25C-084 (7) � i PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON citg Hall• 2i o Main Street,Room ii • Northampton MA o i o60-3198 . (413)587-1266 • Tax:587-1264 WaNneFeiaen,Director•email:planning@ cite.northampton.ma.us•internet:wwwnorthamptonplanning.org November 13, 2000 Patricia Nowak 37 Old Ferry Road Northampton, MA 01060 NOV 1 4 r Dear Ms. Nowak: EPT OF$UILMNG INSPE CTIONS s. u t4{)Iii;; MA 0105 Thank you very much for your October 31, 2000 letter. I agree with you that consistency is critical if floodplain regulations are going to be credible and fair. We have looked into your questions and have determined that all of the projects you are discussing are or will be following the regulations: 1. Sheldon Field Shed: This shed has been in Sheldon Field in the floodplain for many years. The Recreation Commission/Division recently moved the shelter from one portion of the floodplain to another. They will be removing the shed out of the floodplain this fall, which will reduce the amount of material in the floodplain. 2. Sheldon Field soil pile: This material was brought to the Sheldon Field for temporary storage during the construction of the new Bridge Street School Community Playground. The Recreation Commission indicated that they know they cannot keep this soil in the floodplain without a permit and they will remove it this week. 3. Northampton Airport runway: The airport did obtain all necessary permits for this project. They built swales along the runway to obtain compensatory storage, and trucked this material out of the floodplain before building up the runway. Thank you very much for your concerns. The Conservation Commission works very hard to maintain consistency and prevent projects that will make flooding worse in the future. We can always use help, however, tracking projects that may not be aware of the requirements for permits. Sincerely, Wayne Feiden, AICP Cc: Buildin Director of Planning and Development g Commissioneit/ planning board-conservation commission -zoning boardof appeals •housing partnersyip •redevelopment authoritN •northampton GIS economic deve top men t -communitpJevelopment.historicdistrictcommission -historicaIcommission-centraIbusinessarchitecture original printed on reg9cfed paper