23B-069 (5) 114 SOUTH MAIN ST BP- 2009 -0439 GIS #: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 23B - 069 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category_ BUILDING PERMIT Permit # BP- 2009 -0439 Project # JS- 2009 - 000590_ Est. Cost: $42000.00 Fee: $252.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: Homeowner as Contractor Lot Size(sq. ft.): 20821.68 Owner: DENIG NANCY WATKINS Zon._n :Utz ;(100)/` Applicant: DENIG NANCY WATKINS A T:..114_ SOUTH MAN ST App_iica.1t _Address: Phone: insurance: 114 SOUTH MAIN ST (413) 584 -9272 0 FLORENCEMA01062 ISSUED ON: 3/25/7009 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:RENO BARN,ADDITIONAL SUPPORT TO CARRYING BEAM, 2ND FLR ART STUDIO /WORKSHOP. Not a Dwelling or sleeping unit; recorded use letter prior to final inspection. POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing -- .• °Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter :. _ Footings; Rotigh:6. f .( .Rough:6,40—GCt House # Foundation: Driveway Final: Final `5"'/D G' Final: / �" ..& v 6 �✓ P \ / • Rough Frame: g G as: C 3„ . Fire Department Fireplace /Chimney: Rough7i /8= Oil: insulation:OK Final: 1 J W 01 moke: Final: e k 9 - 7'- / 0 c O THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NO HAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND , RE • /Ap` .. Certificate of , ,. gnature: FeeType:, Date Pait : Amount: • Building 3/ 25/2009 0:00:00 5252.001537 . 212 Main Street, Phone (413) 587-1240, F<.x: (413) 587 -1272 Building Cotrimissionet - Anthony Patillo t b y ";� �� L vim., .t �" ,^ i 5r , - r P , ,,` - - .* .W.T.-;. 1 4. a x ' fi x A , 1 . . , , , ,, , , , ...,, g , :,,,„',.' 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'. m's'. - 1..'.., . •;, . , "" • December 15, 2010 Nancy Watkins Denig 114 South Main Street Florence, MA 01062 Subject Property: Studio /Workshop at 114 South Main Street Remodeled under BP- 2009 -0439 Ms. Watkins Denig The building permit issued for this project can not be closed out nor a CO issued until there is proof of a recorded letter stating that the Studio /Workshop is not and will not be used as sleeping quarters. Proof of the recorded document is required to be delivered to the building department. Without the final CO use of the structure is in violation of 780 CMR : 780 CMR 120.0 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 120.2 Buildings or Structures Hereafter Altered. A building or structure, in whole or in part, altered to change from one use group to another, to a different use within the same use group, the maximum live load capacity, or the occupancy load capacity shall not be occupied or used until the certificate shall have been issued certifying that the work has been completed in accordance with the provisions of the approved permits and of the applicable codes for which a permit is required. Conformance to all applicable Specialized Codes is a requirement of the issuance of the Certificate of Use and Occupancy, including, when applicable, 310 CMR 7.00, 310 CMR 15.00, 310 CMR 22.00 or 310 CMR 30.00. Charles Miller Assistant Building Commissioner c-7174_1a.l. ZZ€ ) L3-9 = C I -5 «Qi f ,11" mill p11� * 1 / woh .S1 7 0 I CET -i- w 4. I L a Yi r i / 1 QTR t . — nc- r Vt Nom' 11 / I f/ • Ob ... ‘%i-IA 19 anap I C z • • > • On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 12:48 PM, <[LINK: mailto:nancy @denig.net] > nancy @denig.net> wrote: > Hi Carolyn, > • Between vacation and taking on new two projects for Smith College, I'm > only now getting back to you on the usage > issue for my carriage house. Apologies. > • You had asked my about its kitchen and - yes - there's a new and > improved one still there. My question for you is > what's the process for having its apartment usage grandfathered? > Thanks, Nancy Denig > P.S. Please take note of my new email address: [LINK: > mailto:nancy @denig.net] nancy @denig.net. https:// mbox. server286 .com /readmessage.php ?msg =33 &folder =Inbox 1/2 > -----Original Message- - > From: Carolyn Misch <cmisch @northamptonma.gov> > To: nancy @denig.net > Subject: Re: Carriage House > Sent: Aug 13 '12 13:15 > • H Nancy - > If there is a kitchen in there and t has been there going back in time > 1975 for sure, possibly later) -- then it could be grandfathered for use as > an apartment.Depending on how old (or how long it has been there) it might > not have the size restriction for accessory units. > • Besides the mortgage plot plan showing an apartment, do you have any other > evidence about when the kitchen or unit was installed? > -Carolyn On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 9:54 AM, < nancy @denig.net> wrote: Hi Carolyn, Sorry, but that's the only hard evidence I know of. In retrospect, I should have photographed the place before beginning my rehab; before and after pictures would have been dramatic. The building itself is the same 1860's vintage as the house, almost certainly a carnage house in its earliest iteration. The modernized apartment would be 842 sf. How would you advise taking it from here? Best, Nancy From: + Carolyn Misch <crrisch @northarrptonma.gov> (Added to Address Book) To: nancy @denig.net Sent: Aug 15'12 10:15 Subject: Re: Carriage House Encoding: USA / Western European (ISO 8859 - 1) 1--;] — +T Delete Print View Source Download Reply I Reply All I Forward I Forward as Attachment I Put in Folder (+J Show Headers I guess you have to pitch it to building dept in writing. It wouldn't be a : grandfathered accessory apartment as it doesn't meet the setbacks. It would simply be a grandfathered unit. Bring a documentation you have about the kitchen etc with your application. Nancy Denig On Jul 20, 2012, at 3:59 PM, "Nancy Denig" <ndenig(i?denigdesign.com> wrote: Hi Carolyn, I left a copy of the plat plan of my property at 114 South Main Street (Florence) at your office yesterday, hoping you might advise. According to the plat, my carriage house (aka barn, garage) had an apartment as of 1978. No surprise, given its size and location. We've talked before about the fact that changing a building's use would require a 15' side setback in