLL 0.0) Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.06 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Ground Snow-- Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.08 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 TCDL 10.0 Rep Stress Ina YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0 * Code IRC2003/TP12002 (Matrix) Weight:8 l BCDL 10.0 LUMBER 2)TCLL:ASCE 7-02;Pg=40.0 psf(ground snow);Pf=30.8 psf TC TC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 (flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;for this BC BC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 3)Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this BC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 design. BRACING 4)This truss has been designed fora 10.0 psf bottom chord live TOP CHORD bad nonconcurrent with any other live loads. Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-1-4 oc purlins. 5)As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for BOT CHORD placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-M oc bracing. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. REACTIONS (lb/size) 6)Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 1 = 13514-1-4 7)*This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on 3 = 135/4 111 the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3.6-0 tall by Max Horz 1-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 1 = 5(LC 7) 8)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing Max Uplift 26 LC 8 plate capable of withstanding 26 lb uplift at joint 1 and 26 lb I f x 3 -26(LC 8) uplift at joint 3. 9)This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 Max Grav 145(LC 2) International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and Vy0 3 = 145(LC 3) R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. P 10)All Plates 20 Gauge Unless Noted F _ FORCES (lb)-Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2 = -170/94 2-3 = -170/94 BOT CHORD ?- 1.3 = -73/145 NOTES (10) 1)Wind:ASCE 7-02;100mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=S.Opsf; h=10ft;Cat.11;Exp B;enclosed;MWFRS(low-rise)automatic zone , and C-C Exterior(2)zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 70 RICK DR.FLORENCE,MA 20666 V2 VALLEY 1 1 Job Reference(optional) Truss Engineering Corp., ndian Orchard,MA 01151 7.050 s May 22 2008 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Oct 16 13:12:00 2008 Page 1 4-0-10 1 8-1-4 4-0-10 4-0-10 3x4_ Scale=1:14. 2 4.50 12 5 T �ST1 T1 6 i 3 1 1 4 4 0 0 4 2x4 1.5x4 11 20 8-t♦ 8-t-4 LOADING(psf) SPAgNG 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 30.8 Plateslncrease 1.15 TC 0.36 Vert(LL) rda n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Ground Snow=40.0) Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.12 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 BCDL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.06 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2003/TP12002 (Matrix) Weight:18 lb LUMBER TC TC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 WEBS TC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 24 _ -258/128 BC BC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 BC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 NOTES (10) OTHERS OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud 1)Wind:ASCE 7-02,100mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=5.Opsf, OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud h=10ft;Cat.II;Exp B;enclosed;MWFRS(low-rise)gable end BRACING zone and C-C Exterior(2)zone;cantilever left and right exposed TOP CHORD ;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown, Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6.0-0 oc purlins. Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 BOT CHORD 2)TCLL:ASCE 7-02,Pg=40.0 psf(ground snow);Pf=30.8 psf Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. (flat roof snow);Category 11;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.1 3)Unbalanced snow bads have been considered for this >z REACTIONS (lb/size) design. 1 = 168/8-14 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live 3 = 168/8-14 bad nonconwrcent with any other live loads. �t 4 = 341/8-14 5)As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for Max Horz placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. 1 = 12(LC 6) It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to Max Uplift account for these factors. 1 = 42(LC 8) 6)Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 3 = -43(LC 9) 7)•This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.01psf on £;; 4 = 43(LC 8) the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 35-0 tall by e a Max Grav 1-M wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other , 1 = 218(LC 2) members. 