18D-004 • r ,.. +, No 5.1»............ V W., ,, Erection».»...».»......». (/ ) Alteration »»...»...... » ( Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, Repair.....— ( Repainting ( 1 before a permit will be granted, Removal. ...» ( 1 Titv of xorthampton, ass's. Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device . (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) FEE/0 EE / ' — PAGE / d /' PLOT V Northampton, Mass .,..... ».... ».... ».. » ».......... »5.1° » 9.......198 S To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME 410Gk -.S C 4 +0-1-/4-1. 1. LOCATION, STREET and No. id °.. )! " K » 4C4 - 45 (.... .» .» 2. Owner's name... »W I SII . ` . » ».».».....»..»............».......» .... ». ».... »....... »......... ». 3. Owner's address _ boo Do:^^! ^ .. : :.. » » a O-% • ». ».... ».. »...» ».. 4 . Maker's name-.. -.......q... ... » .. .. ». » .... »..»» 5. Maker's address».. ».4 Q » .. : »., ...k44 .t. 6. Erector's name....... 5 » j ».......... ».... ». »» » » » 7. Erector's address. . ......» . » ......A »a . ».... »....»..»».... SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated »...! non - illuminated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door ?...../g Marquee 3. Lower edge will be S ft. ». ins. above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge j11 be...I c ft. ». ». c ».....ins. above the public way. Roof.. », ».... 5. Height.....,.$......ft ..... Q. » .... ins. Width ... /.d. ».ft.». . »» ins. Temporary . ....sq. f Wall. 6. Face area.., .» »...�.! 7. Inner edge will be. ...ins from the building or pole. Ground �,/ 8. Outer edge will be...., ins. from the building or polepv(1 Other.....» .......... ».... ».... ».... »......... 9. Face of building or pole is..,�..`?....:.!4. back from the street line. 10. Sign will project--a-....ins. beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend .».....ft .. .ins. above the building or pole. 12. Of what mairial will sign be constructed ? Frame.A11/AL .) Y p.»....» Face .» » » 13. Estimate cost 4 5 The undersigned certifies that the above statements are t e to the Q best of his knowledge and belief. / / (Signature of Owner or Agent) NOTE: In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above must be set forth Nt , CLEARLY and FULLY. "CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ,, MASSACHUSETTS % F P 4 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS �:�`'�,.�� :� DATE August 30, 1988 SIGN PERMIT ea; PERMIT NO. 561 PERMIT FEE $ 10.00 BUSINESS MOCK'S CHIP & ALE ADDRESS 100 DAMON ROAD OWNER WILLIAM MOCK ADDRESS 100 DAMON ROAD APPLICANT CROWE ADDRESS CAVE HILL ROAD, LEVERETT, MASS PERMIT TO: ERECT A GROUND SIGN 100 SQ. FT. ESTIMATED COST $ 4,500.00 BUILDING DEPT. �y BY PMT 4 • � e " t No..«.«««« I tSP . ... .. +J =, i ! Erection. ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair ( ) Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, Repainting ( ) before a permit will be granted, Removal ( ) (Eit of Ntrt1 ampthn, Otass. Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) FEF "' PAGE -0 PLOT 1' Northampton, Mass ., 19.E To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME ` '),,( ;) r 1. LOCATION, STREET and No. 0 6 , ' 2. Owner's name Ir B f t' 3. Owner's address .....» .. i2 ` ' ii e V 6 P � 4. Maker's name 5. Maker's address 41•0 �/ 6. Erector's name.....�j �! i G�� �l`/ 7. Erector's address 1 O' Pa'l4I Dt / Arai / 4.40,a f 'n SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated non- illuminated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? in Marquee 3. Lower edge will be ft. ins. above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper ed will be ft. ins. above the public way. Roof 5. Height p Temporary .. � ..f ins. Wid . . ... f ins. Tem o 6. Face area sq. ft. Wall 7. Inner edge will be ins from the building or pole. Ground 8. Outer edge will be ins. from the building or pole. Other 9. Face of building ose is S ins. back from the street line. 10. Sign will project. ins. beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend ft ins. above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed? Frame 1. / .1 r' ` + Face 13. Estimate costke r0141 311ET ( (63..r The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner or Agent) NOTE: In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above must be set forth F ;Mr P CLEARLY and FULLY. • 04 (%1AHp�. CITY OF NORTHAMPTON 4 ' MASSACHUSETTS ; 1%4�, ., f INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS -� .�. DATE _ July 25, 1988 SIGN PERMIT ' PERMIT NO. 458 PERMIT FEE $ 1n .M0 BUSINESS MOCK' CHIPS GALE ADDRESS 100 DAMON ROAD OWNER WILLIAM MOCK ADDRESS 106 DAMON ROAD APPLICANT A.J. SIGN ADDRESS NORTHAMPTON PERMIT TO: _ ERECT A WALL SIGN 64 SQ. FT. WITH STEEL FRAME AND PLASTIC FACE • ESTIMATED COST $ 100.00 BUILDING DEPT. 7) BY (, /,/),/,/,./ 1 / n J L I f r ( f ■ • P 4 P CITY of NORTHAMPTON O OFFICE of PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM TO: William Nimohay, Building Inspector FROM: R. J. Pascucci, Secretary, Zoning Board of Appeals / / ,... ;, SUBJECT: Jane Alden Dairy Store Sign r' DATE: April 22, 1988 APR � ? 1988 DEPT. OF MUM INSP 11: _ FILE: JIr Ccj �Fk1b' , w ` 4 4. " ' _.. . At the April 20th meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Mr. Weil pointed out that almost four months since I conveyed the Board's request to you on January 7, 1988, the Jane Alden sign is still in violation. If you disagree with that statement, please let me know. The Board has asked me to notify you that they insist the sign be either removed or brought into compliance by May 18. Enclosed is a copy of Mr. Weil's summary of the chronology of events. Note Item 10: The Senior Planner and the Assistant City Solicitor agree that "the structure must be removed." Mr. Weil and the other Board members are frustrated that, in spite of the denial of the Variance request, and in spite of all the communications between the Board of Appeals and your office, the offending sign remains in place. They feel that it is obvious that writing letters to Mr. Palatino at Jane Alden is an exercise in futility, and the course of action that should be considered now is the issuance of a Cease and Desist Order, followed by a per -diem monetary fine, exactly as requested in my January 7th letter to . you. cc: RCBuscher MSWeil, Jr PLaband ., 1 \\ sompz, 1g' 1 Qt of Nor'tIjantpton ) _ ,t v i I f ti,v $ ....,..,1- � . _ ji Alassachnsetts MAILS - ,`� �� DEPAR.TMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS t - 41___= - - -----=---- _=ri Q ` INSPECTOR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building ' ° pi 'M.... 5 ,••` No Mass. 01060 William A. Nimohay To: Zoning Board of Appeals From: William A. Nimohay, Building Commissioner Date: May 4, 1988 Subject: Jane Aldin Sign located on Damon Rd., Northampton A letter was sent to this office bringing to my attention the sign violation existing on Damon Road, Northampton. I called Mr. John R. Palatino who is Vice President of the Jane Aldin stores, pertaining to the violation. I told him if the sign was not removed I will take action against him. His response was that the sign would be removed by Friday, May 6, 1988. The telephone conversation was on May 2nd & 3rd of 1988. W,O 164:,....47, WILLIAM A. N I MORAY BUILDING COMMISSIONER WAN /lb . 