41-009 (8) THEREFORE I AM ASKING THE COURT TO: 1). Issue a court order to the property owner to comply and conform to all of the orders issued to him by the City of Northampton as of the time of the court haring date. SIGNED DATE SIGNED DATE Ifi449 9 PLEASE PRINT '� AFFIDAVIT . PLEASE PRINT 56S THIS IS A REQUEST FOR AN EMERGENCY ORDER UNDER THE PAINS AND PENALTIES OF PERJURY I SWEAR AND AFFIRM THAT: MY NAME IS Ernest J. Mathieu, Dir. of Pub. Health and Anthony Patillo, Building Commissioner, We are the: Representatives for the City of Northampton, Our Business Address is: 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone # (Board of Health) 413-587-1213 or (Building Dept.)413-587- 1240 I AM BRINGING THIS ACTION AGAINST: David LaMere who resides at 1467 Westhampton Road, Florence, MA Zip 01062 and who's Mailing address is: David LaMere, P.O. Box 101, Southampton, MA, 01073 Phone Unknown THIS ACTION RELATES TO PROPERTY LOCATED AT: (Explain the Defendant's relationship to the property): [X I Owner [ ] Tenant [ ] Neighbor [ ]Visitor [ ] Other : On May 13, 2007 to May 29, 2007, The Following Has Occurred: (PRINT) 1. The property owner has been living in a mobile camping trailer on a city parcel in non-compliance with the City Zoning Regulations and the State building Code. 2. The lot does not have a potable drinking water supply does not have a city water line source nor a private drinking well and does not any means of an individual sanitary sewage disposal such as the availability to the city sewer line of an individual septic system on the lot. 3. The property is not maintained in a clean and sanitary condition free from litter, and scattered debris. I HAVE ATTEMPTED TO RESOLVE THIS PROBLEM BY DOING THE FOLLOWING: 1). Several letters of Notice of Violations and Correction Orders have been sent to the property owner between the period of May 13, 2007 to May 29, 2007, describing what he is in violation of and to correct the violations which are herby attached. 2). Also, between the period of May 13, 2007 to May 29, 2007 several site visits have been made to the property and Mr. Anthony Patillo, Building Commission has attempted to discuss and reason with him to conform and comply with the orders issued to him by the City, but to no avail. (OVER)