Kollmorgen Zoning Items 2012-02-02City of Northampton Ordinances Chapter 350 Zoning #1 Lot area 350-ATT 2 Table of Dimension and Density PV District: 15 acres is the minimum allowed for a whole project, not an individual lot within the project. #2 Parking § 350-8. Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations § 350-8.1. Off-Street parking requirements. Table of Off-Street Parking Regulations Commercial, retail, personal service, professional and business offices, including banks, insurance and real estate establishments, but not medical uses: 1 per 300 square feet of gross floor area Manufacturing, industrial, utility, power plant, warehouse, storage, or wholesale establishment (calculate associated office with office use): 1 per 1,000 square feet gross floor space 140,000 sf total: 70,000 sf Manufacturing at 1 per 1000 sf 70 spaces 70,000 sf Office at 1 per 300 sf 234 spaces Total required per zoning 300 spaces Provided 435 +/- #3 Height § 350-6.8. Other general dimensional and density provisions. In addition to the regulations in §§ 350-6.1 through 350-6.7 above, the following regulations shall apply: D. The provisions of this chapter governing the height of buildings shall not apply to the following, provided that these facilities comply with FAA regulations and are no more than 130 feet above the ground, except as provided in § 350-10.9, Telecommunications and personal wireless facilities, or as further specified below: (1) Chimneys, cooling towers, elevators, skylights, ventilators, electronic equipment, or other necessary appurtenances usually carried above the roof, but in no case may the total height of the building including such facilities exceed 85 feet; (2) Domes, towers, stacks, or spires on a principal building if not used for human occupancy and, other than for churches, if not occupying more than 20% of the ground floor area of the building, but in no case may the total height of the building including such structures exceed 85 feet;