11A-071 (3) NOTICE TO PLUMBER DATE August 3, , 19 79 The Entry Fee for sanitary Sewer Connection for NAME Kirk Wassman ADDRESS 1337East Center Street, Leeds, Mass. has been paid in the sum of Fifty ($50.00) DOLLARS . r'rancis yen, ity Engneer. Northampton, Mass. August 3 , 197q Mr. Kirk Wessman has made application at this office for a permit to make a connection into the sanitary Sewer from No ' s . East Center St. , Leeds and has paid $ 5n.o0 for same. Yours Truly, �:...._ � / .,G-f� f , A . A P P L I C A T I O N/r. F O R A P R I V A T E D R A I N Non 4.ampto Vy Vass . August 2 , 19 79 • To 4r.e Bo and o4 S ew en Comniz i.o neteus: The undersigned requests for a Sanitary sewer drain may be laid from the Let 91 goo se,0 tp — street line in front of No. ,East Center Street, and that the same may be connected with the `East Center_ Street Sager, and that the undersigned may be allayed to connect with and use said drain for the purpose of house sewerage and in consideration that permission shall be granteld to connect said estate with said sager, the undersigned herdhy agree to provide all material and labor in connecting with said drain, and in laying and maintaining said drain and its appurtenances in strict conformity to the laws and ordinances relating thereto, and to the rules and regulations that are now in force, or may be adopted by the Commissioners for the laying and maintaining and use of private drains. And the undersigned further agree that no connection shall be made except in- the presence of the Superintendent of the Commission, or some other person authorized by him to represent him, or in the presence of some person authorized by the Commission to superintend such connection. And the undersigned further agree that no claim for.damages which may be occasioned to such estate or any property thereon, in any manner, by the construction, use or existence of such drain or connection, shall be made against the city. And the undersigned further agree to save the city harmless from all damages and losses in consequence of any defect in said street, caused directly or indirectly by any act of or of or employees or their servants and to put that portion of the street in as good condition as it was before the commence- ment of any work in making connection with said sager. And the undersigned further agree that if at any time any further connection shall he made with said drain than that specified herein, without the permission of the Commissioners being first dhtained in writing, the right of the owners of said estate to use said drain shall cease, and they shall become liable for the sum due for the entire drainage, the same as if no payment had been made. The undersigned further agree that the Commissioners and Superintendent of Savers shall have access at all reasonable hours to the said premises to see that all lags, ordinances and rules relating to savers are compliedwith. Signature of Applicant Kirk Wassmann The Sager Department will not be responsible for open Plunbing Fixtures Installed belay the Street Level. IN BOARD OF SEWER COMNIISSIONER.S. Permission granted to enter on the conditions herein named and under the supervision of the Superintendent of Savers upon the payment of the sum of Fifty($50.00) Dollars to the City Collector. rands ' . Ryan, 'ity Enginee vnnTIrn\11Tnn, TV'r,^,q August 3, 19 79