24D-207 (8) City of Northampton Mail - Re: 234 State Street https: /imail.google.com/mail / ?ui =2 &ik =39211 afc3d &view =pt&search... 1 1( (2) f/J6j D 'C / r Charles Miller <cmiller @northamptonma.gov> 1 mes - Fire Prevention < fireprevention @northamptonma.gov> Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 12:26 PM To: Charles Miller <cmiller @northamptonma.gov> I did a little more digging on this and found that we did do an inspection on July 20 and it did pass. The deputy chief that did the inspection said there was no building permit card there at the time so nothing was signed that day. Larry On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 11:16 AM, Fire Prevention < fire; roventicn( ?northampionma.gov> wrote: Do you have a rough idea of the date on inspections for the property? I can see what I can come up with from there. Larry On Wed. Aug 15, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Charles Miller < cry .iiier(a'r,orthamptonma.gov> wrote: Hi, Can you verify that a smoke and co inspection was completed and approved for 234 State Street. Apparently the builder has run off with the signed building card. Thanks, Chuck Miller Assistant Building Commissioner City of Northampton Town of Williamsburg (City of Northampton E -mail is a public record except when it falls under one of the specific statutory exemptions.) (City of Northampton E -mail is a public record except when it falls under one of the specific statutory exemptions.) 1 of 1 8/15/2012 12:47 PM