37-003 (3) -: °` may'' _, 3 a i'� , i , i •• P ACS 1,63 03,3 Tc ::::::4,:a3 , ° , ` t a- , :::. , , ....: : ' , " , .c.: . . , -: ' RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL Date � Time r a ,t� . � , NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED ® NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL '. ILE YO WE E OLIT "' Y (See Reverse) M [� �X r 's c r w�� m. ' kr ,)„,.4 „ .ti ' s r to &Mrs . William Raskask of , N ° v Street and No. Phone ��� m 571 Florence Road P.O., State and ZIP Code Area Code Number Extension ` ,'; I ,' Q • v Northampton, Mas . 01060 TELEPNONEO x PLEASE CALL k - - t ro ` w Postage $ CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN � ° WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT US 4 Certified Fee +� " f H ■ cl, RETURNED YOUR CALL ' Special Delivery Fee c ® � i Restricted Delivery Fee M sage Ante/ � �L .r o i s Return Receipt Showing y da er ;`ate '� a r to whom and Date Delivered _ h l w Return receipt showing to whom, L I rn ZO M x« Date, and Address of Delivery c h i m ` N a m e xi TOTAL Postage and Fees $ I • m o w c ca W 3 m d N s s imn� m be c°Sar Operator O m m m` • H m o k awe ,," AMPAD 23 -000 50 SHT PAD . o * '.'f m win ' EFFICIENCY. � r �O «4 avow¢ tL cc � 4 b�N1 O 23 - 001 250 SHT, DISP ENSER BOX a • • �' • E R , rxerns snd 2 when add services are desired, and complet �� , • 4,u _thee,, ar , he Rl^ + Q space on the rsverae side il tc #l this vKtlF prevent; t 1,,T,- be i1�y rfeturned to a re t u ,77 - - e ipt fse vViil rovi Vdu ire name et the arson � atierAddto and�xhtddafs ofi dativer �»�wr addittanal fees the #oAovvingservice� re availab�e Cot9lsuit t of feed nd chec xj oraddtti se St eifr re v . �: Sh anr: ow �date d dr e s see " d d l r s' , * ' ;<G Deirvery . ▪ '� � S kR � � Y �. S ?;�A�l�e Num ber { " � " & �s ki a kaska _ �' 25,163 :, 4 ., - '''''''''''''''°: 'f 7 ' +. : c. 4 i '� - W� Er ++v '..f '�` � � a'?� -e^ a ¢.3g," ; ' +'s - b th .tiiptOn , ds S . f 1 060 ❑ Registered ❑Insured B ert ified 0 C OD Mail *� Atways o btain sig of addressee or �; a E;l3'f -nit DATE DELIVERED Signature - Addressee /ad d r essee's Address ONL re quested and f pa d) • " Signature kg").-117i. t d < k id I: iT E ' ^ x K 1. x jl' ti # „ �c Y 2 r ^r# k p t�i (fztl�eiivar ;s , f s sT. &c�"a ,.E„ c .? • :_." «. , a s �s't ` • ,—, S ° a { a ' ` .,{ - {... F • .i vow �' ,,,. �� { ' a Y --5 Y 5"6± ""` . ''''' ».� ,, 5 sE .� *'' ,'' ^'o—„ ` . 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(no extra charge) 1 t 2. 11 you do not want this receipt postmarked. stick the gummed stub on the left portion of the address side of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. 3 It you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise, affix o back of article. Endorse front of artile RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4. If you want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee, endorse .. RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is re- quested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it it you make inquiry, 1 4vc.s.- e Air::: • - +.�r v e D . � r ' } a maw • i e e r 1 . :. . P 4- ¢ • \ y f r \ 4 y '' ' :';', "'''.; ' , -J ,', Wi , ir . t . . .. b ,.. ii . . ti. ,t,;../........,.. if . - 1;:, . ''' 1 f ',- ---'•''' . ' - r ' 0 ' ` W ,, t jd s �" ' '91'.: ' : , , -.-,k 1-ix , i , 1 it Alt 3 & ` A � J ye C x r I 'a v. if i. d + .1 • „r ; p iT = IIIIIIIW ' ' '•:"••• ',.'. . or ti ,:".;."/",', 74.. ,::18...' Tillill.- '"41'"""--"'"'"1111111111111111111111---:'''' — T'S'''•'•,t1;*""'1' I 4tis • '. tv- "'”' 0 * r , . r 4 * -- -t"i.; , .f.N... #.= ' _ ., -. . x �. . ,, ` r,. I i ,a ••• f Y Y '` fr • 0 00*" - } i i r 1 '. _ ` 3 7 3 (37 o1 A i : � Cut r of rf! ampton ° -° /, o . w"1409# j 0 Jlassacltusetts = =�0 _ n � DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 4 _` t= Q`' INSPECTOR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building ' o iM — Northampton, Mass. 01060 No s Edward J. Tewhill April 20, 1988 Mr. & Mrs. William Raskaska 571 Florence Road Northampton, Mass. 01060 Re: City Tax Map 37 - Lot #3 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Raskaska: We have received a formal complaint stating that you are in violation of the Northampton City Zoning Ordinances per the following: 1. The keeping of two (2) horses on your property. Required by Section 5.3 Accessory Uses 30,000 Sq. Ft. for one (1) horse and an added 15,000 Sq. Ft. is required, see Section 5.3 enclosed for your information. 2. Approximately forty five (45) chickens and two (2) geese are now on your property. Zoning per Section 5.3, Paragraph 2, Page 5-18, states that no more than three (3) chickens are allowed by right. See enclosure. Geese are allowed. 3. Selling eggs is operating a business not allowed in a residential zoned area. 4. Sign advertising the sale of eggs is also not allowed in residential area. 5. Chicken coop constructed without a building permit. Upon receipt of this letter please cease and disist or correct the violations immediately. Be sure and contact this office upon receipt of this letter to let us know of your plans to rectify the above listed violations. Sincerely, eledval ( V) 4-1 Edward J. Tewhill Building Inspector EJT /lb enclosures 4