35-276 (16) �i ;; f) I i YAM a a 69 o EL F'T. DEtP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 A 4A > n- . 0C -1 Ln W m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 NOTE:IN ORDER THAT THIS APPLICATION MAY BE ACCEPTED,THE DATA CALLED FOR BELOW MUST BE SO SET FORTH THAT WE CAN DETERMINE FROM THE APPLICATION AND THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS WHAT THE EXISTING CONDI- TIONS ARE AND WHAT THE FUTURE CONDITIONS WILL BE. Plot Plans and Plans, i pp�lication before a permit be granted. MAY i 019% Zone i 7N DEPT OF BUIvC :x G INSPECTIONS PfOPTtlf��`?�� 4I,�Q1t�6Q APPLICANT NOT TO FILL IN SPACES ABOVE THIS LINE Application for a Dwelling Permit Northampton,Mass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 .7.T Telephone No . . . . . :-'. �.�.� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7b the Supt.of Buildings: Application for a permit to build is hereby made according to the following:- 1. Location,Street and No. . . . ._�. . . . . . . . . ..DC.A2 . . . . . . . . . . . . Lot No. .s A. . . . . 2. Nearest cross street/ . . . . . . . . . . Size of lot ,J.72 . . . .47F. . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Owner's name ..!/ Q �4. . OA-TA�'/1.t9. . .46 C. Address U.&61X.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Architect's name. ..77..- .1�. . . . . �7.�.Z i,,.,,��Fpp1. .< . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . .�I._.,ny. . . . .M.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Builder's name ATA M.CS. . . . .!C . .&,V! .0. . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No. s Q o 6s-J.6 3. . . .. Expiration Date . . . C�,l S J./.� �.. . . . . 6. Use of Building:One-family . . . . . . .X. . . . . . . . . . . Two-family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other . . . . .i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Number of rooms in each family unit: . . . . . . .?. . . . . . . . . . . .. . Number of Bathrooms . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Is there a garage attached? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 9. Size of building . . . . . . . .p0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Square footage . . . "'p./y.40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Number of stories . . .c� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 11. Distance from finished grade to high point of roof . . . . . 6.,.�.`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Type of construction . . .(V.U.U.`J. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. Distance from building to street line in feet . . . . . .Q.F5. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. Distance from building to side lot lines in feet:Left . . . . .YU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Right . . .Y. . 15. Distance from building to rear lot line in feet . . . . P?.0 U... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. Is a plot plan being filed with this application? . . .. V.C S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. Species of framing lumber:DF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spruce . . . .�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. Are all structural conditions noted on drawings? . . . . . t/<C�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. Nature of land upon which the structure will be erected:Natural . . ./r. .. . . . . . . . . . .. Filled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade . . . . .:7. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. Material of foundation walls . . .(�)?V 9( PrC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thickness in inches . . ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. Type of roof:Flat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pitched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. Material or roof covering . . .Asia m.(. .7. . . .y#,( o1.L C% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . • • • • • • 24. Method of heating . . . .0/4. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. Will the building conform to the Building and Zoning Ordinances? . . . . f�- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26. Septic Tank? