19-007 (2) The COmmonwealth of lifac,:sochusetis 1 Department of.industrku.Accidents Office filinvestioations . , 600 Ilasitin,von Street • lioston„ifoss. 0211.1 1'4043,07'7' ' irww,11701s,gowilia • Workers' Compensation insurance Affidavit: ilnilders/ContmetorsiEleetricians/Phinibers . Ica nt Information Please Print Let-tail), .,..., Name 0311,-,i1wmr:organizatioriiiridiviclual):,..i. :• i 1 -4 • • - i -z ,.' Address: I , ,,,,,,,i i c-:.;:..14:-P-1:>-1' .',„(-7'• ,,S:. .,.., • . — m4,'''' N ....A /0 CitylStatetZip: &-ir ::731Y2.7.4.. ..(--T-7:-...-(7.-.(....A r;,-;el PhoneTh 4.-./ / :3 — 7 rr.'..,:':' ........._ ..... ,i____.... . , ..... I Are'on an employer?Cheek the appropriate box --— 1 TYPen--f-pr;:j.i:ei.(requit:e-di;"--------- . I.Vi I ain an cmployer with 1. L. I am a general contactor and I 6, L New construction ....,„. , ........,,_ 1 :employees(full and/or pr c tinieY have hired the sitfiti..cOntrn.,2tciM 7. i..1.Remodclitue 2, ii 1 am a sole.proprietor or parnief- listed on•the aft-yelled sheet. ship and have no employes ".1 beitre stib-contracters have t 8. 71 DernOlition working for me in any capacity. e In irtoyees and have workers' i 9. 71 Building addition No svorkerst comp.ilistitance comp.insurance. ,i1 required] ,f,„.,J We,are a corporation and its j 10. 7l Electrical repairs e additions •3. ri I air a homeowner doing ail lyork officers have exercised their 1 t i. 71 Plumbing repairs or additions I myself [No workers,' comp. right of exemption perm Mid. I insurance required]? c, 152,,..`t 1(4),um/We have no 12, •,:il Roof repairs emplevees, [no workers" : 13.X, Other_ cone in'sliTan ,e,required:I , ..... Arr:.applieetrit that checks box IA must also fill out the Section below s' sag their wnrkrrs'coniite'toolion poky information. , fklomcossuers who submit this affidavit indicating they Ors doing all wort and then hire outside coulracitors must submit a sew affidavit indlealitsz sack. :::Cortteictors thin check:this tan must attar+an additional sheet showing the nsme atilt sob conietictors and stole"udictliter in ma thasz cubes have employees. if fhostili,7rOutratelors bays,,,c..22cesiAllev:nitistrfrvick,their,wdrkereconaltAity mint ber, i am an employer that is providing.worker:'compensation inswance for my employees. nelow is the policy find job site iprnwiltni. i us u,:::itficse Corn p irny\am /-1 /1", rg t(:':::,i -44.4,,)41.4,,,, ,,x,,c.:.- , ; ,..,/-,;,,, , J.,:i PolicY.4 or Selnos.:tic'.It': L A I NC., '- ‘.1-)CiHn ''''''.-c 7.*:...":,'V::::3 F.x.cii.atiorl ft-to; ''>: ,. ,i f ._ . -.-. .,. ..... .. - -I- .f 011 S i tc Address: CityiSnite."21p: Attach a copy of the workers' ennmensat inn Volley deal ra awl page(showing the policy number And expiration (date)„ Failure to secure covernge as recillil'ed uudar Sc.ction 25a of:MGT, 152 can lend to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine Up lb$1,500.00 and/or one year imprisonment t.'" v,-el i es civil penalties in the lain of a STOP WORK ORDEK and a fine of 5250.00 a day against'violator. Re.advised thin a copy of this statement m:t IV ThrWarded to the Of fice of ItiNestiLotions of the DIAfor coveratta-) voritication. _„„--.... .._, .. .-.. .. t tin her bY 4ler fil,i)under the pait,t,Lynd penalties of perjury Oat/he infiwinalion pi-os,inr.eti above is trtic and correct. ... ........._ .Si8-f_Ltia .!.. „..• .-, .,,,,, ."4„..-,..,..± ...---],l,„_ \ De,de• '"5,1:..'...'i f N --' _.----- . Print Naine- 3i LN: r-7 : ... -: : '' t ( C 7 til , 1 Official use only Do net write in this area to be completed hi' city or town qfileial City 4K TOWP: , , Permit/license#: ,._ _. ...... issuing Authority(circle one): 1 'Lltoard al-tea0i 2. Building Department 3,Cityifonit Clerk 4.Electrical inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector n, (ti hot- i; Contact poi-son: Phone it: _ • ._ .._____........ „doommemow �` (( I : 1 ��r='7r of Northampton Jg I Massachusetts �.� .d r to .;.,.; NOV - 4 2013 DEPAR I NT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS ,` I 21/ Ma n Street • Municipal Building .' �� Northampton, MA 01060 c� 11 3-ysk"'T rig,S G Inspections Electric. Pig r " °"' Ncrr'c,,n c! 1M4.A 010E0 SINGLE OR TWO FAMILY SOLID FUEL APPLIANCE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR WOOD, COAL, PELLET, CORN, STRAW OR SIMILAR STOVES, OR FIREPLACE INSERTS Permit Fee: $25.00 Check # 0 7‘ PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION PROPERTY ADDRESS 3<' i D A-11/4A C),-.1 t rt-I.q.MP r- 41 1. Name of Applicant: M I C IAA e"1.._ WC t Pr Address: Sot P ' O J tP wean{A--"e.t'a pi Telephone: H 17 f8 `f '12_i 2. Owner of Property:, ._,,. ,ti. _,'.n .•. 'So R No)F CK‘E W l Address: '0 C2O S e'y sr Or-rwv,Ci'U,1 .hone: 'i I 1 S s6 ci 9C7 i ci 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contractor 4. Type or Brand of Stove: I4h2M.k-A/ P'-I 3 'EuC S role Contractor's Name: .7.,�6i4 Contractor's Address: /7c "4/.4--- _ Contractor's Phone: 0 /d k--2 Construction Supervisor's License Number: C 3S L-041 1 114 Expiration Date: `f/2-é l 2_o I if Home Improvement Contractor Registration Number: f S 86 4I Expiration Date: 3/13 1 2_01y All Applicants must complete a Workers Compensation Insurance Affidavit before we can issue a permit 5. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE: it / 4 / 1 3 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE -.-, DATE: I I ' 4 //3 HOMEOWNER'S SIGNATURE ;,rL-- _ _ _' > I-) 1 i APPROVED DATE: BUILDING OFFICIAL 301 DAMON RD BP-2014-0568 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 19-007 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: woodstove BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2014-0568 Project# JS-2014-000946 Est. Cost: Fee: $25.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: Homeowner as Contractor Lot Size(sq. ft.): 8319.96 Owner: LUCIA MICHAEL Zoning: Applicant: LUCIA MICHAEL AT: 301 DAMON RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 301 DAMON RD (413) 584-4217 0 NORTHAMPTONMA01060 ISSUED ON:11/4/2013 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:INSTALL HARMAN P43 PELLET STOVE POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeTvpe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 11/4/2013 0:00:00 $25.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner