32C-251 (2) $ Mass Hillusrtts 12 I JI � DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS � '= 212 Main Slrcei ! Municipal Building y� INSPECTOR Nordminplo", MA 01060 April 7, 2003 Mr. Robert Richards N C I MA 01060 RE: Zoning violation for brush obstructing view Mr. Richards, I received a letter from the Department of Public works concerning the line of sight obstruction that your hedges make at the intersection of Williams and Holyoke streets, this has caused a hazard to public safety to drivers and pedestrians. I have attached a copy of Northampton Zoning Ordinances that outline what the law is regarding to bushes and shrubs obstructing vision. The bushes or shrubs cannot exceed the height of three feet for a distance of 25 feet in either direction from the intersection, this is to allow cars and pedestrians a clear line off sight for oncoming traffic. I made a site inspection today and took digital photos of the location and found that there is a violation of Northampton's Zoning Section6.8 subsection 6 (copy attached)., this letter shall serve as notice that you have 30days to cut the hedges to the height allowed, failure on your part to take action within 30 days can result in fines of$100 per day for each day violation continues and or court action. Please feel frre to contact me at 587-1240 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Anthony Patillo Building Commissioner City of Northampton CC: DPW do. 33 3 �3 rt u oj Sd O Cf 2 Aienuef'000£wl ( • � � t SZbZ-10-W-56SZOL CD �3 a diaaaa slyl ane$ lNtl1HOdINI s� a M 1 uasaad pue 3 a aau 3°u sl 3d!aOaJ rt Minbut ue 6ui�ew uay ;.� xi e uu 40elap a ipo 3sod ayi iB al° 0 W A 1!ew PUB e®elsod 41!M ages 11 P O uo IALwjsod e }! '6U!�!aew3sod lia a0 uo Vewisod e}I■ H -�� ;, 1!eW Pa!1!uassad aseald'Paa!sap s!3d!a0a)peW pa!}!laa0 41 O p� _4pu a43 1 Gan!iap Pajo!.risau"3uawasaopua Q as!npy'lua6e PeZIJO4lne s,aasS8'PP —�� aew ao�!aelo a41 eel �euoil!PpB ue 103■ N a4141!N a0a!d!ew aoi Palo,Isai aq /ew luan!!aP paainbaa N10 eassaipPe al-11 1 p + anOA uo�jewlsod Sdsn B'id!a0aa uanla�sjopudn aa} B }ilJG� a sanbalj id!aoaa umlatj11 a0a!dl!ew asd)Idlaoaa __.. si.}d!aoaa i. W Pa.. o! e w43 of(Ll8£waoj Sd)1 o}Jan!eM aa}e an!eZ)a of„P 1 e ue a� U u!elgo 01-/Jenpap a41)9noo 01 a6u3sod algeO!!dde PP P uanla» e ue aoj■ dwoo asea�d'ao!nias 3d!aoab e•aa}leuo!3!pP cD c--n }o}ooad apjold of palsanbw aq Rew ld!o ea nsulaap, enlen■ cn Z;-V 'ITVq Paaals!6a» P suoo asewld'salq p 'Ito n 10j 'I!eW Pa!}!3aa0 41!N a3al�Obd SI 30ya3�00 30Sl It NSNI ON X p N y !ew IBUO!luuaalul}o ssel0/ue ao}algBl!enu Sou s!i1eW pa!}!}e0■ /ew i!BW Pa!}!i1a0• QD sa! 1�M paUIQW°°ag IINOsiaPuiwaN 7ue3iodwi (� -n� !!eW/�111°!1d 10 1!eW ssel0 3 4. N 3 a4i Aq 3da)!ban!laP 30 paooal V■ o (D ' slug/orn3 ao}ao!NaS leasod luan!lap uodn ainleu6!s V■ U anb!un V■ m aoa!di!ew)no/a01 10411uaP. CL 3d!aoej 6Uwuw V■ :s8p!n0ad HEW Pa"!"83 Postal d M m C�VTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT a M ra T • In1wance Ln a) C43 °' O O r II °' > —° 9 m $'1dCJ.:I sp I gF' d A 6 a: o 0 �, o F • U.� TN Cn O m R;. o- m Postage $ 1' �f o v m ri � W 0yE � r� Certified Fee ra o Ln Return Receipt Fee ( h m D Q 0 tL' O C (Endorsement Required) J O Restricted pelive r m C o N o }�� O Oa Q O (Endorsement Required) `!L. ,� _ y quired) Total Postage&Fees N U O ca � Q T N CO U U o N O O o r r • � 3N O x Z � C7 0^ Sent To Cr L -0 ar ►-a Mr. Robert Richard a > Za m Api.---- s Street,Apt.No.; 4 — Q �- LL or PO Box No. °......., O + O fn 0 56 Holyoke St v a ¢ o a N a City,State,Z/P+Q North ---------- --- ampton, MA 01060----- -- -------- ------------------