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . City Sewer? . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27. Construction wit. .in 100 ft.of wetlands? . . . .t,--' . . . . . . . • . • • • . • • • . •• • • • • • 28. Construction within 100 year flood plain? . ./(). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. Estimated cost:Total $ . . . .�5...1.a. .�U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No building or structure which is erected or altered,shall be used,in whole or in part,for any purpose until a certificate of occupancy is issued by the Building Inspector. The undersig certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. �'_ . . �ZSCRIPTION . . . . . Signature of Contractor Signature of responsible appl' ant WRITTEN D OF WORK TO BE DONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ vt •O� I MAY [ 0 igaa r 4 � �itcs><ecynsrtle DEPT OF f3J } ,,(NSPECTIO�ISP TM ENT OP BUI[bWC INSPECTIONS Main Street Municipal Building Northampton, Mass. ' 01060 WORKER'S COMPENSATION )NSURAmE Ariri mAvrr 1, with a principal place of business/residence at: (phone#) (str,t/city/sta zip) ---- do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of pegwy, that: (v/ I <uu an employer providing the following worker's compensation coverage for Iny employees working on this job: (Lnsurance Company) (Policy Number) (Expiration Date) ( ) I am a sole proprietor, general contractor or homeowner(circle one) and have tared the contractors listed below who have the following worker's compensation policies: (Name of Contractor) (Insurance Comparry/Policy Number) (Expiration Date) (Name of Contractor) Gnsura.nc-,Company/Policy Number) (Expiration Date) (Name of Contractor) (In%ranece Company/policy Number) (Expiration Date) (Name of Contractor) (Lm%ra ace Company/Policy Number) (Expiration Datr.) (etlarh arkiitioati zhcCt tt ne°"-�urY to iru-n.,i:_..�..wiuoa pertaimag to w oo\ni o�:,,,,� ( j I am a sole proprietor and have no one wording for me.. ( ) I am a home owner performing all the work myself. ]MOTE•_please be awatc thsi whilo homco%vom wbo ccaploy person:to do mxhAcnx*c•� eomtruuioo ar repair wort;on x d.�Uig of not atom than throo units is wt ich the homeowner rcudes or on the grounds Tpurtcn A thado m oot Senarally ooarid«cd to be employers ut)dcr the worktr'x compmzatioa Act tGL152,"1(5)1 awliratioa by a hoatoowo-�r for a 60cole or permit may cvi&1Kr,tlr� ]evil rtntut of an employer under the Workoes C000pematioa Ad I Uwdcrstsnd dirt x copy of this critcmeat arty be forward*d to the Doparta000 t of td, id Acadmb'0f5oo of funusnoe for t6. oovctngc vaificstioo and that failure to team covcrgV Under soction 25A of MOL 152 cm Iad to the imposition of czimi"I pcnsltics comistin of a fine orup to S 1,500.00 and/or impr6oamcat of tip to am year and civil pc xNes in the form of a Stop Work Order mi. find orsloo.00 a day%kimt ax. Far&qa>bt"—oary --- Permit Number 1 MAA - signa of Licansccipermittm 137.69' (E) _1 S 80'26'17" N/F JAMES F. BO YGE �S & s PATRICIA A. BOYLE TAX MAP 35 — LOT 278 MAY 1 0 1,,cm BOOK 4822, PAGE 216 L p ' DEFT OF DIM n IA�CPF�TV r, I � l .r ! r NEW A C S�S EASEMENT AREAS TO BE ACQUIRED sr 4� (SEE INSERT) ,L ��p�,AND DRIVE W A. L N 477187 27 E 271963 ?_3 4)� ���0 00 \' R� INSERT NOT TO SCALE ry h � °j PLAN NOTES PROFES. THIS PLAN WAS PR A) PARCEL "A" IS TO BE RETAINED BY JAMES F. BOYLE PROCEDURAL AND AND PATRICIA A. BOYLE AND IS NOT A BUILDING LOT. OF PRACTICE OF LAN ! B) PARCEL "B" IS TO BE DEEDED TO AND COMBINED WITH ADJOINING LAND OF BILL WILLARD, INC TO FORM ONE THIS PLAN HAS BE CONTIGUOus PARCEL OF UNOIVIDED OWNERSHIP. RULES COMMONWEAL- SEE AND PLAN BY KILLAM ASSOCIATES NEW ENGLAND DATED 05/06/97 FOR LOT 6A AND PARCELS A & 8 SEE PLAN BY KILLAM ASSOCIATES NEW ENGLAND -•---- nATFn 05/07/97 FOR FLAG LOT 5A &5B 310 CMR: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 10.99: continued 3. ❑ The work described below,which includes all/part of the work described in your request,is within the Buffer Zone as defined in the regulations,and will alter an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act. Therefore,said work requires the filing of a Notice of Intent. This Determination is negative: 1. Q The area described in your request is not an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act. 2. Q The work you described in your request is within an Area Subject to Protection Under the Act,but will not remove,fill,dredge,or alter that area. Therefore,said work does not require the filing of a Notice of Intent. 