3 = 218(LC 3) 8)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing r 4 = 341(LC 1) plate capable of withstanding 42 lb uplift at joint 1,43 lb uplift at joint 3 and 43 lb uplift at joint 4. FORCES (lb)-Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension 9)This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 TOP CHORD International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and 15 = -09125 2-5 = -20/36 R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 25 = -20/30 35 = 59/25 10)All Plates 20 Gauge Unless Noted BOTCHORD 1-4 = 0/19 3-4 = 0/19 WEBS 24 = -2581128 Job as Truss Type city Ply 70 RICK DR.FLORENCE,MA 20666 V1 GABLE 1 1 Job Reference(optional) Truss Engineering Corp., ndian Orchard,MA 01151 7.050 s May 22 2008 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Oct 16 13:11:57 2008 Page 1 6-0-10 l 124.4 64140 64-10 4x9_ Scale=1:19. 2 4.50 12 T ST1 1 3 1 m 4 0 0 4 3x6= 1.5x4 11 3x6 12-1-4 12-1• Plate Offsets X Y: [1:0-4-1,0-1-81,[3:0-0-1,0-1-81 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 30.8 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.46 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Ground Snow--40.0) Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.35 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 TCDL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.11 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0 Code IRC2003/TPI2002 (Matrix) Weight:29 lb BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TC TC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 WEBS TC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 2.4 = -469/199 BC BC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 BC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 NOTES (10) OTHERS OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud 1)Wind:ASCE 7-02;100mph;TCDL=4.2psf,BCDL=5.Opsf; OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud h=10ft;Cat.11;Exp B;enclosed;MWFRS(low-rise)gable and BRACING zone and C-C Extenor(2)zone;cantilever left and right exposed TOP CHORD ;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown; Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. Lumber DOL=1.33 plate grip DOL=1.33 BOT CHORD 2)TCLL:ASCE 7-02;Pg=40.0 psf(ground snow);Pf=30.8 psf Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-M oc bracing. (flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.,Ct=1.1 " 3)Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this REACTIONS (lb/size) design. 1 = 218112-1-4 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live a, 3 = 218/12-1-4 load noncencurrent with any other live loads. g 4 = 646/12-113 5)As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for Max Horz placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. 1 = 23(LC 8) It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to "s Max Uplift account for these factors. h g 1 = -45(LC 8) 6)Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 3 = -49(LC 9) 7)`This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on t J 4 = -84(LC 8) the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3.6-0 tall by Max Grav 1-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other _ 3 1 = 308(LC 2) members. 3 = 308 LC 3 8 Provide mechanical connection(by others of truss to bearing 4 = 646(LC 1) plate capable of withstanding 451b uplift at joint 1,491b uplift at joint 3 and 84 Ito uplift at joint 4. FORCES (lb)-Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension 9)This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 TOP CHORD International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and 1-2 = -137174 23 = -137174 R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. BOT CHORD 10)All Plates 20 Gauge Unless Noted 113 = 0/41 3-4 = 0/41 WEBS 2-4 = -469/199 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 70 RICK DR.FLORENCE,MA 20666 S1GE GABLE 1 1 Job Reference(optional) Truss Engineering Corp., ndian Orchard,MA 01151 7.050 s May 22 2008 MiTek Industries, nc. Thu Oct 16 13:12:13 2008 Page 1 -1-0-0 8-0-10 16-1.4 17-1-4 14-0 8-040 84-10 1-0-0 3x4- Scale=1:29. 5 1.54 11 1.54 11 4.50 12 4 \\ 1.5x4 11 18 19 1.6x4 11 3 7 20 17 13 a 14 44- 12 g o 2 1.5x4 1 1.54'�.I 17 -- 9 1.5x4 11 1.54 11 �o 3.00 12 3x6 11 3x6 11 8-0-10 16-1-4 8-040 84-10 Plate Offsets X Y: [10:0-2-3,0-0-21,[13:0-2-0,0-2-31,[16:0-3-0.0-1-61 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 30.8 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.27 Vert(LL) -0.01 9 n/r 120 MT20 197/144 (Ground Snow=40.0) Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.11 Vert(TL) -0.00 9 n/r 90 TCDL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.08 Horz(TL) 0.00 10 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0 Code IRC2003/TP12002 (Matrix) Weight:47 lb BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TC TC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 Max Grav NOTES (15) 12)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to TC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 13 = 211(LC 1) 1)Wind:ASCE 7-02;100mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=S.Opsf; bearing plate capable of withstanding 91 lb uplift at joint 16,104 BC BC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 10 = 389(LC 3) h=10ff;Cat.11;Exp B;enclosed;MWFRS(low-rise)gable end lb uplift at joint 10,301b uplift at joint 14,93 lb uplift at joint 15, BC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 14 = 192(LC 2) zone