36-225 (2) a 2 I -e A• 00 a: v -o o• � m 7t7 `"' D 3 O O coo) C:) n N Z ry 70 o o Zoning Miscellaneous Additions,Repairs,Alterations,etc. Tel.No. `��� '� Alterations ' NORTHAMPTON, MASS. &11 v, 19_Li Additions Y APPLICa ATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER Repair Garage 1. Location /� ��n/z<r '�'sd"y ✓�.r* r�(' Lot No. 2. Owner's name ell- %P ra c f Address C� lr] /lr Gr'✓ Y ✓`G/n� �' / 3. Builder's name r Address Mass.Construction Superv. 's License No.L S ���% Expiration Da e / nmt /L/ GCS r� L 4. Addition 5. Alteration 6. New Porch 7. Is existing building to be demolished? 170 8. Repair after the fire J 9. Garage No.of cars Size 10. Method of heating Zv G�� 11. Distance to lot lines 4j e-, r`�<.; ��'' �'c>:/� J•c/^� r:F/ f >/� • �� r 12. Type of roof A0 i��'��' l - r1/r'el �I- 13. Siding house ('r'C�li �i" L -- 14. Estimated cost:- J The undersigned certifies that the above statements are we to the best of his, her knowled a and belief. Signature of responsible app,icant Remarks NOV 1 7 ►998 ,' i-ons-Truction P4011-FE IND. = 5SU-90-36 tti 13 1558 i0_44H44 P3 MASCheck INSPECTION CHECKLIST Massachusetts Energy Code MASchenk Software Version 2 _0 DATE: 11-13-1998 Bldg. ! Dept. 1 Use � CEILINGS: 1. R-37 • / _Oea T WALLS- 1 Wood Frame, 1611 C.C. : R-19 P%- ntSfT I- COTM-ne , --onati r) 21-. Wood Frame, 16" O.C. , R-19 /t.ocatiQn T_-ocat WIN_n0WS P_-M GLASS DOORS: U-value: 0.34 For window z wit lout -labeled U-valueas, descri-be te-Vati.+res-. # Panes Vra-zue Type nliA_rmal Break-, Yes !N70 comment ra/Loca 1 or. -, 2 . U-vajue: 0 .32 For windows wUhout' i-abeled 17=vague t., deEc"I f # Panes— F &gve Tyke Thermal Break) Y f_n s r I N o Comme nt 9/Loc a t i on_— 1. U-value: 0.42 rc�r zk­14ghts ldthout -1abel-d U-%ralLies, des-lribe features! # Panes_ Prarrve 'fie Thermal Break? 1 1 Yes I No no—a—ents/1--ocat t0n___ FLOORS. C�ve_y Unconditioned Space, k-3 0 Locat ion_. HxtA C EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY- L 1 1. narnace, 83 .5 AFUE or higher make and model Number ____ 1 2s Air Conditioner, 14.0 SEER or hIgher Make and Model- Number THERMOSTATS: Adjustable tequ-Ired fo-ir eac'..'I 1POTAC system. AIR LRVKAGE: nt-'h r rtj zi ch opep A n n r the building and al. ---e- E I en-velope that are so 7en cif air leak-aae must be sealed- Rev-eased 'I lgl= — - -Y 11 M. " Tr r t-d and instailed with no penetrations nast� or installed inside an aD-D-rop-riate air-tight assembly with a 0.5" clearance 'gory com'_hustj b materials terials and 30 clearance from in, ul a",on. _ 'UAP- wR RETARDER: 'de of all non-vented framed Re-quired on the warrm-in-winter side ceilings, walls, and floors . MATERIALS IDENT-1-FICAT"ION: % I o that compliance car. L Ka-cr3�alls and eTuipment must be identified F. ined. MatiiLifaCtUre-v i�naLni_-als EZ3_r all inz;t:a1led he-ating be determ and �­_-Tvlce wate-r wlubt be pro7v &Z kLA Tnsul ation R-values, alaz` 17­-Ii-ea, and 1-.� L L 'zi -1 1 ' ed 0 the MM i1 L _'_ ­ c ;zarl trar� n ilding I plans or spec!f 4A.c a 41---4-o s DUCT INSULATION: 7rfdg- bg� 4naulat-M-4 11.-o R-51 - D U C t 6 3�'I t S i Cal e -,T 1 F_- h 7. a vt j 1;1 t h C= _-a-_u 1 a t a t 0 R-8 .0 U 'T - - D -= -%M w I-T.-,UCTION- r 1 all A cts Ynnust be sealed with m-Astic A-nd. Itibbrouss backincr tane_. �resaure­_--ensitive tape may be used for fibrous ducts. The KVAC a# .9 - rMist provide a means for balancing air and water systems- TEMPARATURE CONTROLS: Thermostats ate required for each separat-P- T-WAC system! A manual or automatic meana to partially restrict or shut off the heating and/or cooling input to each zone or Alloor shall be provided. HVAC HQUTPML7-11T CT91NG: _1 LY Rated ow-put captic -,f Lh---- heat:i yf cool Ing system is not greater Lhan 12515 of the d�81_qn load- as speci f ie-0 7 'MR 1110 and j4 .4 . 60c - I MISC RM2UIREMENTS! Refer Lo S*V-, Appeen X "4.