38B-234 (6)............................T...m...................................................... , aakarfairaramamorivitsioar., LIII. ---=-- . _ _ _ - r---- ....... ...... * .... .....____,..____ 1 I -1 _ Nal - -1-1-1 MI Igo NN.,.. , Ni.-AtE9 jdois%6 °44,.. s46}1'1'"'" 44'11k.'lk7''' 4 * "ow, 47''''''a 4'* ..ttN, .*.a... \ AVM3AlUti 1 ....a \II i I • i 1 .0 41 i , 4011■Mals i 40111111111111S 44a...0i El %.••••0 , ....i` „0-,E 1 II n w-0.,,,n L a9 -" I - --- 9■11* %LL 30VdS N3d0 % LS 30VdS N3d0 AS O9 AVM3A1'813 AS 09 L L AVM3A1)!ICI AS 9 LO 39V113A00 ENIO1Ifl I tr6EZ 39rd3A00 DNIalina AS E909 AS L9ZL ,s, IS 3A110 ZS# IS 3A110 OS# r y 4101•000 tt 1., :0 -,..._ Nntia3u 01 S33111 DNIIS X3 11V t INI _, - - Design Standards Illustrated Planning Board may waive,by site plan approval elements 2,3,4 if it can be shown that a different design meets a pedestrian-scale design that encourages public/private transition and interface(e.g.similar elements facing internal courtyards or private streets) 1.If a garage or other 0 Primary Structure Max 30%of total parking structure is combined area of attached,it must be set Garage or Parking Structure - yA facades back 20'and the garage/structure shall 2. Area comprise no more than 30%of the front facade of Connector elements must be the primary structure.Side set back&include glazed . setback may be 10'for the openings that face the street garage only when not used as living area. Living spacer Living space above � � above Max 30%of total . 4 q Max 30%of total IkittaR141 combined area combined area of facades of facades DOESN'T FIT „f��� Exceeds 30%of total .0.,„ area of facades 1 2. Front doors must face the street. For units ' extending behind front �� �� units,where entries orient 9 to the side lot,20'side Covered - ' setback shall apply unless u I entry other means to create x i' x; buffer/private outdoor space to adjoining property are approved by the Planning Board Buildings must have a � - Y I I covered entry. I I I I 20' _E 20' 20' 4 20' 15 15' I 15, 15' AN I I I I I 1 I _ I URB USES ALLOWED Uses Allowed By Right: • Single,Two,Three Family Dwellings • Attached(to a single family)accessory dwelling unit not to exceed 900 F2 Gross Living Area. See 350-10.10.Same setback as for principal structures. • Home Business up to 25 visits per week as defined in sect.2.1 • Zero Lot Line Single Family see section 350-10.14 • Preexisting nonconforming uses (may trigger ZBA permit) • Accessory uses to residential: Tag Sales-temporary sales of personal and household articles,Pets/animals section 5.3 • Accessory structures-detached(but no larger than 1,000 ft2 of lot coverage or 3%of lot area whichever is greater unless it is used for agricultural purposes)See also§350-6.7.Setbacks: 20'(front),4'(side),4'(rear) • Family day care(registration w/Building Commissioner required) • Cemetery • Temporary event as defined in 350-2.1 • Municipal facility, Facilities for essential services • Agriculture,horticulture,floriculture,noncommercial forestry,the growing of all vegetables and a temporary(not to exceed erection or use for a period of four months in any one year)greenhouse or stand for retail sale of agricultural or farm products raised primarily on the same premises • Rooftop solar hot water and photovoltaic • Accessory solar photovoltaic(PV)ground-mounted on a parcel with any building/use, provided that the PV is sized to generate no more than 100%or 8 KW of the annual projected electric use of the non-PV building/use.Same setbacks as for detached accessory structures. • Solar photovoltaic of any size,ground-mounted over any legal parking lot or driveway Site Plan Approval required for the following: • Any Construction(other than for a single family home)greater than 2,000 ft2 • Townhouses with six or fewer units • Educational use: non-profit,dormitories,any religious use,day care,school-aged child-care program(MGL c.28A,§9)and Historical association or society and nonprofit museum(may include the residence of a caretaker) • Reuse of Historic Educational or Religious Building(s)for:Any residential use,live/work space,or office,provided