3. The work you described in your request is within the Buffer Zone,as defined in die regulations,but will not alter an Area Subject to.Protection Under the Act. Therefore,sai¢wrp tots not rjquire the,*)in#of a NW. of intent. *Drought-resistant grass species s a e use , and C ha be no permanent alteration within fifty feet of wetland boundaries, as per plan entitled,* 4. ❑ The area you described in your bequest is subject to Protection Under the Act,but since the work you describe therein meets the requirements for the following exemption,as specified in the Act and the regulations,no Notice of Intent is required: - l:;sued by No thamiaian Conservation Commission Signature(s) — ----- 7 his Determination must be signed by a majority of the Conservation Commission. On this_ .day of CL 1911--..-----,before me persoFzally appeared ___.ice_. ��� �" ,to me known:b be the person described in,and who executed, the fore ping instrument,and acknowledged that he/shc executed the same as his/her free act and deed. r!<iWry i'ubtic My Commission Expires This Determination does not relieve the applicant fiom complying with all other applicable federal,state or local institutes,ordinances,by-taws or regulations - This fk termination shall be valid for three years from the date of issuance. 7'Itc applicatt,tlic owner,any person aggrieved by this Deternunalion,any owneref land abutting the land upon which the proposed work is to be done,or any it n ms.dcau of the city or town in which such land is located,are hereby notified of their right to request the Department of rrivironmentat Prolectiou to issue u ulnrscding Lktermination of Applicability,providing eke request is made by certified,roil ur hand dciivcry to tlw Lkparlumil.will,the apinuld rate hlinrc f,c and Fee Transmittal Form as provided in 310 CMR 10.03(7)within len days from the date of issuance of this Determination. A copy of the request shall w the Bann tituc be sent by certified wail or hand delivery to the Conservation Commission and the applicant. 4 194 310 CM - 402 .102 *"Woodland Drive - Lots 5A, 5B S 6A, Northampton, MA; Proposed Horae Site l)evt:>laprncnr t C a.7•+....t t . r�r... r rr ___­__A U%r Hi 11 a- oocnri arnR OnA APP-004 1111 77. 1 Q07 310CMR: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 10,99: continued r--\ id MAY 1 0 1999 DEP File No. 246- --- Form 2 1 2 (To be provided by DEP) DEPT OF BUI T'"'!4G INSPECTIMIS Oty/Town: .Nwillaingtoo-------- Applicant.BQyle --- Coinmoinvealth 7/31/97 of Massachusetts Date Request Filed • M/1 p 3a i:6,-ce.t_5 Determination of Applicability Massachusetts Wetlands Protection AVt,V G.L. c. 131, § 40 THE CITY OF NORTHAWTON"S WETLAND PROTECTION ORDINANCE, c.24 FROM: North---Plun-f-onsemtion Cointnission Issuing Authority James F. Boyle and James F. Boyle and Patricia A. Boyle TO: --.PAtr" A. Boyle (Name of person making request) (Name of property owner) 4 Tiffany Lane 4 Tiffany Lane Address Northampton, MA 01060 Address Northampton, MA 01060 This determination is issued and delivered as follows: El by hand delivery to person making request on (date) E) by certified mail,return receipt requested on August a;k. 1997 (date) Pursuant to the authority of G.L. c. 131,§40,the NjulhAWton Consarystion CaninlisMan bas considered your request for a Detern-tination of Applicability and its supporting documentation,and has made the following detenninatimp(Oba&whicheyer is;applicable): Woodland Drive, Lots 5A, 5B 6A Location: Street Address Lot/Map and Parcel Id Number: Nip 3`,_ °--cc 'ritis Determination is positive. 