32A-172 (4) it/ $006e - i72 June 6, 2012 Sylvia, Susan, Leslie, Debbie; The project is being held up considerably by the fact that there is little to no access to certain areas of the building. The basement has started to be cleaned out, however, there is a lot more to do. I have no access to have the waste lines snaked. This was supposed to be done three months ago. I have been trying to get the area along the back of the building where the bathrooms are cleaned out for two months. The fire suppression company, Warehouse Mechanical, was to measure this job on May 20th to • start their design and pipe layout. That never happened. A sprinkler system is a complex part of this job and will take time to install. The plans need to be started immediately. Plumbers and electricians need access to the basement and I need to start framing the electrical mechanical room, sprinkler room, and the dividing walls as soon as possible. I cannot even get to those areas at this point in time. Structural supports need to be added to the second floor from the first floor, and the loading dock and frame shop are so full that measuring these areas is impossible. I need these areas cleaned out immediately. Eventually, when the fire suppression company starts, I will have to remove the ceilings in both storefront windows. How will that happen with everything still in the windows? Within three weeks we will have to start the second egress from the third floor. The area of the building that will eventually be Unit C must be completely empty. There is no money in the construction budget to build temporary walls and to do this work in phases. Building temporary walls and performing the work in phases rather than all at once could add thousands of dollars to the budget. The architect needs to see what will become the first floor common area to make final structural decisions. This should have been done months ago. I will not be held responsible if this job goes over budget or does not meet completion dates as I cannot perform my job to the full extent. Respectfully, William J. Turomsha WJT /djt