32C-030 (4) r to CITY OF NORTHAMPTON '1 MAY 4 u l FINDING APPLICATION Dim 0 Itac pyl SP -Existing Nonconforming Use or Structure) 1. Applicant's Name: 01-) ✓rEg- Address: ?& .1'/E/-V,c-t C,�A..)s ttt- /in. Telephone: et/ - 1 t ty X. o r2-7-14 r'ro.-) 2. Property Owner's Name: /Nil R.31.x„L C flJr uN°1 40AI- os /11-6c110 koNtdi . Address: % "Wk. Siva 6 6 lot--,4 r>l31-K,c Telephone: 4/7 -) 7- o jj gYJTv"J, 04/3- call o 3. Status of Applicant: Owner ,/Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain: ) 4. Parcel Identification: Zoning Map # 32 e Parcel# G(,� 9 f Zon g District(s) Street Address /, ge-GoJ to err- 5. Finding is being requested under Zoning Ordinance Section 9 . 3 , Page - ) . 6. Narrative Descr iption of Proposed Work/Project: (use additional sheets if necessary) CoN✓ir j ia.•J o►' A. 7L..3 - /-'A-u L. ji v t c- -' G- 7' m V c/4 d UJE . /4 xi r ,::t .,o,c 474! /T u• , r. stcoti� �47vrtJ M�+o 77fi.s,� (,j,c C-. Co..„�/3#,. t� ,r.l 4 1."C&,g t/N r. 7. State How Work/Proposal Complies with Finding Criteria: (See Applicant's Guide and use additional sheets if necessary) U /4/g4L/c 4-Do.,J Al fore. 4 c/1#.1.1 4 Pint - Ard ea7) r+o, - a,4"it"6,.�c. t rya,ar,.Ole• 77fi! C<lf4v- & £JICL Iv or G/Zf4rAt 4 ,) j ✓/at-/tT7•w OJe ZaN.NG. • CP 4m4. • qb U4 9.06C 4.4(4. ,vor 174 rti o rei De;•-•4.�r4-e- 7)}4, n J 70 miL • 8. Attached Plans: ✓ Sketch Han ✓Site Plan None Required • 9. Certified Abutters List from Assessors' Office must be attached. 10. Certification: I hereby certify that I have read the FINDING CRITERIA and that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I (or the landowner, if I am not the landowner) grant the Zoning Board and Planning Board • permission to enter the property to review this permit application. // ���� G A"- *: Date: alt/9 Jr Applicant's Signature: OFFICE USE ONLY Date Filed: _ File #: (memorex\wp\zba\rinding.zba 10/20/92) • • . ,. Y/ r (,,,r �,4 0.04001 Date Filed _ __ -" File No. . ZONING P ERE IT A '1'LICAZ'ION (510 . 2) 1 . Name of Applicant: CLi ✓rp4_ rgtiri Address : 2 b fk,c ,rrct C,£._,Fr,yc Telephone: srey - iZ7 y . 2 . Owner of Pro :lerty: _ /`r14,1To/)," '' 744,1J7 Uf r-✓ /`Fine'" /IC.7 h+-L/Jg'rtc_• Address : • Ci, ie-iheic. ,f/w3 44 t.w 6_ ox4, telephone: G/j -367 - 2j3J iJoJN.- .--i/1- f. c,./ io 3 . Status of Applicant: Owner —Contract Purchaser . • Lessee Other (explain . . • ) . 4 . Parcel. Identification : Zoning Map Sheet! ?.>2 GM-), Parcel! 36 . Zoning District(s) (include oye`rlays) o Street Address Ctl .� L. Required 5 . Existing Proposed by Zoning • Use of Structure/Property e to-'. OF Eck' .S.4r=� ( if project is only interior work, skip to #6) Building height 3i fl - S,r-‘^ e %Bldg . Coverage (Footprint) —fo 04. l-e Setbacks - front _ _ /. ' /4 / U - side L: _9, cT-R: G/_S' L: y,Y R: 9, _I- 0 -- rear l 15 Lot size IB.sv Yz- Frontage. S° so • Floor Area Ratio Jqu n. (i . %Open Space (Lot area minus jj building and parking) (0 `9') s3 °lQ Parking Spaces 'I 1 H. ,I I . i, ' ''J4 " 'I " 51' . . Loading Signs - Fill (volume & location) 6 . Narrative Description of Proposed Work/Project: (Use additional sheets if necessary) ,'4/).J ;4.31i' .. . 1 6,(••(,_}-2:';. , Nr,., ,,,,i,.µ ,),-,/r /75Filp...,G-- /rz ti-,tsc.l., . ,/ )%'„--,"/!i0,f. 'OA-,0 ,e'X Iex', 0.<_ r .Jif/firs , Pi-” ' 0,L 4/4700)(4-�/7(Z °cc'e.I )L/J ) O-J Z. FC0'<"34'Z ( ,7/ ,-'n/C gi /l,./) /)UL (LIJ A-9"f)trt,1T+'--J- 7 . Attached Plans : '"' Sketch Plan Site Plan . • 8 . Certification : I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowle 0 • Date: b )4 Applicant' s Signature : (1-- -___ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: • Approved as presented/based on information presented enied as presented—Reason : J`5-,440'4/6 9:3, / cy�,.,&E a"- c's� Special.` Permit and/or Site Plan Required: ,?' /1 /- /r . -5/)%,«t) , Fin ing ° u .-red: Variance Required: • s gnar,r• of 131. i --_ Ig Inspector • D - NOTE: lssuanco of a zoning permit does not rcilevc on applicant's burden to comply whit oil zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the t3oard of}faalUr, Conservation C-rnm(ssfon, Dnpalmonl of Public Works and other applicable permit grantinf7 auUroritlos. ic1 ).