1-he area described below,which includes all/pait of the area described in your request,is an A=subject to Protection under the Act. Therefore,any retrioving,filing.dredging or altering of that area requires the filinE, of a Notice of Intent. The work described below,which includes an/part of the work described in Your request,is within an Area Subject to Protection Under-the Act and will remove,fill,dredge or alter that area. Therefore, said work requires the filing of a Notice of Intent. V 1194 310 CMR -401 401 MAY 7 NORTHAMPTON WATER DEPARTMENT 237 PROSPECT STREET DEPT OF BUI nING INSPECTIONS NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 587-1098 Subject : Municipal Water Availability Location: 78 Woodland Drive (Lot 5A) Inquiry Made By: James F. Boyle 529-1929 Date of Inquiry: May 5, 1999 Municipal Water Main in Front of Location: YES X NO Size/Material/Age of Water Main: 8" DI 1996 Approximate Street Pressure : 42 PSI Size of Service Connection: 1" copper Comments : A corresponding "water entrance fee" shall be paid prior to making any connection to the municipal water system. Arrangements of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Water Department with a minimum of 5 working days notification. All work shall conform to Northampton Water Department specifications. Charles Borowski Superintendent of Water Enclosure: Letter to Frank Sienkiewicz from Sam Brindis, dated June 14, 1991. cc: Samuel B. Brindis, Director, DPW Guilford Mooring, Assistant Director, DPW George Andrikidis, Assistant City Engineer Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector A:\WATER\Availab1.50S TEMPERATURE CONTROLS : [ ] Thermostats are required for each separate HVAC system. A manual or automatic means to partially restrict or shut off the heating and/or cooling input to each zone or floor shall be provided. HVAC EQUIPMENT SIZING: [ ] Rated output capacity of the heating/cooling system is not greater than 1250 of the design load as specified in sections 780CMR 1310 and J4 .4 . MISC REQUIREMENTS : [ l Refer to 780 CMR, Appendix J for requirements relating to swimming pools, HVAC piping conveying fluids above 120 F or chilled fluids below 55 F, and circulating hot water systems . ----NOTES TO FIELD (Building Department Use Only) ------------------------- MAScheck INSPECTION CHECKLIST Massachusetts Energy Code MAScheck Software Version 2 . 0 DATE: 5-10-1999 Bldg. Dept . Use CEILINGS : [ ] 1 . R-38 Comments/Location WALLS : [ ] 1 . Wood Frame, 16" O.C. , R-19 Comments/Location WINDOWS AND GLASS DOORS : [ ] 1 . U-value: 0 .35 For windows without labeled U-values, describe features : # Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? [ ] Yes [ ] No Comments/Location DOORS : [ ] 1 . U-value: 0 .35 Comments/Location FLOORS : [ ] 1 . Over Unconditioned Space, R-21 Comments/Location AIR LEAKAGE : [ ] Joints, penetrations, and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage must be sealed. Recessed lights must be type IC rated and installed with no penetrations or installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0 .5" clearance from combustible materials and 3" clearance from insulation. VAPOR RETARDER: [ ] Required on the warm-in-winter side of all non-vented framed ceilings, walls, and floors . MATERIALS IDENTIFICATION: [ ] Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance can be determined. Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment must be provided. Insulation R-values and glazing U-values must be clearly marked on the building plans or specifications . DUCT INSULATION: [ ] Ducts in unconditioned spaces must be insulated to R-5 . Ducts outside the building must be insulated to R-8 . 0 . DUCT CONSTRUCTION: [ ] All ducts must be sealed with mastic and fibrous backing tape . Pressure-sensitive tape may be used for fibrous ducts . The HVAC system must provide a means for balancing air and water systems . MAScheck COMPLIANCE REPORT Massachusetts Energy Code Permit # MAScheck Software Version 2 . 0 Checked by/Date CITY: Amherst STATE: Massachusetts HDD: 6614 CONSTRUCTION TYPE : 1 or 2 family, detached HEATING SYSTEM TYPE : Other (Non-Electric Resistance) DATE: 5-10-1999 DATE OF PLANS : TITLE: COMPLIANCE : PASSES Required UA = 394 Your Home = 345 Area or Insul Sheath Glazing/Door Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Value UA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEILINGS 1080 38 . 0 0 . 