25-076 (2) J 4 r4 , i Y" ' �0 9 oo �dPl J r f _ �9 � Az � AUG 9 147 ' S, INSPECTION DEPT. -7-7 2 u. :4 NORTHAMPTON, MASS. t 3 Assessor's Map 11. List o-. butters: Address Sheet No. "Parcel` 1. _F�� —mot c �')� , �S (►J r 2 'Z,7_ 2, 4, M4/yg�_ 1412 3. JV JL �� G�f} — ' 3 �,���r1r ST �4 Lar Agc' r3 7LY) 4. LA w/t .Z 5. L�r! 6. Ery�121 f i:F l6'. il'�I t!cwlq N & (,LEnI 4 9 Cf S: �/���I,�1 '�i�nl 2 i D 31 7. 8. 9. _ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. n7� 17. 18. INSPECTiC)�rt, M^ass. 19. 20. 21. 22. j 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. THE PniNTING PPE55 (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) Do Not Write In These Spaces //1/_ S �� Application rJurhber: D cked Filed Fee Pd. Recd. ZBA Map(s) Parcel(s) Date Dale Amt Dale By Date AUG 91977 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: 11NE �N, ►55. N'pRAddress�N' (� R t �tR ,�rJ.e=� ,� � /n �'Th/�!�'J/�:!.r✓' /�'l�-S5 i 2. Owner of Property =t�� ,rte C? Address 3. Applicant is: [_LbOwner; LlContract Purchaser; LJLessee; L]Tenant in Possession. 4. Application is made for: tXARIANCE from the provisions of Section page 5--/0 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. I -rc-M 13 I 'SPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Section page of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. L 10THER: 5. Location of Property / n .T n/c,, rL/ being situated on the IN side of U AdEjz 4/V'C �zi? Street: and shown on the Assessors' Maps, Sheet No. b S'- Parcel(s)_7~ 6. Zcne 7. Description of proposed work and/or use;_ arwzzc,Y/ F�'O % �-'ter`?/°/ATE, 1-LA11"11- j?042-7i,,N ��,� �.�yFi� �{ Q � ca. r /�� �c? fe< r- acCa,-dT yfy Z cle,M - /J! 4 A) of rw)"I'Li% 4440 y Fl�/l1/Stiwnf _gin L Uci; oQ S n1 S ,L G'T /e T ( S'Tf} E 8. Sketch plan attached; I IYes 1-I No 9. Site plan: i IAttched i--tNot Required PftiZ7)NL. G�•CLoSEJ• 10. Set forth reasons upon which application is based:_ " /vr7 JC 71E <W CE =f9 IV art EeL G. 11. Abutters (see instructions; list on reverse side of form). 12. 1 hereby certify that information contained herein is true to the best of my knowledge. Date A / �"��q—_ / ,1-7-7 Applicant's Signature