and C-C Comer(3)-1-0-0 to 24)-0,Exterior(2)240-0 to 31 lb uplift at joint 12 and 90 lb uplift at joint 11. WB WB 2 X 4 SPF No.2 15 = 463(LC 2) 5-0-10,Comer(3)5-0-10 to 8-0-10,Exterior(2)11-0-10 to 14-1.4 13)Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface WB 2 X 4 SPF No.2 12 = 192(LC 3) zone;cantilever left and right exposed'C-C for members and with truss chord at joint(s)13,14,15,12,11. OTHERS OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud 11 = 463(LC 3) forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.33 plate 14)This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud grip DOL=1.33 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and BRACING FORCES (lb)-Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension 2)Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSUTPI 1. TOP CHORD TOP CHORD For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see MiTek 15)All Plates 20 Gauge Unless Noted Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, 1-2 = 0145 2-17 = -165/69 "Standard Gable End Detail" except end verticals. 317 = -101/75 3-18 = -144/130 3)TCLL:ASCE 7-02;Pg=40.0 psf(ground snow);Pf=30.8 psf BOT CHORD 418 = -113/136 45 = -125/177 flat roof snow Category II;Ex B;Partial! Ex Ct=1.1 Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. 5-6 = -125/177 6-19 = -113/136 (flat g P s p" 7-19 = -144/130 7-20 = -101175 4)Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this REACTIONS (lb/size) B-20 = -165/69 &9 = 0/45 design. R = 301/16 1� 2-16 = -080/211 &10 = -380/211 5)This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load 13 = 211/16-14 BOT CHORD of 16.0 psf or 1.00 times flat roof load of 30.8 psf on overhangs 10 = 301/16-14 1516 = -9/108 non-concurrent= -7/99 nononcurrent with other live loads. 14 = 139/16-1-4 1314 = 6/103 12-13 = -6/103 6)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live g hf 15 = 351/16-1-4 11-12 = -7/99 10-11 = -9/108 load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 12 = 139116-14 WEBS 7)As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. 11 = 351/16-14 5-13 = -116/13 414 = -1721101 It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to Max Horz 315 = -080/154 6-12 = -172/101 16 = 42(LC 6) 7-11 = -080/154 account for these factors. 8)Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. '+ Max Uplift -91(LC 8) 9)Truss to be fully sheathed from one face or securely braced a 6 16 = -1 91(LC against lateral movement(i.e.diagonal web). 14 = 30(LC 6) 10)Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 15 = -33(LC 8) 11)`This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on 31(LC 7) the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 35-0 tall by 12 = 11 = -31(LC 9) 1-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other Max embers. ax Grav 16 = 389(LC 2) .3 Job truss Truss Type Qty Ply 70 RICK DR.FLORENCE,MA 20666 S1 SCISSORS 7 1 Job Reference(optional) Truss Engineering Corp.,Indian Orchard,MA 01151 7.050 s May 22 2008 MiTek Industries, nc. Thu Oct 16 13:12:29 2008 Page 1 4-0-0 I 5-2-14 1 84-10 1 10-10-6 1 161.4 1 17-1-4 1 1 4-0 5-244 2-9-12 2-9-12 6-2-14 14)-0 3x8= Scale=1:28.1 6 1.5x4= 4.60 FIT 12 13 1.5x4= 4 6 11 3 Y T 14 10 \ 5x8= 1 8 0 2 9 3x6 3x6 zz� ° 3.00 12 6x6 11 6x6 11 8-0-10 16-1- 6-0-10 8-0-10 Plate Offsets X Y: [2:0-2-11,0-2-131, 5:0-4-0 0-1 S [8:0-2-11,0-2-131, 10:040 0-2-10 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Vdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TOLL 30.8 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.53 Vert(LL) -0.20 10 >950 240 MT20 197/144 (Ground Snow=40.0) Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.74 Vert(TL) -0.40 2-10 >478 180 BCDL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.54 Horz(TL) 0.27 8 n/a rda BCLL 0.0 * BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2003/TPI2002 (Matrix) Weight:56 lb LUMBER TC TC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD 8)Bearing at joint(s)2,8 considers parallel to grain value using TC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 6-13 = -2425/386 6-7 = -2502/486 ANSUTPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should BC BC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 7-14 = -2505/481 8-14 = -2618/473 verify capacity of bearing surface. BC 2 X 4 SPF No.2 8-9 = 5/0 9)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing WB WB 2 X 4 SPF Stud BOT CHORD plate capable of withstanding 167 Ito uplift at joint 2 and 167 Ito WS 2 X 4 SPF Stud 2-10 = -402/2349 8-10 = 1402/2349 uplift at joint 8. SLIDER WEBS 10)This truss is designed in accordance with the 2003 Left 2 X 4 SPF No.2 2-8-2, 4-10 = -031/369 5-10 = -12511263 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and Right 2 X 4 SPF No.2 2-8-2 6-10 = -331/369 R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSIITPI 1. BRACING 11)All Plates 20 Gauge Unless Noted TOPCHORD NOTES (11) Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0-11 oc purlins. 