0 32 WALLS: Wood Frame, 16" O.C. 2340 19 . 0 0 . 0 141 GLAZING: Windows or Doors 320 0 . 350 112 DOORS 40 0 . 350 14 FLOORS : Over Unconditioned Space 1054 21 . 0 46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design represented in these documents is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the requirements of the Massachusetts Energy Code . The heating load for this building, and the cooling load if appropriate has been determined using the applicable Standard Design Conditions found in the Code . The HVAC equipment selected to heat or cool the building shall be no greater than 1250 of the design load as specified in sections 780CMR 1310 and J4 .4 . Builder/Designer Date u ow 1819Ag VITT OF 81 3-MAY-1999 16:08:22 Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Receipt No: 105747 Marianne L. Donohue, Register of Deeds 33 King Street Northampton, MA 01060-3298 Name: JAMES BOYLE Addr: PO BOX 988 EASTHAMPTON,MA 01027 Receipt Type: OR Payment Total Pages: 0012 Fees Taxes Fee: $ 24.00 Cash: $ 24.00 $ 0.00 Tax: S 0.00 Check: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Misc: $ 0.00 Charge: $ 0.00 Charge Code: Comment: DECISIONS 78 WOODLAND DRIVE 1-SECTION 6.12 2-SECTION 6.13 Receipted By: BETH Status: PAID DOCUMENTS: 990014347 to 990014348 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type Page Doc Mref Consider$ Record Fee Excise Tax Stat Misc Fee Record Date Document# Book/No/Page Status ---- ---- --- ---- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---- ----------- ----------------- --------- -------------- ------ MIS3 005 0001 0000 0.00 11.00 0.00 0.00 17-MAY-1999 16:07 990014347 OR /5689/0204 INIT MIS3 007 0001 0000 0.00 13.00 0.00 0.00 17-MAY-1999 16:07 990014348 OR 15689/0209 INIT Page 0001 of 0001 IMF I 81999 OF PT Of B3 3-MAY-1999 16:08:22 Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Receipt No: 105747 Marianne L. Donohue, Register of Deeds 33 King Street Northampton, MA 01060-3298 Name: JAMES BOYLE Addr: PO BOX 988 EASTHAMPTON,MA 01027 Receipt Type: OR Payment Total Pages: 0012 Fees Taxes Fee: $ 24.00 Cash: $ 24.00 $ 0.00 Tax: $ 0.00 Check: $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Misc: $ 0.00 Charge: $ 0.00 Charge Code: Comment: DECISIONS 78 WOODLAND DRIVE 1-SECTION 6.12 2-SECTION 6.13 Receipted By: BETH Status: PAID DOCUMENTS: 990014347 to 990014348 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fype Page Doc Mref Consider$ Record Fee Excise Tax Stat Misc Fee Record Date Document# Book/No/Page Status --- ---- --- ---- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---- ----------- ----------------- --------- -------------- ------ IIS3 005 0001 0000 0.00 11.00 0.00 0.00 17-MAY-1999 16:07 990014347 OR /5689/0204 INIT 41S3 007 0001 0000 0.00 13.00 0.00 0.00 17-MAY-1999 16:07 990014348 OR /5689/0209 INIT Page 0001 of 0001 1 C i CXTITDTT "t" The land entitled "New Access Easement. Areas to be Acquired" as shown on a plan of land entitled "RPVTSFI) FASEMEN'r PLAN" Woodland Drive, Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts dated March 4, 1999, Developer: .lames F. Boyle and Patricia A. Boyle by Killam Associates New England Cnneulting Fnginpers Of 9 cofff-' �;trPPt, Hadley, Ma-,sarhu-Retts, said plan is recorded in Hampshire County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book , Pages Said Easement Areas more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beqinninq at. an iron pin set in the northerly side of Woodland Drive said iron pipe marking the Southeasterly corner of Lot_ 5A and the Southwesterly corner of Lot 5B; thence running in a Northeasterly direction along a curve having a radius of three hundred (3010) feet a distance of ten (10) feet. to an unmonumented point; thence turning and running N, 51" 22' 34" W. along Lot 59 a distance of twenty eight and fifty eight one--hundredths (2B. 5U) feet to an unmonumented point; thence turning and running S . 