25C-234 (8) Vill. ZONING PLAN EXAMINERS NOTES DISTRICT FRONT YARD SIDE YARD SIDE YARD REAR YARD NOTES IX. SITE OR PLOT PLAN For Applicant Use ••--.._ --------•----•-°_.�_...-------°..---°_°-6666._.•--°•---6666.--.•--°-••................... .............. ■6ge•■NN Nw■I.ONNNN.fN■■•l••w w■/Nme.N.6.•■aN•NssNge•.ttNNNNNNR aNUMMa./r•melNeN■1me6r.■me N■�..me N•Ntl■N wI O.N■.■1/1■N■NN/• :::4:4:44: ri::r+u1u4:::::14:4:44004W.010011.04111:1111111 1a...... :......::: ■:■•■•/w•.••.•■■..N..6■//lr..■.•ge•rwN.t■r■■r■fat./6i■....■l■••.w• :M:44ii 4 0 m :u ann: s:sf44=+4 85•::04 aa:N00:xua4�su4 M94:u 0........41:4::44::14:4:414004 : 4: ii:•isi:;Si : =i=■ :5:4 4:u:�r4:4=•�fn ..is:::::::::5::4:5:::::::Ss°:::i::4541 S::i:::::::::::::4:5:::::�i+:::::::::::i::::::::::4::i •.ugemeN■N.■NNw rumeuNl rrr■uN.■ ■a�:�4NHONaN:�i;:1iZZZ4:H.1;:a�ir,::1./1::::/if��N:�4:::::4::: f •4::::::::4q1:::::::::4:::::::::4::i .NNage,NN•N,N rNss wafaarN,B■6■1 •a rqtr. a Nrr4aNgaNN•M,o.Nme,NNrN•Nief6■iN16.:f SSH.H. ::S.,,•aa:eetq.ss=ff qta/N.N N.Nf00ttssN.,{.a.ri./rss/a NNa■6N886•meN6N■a•INNa.wNass 'a■0 :.ass:i■:4a::a1:0:.. 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N6.,.a; 33351555ai3s5549a 031004.•�346aass°5#s=xs:sx544x443::°:4444:14444::5 5. zz�4a1.,.1a.��5� 51SO$5 x58 111�tN •N./:NS.■N•„ .ai aaa.l6tN • at{N • .aaa4rNN /NNN+NNNl.H 6t� � 00 x008 55:••14 s x x••154 : : .x � 11�1$�5�1 � 5 :: �• � • u91��s�a�� �`ss= aa�= s= � ec . e 's . g1 am ir�s: is �. t g , 'as s s'a�s�:a: �.. m 5n aa� M was ... 53 . ■°, saa �.aaeas5a1e; : r ss,1me1 as man-11 `taia3:aaa-u-SR ro:=.4��5 ::�:: ;;0:;110:;:; NOTES and Data — (For department use) D Oa a k 1 !7 ; I Li III IV. IDENTIFICATION - To be completed by all applicants Name Mailing address — Number, street, ctty, and .State ZIP code Tel. No. Frank D. Lawrence 177 Bride Street, 01060 584-0164 Owner ar Lessee 2. Frank J. Baceski 13 Monroe Street Northampton, Mass. 01060 LBcense No. 584-3183 Contractor 030658 3. Architect or Engineer I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent and we agree to conform to all applicable laws of this jurisdiction. re o p nt Address Application date 177 Bridge Street, Northampton, Mass. 0 060 5-13-85 00 NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE V. PLAN REVIEW RECORD - For office use Plans Review Required Check Plan Review Date Plans By Date Plans By Notes Fee Started Approved BUILDING $ PLUMBING $ MECHANICAL $ ELECTRICAL $ OTHER $ VI. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED OR OTHER JURISDICTION APPROVALS Date Date Permit or Approval Check Obtai ed Number By Permit or Approval Check obtained Number By BOILER PLUMBING CURB OR SIDEWALK CUT ROOFING ELEVATOR SEWER ELECTRICAL SIGN OR BILLBOARD FURNACE STREET GRADES GRADING USE OF PUBLIC AREAS OIL BURNER WRECKING OTHER OTHER II. VALIDATION Building FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit number Bui(ding• Use Group Permit issued ' ' 19 � Building Fire Grading Permit Fee $ G�� ��'� Live Loading Certificate of Occupancy $ Occupancy Load Approved by: Drain Tile $ Plan Review Fee $ TITLE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON �. MASSACHUSETTS $ OFFICE of the INSPECTOR of BUILDINGS Page C _ plot �q APPLICATION FOR ZONING PERMIT AND INSPECTOR BUILDING PERMIT z IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections: I, 11, 111, IV, and IX. O ZONING I• AT (LOCATION) 177 Bridge DISTRICT LOCATION (NO') (STREET) OF BETWEEN AND BUILDING (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) LOT SUBDIVISION _ LOT BLOCK SIZE N II. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING — All applicants complete Parts A — D X m A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT D. PROPOSED USE -- For"Wrecking" most recent use m -4 1 ❑ New building Residential Nonresidential 2 Addition(IJ residential, enter number 12M One family 18 ❑ Amusement, recreational of new housing units added, if any, in Par[ D, 13) 13� Two or more family - Enter 19 19 Church, other religious number of units- - - - -i 20 ❑ Industrial 3 ❑ Alteration (See 2 above) 14 Transient hctel, motel, ❑ 21 ❑ Parking garage 4❑ Repair, replacement or dormitory - Enter number 5 ❑ Wrecking (1l multifamily residential, of units ------- - -i 22 ❑ Service station, repair garage enter number of units in building in 15 ❑ Garage 23 ❑ Hospital, institutional Part D, 13) 16 ❑ Car ort 24❑ p Office, bank, professional 6 ❑ Movin g (relocation) 17 