-, J L__ E_ fluds ab4o're or Cil ct bejomvt and c-i rcu-1at-l"n hot wat-er sz-�va_temq_ _-,NUT BS TO FIELD (A-i-ii-Iriinq Department Use Only) - ------------------------ FPOM P, A', C"1)51­3t5t C„F)Sltl_U[AlOrl PHn, E 1Z. 57389096 Nov. 13 1996 10:43AM P2 VL a C,- r- PT XV-P REP I P Permit # -Wa-rc Vergion 2 0 Checked by/Date CITY: Amherst STATE: Massachusetts ME): 6614 jofrq- �affiily, sr CCMTRIUCT CiV 2 j= i 71 am I RRA7111V%, 9YSTBIA TYPE- U-t-Iler DATE: 11-13-1998 DATE OF PLANS: TITLE: COMPLIANCE: PASSES Required UA !E 135 Your Home = 135 Pre� ar J.'n su1 Shea�h GlazIng/Door e 1�ime- e p,­7-3 ­h 10 TUL -------------------------- --- -- --- --- --------- ----- ------------------ CEILINGS n A 1 S 0 CF;I L.I NG Z-1 - WA-"LS-. Wood F-rw.,--, 1 0 r A=7 109 -0 0 i39 190 WN'LL1.2-1; WOW 'Lee, 0­340 39 ULJkZ7 144_: wjIn--jowis or 114 70 0 .320 22 A?T' ,IYM loindows or "Woorn 24 0 .420 10 FLCORS: -0­4�_r UncOMIL--ti--ed SPn rtn EFFICTEMCY: rtirnact, 83 .5 AVUR Hs%r RFFj0TWWrY: Air Conditioner., 14 .0 SEER ------ ---------------------7-------------------------------------------------- CaMpL.IANCE qTATEMENT: the proposed building design represented, in these consistent with the b ujLujng plans, specifications,ations, and other ing ;,irulations submitted with the appl- cat-on . The pfoposed L-VUld r, I h -- s Energy Code. oj- the ­esachu Vsett_ as been designed to meet trie reqixirerente - The heating load for this building, and the cooling load it appropriate V,a inc4 -Liesign conditions found s bef-n dete=znined us the app1icable -Standard cool the bailding in the Code- The HVAC equipment sel-ec-l-ed to heat or shall be no greater than 125% of the design load as specified it sections 780&,M 1310 and_,.k74 .4 . Z-7 zq A/ a a NOV Z 1998 �, ('"R of "Xcrx �I112.�7 II22 � B' �ltts¢xchttsctta " DEPARTMENT OF BUILDr1G INSPLc7-IONs f �r it 212 Main Street Municipal $uilding Northampton, Mass.' 01060 WOMCER'S COMPINSAaION INSURANCE t t AVIT (li 1permi ttec) Itnth a principal place of businessIfesidence at: t✓ � � h �, /Ye7 A 11' phone#) .>2�j�J do hereby certify, under the pains and penaltieg of perjury, that: ( ) I am an employer providing the following worker's compensation coverage for my . employees working on this job. (Insu=Ci-_ Cornpaay) (Policy NIUMLrr) (Expiration Dare) (r `1 am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner (circle one) and have hired the contractors listed below who have the followin worker's compensation policies: G y�s �,G� ter, �,;G. (Na-me or Conuracwr) �I (111�li�??C ConIy^3u-dPobc-i Nuu?1CCr) �'\-E._\ Date) fr1'�l, ir'�_ art L�?!/: C��/ �'�, (Name OT Contractor) (,11 s :,ncc Conloall\'%POt1ei tiuxncer} (Ezoirailon Da(e) �� s ��.�./y z, .l (Name of Co ctor) (Lnsurancz- Co IPot;cy Number) (ExpP rradoa Date) (Name of Contractor) CIDSUMUCv ComaafryRolicy Number) (Expiration Date) (attach_dditiocLU a`?'.cct if ncc c�tiy w includc int"ocma:icn pertvj i to r am a sole proprietor and have no one worldna for me. ( ) X am a home owner perforruing all the work myself. NOTE:please be await that t44jUo homcoKtxn u.ao anplay pazona to do--inr­= coastucdoo"or rcpzc work oa a d..dt g of cot may the n tta,00 tmlis is talaieh the hamoowvcr rrsiw a oo the Qcounda appurtca:trt thctco am cot�lry oomidcrtd to be auPloyaxs twder tha--kcr`s.P0Mpc=-tied net(GL152,s 1(S))�,application by.homcowvct for a Gccwc or Permit may cvidcooc the legal ctat-of an cmployor uodcr d.Wortroea convm xti Act_ I nndasiand that a copy of."stUcacat may be foty wr to the DcparomcYt of Lx!u J Aood=&OfS of ln=x noo for tb. oovaagc vriificstioo and that Uurc to sawn covcrnv undcc soctioa 25A of ML 152 can lad to tbd iampositicxi of tximiatl pcnaltics oomi:tiag of a&ae of uP to 11,500,00 and/or imlunomoazL ottip to ooc ycr and cn7 pcmi6cs io the form 0 a Slop Work Otdcr wd a ru.z orsloo.60 a dxy LPInA C G For dryutiaacatal ti-poly " 1/� .�I ' PcimitNumber uwo _- Stgnah;tti of Lioc>ZSCrJPcrmuitix • r NOV 1 2 '19% CITY OF NORTHAMPTON BUILDING PERMIT CHECKLIST All 1&2 Family Projects The following items are to be considered MINIMUM information to be submitted with ALL permit applications Address: A Scaled drawings & details shall be submitted with each application proposing construction, reconstruction, addition, alteration, or repair. The building official may waive the requirements for filing plans when work is of a minor nature.