25-075 (11) „ L �� o .;�: .. ... •yam.” �'^ � ',y �Da Uj� 91- August 3, 1977 Richard 14. Infrersol Ti-Ri-Corp. 81 Riverbank Road Northampton, Ma. Ot06O Dear Kr. Ingersoll: In reference to our discussion on August 3, 1977• It Is the opinion of this office that you are in violation of the Zoning Ordinance, City of Northampton, specifically a business office In a residential zone. This decision may be appealed to the Zoninr, Board of Appeals on or before September 6, 1977. S,incerely, Cecil I. Clark INSPECTOR OF BUIMINGS' � § j}C 0 j COO e $ / A / w > �■�`k m ~ 9 ■ . 2 ® m � § g ;-a!/ � k ® =22.- �� §cj z � 7�I12� o w Q aCY . a) LLI U. q 0 2 .=§ | . o w -. w ® �;■2 . z /aa23§ CL . � .. . , . T y * SENDER: Complete items I.2,and i. on Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space on 3 reverse. 0 1. The following service is requested (check one). - [] Show to whom and date delivered............ 150 s Show to whom,date,& address of delivery.. 350 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered............. 650 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivery 850 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Richard W. Ingersol z m LA 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. i INSURED NO. 860061 (Always to ya obtaln signature of addresses or agent) m I have received the article described above. C SIGNAThDATE RE ❑ Addressee ❑ Authorized agent Z to A LIV RY POSTMARK fn �} S. ADDRESS Co plate only if r*qudpted) g 6 g 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: CC S .` _11Yf1L r it GOP:I -0-203--456