F-1 Other - Specify 25 ❑ Public utility 7 ❑ Foundation only 26 ❑ School, library, other educational B. OWNERSHIP 27 ❑ Stores, mercantile 28 Tanks, towers 8 X Private (individual, corporation, nonprofit institution, etc.) 29 ❑ Other - Specify 9 0 Public (Federal, State, or local government) C. COST (Omit cents) Nonresidential - Describe in detail proposed use of buildings, e.g., food / 00 processing plant, machine shop, laundry building at hospital, elementary 10. Cost of improvement,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, {200• school, secondary school, college, parochial school, parking garage for, department store, rental office building, office building at industrial plant. To be installed but not included If use of existing building is being changed, enter proposed use. in the above cost a. Electrical..................... b. Plumbing ..................... c. Heating, air conditioning......... d. Other (elevator, etc.)............. M 00 11. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT $ 12 00. III. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING — For new, buildings and additions, complete Parts E — L; for wrecking, complete only Part J, for all others skip to IV. E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL J. DIMENSIONS 48. Number of stories............... 30❑ Masonry (wall bearing) 40 E] Public or private company Private se k 49. Total square feet of floor area, 31 Wood {tame 41 ❑ vate p tic tan , etc.) all floors, based on exterior 32 ❑ Structural steel dimensions ................... 33 ❑ Reinforced concrete H. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY C 50. Total land ores, sq. ft. ........... 34 E] Other - Specify 42 Public or private company j 43 ❑ Private (well, cistern) K. NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES 51. Enclosed ....................... F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL 35 ❑ Gas Will there be central air 52. Outdoors........................ /s conditioning? 36 ❑� Oil L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 37 ❑ Electricity 44 —] Yes 45 i,� No 53. Number of bedrooms.............. / 38 ❑ Coal / 39 ❑ Other - Specify Will there be on elevotor? 54. Number of Full.......... — 46 Yes 47S No bathrooms Partial........ R DEPT. OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS BUILDING °- ► ! 212 Main Street Oa $10.00 Northampton, MA 01060 PERMIT <a 25C - 234 VALIDATION DATE May 13, t9 85 �,�+��t1�tJT NO. 259 APPLICANT Frank J, Baceksi ADDRESS_ 1:3� pV1L1i l"lonr0 030658 (NO.) (STREET) (CONTR'S LICENSEI Addition Four Family Dwelling NUMBERNG UNITS PERMIT TO 1�1 STORY (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. (PROPOSED USE) 177 Bridge STreet ZONING Hb AT (LOCATION) DISTRICT (NO.) (STREET) BETWEEN _AND (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) LOT SUBDIVISION LOT__BLOCK SIZE BUILDING IS TO BE FT. WIDE BY FT. LONG BY_ FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION ���7 (rrrE) REMARKS permit for an addition to increase �..I.Jedroom AREA OR 84 S ft r 19 2W.00 PERMIT 10.00 VOLUME q� $ESTIMATED COST FEE F $ (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) OWNER Frank D. Lawrence rl ge Street BY'� ¢ ADDRESS WHITE - FILE COPY . GREEN - FIELD COPY • CANARY ^ APPLICANT COPY PINK - ASSESSORS COPY Pixy"' IiP .. + s .T � .. 1� Y }N. a i '_ .t ~ 9 ... i., � .�. �. ,k 3-. l .. ....� .,.. .. .,; f._4 ., A �. # �� / July 20 1990 Frank Lawrence 181 Bridge Street Vorthanptonl, 14a. 01060 DeAr r. L,iwrence: Reference Buildiu& Permit 4326 dated June 24,, 1980# issued for a fourth (4th.) apartment located City Ua 1,1ap 25C - Lot 2344 zoned W.B., 183 Bridge Street; the addition is in violation of the re- quLred side set back. As' You have also o,;,-,Tied the adjoining property located City Tax Map 25C - Lot 235, 177 Bridge Street for a period of over five years# both lots are now ixt common ownership per. Zoning Act 1.979 Mass. General Chapter 40A, As N,B,t "Neighborhood Business"$ allows more that one (1) structure on one (1) lot# It Appear$ that you are not in violation. Hwovers if at any time in the future you contemplate, a sub- division would be required, By this method, in order to maintain the 6*-0" required set back, lot v Mt 235 would be uou-conformiag according, to the required front footage. Very truly yours, /01 11 r'lop Eduard J. Tewhill ASSISTANT BUILDrW TWSPECTM XJT/1P WNW