18C-048 (38) For ALL buildings within Fire District and for other buildings costing $10,000.00 or more, plans and specifications must be submitted to the Inspector of Buildings for examination and approval. c r If building is to be moved give details relative to proposed location as for a new building. Application for Permit to Build Northampton, Mass.,6.. ........./.«%................192»�:.. To the Inspector of Buildings:— The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build, move, alter, or repair, according to the following specifications.—, _ 1. Owner's name , ` �..�..... ... �7 ` .................................. 2. Owner's address .»...«/'-.-'7........» . :......, e.d........................................................................................................... 3. Architect's name ................. .....«. ......... .......«.............».............»........................................................»........... 4. Builder's name ..............«.. ....:s.� �......«. ., :�G:.,.: : .. .:....».:....».........................»....................................................... 5. Builder's address .....».....................................«..............................»......................»...............»......................................................«............... 6. Location of Building. Street No. ....................................«............................................................................................».................. 7. Is this a removal or new building .........1.....a ,���::.».............»....«.......«..........».............................................. . .................... �. i 8. If removal, from where ........... » ...... ............................................................ 9. What is the purpose of building ................, ......................... 10. Material of building ........«...�.. ..,�.:.. ,.. j.. ......... :...»{................... ....... ......... .........»......................................... 11. If a dwelling, for how many families ....... .....».....Number of rooms ..... ....................... - 12. Is there to be store in the building /�• »................».......«.......«........... f 13. Size % / ifl�ding, No. of feet front>.. .... ;No. of feet deep .....«..........».....; No. of stories ...........»........ 14. Size of ell, No. of feet front .......... :...; No. of feet deep ................. :.....: No. of feet high .......................... 15. Size of Lot r :Z:t:.. ...................Feet Wide Feet Deep ............:. :::... 16. How near the-line of street 17. How near the line adjoining lot. Right......................... :::: Left.....................................-Rear.................».............. 18. Nearest building is ................................ feet in a.........................:.....«................... direction ...................................................... 19. Material of the floor ............................................... «»................................................................................................................... 20. Size of timbers, 1st .....:..:..«....».....; 2nd .:.. .........».:... ; 3rd .......................; 4th .............................; 5th .................»«......... 21. No. of feet span ...........«.............«...........................»............. ; Distance on centers .....»:.. ........»....»..............................«.. 22. Will the building be erected on solid or filled land .:. . .r �: :_. : c �....«................................................. 23. What is the material of foundation ...:. ..» .-- -- • Footing 24. Will the roof be flat or pitched — ::::.::::::.....«..........; Covering....................»............................................. 25. Heat; steam, hot water, furnace, stoves.....«..........».....................; Power oil burner .............................«................ 26. Fireplace .....«.............».......»....».................................; Insulation ..............»......................«....................................................................... 27. How many sinks ............: Toilets »...«.....; Lavatories ..».....; Bathtubs........; Showers.....».....; Settubs......... 28. City Service; Water ....................... Sewer ..................»....; Road Surface ...........................; Sidewalk ........................ 29. Is lot on accepted street ................................................................................................................................................................... 30. Estimated cost (must be filled out) ........«.....»....»............._....«.......«..............................................»....».......«............................... Applicant agrees to give the Inspector of Buildings 24 hours' notice before lathing or plastering this building. This building will conform to the requirements of the law. Sinature of applicant.. `..:..'..:.... .....`�«./r� "- .,» .:: .� «.......«...._.............»...«..........................»...................................... g No........i ... ......,, ........... R�EMARKS s.. « :. :::t.. « »....«.».............».......................... »..........«....«.........«....».......»....«....«............»....». .�...»...'..................».........................................».............«................».......»....».«.....................».«............. o� ro Grity of Xort4aurptou � � ldfl�ssMClptsetfs Office of the �nspector of Pnilbiugs INSPECTOR Tf itg `Pull, Auxist 10. 1976 Northampton Nursing Home. Inc. 737 Bridge Road Northampton, Mass. 01060 Res Swimming Fool Permit Atts Mr. Leon Dickinson, Administrator Dear Mr. Dickinsons It has been brought to our attention that you have installed an above ground swimming pool with a tamp and deck. According to the Massachusetts State Building Code any pool with 250 sq. ft. and over four feet in depth requires a emit. The pool you have installed has approximately 52 serface sq. ft. and therefore requires a permit. At your earliest convenience please apply for same at this office. The permit fee is $10.00. We note that strips of non-slip material has been applied to the ramp and deck, however, we feel that a complete covering of non-slip material should be ab3)lied to the ramp. If you should have any questions please feel free to contact this office. Yours trulyt Edward J. Tewhills Local Inspector RJT/hat