25C-263 (6) For ALL buildings within Fire District an+r for other buildings costing $10,000.00 or more,plans and specifications must be submitted to the Inspector of Buildings for examination and approval. If building is to be moved give details relative to proposed location as for a new building. Application for Permit to Build �C,`�12A Northampton, Mass., . ....».». a......... »�.'.»........19.i.._;f.... To the Inspector of Buildings:— The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build, move, alter, or repair, according to the following specifications.— 1. Owner's name ................. .lG:»l?.y.. ..... _... . L ............................................................................................. 2. Owner's address .»..... »5....... %». .... ..............................._.............»............................»....»......._........................ 3. Architect's name ............................................»....»..........................»....»............................................................................................................. 4. Builder's name ...........».»....»......................»....»..........».................»............................».........................»......................................................... 5. Builder's address ......................................»..........................``....»......................»............... .»......................................................... 6. Location of Building. Street No. ........ ................`..d..... ....L t.'......� .......».............»....».............».»............... 7. Is this a removal or new building .............».&.1 '........................................................................................... ........................... 8. If removal, from where ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9. What is the purpose of building ............ "..� ia.;,..:................................................................................................................. 10. Material of building ......................U..L' �........................................................_.............»............................»......................................... 11. If a dwelling, for how many families ...........».... »...............».....Number of rooms ..............»................................... 12. Is there to be a store in the building .....»...._.................»....».......»....»................».»....»...........:.......»............................................ 13. Size of building, No. of feet front ....11.........;No. of feet deep .....»1' ...».....; No. of stories .................... 14. Size of ell, No. of feet front .......................; No. of feet deep .......................; No. of feet high ......................... 15. Size of Lot ................../..1(1.'..................._.......».......................Feet Wide ........ .......».. Feet Deep ................................ 16. How near the-line of street ......................................................................................................»................»....................................... 17. How near the line adjoining lot. Right............................».....; Left...................................; Rear................................ 18. Nearest building is ................................ feet in a................................................... direction ...................................................... 19. Material of the floor .....»..................................................................................................................................................................... 20. Size of timbers, 1st ...........»..........; 2nd .....»................ ; 3rd ........................: 4th .............................; 5th ..................6......... 21. No. of feet span ...........».............».....................»................... ; Distance on centers .....»............................................................».. 22. Will the building be erected on solid or filled land .....»................»....»............................................................................... 23. What is the material of foundation �t '�"`" • Footing 24. Will the roof be flat or pitched .......... ....»....».....; Covering....................».............................................. 25. Heat; steam, hot water, furnace, stoves .................»......................; Power oil burner .............................»................ 26. Fireplace .....».............».......»....»..........»......................; Insulation ..............»........................................».................................................».. 27. How many sinks ............: Toilets .....».....; Lavatories ..».....; Bathtubs........; Showers............; Settubs ......... 28. City Service; Water ....................... Sewer ..................»....; Road Surface ...................._.....; Sidewalk ........................ 29. Is lot on accepted street ..............»....».»..... ... .....»..4 ............»..........»...................................................». 30. Estimated cost (must be filled out) ..:: ..».» ............: ... . '!. .. . ...».......»............... ...................»....».. ......... Applicant agrees to give the Inspector of Buildings 24 hours' notice before lathing or plastering this building. This building will conform to the requirements of the law. Signatureof applicant ...................................................»...............»..................................................................................................... REMARKS ., , ... . x cl M W Rs Q � 140 ) �g b 106 , a = � ' old Fewfe y 9d ZONING PERMIT ;F G , � T,�:- 1"'o T'o. L r) t APPLICATION ,.,)nixig Ordin.ince Socticn ----------- �1:ner T AT.', lic t 17�� r ,!dress. OL-Z - r e c- /c/ L, 70 Tc1crhol-in 7 is section is to be. olit in :?ccordll n nd �nsity Re (z, TICL,':" Wing IT.�E, Tot r t, D tl t.U'-!c,- ^,;c,?31d. Hill. or). �istrict Area 7idth Fri r G- Side Cover. SRace 7-iva-t— E x i s t.i in 3b recent Proposed ,,irk the appropriate box to indic,-,,te the lisc of t";r P7-t-c(-l• Ilon-Conformin,- Lot Pesidcnti-.,,l .yin�-,lc Fr•dly Pnit. D,-i I e 0 t Bu si ne s G Industrial Institutin—T Subdivision P.U.D. C'I Sub�!i vi,�io 1, v: t 11 r C.)-17 7,"t- Plavnir" T'loard A")]-)r,- V:,I: 0 V,,, j, cc = CitY Council ( poci-il Exception S. 1(;.10) , t-e r E;h d Protection District Ovcrlil.y: (Z.C. 'Sect. -,I*i) IT 2.rlkinG Space Requirements: :)cct. '),I) oading, Space Pcquirementc: (Z.( 7ect. 8.2) Require pr,)noce` ir = ho , ns: (Z.C. Art. VII) Invirorm ntal Performance Artry vJ.T) y e r) IT,, "lot Plan Yes rlall E: "Tc 10.2) 1,D. n-,d 1:1 I Thir; Pcctioil for C)FT;'jCjjL. Fs----,-*IApprov.-)l ns presented: =11odifications icccf-Ccrk. for Pe-turn: Denial Re,--ors: Date !)f i I, f"i C c r De,te gn.q tur e 3� A, hereby certify that the proposed work is-,aufihorize4-by-the; owner-of record, and f have been authorized `iy 'the owner to make this application as his authorized agent. SIGNATURE Of AGENT ADDRESS (NUMBER) (STREET) <. (CITY).. APPROVED BY TITLE DATE 19 DEPT. FILE COPY City of Pdorthampton �U�D��G �d 14assachusetts m Office of the Inspector of Buildings PERMIT VALIDATION /lam DATE G ��`ti 19 � T ,�1C,,P�ERMIT N APPLICANT V�+ �i �^Q ADDRESS G� /��il= Y 0 /� A n ,. (NO.) (STREET) (CONTR'S LICENSE) PERMIT TO• GkQ A'� (_} STORY NUMBER NG UNITS (TYPES OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. (PROPOSED USE) AT (LOCATION) J.. L -776-b-My A ZONING (N0.) (STREET) DISTRICT rn BETWEEN AND a (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) IL LOT m SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SIZE a rN K O O BUILDING IS TO BE FT. WIDE BY3 FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION m O Z TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION f � (TYPE) O IL REMARKS: AREA VOLUME ESTIMATED COST . �+� FEEMIT liVeO v _'` , l�+(CUBLJLSQUARE FEET) OWNER BUILD[ P , ADDRESS �E`Q 2t2Y D BY (Affidavit on reverse side of application to be completed by authorized agent of owner)