23B-046 (216) Ed-,,vard J. Te74hill January 27, 1981 Mr. P.Icbard A.ndriole Cooley Dickinson H�osp--Jital 30 Locust Street Ma. 0106-7) Dear Mr. Andziole.- Refsrer,te our phone conversation of January 26, 1981 as to the cotformin or nor co forming use of tihz,- hospital in a LTRB zonz in the City of "Northampton, pleas Present zorlr,; a.-, adcDte� by tlh--a City of Nartha.rlr.t0r. July 22, Icj7_5 and xnez-,n d e d April 28, 1973 and December -6, 11)7'D " d requi rs a new structl�ra for 1103pl' t2l : , wo u L us(,, to ol tale a spacial termit as aPpToved by the Board of Appeals. qc-VeV,*2T, as the buildings elld�tlrg prior to t�iqe above city zonin;,, they are --protRcteA, and must conform to the Ma3sachusatts Ceneral Law 400. Sincerely, Ell ward, J. Te4hill XMSTANT BUILDING !NSPECTCR EJT./1p