18D-004 (11) Page (2) Krimsky 8/1/87 used for this specific purpose within the provisions of page 5 -16. Paragraph 18 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance . The referenced paragraph permits by right "Commercial Motor Vehicle Maintenance, Garaging and Parking Facilities " in a "GI" zone. Unfortunately terms like "Motor Vehicle Maintenance" are not defined by the Zoning Ordinance and are therefore by necessity left to your judgement for definition. I did a little research while you were away to maybe help with the decision process. I asked for an opinion from our City Attorney, Kathleen, who in turn consulted with Larry Smith. Their initial reaction was that the intention of 5 -16 (para 18) was to allow the garaging, storage, cleaning and repair of fleet trucks and buses, such as the PVTA operation. Although they felt that actual use we propose is probably the same with obviously much less impact they didn't feel comfortable saying it should be allowed. Kathleen proposed that if you were unwilling to grant the specific permit originally requested, we should apply for a permit for a general renovation for a permitted purpose. We could then move forward on construction being careful not to build in any equipment ( such as auto lifts) which had no general purpose. At the same time she suggested that we apply for a Special Permit for the specific business in question . No -one can see any reasonable reason for that process to result in anything but the granting of the Special Permit. Naturally I hope that you will see your way clear to issue the permit originally requested and spare me the tedious Special Permit process. You probably know that Bill Mock's business has been in operation for almost twenty years without causing anyone any problems. It has a reputation for being a clean and well run operation that has always complied with the law. I wouldn't consider having it here if it wasn't that way. Bill understands that no matter what form the renovation takes he will not operate any business in the barn without specific permission of the authorities. He is also willing to put the money into the renovation with the understanding that his business use of the building is not guaranteed I have enclosed two applications for building permits covering the two possibilities. Please revue them and let me know how you feel I should proceed. Bill Krimsky WILLIAM KRINSKY /[7) NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 ( 413) 586 -4487 August 1, 1987 TO: Building Inspector City of Northampton RE: Renovating the Barn at 104 Damon Road. Dear Ted, After speaking with you in mid July about my options for renovating and using the old barn I prepared a formal application for a Building Permit. I decided not to submit it while you were away. It wouldn't have been neighborly of me to saddle your assistant with making a decision that could lead to complications in the future. Especially if it ended up that you had to deal with those complications yourself. I have two separate things to accomplish. The first is fairly routine. I want to renovate the old storage and maintenance barn located behind the Pioneer Sporting Center building and put it to some approved use. The east wall of the barn is located ten feet from the boundary line separating my land from the Drozdal property. Although there is an additional twenty foot wide common right of way adjacent to that boundary, and even though it conforms in every other way, I still consider the barn to be a pre - existing non - conforming building by virtue of its location on the land. The outside of the renovated building will be identical in shape and size to the existing barn. The only visible difference will be a vastly improved appearance and some changes in location and number of windows and doors. Such a general building project is permitted. It is the second part of the request that doesn't have a clear answer. As you may recall Bill Mock wants to move his Commercial Car Cleaning & Polishing business from his current location on Pleasant Street to my renovated barn on Damon Road. His business deals exclusively with Commercial Vehicles such as Rental Cars, Dealer's Vehicles for Resale, Commercial Vans , Hearses , etc. There is absolutely no body repair, mechanical work, engine repair, fueling, oiling, greasing, vehicle cannibalizing or long -term vehicle storage associated with this business. 1 felt that it was appropriate to apply for a permit to renovate the barn to be