1)Wind:ASCE 7-02;100mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=S.Opsf; BOT CHORD h=10ft;Cat.II;Exp B;enclosed;MWFRS(low-rise)gable end Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-2-9 oc bracing. zone and C-C Extehor(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-0,Interior(1)2-0-0 to 4-10-9,Exterior(2)4-10-9 to 8-0-10,Intehor(1)11-2-11 to 14-1-4 REACTIONS (lb/size) zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and 2 = 898/05-8 forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.33 plate 8 = 898/05.8 grip DOL=1.33 Max Horz 2)TCLL:ASCE 7-02;Pg=40.0 psf(ground snow);Pf=30.8 psf 2 = 31(LC 6) (flat roof snow),Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.1 Max Uplift 3)Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this s'1 2 = -167(LC 8) design. 8 = 167(LC 9) 4)This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load Max Grav of 16.0 psf or 1.00 times flat roof load of 30.8 psf on overhangs 2 = 996(LC 2) non-concurrent with other live loads. 8 = 996(LC 3) 5)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load noncencurrent with any other live loads. FORCES (lb)-Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension 6)As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for TOP CHORD placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. 1-2 = -9/0 2-11 = -26181473 It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to 3-11 = -25051481 3-4 _ -2502/486 account for these factors. 4-12 = -2425/386 5-12 = -2402/393 7)*This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on 5-13 = -2402/393 the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 1-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other 70 RICK DR 10-21-08 KCVB a FLORANCE 9:14am J IofI KeyBe=V 4.503j lanBearnEngine 4.50312 Materials Database 857 Member Data Description: Member Type: Beam Application: Floor Lateral Bracing:Continuous Top Standard Load: Moisture Condition:Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC Dead Load: 10 PLF Deflection Criteria: 0360 live, U240 total 1.000"max. LL Live Load: 40 PLF Deck Connection:Nailed Member Weight: 14.0 PLF Filename: KYB2 Other Loads Type Trib. Dead Other (Description) Begin End Width Start End Start End Category Replacement Uniform(PSF) 0' 0.00" 12' 6.00" 13' 0.00" 10 35 Snow Additional Uniform(PSF) 0' 0.00" 12' 6.00" 13' 0.00" 10 0 Live 12 6 O Q ®j 12 6 O Bearings and Reactions Location Type Input Length Min Required Gravity Reaction Gravity Uplift 1 0' 0.000" Wall N/A 1.500" 4609# 2 12' 7.750" Wall N/A 1.500" 4609# Maximum Load Case Reactions Used for applying point bads(or line loads)to carrying members Dead Snow 1 1732# 2877# 2 1732# 2877# Design spans 12' 7.750" Product:1 3/4x91/2 Versa-Lam SP 2.03100 3 ply Component Member Design has Passed Design Checks.— Minimum 1.50"bearing required at bearing#1 Minimum 1.50"bearing required at bearing#2 Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the top chord. Allowable Stress Design Actual Allowable Capacity Location Loading Positive Moment 14572.'# 25040.'# 58% 6.32' Total load D+S Shear 40324 108984 37% 12.64' Total load D+S TL Deflection 0.5591" 0.6323" U271 6.32' Total load D+S LL Deflection 0.3490" 0.4215" U434 6.32' Total load S Control: TL Deflection DOLs: Live=100% Snow­-115% Roof=125% Wind=133% Design assumes a repetitive member use increase in bending stress: 4% Manufacturer's installation guide MUST be consulted for mufti-ply connection details and altematives AN product names are trademarks of their respective owners Copyright(C)1989-2005 by Keymark Enterprises,LLC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4,11RPR1111.1.11' . "Passing is defined as when the member,floor joist,beam or girder,shevm on this drawing meets applicable design criteria for Loads,Loading Conditions,and Spans Wed on this sheet.The design must be reviewed by a qualified designer m design orlal as ad fa I.This design assures oduct installation accordi2l to the manufacturef s cificafions. 70 RICK DR BP-2009-0162 GIs#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Ma :Block: 12C- 111 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL e.142A) Category: BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2009-0162 Project# JS-2009-000209 Est. Cost: $31200.00 Fee: $157.20 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: MITCH CLARK BUILDER 1393 Lot Size(sq. ft.): 10018.80 Owner: KIRKENDALL SCOTT A&STEPHANIE Zoning:URA/WSP Applicant: MITCH CLARK BUILDER AT. 70 RICK DR Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 67 HOOSAC RD (413) 774-3923 Workers Compensation DEERFIELDMA01342 ISSUED ON.812512008 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.-CONSTRUCT 14 X 16 DINING ROOM ADDITION W/BASEMENT(MUST INSTALL GUTTERS,DOWNSPOUTS,DRYWELL) POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: b'- 101 I a'b`d L0�4 S Footings: Rough: Rough:/d op House# Foundation: �t Driveway Final: Final: Final: ` 00 Rough Frame: 6 k G2RN- Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insuiationi,�7k 1 f—y- O e _zt w Final: Smoke: Final: r j< (2.1 16 I o-e (,074 1 S THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occu a cy Signature: FeeType: Date PAM: Amount: Building 8/25/2008 0:00:00 $157.20103 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Building Commissioner-Anthony Patillo