1)\\ CITY of NORTHAMPTON OFFICE of PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM TO: William Nimohay, Building Inspector FROM: R. J. Pascucci, Secretary, Zoning Board of Appeals / f . `.a .. SUBJECT: Jane Alden Dairy Store Sign DATE: April 22, 1988 i11 g i° DEAT. FILE: A t the April 20th meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Mr. Weil pointed out that almost four months since I conveyed the Board's request to you on January 7, 1988, the Jane Alden sign is still in violation. If you disagree with that statement, please let me know. The Board has asked me to notify you that they insist the sign be either removed or brought into compliance by May 18. Enclosed is a copy of Mr. Weil's summary of the chronology of events. Note Item 10: The Senior Planner and the Assistant City Solicitor agree that "the structure must be removed." Mr. Weil and the other Board members are frustrated that, in spite of the denial of the Variance request, and in spite of all the communications between the Board of Appeals and your office, the offending sign remains in place. They feel that it is obvious that writing letters to Mr. Palatino at Jane Alden is an exercise in futility, and the course of action that should be considered now is the issuance of a Cease and Desist Order, followed by a per -diem monetary fine, exactly as requested in my January 7th letter to you. cc: RCBuscher MSWeil, Jr PLaband Proposal Proposal No. j), V FROM f Sheet No. Date 2 ) Q- Proposal Submitted To Work To Be Performed At Name Ch &. r Street_ �1 - atdb 2W iu- g` Street 0. i♦ . AAA. l '. 0 6 . ' City _State City lig i ir , Date of Plans State i rY ^ N� _ � � Architect Telephone Number We hereby propose to furnish all the materials and perform all the labor necessary for the completion of 11 •_ ! i t/ o t ■ ■di. s -4s-Li A All material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of Dollars ($ 1 v . C ). with payments to be made as follows: !3 r 1 191110 , &It✓ ,mil enjjr Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessa ,, insura e upon boveniork. Wo men's e m ensation artd Public Liability Insurance on above work to be taken out by ow Ait . , ng J Respectfully submitted ,« _ :.f. 411, . rmiL � _�* Per c., 1^'' St - r . " "1 " --- Note — This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within days ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. ••-4144...,........ ■ . / Accepted ` 'e`'' 4 , L� � ° Signature E Date /.4. / $ Signature TOPS FORM 3450 0 LITHO IN U. S. A. V ID Lt Dint-moi0 0 . 1400 _ i .. , , : , , , ,c „, , , ..,,,, ,c,,, . .. ,., , : . „.,,c, / , ,/ - _ .f— 1. t V''*,, K \''4 \ -,,..' '..,....., " '',,,,,,„,,„," / t / '`,/,- ; f , ■ I � e / r Rea '�'` t : /' yet ear , ', , .. e w , 4 ° z € 9 t s :\ E P } e ,w ) :, , .$u+ s ..r -. nc- .nar?'r_ _ "fix „ e 1 , ) '° ,,,- -.; - e e c.,. i 4 e__ cc O S x`6 � � Li, )1 PAIA (A) " A 0 V crOM d1Ck 11\°() 1' a rfl .1. ► s s i A • ' 4 ujrt,6 6 --v4) • ) e6Ac_. V-rtaiwk-k---- c a, a.1,,,-1.,0— me,vivctui --tb 5 ,, eetz.... nz P a , '... ' 771 ''''. . ' j , ' i '', c ,,, t \ i'''', ..). /VI ---1 ' ' \''''') „f" 1 A ) i '' y\ ."' i tel k .,,,, 1 ; \ , U '' 3 1 . 7 '',: N C ' V : : "'I „. .9( ! •, —„,„,vc, , — „ ,,,,, ,,,,, , 0* i 1 ,.. .,, ` W .i .............., i „,...s.-.), ,,i t, , , ---, N .. r..",, w t,F - - - - - -- i a l - . A k ji i r /A • -,•,,,, m .M —.... t , k k li) Vi ' r ; i _ Z. --e f s -z (...., — / _....„.„..„.7.1, )., 0 , ,.. ., . ...._ . 1 -9 / cn,' / --,,„- G- ?,4Sp�Oy No.. ...., G ; 77171# Erection.-- ...... .......... (i — ) . Alteration ( ) Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, Repair ( ) Repainting ( ) before a permit will be granted, Removal ( ) QIit rtf 'ottI ampttrn, azg. Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) FEE,! PAGE .1. PLOT _ Northampton, Mass., � To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME z i l . ,,^ :� t1 C' r 7 1. LOCATION, STREET and No. ! 2. Owner's name 1 % �- l 3. Owner's address L l y C : , , ; t , 4. Maker's name�� �� 5. Maker's address i , t 7 / �., . , 6. Erector's name r 7. Erector's address r , ( l SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated non- illuminated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? Marquee 3. Lower edge will be ft. ins. above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge will be ft. ins. above the public way. Roof 5. Height ft ins. Width 6 ` ft 1 ins, Temporary 6. Face area. 1..i2 sq. ft. Wall 7. Inner edge will be - ins from the building or pole. Ground o •. 8. Outer edge will be ins. from the building or pole. Other 9. Face of building or pole is...f�1 iris. back from the street line. 10. - ,_ beyond the street-line. a 11. Sign will extend..A:L - ft ti -. ins. above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed ? Frame Face 13. Estimate cost The undersigned certifies that the above statements are t ue to the best of his knowledge and belief. 1/ 4,, � ' � ...... (Signature of Owner or Agent) NOTE: In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above must be set forth P ixfi P CLEARLY and FULLY. CITY OF NORTHAMPTON 8 MASSACHUSETTS ; /� INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ® DATE March 4, 1988 SIGN PERMIT " rl PERMIT NO. 94 PERMIT FEE $ _ 10_n0 BUSINESS CAR POLISHING & M' GEES CLOSETS ADDRESS 104 DAMON ROAD OWNER WILLIAM MOCK ADDRESS _ 106 DAMON ROAD APPLICANT FERGUSON SIGNS ADDRESS 241 KING STREET PERMIT TO: _ ERECT A GROUND SIGN 18 SQ. FT. MADE OF WOOD ESTIMATED COST $ 500.00 BUILDING DEPT. P'P 1 ) =� � Erection. Alteration ( ) Repair. ( ) Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, Repainting ( ) before a permit will be granted, Removal ( ) Qt Titg of Northampton, Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) ll (( ll FEE.i .t.. PLOT .. Northampton, Mass., M 3 19.V To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME t° 0-1P POI 1 S (ply 4114 M I 6.e . e5 C f o 5 e 1. LOCATION, STREET and No. 1 P' ii i O'l .44/ 2. Owner's name 41 Al 0 1 3. Owner's address J. . a.: .6S i 9 4. Maker's name.. .. e.t., 3 4 ' 0 5. Maker's address 2- `J I 111..: 6. Erector's name 7. Erector's address. 