32A-145 (2) ��:, . � . �;� }•, .. . - :, , ,� �. a. ;. : � � ,. - . . ,. ry ,� � . a , n. *_ - ,. _ ° . 9c�iA ,oj� February 24, 1980 F O,N N SO sFtiTr OlA 9gNCF": Felix w, 9 sTq�otio\�ar e`, qz wiconek Marion B. Swi.conek I � q'1/k o F 63 Mill Street sAv �F C Glastonbury* �, Conn. L?6C133 Bear Ms. wiconek and Mr. Swiconekg Your building at 18 Michaelman Avenue in F � o o Q��os°��`9o9FSti�� ,G IV ° need of some immediate action F door has been o or the pe n on the first floor i' $oust have kicked the door in. Fo F of qo The police have been called over a few out of the building. I believe that this 9 8Q as someone may walk in and get hurt. ff In accordance with Section 104,1 and 104.2 of the'-,, State Building Code„ I would request that you make ih, repairs within three (3) days for the safety of everyoh4 ,. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Please do spot hes- state to call this office if I may be of any assistance, or i£ you have any questions. Very truly yours, Richard A. Gormely LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTOR RAG/lp February 22, 1980 Felix W. Swiconek Marion E. Swiconek 65 Mill Street Glastonbury, Corn. 06033 Dear Ma, Swiconek and Mr. Swiconeki I have read the report of Inspector Comely,, and his letter to you of February 20, 1980. The Fire Prevention Officer and myself viewed these premises February 21, 1980. Your building has now deteriorated to an extremely hazardous conditiov. This Is to notify you that condemnation proceedings will begin in accordance with Section 1, - Chapter 148, Mass. General Laws, on Monday, February 25, 1980. Very truly yours, Cecil I. Clark INSPECTOR OF BUILIiNGLI ccs Mayor Musante ] � � l ° o ) !( r § \ § \ / 2 y.\\ c¢a` \ � ■ 6 �\ (L ■ . � & ` )00 v % } } §«� ■ � «oo -4 � &, Lj 2 } k { z 7/\ } $/k � / } /) b0 CL i m_ =arz | z _[L _ ` E= w- �- \ w« �Q EfE!%\/ in} \ ff)\)t§ o Lu!,=o■o \ t (t))� ) / §u<.UJ u ) \ . . . \ . . �-3c z y 0 SENDER: Complete items 1,2,and 3. c Add your address in the"RETURN TO"space on reverse. w t. The following service is requested (check one). g Fj Show to whom and date delivered. . . . .".. .. ._¢ �] Show to whom,date,and address of delivery. ._¢ E] RESTRICTED DELIVERY Show to whom and date delivered. . . .. . . .. .¢ E] RESTRICTED DELIVERY, Show to whom,date,and address of%Iivery.$� (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Felix & Marion Swiconek x A C C Z 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: nREGISTERED NO. I CERTIFIED NO. INSURED NO. i 4168110 �p 1 (Always obtain signature of addressee or agent) m 2 I have received the article described above. m M SIGNATURE ❑ Addressee ❑ Authorized agent 3 / It�'1 y 4. c DATE OF ELIVERY POSTMARK 0 3- o 5. ADDRESS (Complete only if requested) Z rn m 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: CLERK'S G INITIALS 3 D r GPO: 1978-272-382 C}, a7. W M1D - O -• `C {yam'? � a ro �' CD F a O O C Q N O n -..Q ...'.7.c T n m y n' C d _� m CL °m m,� cm3c Dz J. t:7 C) p O"' w Q ni fa m a c7 v°i m� rok�� _o � ice a T ct, ro �. cL m O ' mrn mccso Ty o am off- �n, m n,o oo�d Ccn m m m mom n> >c � cCL Ov a o� m � ��m o'- y a) 2o•s- 5 z O T CD N O CD O CD. CD -�-.D: „ O a(D -0. rn 3 cn n"° o c =c° m a S c CD`D ti ti o m c O � Q� CD, r O Tti z!. im 4c cmjO O U �-'-«CD O L. cL °- N t7' 0- _ O /71 o CD -i d a _� _o y coin r r- cmj D a m m can' n roa G O -° m y ' In Q �. P14 4168110 AECEIP A CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE POVERAGE PROVIOEO- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENT TO _F�ix__8�__M-aron__Swiconek __ STREET AND NO. X1.1_Stree t——----- P.O.,STATE AND ZIP CODE astonbur Conn. 06033 POSTAGE $ 15 CERTIFIED FEE 80 w SPECIAL DELIVERY ¢ s RESTRICTED DELIVERY LL y w SHOW TC WHOM AND 6 w W � DATE,DE.IVERED 45 't^ w W SHOW TO WHOM DATE. AND ADDRESS OE DELIVERY CL Z SHOW TO WHOM AND DATE i DELIVERED WITH RESTRICTED 6 z o DEUV v NO OF 0 H 6 TMCT D ELIVE r TOTAL P GE 5 $ a POSTM N D Q VO Mc � G � 0 w a ., _,� , _ _ z �a _._ r �,, _. ,,�.. <� � � � ��: K February 20, 1980 Felix W. Swiconek Marion B. Swiconek 65 Mill Street Glastonbury$ Corn. 06033 Dear Ms. Swiconek and Mr. Swiconeks Your building at 18 Michaelman Avenue in Northampton is in need of some immediate action. For the last three weeks, a door has been open on the first floor in front. Someone must have kicked the door in.. The police have been called over a few times to get children out of the building. I believe that this is a definite danger, as someone may walk in and get hurt. In accordance with Section 144.1 and 104.2 of the Massachusetts State Building Cade, I would request that you make the needed repairs within three (3) days for the safety of everyone. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, please do not hes- itate to call this office if I may be of any assistance, or if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Richard A. Gormely LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTOR RAG/lp