29-473 (5) 012 continued) sed, and DPW- b) an approved driveway permit has been issued by the DPW. Fec^l ve.-i at City Clerk's office ORTHAMPT' N.. Qai/ L1 Tint I, Adeline Murray, City Clerk of the City of Northampton, hereby certify that the above Decision of the Northamptn Planning Board was filed in the office of the City Clerk on June 24, 1988, that twenty days have elapsed since such filing and that no appeal has been filed in thi matter. Attest: Adelind' m6eray City Clerk City of Northampton q tl FORM F NORMMa TON, MA June 9, 1988 Data NOTICE OF SD'BDI9'ISION' APPROVAL. OIL DISAPPROVAL. AMENDMENT OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL To: Cit7- Clerk The Planning Board. on June 9, 1988 by unanimous vote date APPROVED Ccross our one) the following subdivi.sio= plan%Condition Amendment Name or description Indian Hill Subdiviton New st=eer- names Indian Hill Submitted by (new owner) Kent Development Co. , Robert Pyers, President Address P.O. Box 371, Ludlow, MA 01056 Oa Date pens i— termination-nation.of the statutazy twenty day' appeal period. N ton•. Rlanning- Board: This vote. of tile: Planning. Board: is duly-recorded. in. the. minutes of their meeting.- c_ Applicant- Police Depar=enr Building Iaspecto= Boarct of Assessors. Board. o£ Public Works• Registrar• of ,7ote= Fire Depa=t men-m File- Board of Hea.lttr Conservati.oa Commission. a£te=- t,rent7- (20) days wi thour. notice: of appeal.,. endorsed_ blueprints, if approved, trill. be: transmitted. to:- applicant: L myiar: Registrar. of Poters L print City- Engineer L•myla= Police. Deparmmenr.. L print: Assessors. L print: Fire Deparraenr- L p=int: But1ding-rnsaecsoac L prim Ei7.er. L print: the Board voted unanimouly' to add the followin&-:Condition to the—"Planning—Board's original approval of this. Definitive Subdivision Plan of October 10, 1985: "#12. The Building Inpector shall. issue no Occupancy Permits or Certificates of Occupancy for any lots in this development until: a. the Planning Board notifies the Building Inspector that all of the problems contained in the DPW's letter of April 15, 1988 have been adequately addres- (see other side)