10„ 25' 04" E. along T.nt 5A a distanre of twenty five and forty nine one--hundrtdths (25.49) feet to do unmonumented point; thence turning and running in a Northeasterly direction along a curve having a radius of three hundred (300) feet a distance of ten (10) feet to the point of beginning. Subject to Pa.Pments and resrriction5 of —Onrd- Executed as a sealed instrument this 15th day of March 1999. J , J Moriarty, itnesa J S F. BOY Jo J i rty, W ness PATRICIA A. BOYLE THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampshire, ss . Then personally appeared the above jiamed .Tames F. Boyle and Patricia A. Boyle and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to e their free act and deed, before me, `-- n . Moriarty, ary Public y ission expires: 7/1/2005 owners to maintain the Common Driveway in a good serviceable condition. This requirement shall include but not be limited to the removal of leaves, debris, accumulation of snow and ire such that the Common Driveway shall, at all times, provide safe vehicular and pedestrian travel and access to the Lots . This requirement shall not apply to the Grantor herein but shall be immediately binding and effective upon the subsequent owners thereof upon cnnveyancP of any lot. The cost- of construction or maintenance of any ext.«-.nsion of the Common Driveway beyond the area indicated to be the Common Driveway on Exhibit "A" for access by the Lot owners to the individual homes and Lots from the Common portion of the ( nmmon Driveway shall be the sole responsibility of the respective loot owner c:{r.ating such extension and is not subject to this Covenant and Easement. it is the intention of the Declarant that the routine maintenance of the Common Driveway be performed in a neighborly, good faith by the owners of t_he 1,nts with ea-h Lot bearing one-halt of the actual cost of such reasonable maintenance as determined between respective owners . Notwithstanding the preceding and in the event that any of the [.ors 5A and 5B owner refuses to bear their fair share of the actual maintenance and/or restoration expenses incurred, excluding those for utility installation and maintenance purposes, concerning the Cnmmnn Tlri_veway the other Lot owner may undertake and have performed such work as may be reasonably required to restore the Common Driveway and Fasement Area to its prior condition and shall be entitled to briny an action for contribution, including all costs and Attorney's Fees of the non-breaching party against, the non-cooperating Lot owner in any Court of competent jurisdiction within the Commonwealth. To the extent that wires, water lines other utilities and their associated structures are located within the Easement Area, the owner of each T,nt shall be solely responsible for all costs associated with installation and subsequent maintenance and repair of those utility lines, pipes and wires servicing each respective Lot as well as the affected portions of the Common Driveway. The Declarant its Respcct.ive Successors, Heirs, Executors, and Assigns, as the case may be, shall make no other use of the Easement Area which would interfere with the exercise of the rights ­nvmyed hprei-n. The owners of the Lots shall not erect any permanent structures . Any undertaking for repair and/or replacement -f the Common Driveway within the Easement Area shall include the replacement of dny and all surface material damaged or altered during the exerrico of the rights conveyed hereunder and shall include the restoration and repair of any excavation to the grade and condition existing immediately prior to the work being undertaken. The Grantees of the Lots hereafter will agree by acceptance of the Deed that said Common Driveway is a Private Driveway and is not a City Way. Maintenance, Operation and Reconstruction, including snow plowing and ice removal are the responsibility and liability of the property owners serviced by said Common Driveway. The owners of any of the aforesaid Lots agree that vehicular access shall hp provided to their respective Lot along the common Driveway and that no other vehicular access to the Lots shall, be maintained except by way of the Common Driveway. The Common Driveway shall be initially constructed of bituminous concrete or pervious cover or such other cover as may he required by the Department of Public works as a condition for granting of a Curb Cut and Driveway Permit. Thereafter, the surfrcP cover