23A-017 (10) 09.24 '$413 5$5 0787 FIERST-MIT-PUC 2003/003 = LQT&- THIS PLAT IS COMPILED FROM DEEDS, PLANS AND OTHER SOURCES AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS AN ACCURATE SURVEY AND IS NOT TO -BE RECORDED. M�4 � � n A ! t) lea 3z1Co GREENFIELD SAVINGS BANK & COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY HEREBY REPORT THAT I HAVE EXAMINED THE PREMISES AND BASED ON EXISTING ONUMENTATION ALL EASEMENTS, ENCROACHMENTS AND BUILDINGS ARE LOCATED ON 4E GROUND AS SHOWN AND THAT THE BUILDINGS ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE LOT LINES, ;CEPT AS NOTED. 1 FURTHER REPORT THAT THE 'PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN FLOOD PRONE AREA AS SHOWN ON FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE MAPS FOR >MMUNITY 15 01 F -NOTE- y RVEYOR. - 1--- THIS PLAT FOR MORTGAGE LOAN PURPOSES ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PROPERTY SURVEY -MORTGAGE LOAN INSPECTION PLAT-- �" RMD" L NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS PREPARED FOR FREDERICK U. & EVA C. FIERST SCALE: 1 "=60 ' DECEMBER 14, 1993 HAROLD L EATON AND AS 8A� m r^ r ' r ,r i I t Z ND STrx��� ftplrzoAlS qo.7 � l o �11T� GiTie�T s ` 0004223 Date Filed � File xo. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION I . Name of Applicant: rz_(&,Wt ' Cd,� Address: �� //l/ : (,(, !FTelephone: 2 . Owner of Property: . Address: <f �- fie_o - FLc:7 Telephone: - 3 . Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain 4 . Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet# 0133 g' Parcel# � Zoning District(s) (include o e ay s) Street Address to a , Required 5. Existin Pro osed bv Zonincr Use of Structure/Property (if project is only- interior zp /#6) B ilding height wor a -(D `?o %Bldg.Coverage (Footpr.int) Setbacks - front S - side L:4_R: I - L: tyff R: 1q, ' 1,51 - rear Ze:p 't ,`- size - Frontage- Floor Area Ratio . %Open Space (Lot area minus building and parking) - Parking Spaces Loading - - Signs - Fill (volume & location) 6. Narrative Description of Proposed Work roject: (Use additional sheets if necessary) o �� 2-Al t-WtD Lc -tom c- Al. A i cv ncG/ c ^v r 7 . Attached Plans: Sketch Plan ----- Site Plan . 8. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.- Date: 51a - Applicant's Signature: THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE O LY: r Approved as presented/based on information presented Denied as presented--Reason: S cial" P t and/or Site Plan Required: in ng q I d: 1, �-- Variance Required: gnat r of Bu�.ldi ectar Aa NOTE: luuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply witit all zoning requirements and obtain all required portraits from the Board of Hoaltl%Conservation commission, Dapaitmont of Public Works and otlror applicable Permit granting authorltios. . . CITY OF NoCRTHAMP Oil maw MAY 1' 6 (Change of a Pre-Existing Nonconforming Use or s DEPT 4 SUI PDI�J�G It�A 01060 1. Applicant's Name: (, �,�j�� 0aa-Pggs 1410. Address: 7GL��!e dj, _ A� elephone: - � 2. Prope Owne-'s Name: _¢-f?_ ��. ��,,Q_ ��7 _ Address: kQZF � Telephone: 2' c� 3. St.-- of Applicant: Ov,mer Contract Purchaser _Lessee _-<th^r (explain: [.�GL� f�. ) 4. Parcel Identification: Zonin Ma arcel Zoning District( Street Address 5. Finding is being requested under Zoning Ordinance Section 5.Page c� -X. 6. Narrative Descri ti n of Proposed Work Project: use additional sheets if necessary) cQ t/2�n_ Ae!c u AL - �--° - _ sic RMrcdS_ 7. State How Work/Proposal Complies with Finding Criteria: (See A plicant's Guide and use additional sheets if necessary) o - �.r Ate, -i�c 8. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan 4/Site Plan None Required 9. Certified Abutters List from Assessors' Office must be attached. 10. Certification: I hereby certify that I have read tha FINDING CRITERIA and that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I (or the landowner, if I am not the landowner) grant the Zoning Board and Planning Board permission to enter the property to review this ermit ap licatio . Date: Applicant's Signature: Date Filed: File #: (memorex\wp\zba\finding.zba 10/20/92)