29-050 (3) VHL ZONING PLAN EXAMINERS NOTES FRONT YARD SIDE YARD SIDE YARD REAR YARD__ NOTES IX. SITE OR PLOT PLAN For Applicant Use . .•11af11{wfr•uaHHarmmrlN•taf Na■{Hf=uif�ffit•alaif�ii�----------m 1aiiiiiiiiimMis�m�mN•Cs1aa l�al a�ias./IfOCK %�f�����r����r����1�����������•Ha SIMMONS*:w::::a•::HU18m:sH�a::H::::::::Me:::00 :Hr far%ftRSH:::M::::e: `:��: ::::::C:M::::::::: aai•sf::::::::t■:1::■:■■i■itlt■■■■•t1■•{1f..■■.1■■.1..R1... :::N:::e:,��.s:ass:-:::e s ii:::::::ei::::::es:::i:::B: s::::as::s:::::::::::::e:s::e:s::::O:::::sIO i::-:::\:OpM::O:N■::::::°iii nx lSaa.x■wNa ## .11tt 11011•/!! aa:ai ufu.alt:+��tuteatmR■# am11#Haa11al•atmrMH alsxR11ra. tm. Rare 1a•.araNr! !iilrrauaata■N11a , rr.......•.......... a mauls. I j-w:s:s::•airil�r= rxiasssr�:::::S:m SlSisiuiissiaiss�•iSSS iiiwle••••wissuii::Siiii:is:SSriii�S�=iS=i.�i:iiiiiSSSsis will:iiiisa:iiiiw�:SiS:iii:iiii:iii:i:uuiiiiiii M1t�exRH���i..a11asomooNifiiwN.:•sReR !fir sas����1.■■1..i••i•�1{i sR.a S:fiwifiiNUCIf s�S/ ous%r1llli_:7fsfiis}iu:Siii_esii:eiw/fiiiiii:fii:ilili:i:s■:, ;x y•wis.ls•a�•x■.!•tf�.s ips.l z :m::-:si■raR:l:s:R:s:::-:::_:::::::s::N:SISU H'ItiM::ii::s*::::s :::::un8 ::::::::::::e:::::::1:::::1•�:: •N.l{/till•:!amaa.a:N1 R:t•a••::.H•N w•N• • \am� �■ rNra#1 f itilalr ■ai tm!#m maaataaivaa #aasHal�mtf►s.HUra. aaal o.1.asfaara,lllla•x•sxlNasaaaxlarax•aNr■aaM•■fr S:•ra.• • sis.,• :allows**:a�a� aau •m wra."H{Hmr HU11,•H of on as •• ■u smsaarrlaax. .a ■aur .11.11x! ,1111 ■•slxrausrrrxururuu l\sr-iisiGsstg. s •o•I�i s m.. xof 1 rrrx•Ru■s 0 alaam�x•arCA•artx•slR x•s.FmsaHmaHa.:lO/s0:20mosaHHlatoaa■ ••xaaaxaxlau, i1sZSir,:: uii iilRti7iiii r�iwaNa■oiS�ial�ResesisSiiiiUSiiiiiii::•-��`���iiiiiOSii:eiiiiii:ii:ei :,iii:ii :•yii iSS ,i ai°i ___.a \o••= •1� f/iral.•Itt Hi•lHf...■fuaati frf/mNm■t s. ..rlwxrG��u..+uasxas R.rxstfram■tt•■1ue•tM afslawNaafaa.H.wa.H,.0... 1rr/O■ 1 11w • t•t • N. i'. f • w.. ■wiMf?i�iiiiaxalrf 7Hl!11a.as■ x11 • O#H•mH.• 1111!!!••!N■al.wtr wa■a N. aSwUlle Nal■ 1:tlr=l�is : rt•ia •1_zi� : a it iG�=:iuR:axlaAa..ta•taHliH.mlawa\au•11111 111 .:wiaaxxusxru/au:a/suaus{u.uula H•:RRHfasalwaarai /■lu • ■a i::tll ■ i��ji•asax rr ll�'it 1111 Sasaxs..11y.w••w arlllaVa Nau a/ltoxuNUrxxHNaNarxl/a.11s . : !:: utaaauau■Haaaal 11H•:uu aalNaaam*1i:.•N: / :a a.11rm • .iHmr.ri.iHr u• a/lifruHru fuaarui Nw■rxH■HUHU■1s{■ u■■u■{w.{1••uai•is•■1■•r.■a.rfrr.f/■ur a• .•t • •musse11liar : H a.F1111taluraH.S-.4mfr•1 Nia•.