will be constructed or mazntai.ned, after the initial construction, as agreed by Lot owners. I { LAFRUMN 1 01999 C ON DRIVEWAY EASEMENT AGREEMENT RATION OF MAINTENANCE COVENANT Lots 5A and 5B woodland Drive Northampton, Massachusetts James F. Boyle and Patricia A. Boyle owners of land located on Woodside Drive Norhhmapton, Ma. originally acquired by Deed from Southwest Federated North Texas Limited Partnership, a Texas Partnership, dated February 8, 1996 and recorded in Hampshire county Registry of Deeds, Book 9822, Page 21 hereinafter referrer) to as the "Declarant" hereby establishes a Common Driveway Easement for use by the respective owners of Lots known as Lot 5A and 5B AR shown on a Plan of Land entitled dated May 7, 1997, prepared for ,Tames F. Boyle and Patricia A. Boyle by Killam Associates New England Consulting Engineers of 8 Goffe Street, Hadley, Massachusetts, and recorded in Hampshire county Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 1RI, PAges 157, hereby declares and establishes a common Easement for the purpose of installing, locating, maintaining, replacing and pat.roll.inq wires and pipes for the purpose of providing water and other necessary utilities for single family dwelling piir_pn-P to Lots 5A and 5B and for the purpose of establishing a Common Driveway for access and for any other purposes for which a way to the 5Ald lots . The Easement, area is as more particularly set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Fasement shall consist of a Common Driveway to be constructed in the Easement area as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. once the Common Driveway has been constructed, its location shall remain fixed and shall not be relocated except by written AmenrimFnt to the Easement Agreement executed by the owners of the Lots and recorded in the Hampshire County Rcgistry of Deeds . Further, this Fasement shall also include the right to provide access to electric utilities, telephone lines, cable television or other necessary underground utilities from the incation of the utility boxes to the single family dwellings to be constructed across the Fasement Area as is set forth in Exhibit "A" arrarhed hereto. Once the initial installation of utility lines from the utility box is in place and constructed no further change in the l.ocarion of said uti.lity lines may be made in the easement area of the otheL without the written consent of the other r,ot owner. Further, there is currently no City sewer service to the premises, but this easement shall provide for installation of sewer lines or other utilities that. may subsequently become accessible to the premises, .James F. Boyle and Patricia A. Boyle by establishing this Easement and Easement Area loratpd on Lot 5A and 5B intends that it he an Easement appurtenant to Lat~ 5A and 5B; that it shall run with the land upon its con"Pyanr-P; and that the Easement shall remain in existence even in the event that all parcels come under common ownership unless the common owner thereof records a Declaration otherwise in the aforesaid Registry of Deeds. The ini.tial declarantz reserves the right to alter this Easement while they is the common owner of these Lots included within this Declaration of Easement. This Perpetual Easement shall contain the non-exclusive right and obligation by thr' bwnPrs of the Lots to enter the entire Easement Area, to excavate, lay, c:ornstruct, maintain, replace and rebuild the Common Driveway located within the Fasement Area . It shall be the responsibility of the 10 Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES,describe size,type and location: t Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property'?YES _ NO IF YES,describe size,type and location: 11 . ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. This column to be filled in by the Building Department Required n Existing Proposed By Zoning Lot size 76 FrontageC� � Setbacks - side L: R: L: W) R: L l� - rear r�� C) ` Building height Bldg Square footage %Open Space: (Lot area minus bldg &pa-ved parking} �G # of Parking Spaces # 'of Loading Docks Fill: _(volume--& location) 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my know e. DATE: �4Z j/ J APPLICANT's SIGNATURE NOTE: lusua�oe of a zoning permit does not relieve an plionnYs burd oomply With 4111 zoning requirements and obtain all required permits turn the Board of alth. Conservation Commission, Department of Publio Works and other appiloable permit granting authorities. FILE # MAY 1 Q 1 9% Fi 1 e No. P K-�3 1'7 oEPTOF$uu_�ltar,INMPIA NG PERMIT APPLICATION (§10 . 