2 (// /7 SIGN KIND OF SIGN 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated non illuminated (Designate) 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? �. ..... Marquee 3. Lower edge will be ft. ins. above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge will be ft. ins. above the public way. Roof 5. Height ft ins. Width ft ins. Temporary 6. Face area 0 sq. ft. Wall..4 7. Inner edge will be ins from the building or pole. Ground 8. Outer edge will be ins. from the building or pole. Other 9. Face of building or pole is . ' 4 ' a back from the street line. 10. Sign will project. ins. beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend ft ins. above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed ? Frame WO 0 V Face 13. Estimate costR ...� e<.'D. The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. 184644) (Signature of Owner or Agent) NOTE: In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above must be set forth P 5Ni P CLEARLY and FULLY. 44454. 0 4, CITY OF NORTHAMPTON •MASSACHUSETTS ,, i INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS , DATE March 4, 1988 SIGN F'RMIT " rl PERMIT NO. 95 PERMIT FEES 10.00 BUSINESS CAR POLISHING & M' GEES CLOSETS ADDRESS 108 DAMON ROAD OWNER WILLIAM MOCK ADDRESS 106 DAMON ROAD APPLICANT FERGUSON SIGNS ADDRESS 241 KING STREET PERMIT TO: ERECT A WALL SIGN 50 SQ. FT. MADE OF WOOD ESTI MATED COST $ 500.00 BUILDING DEPT. BY ° !I o 11AMp� L\ � �I �1 �e 4 :� iXt 1 of Nt wttiampton ' _ _ * 6 r � .� -- r' 11 t .� I it S V Y Alassachusetfs �: �� '— DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS �~ E INSPECTOR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building 7 % _ s UM Edward J. Tewhill Northampton, Mass. 01060 March 2, 1988 Mr. Sanford Weil, Jr. 96 Washington Ave. Northampton, Mass. 01060 Dear Mr. Sanford: We herewith acknowledge your letter dated February 27, 1988, pertaining to the wall sign on the Jane Alden Store located at 100 Damon Rd., Northampton, Mass. Please find a copy of my letter dated January 11, 1988, enclosed for your information. If you have any further questions please contact this office 586 -6950 ext. 240. Sincerely, ., �"' e M ^ Edward J: Tewhill Building Inspector EJT /lb • M SANFORD WEIL, JR. 96 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 f J ' i 16. L:;: v( f l 4. t r B f • t) i i � . L ev 'Pnl v 11:: S ' t • , $$ 1 a t 1 . 1rr M. SANFORD WEIL JR. 96 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 MAR 1988 February 27, 1988 r. Lavard J. 1ewhi11 �,..., .Dept. of Building Inspections 212 Main street • Northampton, I„ =1> 01060 Dear Yr. Tf whi1l I just viewed. the Jane Alden sin on Damon Road and am very disturbed that it still remains in place. The original application for a variance to construct a 128 square foot sign yeas denied 8/W87. 7. At that time the proposed sign was already on the building. The application and denial vae.re both based on the size of the sign. Even the center portion of the sign was larger than was allowed by 3ection 7.5, 1 A page 7 -5) of the ordinance. The front of the building measures 55'X16' or 880 square feet. 7:' cf this would be 61.6 square feet. The central part of the sin measures 16'X4' or 64 square feet. Ali that has happened to date is that some of the lettering has been covered. The structure still remains. This must be removed or reduced to meet the requirements of the ordinance. Please let pie know what you plan to do to effectuate compliance. V 'rs very truly, Y. 3anford Weil Jr. O4 sRAMp ?o ,. Cri s of ortI &ntpton - * *= .1111V70 / , r * . 1{ t...0% j i . " ,ilassadlusetts WE . �e _ �t J . : y+ '�""`'� '` DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS ' � _= = —' 212 Main Street • Municipal Building ' c0 _ ° INSPECTOR 5 Edward J. TeWh 1 1 1 Northampton, Mass. 01060 January 26, 1988 Mr. John Palatino V.P. Jane Aldin Dairy Stores, Inc. 201 Exchange Street Chicopee, Mass. 01013 Dear Mr. Palatino V.P. : We acknowledge you complying by covering the beer and wine signs located at 100 Damon Road, Northampton, Mass. However, you must apply for a sign permit for the remaining section namely the Jane Alden section of the sign. As this was stated in our letter dated Jan. 11, 1988. In the future if you have any intentions pertaining to the Building Inspector's Office, it is hoped that your company will be more cooperative. Sincerely, Edward J. ew i i ` 11 Building Inspector EJT /lb pc: Planning Dept. -14,1 • 414 n A o g 0AMp ? qt. $ ��v �illassachnsetts ( 1! - 1 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building �,, Edward J . Tewh 111 y Northampton, Mass. 01060 January 11, 1988 Mr. John Palatino V.P. Jane Alden Dairy Stores, Inc. 201 Exchange Street Chicopee, Mass. 01013 Dear Mr. Palatino V.P.: _ Regarding the non - conforming and illegal wall sign (no permit) at 100 Damon Road, Northampton, Mass. the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, as you know, was not to grant the variance that you applied for. After many phone calls and conversations at the store advising you that the beer and wine partitions of the sign must be covered as they consist of two (2) frontage signs. Per Zoning Ordinances, Section 7.4 "Signs Permitted in any "B" District" page 7.5, paragraph 2A states that only one (1) wall sign for each lot frontage of each establishment. Therefore, either cover or remove the beer and wine sign and allow the Jane Alden partition of the sign remains and apply for a sign permit or remove the entire sign. On January 7, 1988, I advised the store manager to cover the beer arid wine portion Of the sign. However, this was not done and instead the Jane Aldin portion was covered. Please contact this office upon receipt of this letter so that we may correct the sign violations. Sincerely, Edward J. Tewhill Building Inspector EJT /lb pc: Robert J. Pascucci 0 ti * At CITY OF NORTHAMPTON fe , } �`� � ) ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS t" �% y ��� NOR TiiAMPTON_ \1ASSACHU� _. !