•t4 aiH•1latxull•Rx.raitHHH.HNaxM Hiu Oafaaa■slf rlraluwsasutaa I...r a:• Za11l!Nair' SesRU • 1111 aSRatiRHasRa aNV.ra•.Imr,lmirmraealuaausaaraa a 11x11'aRHatiatt aRNaaui•RiauffaauffaaHRaR11•afaralaatHH naarirn is{q�NI m:i: t slKira=aarrl• tiffifW"illia»alw/•uat=m alr=frr•#S.+ar11=• aNUa•HHaaauu•a#uunaaaaraaaoHNiulur i:N:ill:s::1/INwllra•ia11iw�ai:• :�srsa/a:f:1:sN:i:1{IllH�S�::ramsvisas t:i::s:Msi nlwllifsrlrivise Ws1 a :.•:s Ms.\s•s:::::•,::w::::w1:::H:::o:::: ::::�s:■■/:t::\t:::Y�� : `Roo ::s:::i:l•f:i: ttlflliiisM isMisssa arRt:ii,i�i�i��ii::*N�ii�uiM�i/M::s:i ssN:�sti rs:::::nownmosese as f:::: •::S:eiiiii��1amsiitMr.tS=i�iaiasSS.awa.iG :i•gwiiiiiiiiiisiiiii i�iiiii::iii=isgirssiSU ZSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii#.I�:iisi:iiiiiiiiiiiairiiiiiiiiii::,iii:iiiiiiiii \:a:#a�i11al.i/liiiiiNii■wi1i1M-New il:aiw�iwi i•iiii:*iiiis iii«HrMlla11•i s::'pia:::FiaaliMaiiaas rls.k11.11au{•1lNa fill!N•xr xx la•a•awsfHH.0/aafi.ul■/NaM.Hx• 11:-rw:: is nns r•sf!•R:iH•N■•=rx•1� .:ms=•=sl:l•xS.Yf•raat ae:iaaN,txHU!R.naix 1•lar•sxaaaaiNraa!•a11aari•uaxNUa.ax.i■aa■■xwrnrr /•�1•1� u N.H x •SHH.uia• in: - H■• as r.rN•f�H•Nawitaa till aaoua nay!•Naxat••aHa0 see:aa11!•aa■11■aO11Na11irHtalaaM / • x w! 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Sr ■ZNaNt=111ralaeaslal• as.• :;; It.aar U•=a:.ilea■■0, Ofate a moo:sa=aaraHaa■aaaxlaHNauaitalmamraH!/aril■Hirai 1 ■ • oms a.a•ltsror aq a R•.-_.•er 40-. nul\o oual�HUalru•i•�■ a • a x•aaaaRiaurauawuio.Halraawe....a U.aNa , 0*0 sowafaff.a.mf sNafaiHaf a - fus•`.•H:1maf.aa faafiHea1'.R•afa•11H form.l a•xul\r11rR•1ufNNliM{mmRNHU1HIHlHa aifrNU•t■■a•ua a•H• In• xaax xaatxuaa au{ n n•urranauraxu/uaurarN11 xaus=fm RN1111rauaHaauauaxluualuuuaaluluaauxnauuuuuuma 1 :•.w •a:•iNfa•tia :/ 11:11 r•=Ili.tttlia 11.11#•lallw11N•m1wll.N,lma•,■s R•lu#.aw.raR•■tm■fair•{r//,tia11•m.•aallra•frH/uraHxNS•Na■sHaa is wasNaistiimiSatill\S:••ia iiiiisSiZS:.N�,:t/r{IliSsB :111MI I:SS:rsr.:l�r:SiS\r\i:,iw:isii:e :ii11i::S::ssSSur:ir:iiiis:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 1 •tl NtHt i1Hf.1a i Ra•m1•1a1.•• lu■Nwl. 1.■Ra\laau■,a■ 11x.1�RaiNarluauuau■11aNaxlxuxraauru t11aaaM.Hru NUtve NO lalr•s:ta..N.a•:tlRi•M2i•. ut icc.:sli"a a:1:sN Hilfaivartt:s�•Illlirx•Nal.auaarrialMrlat•HH■.Nalasas=•ia=aaxss a•aaas air a/11.11 was:SS:is:t::s�:su : :::::se::H�l:N:sl:lit:1i1 `•i1:::: vile:se:s::a%t::ss:::M:::wl: :f:s:::i:::::%::i:::N::i:i:i :i:::::ii f:Rea latex • •iii .MM�1 1 1xi•f • yygq .a.a\1f ai11• f•11•R.......1111.•!/-..........N,...��_r Ir_raaamNHa asxlaauaax,•#asaaaau•mr•rtarita•lit.i■Hr{■um... �ar air` i■•••/r�rrlpsl:..1 :ti•�sluitsi'iu:i :fifr�xi:sS:Ss::ttsi:Qfa:raw, a::i: a:m:::::\ :e:::i::ea:::::�\u:.:a::r:::r:::ar::•:••/\::::S:i::::: via H:::::e:s �1.oa f • a•. .