however that no more than 20%of the floor space of the building(s)shall be used for medical,banking or any offices where a primary function is to provide services to retail customers or individuals. All such uses approved under this provision shall be within the footprint of existing building(s)and may only be approved contingent upon protection of all historically contributing portions of the building with a Historic Preservation Restriction granted to the City of Northampton in a form acceptable to the Planning Board,with input from the Historical Commission,as preserving the key character defining features visible from the road(and not necessarily meeting federal or state preservation standards for the entire building).The existing building may be expanded to accommodate elevators and stairwells. Portions of the building that are not part of the original architecture of the building and which do not contribute to the historical or architectural significance of the building as determined by the Planning Board, with input from the Historical Commission,may be demolished. • Cluster development.See below for lot layout standards and§350-10.5 for other required criteria. • Parking off site and combined parking.See§350-8.5 and 350-8.7 • Creation or expansion of six or more parking spaces. • Parking lot access for nonresidential uses across a residential lot.See§350-8.9. • Parking requirement reduction.See§350-8.10F. • Residential Shared driveways see§350-8.8R • Private Utility,substation or district utility,small scale hydro electric generation. • Year-round greenhouse/stand for wholesale and retail sale of agricultural farm products raised on site • Telecommunication antennas(cellular phone) located on existing telecommunications towers or other structures which do not require the construction of a new tower(in accordance with§350-10.9) Special Permit Approval required for the following uses by Planning Board unless otherwise noted: • Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit see 10.10—Zoning Board of Appeals Special Permit • Home Business for personal service business by appointment only or Home Business more than 25 visits etc.see 10.12 for other criteria—Zoning Board of Appeals Special Permit § 350-10.14 (my emphasis) Zero lot line (ZLL) developments. Zero lot line (ZLL) developments are developments, or portions of developments, where house lots have a minimum side yard setback of zero feet on one side (the "zero lot line"), while the opposite side meets the standard side yard setback of the district, if the following standards are met: A. If a garage or other parking structure is built, it must be set back at least twice the normal front yard setback, or the garage/structure must cover no more than 25% of the front facade of the principal structure; and B. The zero lot line side of a house must: (1) Abut permanently protected open space; or (2) Abut the lot line of a lot which is under the control of the same property owner at the time the zero lot line development is proposed.; C. A five-foot maintenance easement must be granted to the owner of a house on a zero lot line by the abutting property to allow normal maintenance. Said easement may allow a roof overhang of up to two feet and may allow roof drainage to sheet flow into the easement area. In addition, private covenants may be required to insure proper maintenance of the house abutting the zero lot line; and D. There shall be a minimum of four shade trees of not less than 2.5 inches' caliper planted or maintained on each lot, including two along the street frontage. (See also § 350-6.5D.) • Upon completion of a 9 month moratorium ending July 1, 2014:Any townhouse project creating 7 or more units. Further,for any such project that creates 10 or more units the 1) design standards for the length of dead-end streets,protection of natural features,sidewalks,wheelchair ramps, landscaping,utilities and 2) construction method and materials for water lines,sanitary sewers,storm sewers fire protection,sidewalks,private roads and other infrastructure shall be those set forth in Chapter 290 Subdivision