�106i ��� �h 1; ' LIL ; d ;988 DATE: January 7, 1988 TO: Bill Nimohay, Building Inspector FROM: Bob Pascucci, Secretary, Zoning Board of Appeals RE: Jane Alden Dairy Stores, Inc. 100 Damon Road, Northampton, MA Building Inspector's File #446 Attached are copies of Jane Alden Dairy Stores, Inc.'s Application for a Variance from the Provisions of Section 7.5 -1a, Page 7 -5 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton; two letters from the Applicant to the Zoning Board relative to their non - conforming sign that was in place prior to their seeking a Variance; a memo from L. B. Smith, Senior Planner on behalf of the Planning Board advising the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Planning Board's action; the Minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing on September 2, 1987; and a copy of the Decision of the ZBA, a copy of which was sent to your office at the time of the filing of the decision with the City Clerk. The long and short of it is that the non - conforming sign is still on the building, in spite of the Applicant's knowledge for some four months that its request for a Variance was denied. At the regular meeting of the ZBA on January 6, 1988, I was instructed to apprise you of the situation and ask, on behalf of the Board, that you issue a Cease and Desist Order, with a reasonable period for compliance, to be followed by a per -diem monetary fine if there is no compliance with your Order. Please let me know the details of the action(s) you intend to take. &F Robert J. Pascucci Board Secretary cc: RCBuscher MSWeil, Jr PLaband V / f , • .. s g_p .,,(,,../ . / . T t2 ; 1 1 - 4 lifirillinrit---0111771 11/1 FRONT ti i` Pr , x ;' l JUL 1 0 1981 0/060 / 00 04-1-10,1 R D _- /� TQ /I L r `. f 3 t ; l Di4fG l4SPFC;ti',;� VI 4 /� l ! f� /° 1 1,T. , .. ..?.:2,''f,',' . .` ,'1 k_, , n t °r 1 44, • . PLOT PLAN—. PLOT PLAN - -- LAND OF WILLIAM & JUDITH A. KRIMSKY 96 — 106 DAMON RD., NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 RIVER RUN APARTMENT COMPLEH •%.%.%.' ti.% 1 455.92 Ft. . 1 • •r•r•r•r• • rr •r- r r•r•r r• r• r• r• r- r• r r• r r• r •r•r•r-r- r.r•r•r.r- r•r- r•r ; C : ,. -r- 7 ti. ti. ti. ti.. t. a.. 1.. ti. a � .�. �.� . ti•ti•ti•ti•ti•ti•ti•ti•ti•ti•ti• 1 ......,.....t, , i , i i r•r•r•r 0•r•r- r•r•r•r• • R ti t , r� f ?r� A O F 1 200 F 1' //'�, 20 F 1 �rtirtir�r�r�r�r�1 . • • •. a • / rr•r•r•r- r •r -r- • I `- / = ;rtrM1ryr�r r�r % y • :1 • / . WAREHOUSE 59 UNITS "3 �•ti• , • � ti E • •� • /� . ... 30 F1 r -- -:. . • ..%. %.� 0 F / �// j �� '�.ti.• tirti ..._ . „. / / // / . ”.f.j r 501 .: R U 30 F1 r1T? R R • ' • ' , '1 "/ ' / // / 1 40 F1 •ti, M AINT 0 N U .8 . ,- ,�•%•%•%•%- •r•r•r 30 BARN . Parkin r 5 30 f 1: ;: ;: {:tifti1ti•”" a z E w '# N WAREHOUSE 4 3 UN ......:. r o F 1/ // 4% 305 Ft. D R ' -g 4 • • A T 40 F1 ♦ � r•r A A 1 It C / 2nd Floor rti�ti I -91 � LL C OFFICES P — •-•., : 1 d ti • • ,�� E S .50 Alden ane 35 : {:ti d '35 H • 3 0' �°� - ft ra 14 C AH ILL ANE , r5. 80 ft 80 E EL .6.= maimiss DAM ON ROA D DAMON ROAD 1 <. 179.71 Ft . —� I • 1 [FORD SALTS 1 r, 'r r AMIN r,.Y', "r"r:'ri'': BOYLE ' !;7 DEUELOPEMENT KEY e 3 Retail 0 �' • apartment 28 , 100 SqFt %•%•%•%•% == =GRASS and TREES ( 32 %) r 7 y r,7' Buildings y ,,r , . r.. , 1 1,400 SqFt _ — = == WAREHOUSES (13 %) "Y'• .7 I'..: 7) r 6,200 SqFt "" RETAIL BUILDINGS ' '�,r r r r r',r 77Y Y r 28,800 SqFt __= NEW BLACKTOP 3 3 b) r 7, ,, 1. ' rr r r r ' sr 1 r v 'ry r�,r�,�c Y 12,000 SqFt === = EXISTING BLACKTOP ( 13 2) Y.7 Y. 1,500 SqFt iiiiil -_= EXISTING BARN (30' X 50') ( 2 ( ) Assessor's Map 11. List of Abutters: Address Sheet No. , Parcel 1.Edward and Julia Drozdal.Heritage /NIS 109 Main St., Northampton 18n 7 2 Richard R. Boyle, c/o Heritage /NIS, 109 Main St., Notthampton 18D 55 18D 5 3 Robert Munson, c/o Trustee Dept., Heritage /NIS, 109 Main St, Northampton 18D 57 4.Cit of Northampton Cit Pro•ert Committee 212 Main St. Northampton 18D 53 5 Rudolph Peselman, Leonard J. Aronson, William H. Walsh, Trustees The Northampton TruE 6. c/o Eric Management, PO Box 240, Brookline, MA. 02146 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14." 15(.. . 16 . ‘g) 17. 5 ? 19. 20. 2L 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. _ 28. 29. 30. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) f :N1 P e .. • - Application Number: 7 Z I c . § •d Filed Fee Pd. Rec'd. ZBA Maps) Parcel(s) Date By .., e Tate Amt Date By Date I I 0 14i7 !i , > "`�U 18D - 4 IL J D U „ p PLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: 1. Name of Applicant Jane Alden Dairy Stores, Inc. Address - 201 Exchange Street, Chicopee, MA. 01013 2. Owner of Property William & Judith A Krimsky Address 104 Damon Road, Northampton, MA. 01060 3. Applicant is: El Owner; ❑ Contract Purchaser; NLessee; El Tenant in Possession. 4. Application is made for: ›U VARIANCE from the provisions of Section7.5 -1 . a. page 7 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. ❑SPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Section page of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. COTHER• 5. Location of Property 100 Damon Road , being situated on the North s1jof Damon Road Street; and shown on the Assessors' Maps, Sheet No. 18 D , Parcel (s) 4 6. Zone GI 7. Description of proposed work and /or use; We propose to increa e the size of ()„r Pwimetirig illuminated front wall sign by an additional 4' X 16' (64 Ft ) 8. (a) Sketch plan attached; Yes ❑No (b) Site plan: Cf Attched ❑ Not Required 9, Set foijth,reasons upon which application is based: The Zoning Ordinance rermits us to have X66 Ft sign. ' o of the 880 Ft front face of the bu There is not enough pare to inform the public of the full nature of our business. The additional 64 Ft of signage will adequately relieve the problem without being detrimental to the ptthlio grind. 10. Abutters (see instructions; list on reverse side of form). 12. I hereby certify that information contained herein is true to the best of my owle. se. o li n 's i nature mod% `A y� - d Date pp cat Sg 1 v e /11.4-r/ � CITY OF NORTHAMPTON +°51 1P7', ;, ' 7 ( P `:,tr s, , ►tom' ?' ,,t i 0 : , .. r.-,._ - Iv . No. (8. Lot ZONINf PERMIT APPLICATION ±t? ,i Ordinance Section 10.2 �� :- "+" E "' N l( ( Zoning Plan File g �- P ecei�: � 0 �� Fil¢ � � I d r ai pya� to r.�_... _, William & Judith A. Krimsky Owner .. 