23D-108 City of Northampton °7�➢ ��� Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS = ,� 212 Main Street•Municipal Building Northampton,MA 01060 Buiiding 413-587-1240 Commissioner Sept. 21, 2008 Mr. K. Snape 187 Federal St. Florence, MA 01062 RE: Operation of landscape business in residential zone Mr. Snape , Our office received a complaint that you were operating a business in a residential zone. I made a site visit and spoke with you about your business. You must file for a home occupation Special Permit in order to store-goods and.materials at your site. You stated that your father ran his roofing business from that location for many years, please provide any documentation that you may have to establish this fact. You may be grandfathered for a business at that Ion. Please contact this office upon receipt of this letters you can obtain application and file. Sincerely, Anthony Patillo Building Commissioner City of Northampton CC: Mayor's Office