2) ©RiHF.t ,'tt,ts �'01C�"��' LEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: Ir Address: Telephone: S VS C f 2. Owner of Property: 6) Address: A) 9,P F7 r nj Telephone: 916 — FT G f 3. Status of Applicant: ,_Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain): 4. Job Location: ZF Parcel Id: Zoning Map#� Parcel# 9�1(0 District(s):>� (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5, Existing Use of Structure/Property 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): L US 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Building Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special PermitNadance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained ,date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) Preliminary Plan Review Checklist City of Northampton Date submitted : -51-/XO�4 Address: 7e Ae Map 3s- Parcel 22G Zone Lot size: Edition of Building Code in force: Building Permit # Bj9-/9 q p— d 237 Applicant: ,g ,,,rs ,�fX er- Owner or Authorized Agent -----------------• 5;4 1. Use Group ------------------------------------ 2. Building Type of Construction------------: 3. Square footage of proposed construction: 2 /Y6 4. Height of proposed construction----------: - 5. Site plan required -------------------: / Surveyed: 6. Fire protection-----------------------Signaling Required: )k. Suppression Required--------: Alarm Notification Required : �✓ Exterior Wall fire resistance rating 7.Conservation (Wetlands) 8.Change in Use--------------------------------: /L/co 9.AAB Requirements--------------------------: �vb 1 o.Plumbing (fixture count change required) : A4/4 11.Controlled Construction (116)--------------- .vcf 12. Local Zoning Ordinance restrictions-----: e--o -- en,��.-�� ,���.,�,.,, i.P��o 13. Plans Stamped by oZ- Inspector: Date reviewed: SAd Pass_Fail Hold for more information Comments: File#BP-1999-0937 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON James Boyle ADDRESS/PHONE P O Box 988 (413)586-8561 PROPERTY LOCATION 78 WOODLAND DR MAP 35 PARCEL 276 ZONE SR THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Fille t Fee Paid ly, Typeof Construction: CONSTRUCT SINGLE FAMILY HOME W/2 CAR GARAGE New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 006863 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan T LLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: Approved as presented/based on information presented. Denied as presented: Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under: § _w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commissi s l G V 2 Signature of Buil ' g Official Date Note:Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. 78 WOODLAND DR BP-1999-0937 GIs#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map-Block: 35-276 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 Permit: Building Category:New Single Family House BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-1999-0937 Project# JS-1999-1599 Est.Cost: $150000.00 Fee: $827.60 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: James Boyle 006863 Lot Size(ss .ft.): 516926.52 Owner: BOYLE JAMES F&PATRICIA A Zoning: SR Applicant: James Boyle AT: 78 WOODLAND DR Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: P O Box 988 (413) 586-8561 Workers Compensation EASTHAMPTON 01027-0988 ISSUED ON.•5/21/1999 o:oo:oo TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.-CONSTRUCT SINGLE FAMILY HOME W/2 CAR GARAGE POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Inspector of Buildings Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: Fee Tyne: Receipt No: Date Paid: Check No: Amount: Building 5/21/1999 0:00:00 $827.60 212 Main Street,Phone(413) 587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Building Commissioner-Anthony Patillo