�.. : N :wumias�•�i■.�wp'■rua_arH a{,i•Ia,fluaa,K a.■1111■aH/■HU/NS„t/,■air■aaralx•aHa■t,a■x.uYUa•u.aifH■/■rixat /.::: .:'llos_iff� s�s_: :s::RS/:1:1i:::::::s:l st :f iss.%•ss::::i ::R Ms::i:s:::%s:::::::%:.A:::i:::: :s p eSiif'Sa�ii i�rm0:1 ss l�i f S1 Zf:Ss::s.ai:.�iS11u■::iiS i:ii:ssiii:iii:s Si laS S:a s/s i0iii r,iS::s i:iis/ iia iMi:iS i =1� 1 all ./ •• •a fi11tt•mims11r m•r• •iwm aNif M11f •fa.sua uHaslwlmuauN••Ni#MN/t1swH.m11sl• marsH•aaRlaawauaaa■■rs{Nfa■aN■i r 1��: : , , :•. • � , : wl mfrs•m#•::,mils!/■•.ia:rRi.,iii■amaaarNo so sisaaaaaaaa•arm■aH:lx/axa•Raa11msr a.tatasaam•araw•.rw• • ii: a--aG=•ii ea �r/*ii iSonei= iaai �=�Ss s�iiiiii=iiii�iia ii: iii :iisii=isiiiiii=Qusiiiiiii_S� iiis:ii::i:iiiii+ //aaii:i :s••st•,:Siaiiia:•: x11 .t:• 1 t it-ei s:a•{{:s�aa::lrte{r N{•xa3 MiM�r��ji•:■■�r��a+s l�iaN�is.l:lt:�rx�a,+ix+rraU�isl ss:a11ss::#:ssi:�:'sl:�Ni ::ssq :is:::r sss:s:::ssss:s 0 :ss::::l:s ::/::::::�ss::::f:::% i • e N ./esS 11 lrs: =sl.mif r•. ar.assf:s::•l:::Ms:::s:psi:eN•N:Mf:::::1iN:ss1'1S::si:es::Ills::s::s:sees::sine so::C:Sa:ii:iii:Sisi:w:::i:i::::iiii 1 •�• /!late.1111! �r 1111! 1 M {•rH■RiaH ariaramN{H.Nxiarmmfaa..Nia#a{ f! 1f H-aaaaaui....Hse ......111 fia.wa H,■rf■raa1a11uHf{ n • •_ ta::N:ti1i•:11:::11!=.•ssiss/marM•wlslta.•!a H/xu.•■:.iu■113Sta :u:ax�.taa=• •1111=IllraM •lHax=ataaallar.u•axr•ra•u 12" n �iip�• .iR taapR�• H !!.Bunn/ r.\aa:.aaarma RUN, as :--s -a .au iii ia=Hia=sall=l=.1111!!!u.Niaraal■a 1 =♦f :i •{aR��u1rss. {1tHiii:::Nifa� tsa:i•�s11111 .styes:ams�f\s_fs:ls:sf::s/1f:rfl,as•�u::!•,s:::iss:sr:s:_ss::sti:,se■isilur:iliiii�fiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiri it::s:.•fift:11.::t•:�1a::4 rr_M..::i:::_ssr.■.{Ny`t.yliial•��=.•�m�s1+. a::80 a��:s■:ru:s�:: s:�s::::i::eR:s's:a'sa::::Rr:::::s:t:.:::#: �s::::M::_:e_::::_M::::M:::M::::U:::s:sllis::: .•: s::\�r•�.i �1•�ir1a1 : Narsee: ::t:: :1 : �At�::::s:SS:t:wi ::: ::ii::s::ir1,:M.:si:::r::•.�R:ma».•:1111 : ai ■aN r11Nf calm 11:\11■arts/■u:woos,owls•:*3ia�i9�Sr�Nln.Sp�`i�1I��s:•N4.�1rt1jiis•�:�1s_;iii::1"N 24,:rli:urmmmaaas.'.;��.mss::s:ilo*wo BUIR sUHH iissiif�:�:s/s::vie:-a:-si :s: :es::ei:i-:::::: M: se:Jig ii::rSiiiils :iii 1`1.11 _:::ua:::ra::«tea.{:1:::es: :N� :::#:::i::::a::�HU :::••://Mf:::e:................. is:..Nr ::s::::::::M::::: ::: �•:\s a so Is: i 1,1,t•riria*�■aN11aj+y11 t■lg.N�ip ; • !a•■.: •s1 •R�•i s:*ila_•�/.�•aH rta..•/..•ai!%,N1/■ M9i i S•�:i:::aN::•\al:rrYrrY1111K1111ili••%:iai7:::/::ss::s:�::�fs a :S:::m:: ::t\:a.::s::\:::::: t 0000, 1 air•N sIH rte. saa N Sa aas: {i.::Nes:S ei11eaa.No 0.USHCH'•:r fi11Simf/77■■■■a��l:,fir{r•_•Ha:,1.1.00 M•11:•xai■auar.ualluraaaf axuivafHU1 :l Kim:::•i.il-I:s 11 R:•i':::::::::,1.1.1 :: .ss.l::ais : 5=1=��: s:sstl•�� sgRal �sses1..........:s:::�:fit:r::� i NO as:.•e: s:i ss�i o �1 w.aa.aa: i its. : : : s _- iu i-Siia • aiS..r■HraH•3-•\1111..-s�:.. :esa a 1 aa.xaaHHa■HRH H • H1a :e Ixe 1111.. __«------- y1 : l �:si:S�i:'R ••.R a.m=. r :li��� ':::i':-s:i::H::iiu:s::;ass =s::w=:=-'111=rii•�NSaRa',ls::Ali:'�.�`e='�4:a :s:r:::11:i:ii:im:s:s:::i ii1 3l =? i . iiii$ �i:i,Siiii' uia Isa:a•talag=a •• =I�.si•=■:•ssl•�tS==N=Sur n �a�s• nuar•aS/I�uar.nn �� ilk. 11! I'1 s i::.•11Im1 at•Hia.11 a m .r moo n# alfNia�H #rte �xt:: a as imr axuaawH :HHlaff+ + aS Z:I�i l`�I� 11..11!�'�r�as : i1rH�a.11sss sa:llmi■i•.11.1•Re•11s: �`•MH 11 rls ll 31111:r t•! : ■ : : : �- a�.j 1jjSJ.tt1�1�,:�i r£ aaa R:;j :i :iiI::■:si-:-�:: #..�e•x : : • •i: al:e:::::::::::::::weemp i • a i iM /1G�R.N,s ••:•NI:I.N . a f .H .ef:::::: ee:::ee:er::a a irtr•, was sa risq ie f�r=i�N i =waS- L ;SZiun :::IIilIII.-miimusiin i ,iii e�ii L■•ii` i i■Se : `,ii i aIIii, I �S • �■� lsHa aau� tt ��q !l X11 �r : :s 1111 •xM • •xs.m Hamai • r. w w• is x Ni !iii iim i �eai• 1111 at !N 11 aim• • r.auuaial • s a aa:=ssl�a rx�1 a : s:::s:::w:�:estai:i i MIN ■ iaiwaxs t : • ■•al E :a :e:se:s:$:�s�:si:::: s Z i a a$a-mami a�r1 •miis�Sss�!::i eel a r IBM i�iii a�.�iLi�eGii:��isiis::=:e, NOTES and Data — (For deportment use) pL X S .— (o b O c. Pk 7'G-7 a. )c y 'PC LES u-)l ca*" 3 R-Y ruou t o• IV. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants #* 4 Name Mailing address — \'umber, stmt, city, and State ZIP code Tel. No. e �`o p/o G o 3d Owner or Lessee Q JJ Builder's 2. License No. Contractor ,�S __\ 3. P Architect or Engineer I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent and we agree to conform to all applicable laws of this jurisdiction. Signature applicant Address Application date le DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE V. PLAN REVIEW RECORD — For office use Plans Review Required Check Plan Review Date Plans B Date Plans By Notes Fee Started y Approved BUILDING $ PLUMBING $ MECHANICAL $ ELECTRICAL $ OTHER $ V1. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED OR OTHER JURISDICTION APPROVALS Date Permit or Approval Check Obtained Number By Permit or Approval Check Obtained Number By BOILER PLUMBING CURB OR SIDEWALK CUT ROOFING ELEVATOR SEWER ELECTRICAL SIGN OR BILLBOARD FURNACE STREET GRADES GRADING USE OF PUBLIC AREAS OIL BURNER WRECKING OTHER OTHER VII. VALIDATION Building FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit number Building, Use Group Permit issued 19 F Building Fire Grading Permit Fee $ !d 'G y Live Loading Certificate of Occupancy $ Occupancy Load Ap ved by: Drain Tile $ Plan Review Fee $ TITLE p�S CITY OF NORTHAMPTON �+ >1 MASSACHUSETTS $ OFFICE of the INSPECTOR of BUILDINGS Page art Plot 60 APPLICATION FOR ZONING PERMIT AND INSPECTOR BUILDING PERMIT IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections: 1, 11, 111, IV, and IX. C) ZONING q aA AT (LOCATION) 5 ' DISTRICT LOCATION IN 0.) (STREET) OF BETWEEN AND BUILDING (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) LOT SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK _ SIZE N II. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING - All applicants complete Parts A - D -� A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT D. PROPOSED USE - For-Wrecking" most recent use m M 1 ® New building Residential Nonresidential 2 ❑ Addition(If residential, enter number 12tK One fami.ly 18 ❑ Amusement, recreational of new housing units added, if any, in Part D, 13) 13 ❑ Two or more family - Enter 19 ❑ Church, other religious number of units- - - - -� 20❑ Industrial Transient hotel, l 3 Alteration (See 2 above) 14 ransent ote , mote , ❑ 21 ❑ Parking garage 4 ❑ Repair, replacement or dormitory - Enter number 5 E-1 Wrecking (If multifamily residential, of units ------- - -� 22 ❑ Service station, repair garage enter number of units in building in 15 ❑ Garage 23 ❑ Hospital, institutional Part D, 13) 16 ❑ Carport 24 ❑ Office, bank, professional 6 ❑ Moving (relocation) 7 ❑ Foundation only 17 ❑ Other - Specify 25 ❑ Public utility r ��1 j� 26 E] School, library, other educational B. OWNERSHIP s�7'o 1Z4GE yE� 27 ❑ Stores, mercantile 8 Private (individual, corporation, �'� / / 28 ❑ Tanks, towers nonprofit institution, etc.) � £✓ 419 ❑ Other — Specify 9 ❑ Public (Federal, State, or local government) C. COST (Omit cents) Nonresidential - Describe in detail proposed use of buildings, e.g., food processing plant, machine shop, laundry building at hospital, elementary 10. Cost of improvement,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, school, secondary school, college, parochial school, parking garage for, department store, rental office building, office building at industrial plant. To be installed but not included If use of existing building is being changed, enter proposed use. in the above cos[ a. Electrical..................... 