Agenda and Minutes 2010-07-21City of :Nortliampton Community Preservation Committee 210 :Main Street) City Jia{{ :Nortliampton) :M}l 01060 Community Preservation Committee DATE: Wednesday, July 21,2010 TIME: 7:00pm PLACE: City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street (BEHIND City Hall) Contact: Fran Volkmann, Chair, Community Preservation Committee Franv@comcast.net Tom Parent, Vice Chair, Community Preservation Committee ParentBridge@hotmail.com Sarah LaValley, Community Preservation Planner slavalley@northamptonma.gov (413) 587-1263 Agenda • Public Comment • Chair's Report • Minutes 0 June 16, 2010 • Valley CDC Budget Amendment Request 0 King Street SRO • Contract Signing • CPA Project Website • Project Review Schedule for 2011 • Review and Discussion, Draft CPA Plan • Other Business For additional information please refer to the Community Preservation Committee website: http://www.northamptonma.gov / cpc/ Community Preservation Committee Minutes July 21, 2010 Time: 7:00 pm Place: City Council Chambers, 212 Main St. Members Present: Staff Present: Fran Volkmann, Tom Parent, Katharine Baker, Don Bianchi, Downey Meyer Sarah LaValley Chair Fran Volkmann called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Public Comment There was no public comment. Chair's Report Fran provided a report on the Child's Pond project-Conservation Commission sign -off was received, and dredging occurred last week. The pond will be filled when the water restriction is lifted. Fran noted that CRs will be on the agenda for the August meeting, and explained that there are several issues that have arisen regarding the type of protections that must be placed on open space acquisitions. Previous DO R guidance indicated that CR's are not required for CPA acquisitions, but this opinion now seems to be different. Some acquisitions funded in whole or part through the CPA do not have CR's. Sarah noted that all CPA acquisitions will have CR's in the future to reflect this recent opinion. Fran stated a plan will be worked out regarding how to deal with previously acquired land. Minutes, June 16 2010 The minutes were approved as presented, with minor corrections by staff. Valley CDC Budget Amendment Request Sarah explained that Valley CDC is again requesting a project budget amendment due to changes in the project timeline. Patrick McCarthy, Valley CDC, provided an overview of requested changes to the King Street SRO project. Additional funds are requested to be allocated to acquisition. Timing of state funds and grants have affected when funding is needed for acquisition. Patrick provided an overview of the project as a whole. Located at 96-98 King Street, it will be 10 studio apartments, all restricted to <60% of area median income. Don moved to accept the revised project budget, seconded by Downey. The motion carried unanimously. Contract Signing The Committee signed contracts and M OA' s that were previously approved by the Committee. CPA Project Website Sarah provided a tour of the new CPA project map web page, and the modified CPC website. The web now provides a Google map of CPA projects, with links to more information about what has been funded so far. Fran asked why the format had been changed. Sarah replied that modifying a Google map is much easier, and is likely more user friendly. The Committee provided suggestions about the modified CPC website. These included seeing if there is any way to make the map larger, and eliminating some of the required extra clicks to obtain additional information. Staff will continue updates and modifications. Project Review Schedule for 2010 The Committee reviewed draft project review schedules for 2011. A correction was made to adjust for City Council meeting dates. Northampton Community Preservation Committee Minutes July 21,2010 1 Downey moved to accept the project review schedules for 2011, seconded by Tom. The motion carried unanimously. Review and Discussion, Draft CPA Plan Fran provided an overview of draft changes to the CPA Plan, including major changes, and updates on new activities and projects since the previous plan. Fran suggested that the reports of the CPC and funded projects not be included in an appendix, since it is primarily used by prospective applicants. Applicants can be directed to the newly expanded CPC website for info about past CPC reports and past projects. Other suggested changes included some edits to reduce length, new schedules, greater mention of farmland and addition of the Agricultural Commission, additional guidance on historic projects, and discussion of protected land. The Committee reviewed the Plan page-by-page; adding additional modifications, and fine-tuning wording. The Committee agreed that property owner signature should not be required at the application stage, but the ownership issue should instead be addressed in the text of an application. Sarah and Fran will insert text providing an overview of housing projects, and Sarah will clean up the formatting. The Committee agreed to hold the public hearing on the Plan; including changes made at the meeting, at the August CPC meeting. Other Business There was no other business. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:30. Northampton Community Preservation Committee Minutes July 21,2010 2