38B-O09 (2) i Thomas Douglas Architects I S rr&J le- (t r (lGi) . j 76 Crescent St I ' Will It �a �G UNve Northampton, MA I 1 413- 585 -0641 u / (.4 f 4- 1,4 Pal d f h gresoi1� fax: 582 -9882 l — — — — — — — Studio Space for — — — — — % Shoshannah Wineburg, ;`' " Michael Kuch, ro ,. m m _._._._._._._.� Pat O'Neal ., ------ - -• —•— I I I I . ii I I % The National Felt Building i j .1 i I • 136 West Street ■ ; orthampton, .. -. Beam 12 (2) 2x8 ■ 4x4 wood 1 column 1 Date : 3/26/98 4 Issue: FOR REVIW 1 A,e 1 �� � `S ��a�� �c� , rFC �, 1 \ 1 ' i ' A :i.ti.' f - g 1 4ry \ -4ltHOf 1 • 1 1 GE LOFT \ A - 3 3 IN TENANT 1 KuCH FAINT • °( 2x6 12" OC u 13RISERS @ 7" EACH 12 TREADS @ 11" EACH • + I I ( I PLAN, STORA FOR SPACE #; • SPACE 103 FOR MIC1! • 2 7 Thomas Douglas r . . Architects 1� l 76 Crescent Street M ' MAY 2 2 199E Northampton, Ma 413- 585 -0641 { fax 5829882 J) 1J� TRANSMITTAL l�ullding inspe:.... of N dery P:ro ec :.:::... .. . >Fr�ri�.:.T�z�: dais:: >::::..: :. : : : :: : <>::>:>::>::> :::::............._............ ......................... ..... ................:..::.::::::::: Northampton, : Delivered by hand. Dear Tony, Attached is an addition to the plans for the Artists space I am building at the Felt Building on 136 West Street. The additional items to be added to the project are the new loft and stairs to the loft. This loft is being built for storage of large paintings. The stairs are code compliant. Sprinklers are being installed as per Bay State Sprinkler design. Best Regards co Tom Douglas