9 44 :09 t i �� �aet. Atria c it Stores, Inc. Address 104 Damon Road, Northampton, MA 01060 Address701 Exchange Street Chicopee MA 01013 Telephone (413) 586 -4487 Telephone (413) 592 -6136 This section is to be filled out in accordance with the "Table of Dimensional and Density Regulations: (Z.O. ARTICLE VI) Zoning Use Lot Front Depth Setbacks Max. Bid. Min. Op. District Area Width Front Side Rear Cover Space Past Existing 2 Acre 179.71' 305' 80' 30' 30' 22 % 78 % Present Proposed 2 Acre 179.71 305' 80' 30' 30' 22 % 78 Mark the appropriate box to indicate the use of the parcel: IA Non - Conforming Lot and /or Structure. Specify .. ` - _ ❑ Residential ❑Single Family Unit ❑Multi - Family ❑ Duplex ❑ Other Xil Business ❑ Individual ❑ Institutional ❑ Subdivision ❑ Regular ❑ P.U.D. ❑ Cluster ❑ Other ❑ Subdivision with "Approval- Not - Required " - Stamp: ❑ Planning Board Approval: • ❑ Zoning Board Approval (Special Permit 10.9: Variance) ❑ City Council (Special Exception S. 10.10) Watershed Protection District Overlay: (Z.O. Sect. XIV) ❑ Yes No Parking Space Requirements: (Z.O. Sect. 8.1) Required Proposed Loading Space Requirements: (Z.O. Sect. 8.2) Required Proposed Signs: (Z.O. Art. VII) X Yes ❑ No Environmental Performance Standards: (Z.O. Art. XI I) ❑ Yes X7 No Plot Plan 8 Yes ❑ No Site Plan & Yes ❑ No (S. 10.2) (S. 10.2 and 10.11 Waiver Granted: Date ❑ This section for OFFICIAL use only: . ❑ Approval as presented: O Modifications necessary for approval: Return: (More information needed) Denial: Reasons: (619 opp2(.1'71 1 1( - LC -1eg _ ii,t 7 /d7 2 7 i gnatu u P re ofAppl Applicant Date �1 Date Signature of Ad in. Officer Date , sijM 11: It: , 5 SEP 1 7198/ \1 6 DECISION OF �.. ZONING BOARD OF APPE S MI OFg ��`'p j 3� fVtltiK.` F� ri :; r At a meeting held on September 2, 1987, the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Northampton voted unanimously to cie y the request of Jane Alden Dairy Stores, Inc.,201 Exchange Street, Chicopee, MA, for a Variance for the purpose of increasing the size of an existing front wall sign at property located at 100 Damon Road, Northampton, MA. Present and voting were: Chairman Robert C. Buscher, Peter Laband and Sanford Weil, Jr. The findings were as follows: S. Weil stated that in order to conform with the Zoning Ordinance, a sign placed on the front of this building would measure approximately 62 sq.ft. (He noted that the original j PP Y q• sign, measuring 64 sq. ft. was already nonconforming.) He also stated that the fact that a sign double the allowed size is �! already erected cannot be considered in the Board's deliberation, as an undesirable precedent would be established. ±'. He found that there is no topographical uniqueness to this property; that Damon Road is an artery and most travellers on this road are continuing to a further destination and are not likely to stop off at a convenient store merely because of a I; larger sign; and that the other criteria necessary to grant a t!. Variance have not been met. 1! P. Laband, referring to Chapter 40A, MGL, found that there are no unusual circumstances relating to soil, shape or topography of this land or structure, as the store is visible '.' from the road; that any hardship is self- imposed and is not related to the topography; and that the granting of a Variance would be detrimental to the public good and would derogate from '' the intent of the Ordinance, which is to keep signage at a ' minim R. Buscher concurred that these set of facts do not meet the criteria for a Variance. He found that as this road is a very heavily travelled thoroughfare and the site is well- known, the 3 business should do well given time; and that the "Jane Alden" j portion of the sign is sufficient for identification purposes. Robert C. Buscher, Chairman Peter Laband Sanford eil, Jr. / Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing - Jane Alden Stores Page 3 It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to deny the Variance request. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Present, in addition to those mentioned, were J. Parker, Staff Assistant and several interested citizens. -wimpprir Robert C. Buscher, Chairman Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing - Jane Alden Stores Page 2 so well with the surrounding area that it is difficult to read a sign that meets the allowed size requirements. He stated that the designed sign is unobtrusive and decorative to the building. Pat Taylor, Property Manager of River Run, voiced no objections to the request, as long as no other signage would be blocked. She noted that a sign has already been erected and partially covered. Chm. Buscher questioned why the "Jane Alden" portion of the sign was covered, rather than the "Beer" and "Wine" portions of the sign. Mr. Broderick explained that Jane Alden Stores are not yet well known in Northampton. The Chairman called on opponents. Coun. Brooks felt that signs larger than that permitted by the Zoning Ordinance should not be allowed. It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to close the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. The Board chose to render their decision. S. Weil stated that in order to conform with the Zoning Ordinance, a sign placed on the front of this building would measure approximately 62 sq.ft. (He noted that the original sign, measuring 64 sq. ft. was already nonconforming.) He also stated that the fact that a sign double the allowed size is already erected cannot be considered in the Board's deliberation, as an undesirable precedent would be established. He found that there is no topographical uniqueness to this property; that Damon Road is an artery and most travellers on this road are continuing to a further destination and are not likely to stop off at a convenient store merely because of a larger sign; and that the other criteria necessary to grant a Variance have not been met. P. Laband, referring to Chapter 40A, MGL, found that there are no unusual circumstances relating to soil, shape or topography of this land or structure, as the store is visible from the road; that any hardship is self- imposed and is not related to the topography; and that the granting of a Variance would be detrimental to the public good and would derogate from the intent of the Ordinance, which is to keep signage at a minimum. R. Buscher concurred that these set of facts do not meet the criteria for a Variance. He found that as this road is a very heavily travelled thoroughfare and the site is well- known, the business should do well given time; and that the "Jane Alden" portion of the sign is sufficient for identification purposes. Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing on Application of Jane Alden Stores, Inc. September 2, 1987 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Northampton held a public hearing at 7:35 p.m. on September 2, 1987 in Council Chambers, Wallace J. Puchalski Municipal Building to consider the request of Jane Alden Dairy Stores, Inc. for a Variance from the provisions of Section 7.5, Page 7.5, Paragraph 1.A. of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton for the purpose of increasing the size of an existing front wall sign at property located at 100 Damon Road, Northampton (GI Zone). Present were: Chairman Robert C. Buscher, Sanford Weil, Jr. and Peter Laband. The Chairman read the public notice as it appeared in the Daily Hampshire Gazette on August 19 and 26, 1987. He reviewed Section 7.5 and the criteria necessary to grant a Variance from Chapter 40A, MGL. The Chairman noted receipt of an exposition by the applicants describing the problem and thier arguments in support of granting a Variance. He read a memo from L. Smith, Planner, on behalf of the Northampton Planning Board recommending denial of the Variance request. He advised those present of their right to appeal. John Broderick, Real Estate Manager for Jane Alden Stores, stated that the submitted exposition relates the history of this situation. He stated that the location of the store is unique, as the original building was constructed prior to the construction of Route 91, which now presents a raised barrier between the store and persons travelling east on Damon Road. He noted the heavy traffic flow on Damon Road, arguing that because a convenient store relies on impulse buying, a larger sign is necessary in order to call attention and identify the store. Mr. Broderick stated that the 19 Jane Alden Stores are located in areas which service residential communities, however, the response to this store has been disappointing because of the decreased amount of transient customer flow. He suggested that a hardship will exist to the residential community if the store is forced to cut down on its services to the public. He stated that advertising has not helped business; that the granting of a Variance would not devalue the surrounding properties; and that the larger sign would not be a hazard or an annoyance to the public. The Chairman called on proponents. John Palantino, one of the owners of Jane Alden Stores, spoke in favor of the request. William Krimsky, owner of the building and operator of the liquor store for many years, stated that the building blends in CITY of NORTHAMPTON OFFICE of PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals TO: L. Smith, Planner, on behalf of the Northampton FROM: Planning Board Variance Request - Jane Alden Stores SUBJECT: August 28, 1987 DATE: FILE: At their meeting on August 13, 1987, the Northampton Planning Board reviewed the request of Jane Alden Dairy Stores for a Variance for the purpose of increasing the size of an existing front wall sign at property located at 100 Damon Road, Northampton (GI Zone). After discussing the matter with the applicant, the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend denial of the Variance request, as the criteria necessary to grant a Variance have not been met. By the applicants' own testimony, their hardship has been self - created. The City has set up a system (see Section 10.2 - Zoning Permits) to ensure that a structure, use, sign, etc. conforms to the zoning requirements prior to construction. The applicants neglected to follow this mandated procedure, and thus illegally installed a nonconforming sign without the proper permits and approvals. Had they followed the mandated procedure, they would have been informed by the Building Inspector that the sign exceeded the maximum size permitted prior to construction. _ ^ .., .4. ` � , / /, /- ~~� ^ `^ ' T ' � \ ~~as., , ` . ~ ~ ` `\ - / �r ,� ' " / ' - � . _— / — / / / � �r — — / - -'-- ~� � ,', � ' r/ / / `� / ! ----'-t- / 1 ` / ! ' `/ _ � / � ___' __' � ` r . . ^ _- / �__� __- _ ' i �_ ' � __ __- ___ __. __~ ____ _ � _ � � / —'--�----�- -�*~' ` \ �/ a ^ ,. � /��� � ^�/� e.,,1 ' w ` ~'� /»/1 / {/ //�/ � /u° °'/� / � _ � i ffl1 Aasw o..»...».... ... ».. Erection. ...» ( Alteration ( ) Repair ( ) Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, Repainting ( ) before a permit will be granted, Removal ( ) (!Ut if x.irt1ampttrn, Alass. Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device g rt (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) cc � PAGE. ..... PLOT..`. FEE.(lJ Northampton, Mass., JULY 8. 19.$.7...... To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME JANE ALDEN DAIRY STORE 1. LOCATION, STREET and No. 100 DAMON ROAD, Northampton 2. Owner's name William Krimsky 3. Owner's address...a Q4...11amaxa... .ad., Jsa .tbamp.t.on. 4. Maker's name Buchholz Sign Co, Inc. 5. Maker's address 100 Verde Street Springfield 01101 6. Erector's name Buchholz Sign Co, Inc 7. Erector's address 100 Verge Street, Springfield 01101 SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated..x non - illuminated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? NO Marquee 3. Lower edge will be '? ft. Q ins. above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge will be 15 ft. 0 ins. above the public way. Roof 5. Height 6 ft 0 ins. Width 6 ft 0 ins Temporary 6. Face area 36 .sq. ft. Wall 7. Inner edge will be ins from the building or pole. Ground X 8. Outer edge will be ins from the building or pole. Other 9. Face of building or pole is ins. back from the street line. 10. Sign will project. Q. .. .... .ins. beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend ft ins. above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed ? Frame Aluminum Face Plastic 13. Estimate cost $800 The undersigned certifies that the above statemen are true to e best of his knowledge and belief. -4 6 (Signature of Owner or Agent) NOTE: In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above must be set forth P 'NT P CLEARLY and FULLY. + c tt, CITY OF NORTHAMPTON 9� r MASSACHUSETTS ;i4 71; INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS VI ':! " ,.