25-075 (7) 3 . The applicant has chosen not to appeal the decision of the Inspector, but rather, to obtain a variance from the requirements of the Ordinance pertaining to the use of the structure. This request is the subject of this application. The Planning Department has reviewed the proposal and has come to the following conclusions: 1 . The area is predominantly residential and agricultural and the proposed use is therefore incompatible with such uses. In addition, 'while the proposed use is not in and of itself objectionable, it does establish a very poor precedent for interpretation and enforcement of the Ordinance. 2. While the use is located adjacent to a main highway, it is not functionally accessible therefrom and could cause traffic problems as a result of persons trying to reach the structure. This precedent is further objectionable because of similar occurrences in the past which have allowed incompatible uses to evolve into a permanent status. It is now necessary to bring a stop to the evolution of violations which may be started in good faith, but which expand beyond the point of reasonable- ness . 3 . The fact that the outbuilding (or "barn" , as it is called in the building permit application) was not specifically recognized in the special permit nor in the wetlands per- mit, should be dealt with. The staff therefore concludes that the proposal is a deroga- tion of the intent of the Ordinance and creates a significant planning issue. The staff recommends disapproval of this applica- tion. cc: ' hard Ingersoll RZil Clark, Building Inspector Charles W. Dragon, Chairman, Board of Appeals 2 - CITY OF NORTHAMPTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: York Phillips , Planning Director SUBJECT: Variance Application of Richard Ingersoll DATE: August 19 , 1977 FILE: N400-274 This office has reviewed the subject application and notes the following: 1. The applicant obtained special permits on two different occasions under the provisions applicable in the SC District to construct houses on Riverbank Road. In connection with the construction of one of these, a building permit was obtained to build a barn on the parcel involved in this application (Map No. 25BD, parcel 75) . The applicant has obtained a special per- mit under the SC zone and a certificate of conditions from the Conservation Commission regarding the house. It does not appear that he has obtained such permits regarding the barn. 2. Subsequent to obtaining the building permit, the appli- cant constructed a steel and concrete structure located at the cul-de-sac at the end of Riverbank Road (which structure can be seen from Rt. 9 opposite Damon Road) . In response to a request for a plumbing permit for the structure, the Building Inspector inspected the property and found that its use was not in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance or with the building permit application. After making the inspection, the Building Inspector sent the applicant a letter stating that: "In reference to our discussion on August 3 , 1977 , it is the opinion of this office that you are in violation of the Zoning Ordinance, City of Northampton, specifi- cally a business office in a residential zone. This decision may be appealed to the Zoning Board of Appeals on or before September 6, 1977." DECISION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS At its meeting on June 25. 1980, the Zoning Board of Appeals for the City of Northampton voted to deny the petitions of Richard Ingersoll for two vari- ances and a special permit to change the boundary line separating two parcels Of land on Riverbank Road, and to convert a storage building into residential use. Based upon the evidence presented to the Board, the Board made the follow- ing findings in regard to the two variances and special permit: 1 . Allowance of the variance request for lot 76 would nullify and derogate from the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance by creating two lots with smaller dimensions than those required by the Ordinance, resulting in additional congestion in a Special Conservancy District . 2. The findings for lot 76 apply almost equally to the variance sought for lot 75, except that lot 75 has no special conditions affecting it since there are other lots of the same or equal size within the zone. 3. Denial of the petitions for two variances in changing the boundary lines would not result in a financial hardship for the applicant since he owns both parcels, and if he wished to sell the property, both parcels could be conveyed in the same deed to one purchaser. 4. As to the request for a special permit to change a storage build- ing into a single family home, it was found that the proposed use is listed in the Table of Use Regulations. 5. The proposed use would not create undue traffic congestion nor im- pair pedestrian safety. 6. The proposed use would not create excessive usage of the municipal systems. 7. The proposed use would not, however, bear a positive relationship to the public good in that it would impair the character of the neighborhood by allowing the structure to be used as a home since 3' it was built in 1975, after the adoption of the present Zoning Ordinance, which prohibits construction of single family homes on lots of this size in the Special Conservancy Zone. w ' ROBERT BUSCHER, ACTING CHAIRMAN - ARTHUR ZINKIN ti j t TPTLAS �RUSHWAY {I ._ _._ __ i ; 1 � � r W �' Q �v. V � v __ m o p D m m A m D n O o m z m 1 0 t D m m X Z � 0 D z O 3 � m Z m T I1 CIS CIS C7 tf7 rnA rfrA 3?r A C t /ate m Z n+ G7 r CT] S1 C O O O-t 2 0 Dz m 0 C O C C3 -- D C7m C7 r