of Land even for private roadways and driveways that are not part of a subdivision, unless the planning Board finds that a different standards is more appropriate. • Educational use-Private for-profit colleges,schools,etc • Community Center, • Lodging House, halfway house, • Bed&Breakfast/Tourist Home • Nursing Homes,Assisted Living • Membership club operated as a not-for-profit corporation,as defined by MGL c.180,excluding any adult establishments which display live nudity • Filling of any land.See§350-10.4. • Filling of water or wet area.See§350-10.3. • Funeral establishment • Crematory • Accessory solar photovoltaic ground-mounted on a parcel with any building or use, between 8 KW or over 100% but no more than 200%of the annual projected electric use of the non-PV building or use • Heavy public use.See§350-10.7.—City Council Special Permit • Cluster development Layout Standards a. Project Lot=2 Acre Min b. Project Frontage=50' c. Project Depth= 100' d. Setbacks from Project Boundary: Front=10'Side=15 Rear=20' e. Individual lot frontage,setbacks, frontage=0' f. Max Height=40' g. Project Open Space=50% h. Design: Planning Board to review layout to ensure project transitions between existing neighborhood along street and proposed project. For new buildings,setback,scale,massing should fit within the block face.Mature specimen trees shall be preserved unless shown to be infeasible.No minimum setbacks,lot size,frontage,or open space for internal lots.More than one structure may be located on a single lot. 3. For new buildings, setback,scale,massing ®"— should fit within the block DOESNT FIT face. r'' 4. Parking for more than 5 l.__. cars shall be distributed on 1 the site to minimize impact to the ' t neighborhood character: I Accomplished by small `% • groupings of spaces i 1� , — surrounded by landscaping I y In 0 or parallel parking along a 1 ; IV narrow driveway to mimic '__._ _ ._ :_._ �_ �{_I I an alley. Driveways wider than 15' shall be visually buffered from side lot lines through setbacks or screening. Minimum Parking for 1 space per 1,000 ft2 Gross Living Area (round up). No more than 2 spaces required per unit. residential uses Front yard setback may only have parking for a maximum of two vehicles For other uses see table in 350-8.2 URB District Description: Example Structures Primarily Residential with Single,Two,Three Family units allowed in different development patterns a - including townhouse units. ✓^ ti ro New homes should consist of 1" p-• t °� units that maintain . ' orientation,rhythm,setback 1 �.,,,!;:,.1, :df 'i I pattern and street frontage '" _ r r ) t,weima green patterns of the w� surrounding block face Lot Dimension Requirements Layout Setbacks for all uses Lot Size 2,500 ftz minimum(min)per unit 4ij Property Lee Frontage/Width=50'Min. i • , -Drveway Depth=75'Min. j i Setbacks Front=10'Min SO' I 10 __ i.4.--1-°'-' RearSe�ack m Side=15'Min Front setback mini -- primary Structure 20'^-► Side=0'on one side for zero ii-4' lot line Fronta eiWktth"n E 4 f Side Setback min- I Rear=20'Min 15 Accessory Structure 1 Max Height=35' ....f 4 Open Space=40% i Depth min ..r....,...._...... 75' URB Detached House&Accessory Structure layout a---» -Property Line 50' ,,1--Primary Structure Frontage Width min _ ._._._._.__—_--Zero Setback Allowed - ih_ 50' ---Primary Structure • i .. � ~-`'--Depth min Zero lot Line City of Northampton /1- ' Massachusetts i,d° i�q '` DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS � �~ ,;{ � �yp. 212 Main Street • Municipal Building ✓ Northampton, MA 01060 Timothy Stokes 20 Turkey Hill Road Westhampton, MA 01027 October 25, 2013 Mr. Stokes, I have reviewed your application for zoning approval for 52 Olive Street. I have approved your application, provided the project complies with the conditions of the City of Northampton Zoning Ordinance section 350-10.14 (Zero Lot Line Development) and the URB Use and Dimension standards. I have included those ordinance sections. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Respectfully, Louis Hasbrouck 4/1.4.4.,L4 44(4,6toti.