•,. DATE July 10, 1987 SIGN PERMIT v ' PERMIT NO. 444 PERMIT FEE $ 10.00 BUSINESS JANE ALDEN DAIRY STORE ADDRESS 100 DAMON ROAD OWNER WILLIAM KRIMSKY ADDRESS 104 DAMON ROAD APPLICANT BUCHHOLZ SIGN CO., INC. ADDRESS 100 VERGE ST., SPRINGFIELD PERMIT TO: ERECT A WALL SIGN 4' X 16' ESTI MATED COST $ 1,500.00 BUILDING DEPT. 4 BY a 6-& F Ni Page (4) Jane Alden Sign Variance 8/31/87 In summation we believe that we have met the criteria for the requested Variance in the following ways: A. The Variance is requested for the building at 100 Damon Road specifically. B. The request is based on circumstances created by localized land, structures and road conditions not effecting generally the zoning district in which we are located. C. Literal enforcement of the ordinance would create not only a substantial financial hardship to our business but would do so at the expense of the public good. D) The request, if granted, would not be a detriment to the public good or derogate from the intent or purpose of the zoning ordinance. We appreciate the kind attention you have given us regarding this request. Respectfully, Jane Aldrn ,Dairy Stores, Inc. John . Palatino, V.P. PaRe (3) Jane Alden Sian Variance 8/31/87 What is done is done regarding the sign at the street. We do not want to burden you with yet another request for a sign Variance and frankly we could not afford to move it back to its original location if you did permit us to do so. What we do have is an opportunity to improve the safe flow of traffic through the area by redirecting our attention to the wall sign. The Planning Board requested that we elaborate on the financial hardship aspect of our situation.. What follows is an addition to our original submission_ Not having a full size sign working for us has caused us to lose a substantial amount of business. The business that we have failed to gain due to inadequate signage is of great concern to us. It is apparent that we have been well received and are fulfilling our function as a neighborhood store in a part of Northampton that has never been adequately served before. It was impossible for the hundreds of people who live on our side of I -91 to walk safely to a store with our inventory before we opened. The neighborhood patronage has been all we expected. What we have not gotten is the transient business in the numbers we, and other stores of our type, have experienced in numerous similar locations. Many people who use Damon road on a daily basis, but do not live in the neighborhood, have stopped in for the first time saying that they just realized we were there. This is after nearly three months of daily exposure! The reason they do not see us has been the inadequate signage discussed earlier. The problem for us is real. Continuing to fall 35% short of the minimum business necessary to break even will inevitably cause us to shut our doors. This unfortunate loss of a neighborhood service would be even more tragic if it could have been so simply avoided. We honestly believe that permitting us to display the full face of our wall sign at 100 Damon Road will serve to improve not only our commercial condition but the public safety as well. Rather than looking at the larger sign as "not being a substantial detriment to the public good" we feel that it would be in fact more beneficial to the public good. Page (2) Jane Alden sign Variance 8/31/87 Proper signage is essential to the conduct of most highway businesses. In all cases it serves the purpose of informing the public of who you are and what you do. Considering the safety of people driving under highway conditions it is most important that the signs do the job quickly and efficiently. As you are aware our Package /Variety store at 100 Damon Road is located at the west end of a sweeping curve, at a junction with the Lane Construction /River Run access road and the I -91 overpass. Additionally the store is set back 80 feet from Damon Road. We recognized that cars coming west from the Coolidge Bridge could see the store clearly from 1/2 mile out. A large enough sign with enough information would make it possible for the driver to plan a turn into our parking lot safely. We reasoned that a sign that was so small as to become effective only after the driver had entered the curve would not only be bad for business but would also present an unnecessary danger to the motoring public. Even though our original calculations indicated that a 154 SqFt sign would be permitted we felt that the 128 SqFt design would do just fine. That conclusion took into account that we had an existing 20 Ft high sign at the street which had been part of the original Package /Variety store operation which could be adapted to the needs of traffic approaching from both the East and West. It turn ed out that the sign at the street was pre - existing non - conforming in height and set -back. Our intention was to lower the sign and make it visible from as far to the west as King Street. At its original height it was not seen until you had already entered the I -91 underpass although it was above the barrier created by the three Boyle buildings and was visible a fair distance to the east. We found to our compounding misfortune that once we altered the sign we were committed to bring it completely into conformity. After being informed of our responsibility by the Building Inspector we voluntarily conformed. The resulting sign is now virtually unseen until you are either through the I -91 underpass driving east or entering the Damon Road curve moving west. This conforming street sign does not create a hazard. It simply no longer fulfills its responsibility to alleviate a hazardous condition if it can. But it does now comply with the letter of the Zoning Ordinance. Jane Alden Dairy Stores, Inc_ 201 Exchange Street Chicopee, MA 01013 (413) 592 -6136 8/31/87 To: Zoning Board City of Northampton Re: Application for Non - Conforming sign - REVISED 100 Damon Road Dear Board Members; This statement is written in support of our application to maintain a non- conforming sign on our new store at 100 Damon Road. The sign does not conform to the specifications outlined in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton Pa Re 7 -5. Section 7.5. Para. 1.a. The referenced paragraph would permit us to have a wall sign with a front face of sixty six (66) square feet. We are asking permission to have a wall sign with a front face of one hundred twenty four (124) square feet. First let us explain how we got into the situation of designing, building and erecting a non - conforming wall sign. It was a case of every