addition to a special permit, precluding, presumably, the possibility of an apartment in the future. By right, I'm using the space as an office now. My question is whether, on the strength of the apartment use cited on the plat, (ie. not a change of use) I might be eligible for a special permit for an apartment at some time in the future, after all. It would be good to have that option open. Thank you for your attention in this matter, Nancy W. Denig 1 Subject: Re: plat plan Hi Nancy I did see the plat plan. Is the kitchen still in the barn or was it removed? If it was never removed then you can continue the "grandfathered" use of the apt with its nonconforming setback. Otherwise, it would not be allowed unless the zoning changes because the use would have been considered extinguished with removal of the kitchen. Carolyn Sent from my iPhone I MOITGAGE LUAIN 11N 1 .LU 1 1U1N THIS PLAT IS FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PROPERTY SURVEY W/F GARAGE . & APARTMENT i I I I I I I I I I I 1 ____ I / PORCH I ( . I I _ I I I I 2 STORY - �.i I 1 W/F HOUSE o H I > I — ' �o� I 1-- J I m I PORCH (A i / H- I • 117.47'± SOUTH MAIN STREET THE PREMISES SHOWN ARE SUBJECT TO AND /OR TOGETHER WITH THE BENEFITS OF ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS, RIGHTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, AGREEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. TO THE N / A AND THE FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY — ONLY To my knowledge, information and belief, from information supplied to me, I hereby report that the premises have been examined and that this inspection plat shows the improvement or improvements as located on the premises described, that the improvement or improvements are entirely within lot lines, that there are no encroachments upon the premises described by the improvement or improvement of any adjoining premises, and that there are no easements of record affecting the tract shown hereon, except as shown. �"`,. YiAAtOF Nancy W. Penig 114 South Main Street Florence, Massachusetts 01062 -1938 August 21, 2012 Office of the Building Commissioner Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Carriage House Certificate of Occupancy Dear Sir or Madam, I applied for a certificate of occupancy some time ago as reconstruction work was being finished up on my carriage house at 114 South Main Street in Florence. I was told, at the time, that though it could be used as an office, the house could not be used as a residence because it didn't conform to the 15' side yard setback requirement. I didn't follow up by filing such use restriction because it belied how the building was used in the past. I have, since then, found the attached plat plan in my files, which documents the building as a "W /F Garage and Apartment." Before coming back to your office, I sought zoning interpretation from Carolyn Misch in the Planning Department, as documented in the attached e-mails (which I have re- arranged in chronological order for your reading convenience). As you will see, she believed the building may be grandfathered for continuing residential use, pending your approval. In light of the above, I hereby request your agreement with Ms. Misch's opinion and issuance of a certificate of occupancy without residential use restriction. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Sincerel , / t, Nancy W. Denig, t)1144 Owner P.S. The attached plans and recent photos provide further documentation that you might require. As you will see, the kitchen is a work in progress and the second floor has been finished for use as a temporary office, in the meantime. Copy: Carolyn Misch, Planning Department 4 Di v 4II 'a-AA 1�1�11M Y � 4 �� ' � a! City of Northampton Massachusetts `k y DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS w '> Cifi 212 Main Street • Municipal Building ,i Northampton, MA 01060 „•, . Sv ;: +� f , }•!} a te,^ Nancy Denig 114 South Main Street Florenc _ ! A 01062 August 23, 2012 23B -069 re: Residential . e of barn at 114 South Main Street Ms Denig, I have reviewed your request for a certificate of occupancy for the barn on your property at 114 South Main Street in Florence that includes allowing a residential use. I must decline your request. The barn may have been used as a dwelling unit in the past but based on the information I have, the nonconforming use has been abandoned. The City of Northampton Zoning Ordinance states, ABANDONMENT The cessation of a nonconforming use as indicated by the declared or otherwise apparent intention of an owner to terminate a nonconforming use of a structure or lot; or the removal of characteristic nonleasehold equipment used in the performance of the nonconforming use without its replacement within six months by similar equipment or furnishings; or the cessation of a nonconforming use or structure caused by its replacement with a conforming use or structure. A nonconforming use which has been abandoned for a period of two years cannot be reestablished. (See also the definition of "discontinuance" below.) DISCONTINUANCE The cessation of a nonconforming use unless evidence is provided that the property has been actively and continuously marketed during such time and said marketing has contemplated the continuation of the nonconforming use. A nonconforming use which has been discontinued for a period of two years cannot be reestablished. (See also "abandonment" above.) Further, Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 40A section 6, paragraph 3 states: A zoning ordinance or by -law may define and regulate nonconforming uses and structures abandoned or not used for a period of two years or more. I base my determination on information provided by the Northampton Assessor's office, by the information available in our files, by the terms of building permit number BP- 2009 -0439 issued by our office in March of 2009 and the letter from our office to you dated December 15, 2010 regarding the 2009 permit. Respectfully, Louis Hasbrouck Building Commissioner City of Northampton (413) 587 -1240 Ihasbrouck(a�northamptonma.gov