'Po ��g C( b b. Plumbing ..................... `l c. Heating, air conditioning.......... e d. Other (elevator, etc.)............. 0` /4E R �� �E '� �•G�T , r , 11. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT $ Ub Imo((I C6-&% 'YN'CY`<-I J! L. SCJ�� 4kE III. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING - For new buildings and additions, complete Parts E - L; for wrecking, complete only Part J, for all others skip to IV. E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL J. DIMENSIONS 30❑ Masonry (wall bearing) 40 ❑ Public or private company 48. Number of stories............... 31 Wood frame 41 ❑ Private (septic tank, etc.) 49. Total square feet of floor area, all floors, based on exterior 32 ❑ Structural steel dimensions ..................... 33 ❑ Reinforced concrete H. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY 34 ❑ Other - Specify 42 ❑ Public or private company 50. Total land area, sq. ft. ........... 43 ❑ Private (well, cistern) K. NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL 51. Enclosed ...................... 35 Gas Will there be central air 52. Outdoors........................ 36 ❑ Oil conditioning? L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 37 ❑ Electricity 44 ❑ Yes 45 ❑, No 53. Number of bedrooms.............. 38 ❑ Coal 39 ❑ Other - Specify Will there be an elevator? m Full.......... 46 F�' �LJ� No 54. Number of Yes 47 Partial........ n ._,..._ c.,__ :. department of Building inspections 212 Main Street BUILDING Northampton, Mass. 0106 � O< 29 - 50 PERMIT Qa ccc5 JJJ VALIDATION DATE December 2, t9 83 PERMIT NO. 676 APPLICANT S. James Mihalak ADDRESS 350 Ryan Road, Flo. . Owner (NO.) (STREET) (CONTR'S LICENSE) g ) STORY NUMBER OF PERMIT TO y Storage RUN Pole Sh d One Family_ DWELLING UNITS (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. (PROPOSED USE) 350 Ryan Road, Florence ZONING r URA AT (LOCATION) (NO.) (STREET) BETWEEN AND (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) LOT SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SIZE BUILDING IS TO BE 12 FT. WIDE BY 24 FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION (TYPE) REMARag rmit for the building of a new storage shed pole shed poles and roof and no siding AREA OR 288 sq. ft. 400.00 PERMIT 10.00 VOLUME ESTIMATED COST $ FEE (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) OWNER S James Mihalak Jl c�G ayn . oa BUI P ADDRESS BY WHITE - FILE COPY . GREEN - FIELD COPY ■ CANARY - APPLICANT COPY ■ PINK - ASSESSORS COPY