[ ] t✓ B. Scaled drawings & details shall indicate &describe all proposed work, including location, / size, grade of materials &equipment to be used. [ ] V C. PLOT PLAN, property address; map & lot number, zoning district & overlays (such as wetlands) [ ] Show well and septic locations (if applicable) [ ] Location of lot lines, dimensions of lot, frontage [ ] Location &dimensions of public easements, public utility easements, railroad right of ways , and established zoning setback requirements. [ ] Locations & dimensions of primary and accessory buildings & structures. [ ] J D. FLOOR PLANS, floor plan of each floor and intermediate levels including basements, crawlspaces, terraces, porches garages, carports, and decks, showing existing condition and proposed construction. [ ] Dimensions, locations & materials of foundations, footings, coluirms & piers {including reinforcing when required} [ ] Direction, dimensions, spacing&grade of all framing {floors, roofs, walls, partitions) [ ] Location of all walls, partitions, windows, stairs &doors [ ] Location&description of all electrical equipment , alarm devices and smoke detectors [ ] Location&type of all heating and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. [ ] HVAC schematics (where required check with building inspector) [ ] J EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS. Front, rear &side elevations including foundation and finish grades. [ ] Location&dimensions of windows & doors. [ ] Description of exterior cladding or siding material. [ ] how exterior stair locations &dimensions. [ ] Show chimney and vent locations [ ] DETAILS & SECTIONS, Sections through exterior walls showing details of construction from footing to the highest point of the building. [ ] Sections through fireplaces &chimneys (show clearances) [ ] Location&details of any roof trusses, glue-lam, or engineered lumber (include connection details and Massachusetts professionals stamp on specification sheet) [ ] Exterior envelope energy requirements : Uo-of walls,roof-ceiling&floors ..OR.. R value of walls/roof/floor, also percent of window area to wall area. [ 3P 0 AON 5T I r 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO ; n. IF YES, describe size,type and location: Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property?YES NO IF YES,describe size,type and location: 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. Thin colu� to be filled in by the Building Department Required Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size ys�rr c r�s 30 r•. Frontage Setbacks - side L:10 _R: L: ZO R: rear 31 o Building height �J Bldg Square footage `' �G %Open Space: (Lot area minus bldg &paved parking) / (l # of Parking Spaces f fof Loading Docks Fill: vol-ume--& location) 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowle e. DATE: APPLICANT's SIGNATURE NOTE: Issuance oY a zoning permit does not relieve an ap 4 ioants burden to comply 4itla III zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health. Conservt2tion Commission. Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. FILE # UU { Nov 1 2 1191% 'ml . A-9 �9a t File fIY! — _�---- ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (§10 . 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: 4'r=1�� Address: elephone:/ 2. Owner of Property: Cr- � �i)z 1 Address: /. Telephone: 36-/ y 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain))/: 4. Job Location: Parcel Id: Zoning Map# 3� Parcel# District(s): (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): -2 U ddLl G D 1 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) cj1 CD 86 ry Lini .......... ..................... ............................ ry ................... File#BP-1999-0492 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON Richard Constant ADDRESS/PHONE 3 Blueberry Bend(413)532-5654 PROPERTY LOCATION 60 WINTER-BERRY LANE MAP 36 PARCEL 225 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT ✓ Fee Paid Buildin Permit Filled out Fee Paid ✓ Type of Construction: New Construction 4M16h ' Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure - Building Plans Included: Owner/Occupant Statement or License# 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan 1/ THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: Approved as presented/based on information presented. Denied as presented: Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Received& Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed_ Finding Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Well Water Potability Board of Health IF, ommission _C. �(A/W j � ► s-✓�' S low �v d�i2.� Yv�AM,t, 1,✓�,,v'f (2-D/}- c��(' r(.0 � ✓� Signature of Bui dm ic' Date Note: Iss ni icant's burden to comply with all zoning require" d of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. (CIO °J r �"L ti File#BP-1999-0492 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON Richard Constant ADDRESS/PHONE 3 Blueberry Bend(413)532-5654 PROPERTY LOCATION 60 WINTERBERRY LANE MAP 36 PARCEL 225 ZONE SR THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid I I'-/— / f Type of Construction: New Construction t' Non Structural interior renovations _ Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: OwnerlOccu ant Statement or License# 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan . I F OWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: THE as presented/based on information presented. Denied as presented: Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Com on 1� Signature of BU '(ling Official Date Note: Issu- t=ying permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning require, 11 required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of pu' �nllicable permit granting authorities. ( t� �c low � Reference No, BP-1999-0492 Department: ................••.••.............. Building, Electrical & Mechanical Permits ......................................................................................... Fee Type: Receipt No: Building- Renovation I REC-1999-001345 Paid By: Pa.id.i.n..F.u.I.I..On: .......... Richard Constant Thu Nov 12,1998 ................. ....................................................................... .. . ...... ...... Received By: Check.No:................... Linda Lapointe 1977 ......................................................................................... ..................................... DEPARTMENT'S COPY Amount- $231.00 --------------------------- DEPARTMENT FILE COPY 60 WINTERBERRY LANE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON BUILDING PERMIT Owner's pulling their own permits or dealing with unregistered contractors for applicable work do not have access to Guaranty Fund(MGL 142A) Issued: Permit No: Inspector: Trackinp,No.: Fee: 01 Dec, 1998 BP-1999-0492 $231.00 GIS Map Block: Lot: Address: Zoning: Use Group: Lot Size: 7303 36 225 001 60 WINTERBERRY LAN SR 63162 Contractor: License Type: Insurance: Richard Constant CSL Address: License No.: Insurance No.: 3 Blueberry Bend 057246 City: State: Zip Code: Phone: SOUTH HADLEY MA 01075 (413) 532-5654 Proiect No: Category of Work: Const. Class: Cost Estimate: JS-1999-0949 alteration-addition $74,000.00 Description of Work: CONSTRUCT 2 STORY ADDITION &PORCH GeoTIVIS&1997 Des Lauriers&Associates,Inc. Signature: r s �"g so -won, inn on a a, a to + o 0 -0 2 MASSAC - -0492 TGR Richrd CQnBtant X5724$; Geri A Kledruan. nstant HAWAY 01076 . Wig � OPZK 'OWSTRUC 2 $TORY ADDITION.&PORCH TM Ins4r I' m tit+ : . :, inspector Btii��s Underground., eke: Meter: Footings;" House# Founr fi:.o k t04 r-�you=l: ► Flnal: ► 464 'lna: Gas H+tuuctt Fireplac, me�+: . �Lt Final:, *i e THE I' ' F NORTH FTC�N PON V C 's OF 61J ATION& #_ aid: ` NA: #: . Building 12/1198 0:00;00 1977 $231,00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)5$7-1272 Building Commissioner-Anthony Patillo