„(4_, Building Commissioner City of Northampton (413) 587-1240 Ihasbrouck(a citv.northampton.ma.us 10, Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO.- IF YES, describe size,type and location: Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES NO X IF YES, describe size, type and location: 11. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavation, or filling) over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan of development that will disturb over 1 acre? YES NO IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. 12. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION This column reserved . __ for use by the Building • S .13ep:� errt EXISTING '.ROPOSED Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R: L: 'I- rl= Rear Building Height Building Square Footage . %Open Space: (lot areas «~ minus building&paved ¢ p fr ark inI #of Parking Spaces #of Loading Docks Fill: (volume&location) 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Date: Applicant's Signature NOTE:Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Historic and Architectural Boards,Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. W:\Documents\FORMS\original\Building-Inspector\Zoning-Permit-Application-passive.doc 8/4/2004 r i,�� 2 f , IV P �./ ``ja 3.Z0 i File No. (_Y- 4^ eat �yw )� J� ae __—e_-- i � g " "�e, M;am_ TM� .. �v.. . ' a"y ., i..v ..i -,,,A,- _10i ak�wmN rir_ e eser, . _4±.0 v +.i� k . tiH, a :-.w r ,.,,..4',; � c�' Pleasei ape or print all information and return this form to the Building Inspects I ffice with the $15 filing fee (check or money order)payable to the City of Northampton 1. Name of Applicant: Address: 70 4''t 1,,'I„,. 1,U ki Telephone:- 13 61 S Zz64 11 �� 2. • Owner of Property: t1 ,� +4 Address:5 Z 0 1,-W e'4 ' : , TO '1k5` ` Telephone: 4k 3 6 - p 555 3. Status of Applicant: Owner ' - Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain) O OVR.C.citry■ 4. Job-Location: 5 2 0\-\CIS `›c-zr° i +.mmr� tt ca�'°ar ss'r..'+r 7�y-^3 ' yai"" " "� ' '} ^°^r< 'y c I i`£m s i Cs t ,a' , -T- :r.9 E te, Tide t-" P77,r.G'15 S�' �� t L -',•K r -°�`.,I SF- ' �4 `+l= 3}'a' ?'�5'. y 4.a� e `v..* 1, i,k,-ti x - � `4 a5.-. '��~ � �7F ,�� c•rG 1,t.L-�+r'�,�. �� .3� .: �3 - tl"'r "u !°'i-'�.e°°k e L,r�� �}°�.r�s'`=P�' _ .r-3 <m �], •1 r e CS�fl.°,1,,,,,L:7".,,'7.:`' s . .eft .. .w.- - $ IST..,f, 9 . �5; a"� _ .-. '..i-1.•$':''- �3`.�^-.-a�i r.�u ra�; .. � �jp 'p�/ .,sue yy7 tx SSr�.,{�7�n,-min ,�^ - Y i^ ��I .., "'+ ,E�-r5.r�c+>x�"w =r ^Y} "__. n -ca '$. _ s Wii t9NAVE L�I AEPAR IMAI A T� i+x t- c 3`;ul S" :f 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property: 12 5-4-,k 1)us-N-1 A1. -7-WQ - 1/4-141s'\ L 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): e•-- U :021 t V 1 S ' a5i 1 a-k crb -tu c Sv,--0 ■ l 94•C\C 'L S t Z 1,6' .t\r\6" "Q-^ Zo r∎vs-1-. 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan e,„/ Engineered/Surveyed Plans 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book . Page and/or Document# 9:Does-the site-contain a brook-1 body of water or wetlands?.. NO 72c2_-- DON?_KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission?- - - Needs to be obtained Obtained , date issued: (Form Continues On Other Side) W:\Documents\FORMS\original1Building-Inspector\Zoning-Permit-Application-passive.doc 8/42004 File#MP-2014-0040 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON TIMOTHY STOKES ADDRESS/PHONE 20 TURKEY HILL RD (413)695-2264() W{rH 41iA t d jJ c)tO C) PROPERTY LOCATION 52 OLIVE ST MAP 38B PARCEL 234 001 ZONE URB(100)/ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT 4646 S Fee Paid 1 0 Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid r r` Typeof Construction: ZPA-DIVIDE TO 2 LOTS N C?S A tJ fL RA!J Na tN ul New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRENTED: Approved VAdditional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: 41v R Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management / Z-5 Signature of Building Official Date Note:Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. *Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact the Office of Planning&Development for more information.