participant ( the sign maker, the sign installer and we the owners) thinking that the other had received the necessary permits. Combine that with mis- judgements and mis - readings of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance and the result is the current situation. Our assumption was that as a "B" use (continuing pre - existing by a previous "Finding ") and by using the height of the building in calculating the area of the front face we would be allowed up to 154 Sq.Ft. of wall sign ( 10% of 1540 Sq.Ft.). In fact the "I" regulations apply and the front wall height is more properly used in calculating area allowing a sign of 66 SqFt ( 7.5% of 880 Sq.Ft.). At the request of the Building Inspector we voluntarily covered over the non - conforming area of the sign and applied for the Variance now being considered. We do not offer any of this as an excuse but simply as an honest explanation of what happened and we certainly are not asking for relief because the sign is already manufactured and in place. t , r ; q 1961 j ,3 9 ii 1 I ris' . 1 . r 0 oi0 VW o /V./ 5 / ?'/ • k N i / / 2 9 INO?I1 ' 1 t 1 \ I 1 r / + .1 f.A 5 A 10 J''' d , i +. ,h, y it' • 0 ii s I pilots, ; 1 V, 1 i ' lir ' - + '' A 1 iiiii:;11,40111111 i' f 1 I li I Aim i/ 4 II 4 0-21 7i � 0 _„& . - 9 fr ' / ' / . k PLOT PLAN-. PLOT PLAN - -- LAND OF WILLIAM & JUDITH A. KRIMSKY 96 - 106 DAMON RD_, NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 �- RIVER RUN APARTMENT COMPLEH . *IT*. 1 455.92 Ft. 1 r•r•� -�•r r r r•r -r•r • •t•t- r•r•r•t•r•t•t•r•r t•t -r•r•r r•r r r r- r -r -r -r r r -4 ti ti ti .a.a.a.a.a.a. .tV.I. a.a .3f 5.3. a. a. a. a. a. a.a.a.ti.ti.ti.ti•ti•ti•ti•1,•'.•ti•t•ti t•t•t•t � / 20011/ � � � � t•t•t•t•t•�•t•t•t•t•t• R 4 , til }j ? }� {/ 0 fi ti y.ti ti•ti•ti•ti•ti•ti ' y tif:y t - r- r- t- t- r• r -r- • / • C• ti• ti,• ti ti I '/ .... .. f.t.t.t.t.t.t.t. i y • E • . \, WAREHOUSE 59 UNITS '.11 30 F1 . ' �`.�.�.�•�•�•,•% �l 1' ::. : r r r 30 F i ! -rFTr �_ 5 �// 30 F1 ,140 Fi `f: MAINT it O N � ti o • R .S / // .. . �ftirtif,; ;30 BARN Parkin . .. '_t. t .r.r -r + z t' 30 Fi ti ti Z E 1 , - # N 5 WAREH OUSE 4 3 UN ..,.�...r.s..... , # - F / / / /:r 305 Ft . R T • , /t -t A A I -9 1 . A / 40 f1 / # 2nd Floor % ; L L i t 7 c OFFICES 4A •t ,�,� t ti�ti k t ane * 35 d +:ti i , ,,.__ �. E S 4A1den p '35' H i S --) I� 2O p t f —• r M t ft , • C AH ILL ANE � 80 ft 8 ; y E INNINIIIIIIIIIII, 4 ") , 44... ' DATION ROAD DAMON ROAD ' 179.71 Ft. 1 I' r!;-.. .,,....,T,';., 411.1111N ' � Yr;�'. , B O Y L E rYY 5" 7 Y T DEUELOPEMENT KEY ' 3 Retail G '...... 7 V R p a rt m e n t 28 SqFt + +jam :%.. == =GRASS and TREES ( 32% ) ,, ; ; , Y Y Buildings 1 1 , 400 SqFt _ —__ _• = == WAREHOUSES (13 % ,a ' � �Y T T ��, Y Y 7 ;, V , ,.Y' 6,200 SqFt E=22:1 RETAIL BUILDINGS (7 ) •Y r�;rYrT;•rtiY 28,800 SqFt % __= NEW BLACKTOP (3 3% ) g Y , i Y Y �Y Y , SYYI Y Y `i 12,000 SqFt =_= EXIST•ING BLACKTOP ( 13 a) • YY. 1,500 SqFt mum, =_= EXISTING BARN (30' X 50') (2 g3 ) i.■..1 Assessor's Map 11. List of Abutters: Address Sheet No. Parcel 1.idward and Julia Drozdal.Heritage /NIS 109 Main St.. Northampton 1Rn 7 2 Richard R. Boyle, c/o Heritage /NIS, 109 Main St., Northampton 18D ^55 18D. 5 3_Robert Munson, c/o Trustee Dept., Heritage /NIS, 109 Main St, Northampton 1D 57 4.Cit of Northampton Cit ProPert Committee 2 2 Main St. orthampton 18D 53 5.Rudolph Peselman, Leonard J. Aronson, William H. Walsh, Trustees The Northampton Trus 6. c/o Eric Management, PO Box 240, Brookline, MA. 02146 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. S 13. 14. `'.1 y 15. \s G ,Siff 16. t � Y 17. 18. 19. 20. 2i. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) Do Not Write In These Spaces Application Number. " 7 7 U r . . 4_, • ticked Filed Fee Pd. Rec'd. ZBA Map(s) Parcels) Date tti £ : Date Date Amt. Date By Date `11 sir 7 / / 1 - 18D -4 • e�- ARPLI- A r`,S'Tf> , BY. MADE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: S " Jane Alden Dairy Stores, Inc. 1. Name Oral!cant Address - 201 Exchange Street, Chicopee, MA. 01013 2. Owner of Property William & Judith A Krimsky Address 104 Damon Road, Northampton, MA. 01060 3. Applicant is: ❑Owner; ❑ Contract Purchaser; E Lessee; ❑ Tenant in Possession. 4. Application is made for: VARIANCE from the provisions of Section] .5 -1 . a. page 7 - of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. ESPECIAL PERMIT under the provisions of Section page of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Northampton. COTHER: 5. Location of P roperty 100 Damon Road , being situated on the North side of Damon Road Street; and shown on the Assessors' Maps, Sheet No. 18 D , Parcel (s) 4 6. Zone GI 7. Description of proposed work and /or use; We propose to increaje the - S ize of nnr PXi sting illuminated front wall sign by an additional 4' X 16' (64 Ft 1 8. (a) Sketch plan attached; I4 Yes C No (b) Site plan: LAttched ❑ Not Required 9, Set forth reasons upon which application is based: The Zoning .Ordinance permits us to have _a_66 F sign. z o of the 880 Ft 1;ront face of the building.) There is not enough pace to inform the public of the full nature of our business. The additional 64 Ft of signage will a equate y r the problem without being detrimental to the pthlic' epnlj 10. Abutters (see instructions; list on reverse side of form). 12. I hereby certify that information contained herein is true to the •est of my owle. .e. o ` 3' licant's Si nature • -// — �--- - Date pp 9 or ? P rime -' CITY OF NORTHAMPTON 2 °����� oyr- ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION + 4 s �%`i e � T. • No. ( Z Lot vv,:., J... Zoning Ordinance Section 10.2 ... > • t „' : eceiv : } 0 W Fil t1c .1 /* Plan File Owner William & Judith A. Krimsky Appndant Jane Alden D,; iry Stores, Inc. Address Damon Road, Northampton, MA 01060"— Address -201 Exchange Street, Chicopee MA 01013 Telephone (413) 586 -4487 Telephone (413) 592 -6136 This section is to be filled out in accordance with the "Table of Dimensional and Density Regulations: (Z.O. ARTICLE VI) Zoning Use Lot Front Depth Setbacks Max. Bld. Min. Op. District Area Width Front Side Rear Cover Space Past Existing 2 Acre 179.71' 305' 80' 30' 30' 22 % 78 % Present Proposed 2 Acre 179.71 305' 80' 30' 30' 22 % 78 % Mark the appropriate box to indicate the use of the parcel: t4, Non - Conforming Lot and/or Structure. Specify --mod ❑ Residential ❑Single Family Unit ❑Multi- Family ❑ Duplex ❑ Other 7 Business ❑ Individual ❑ Institutional ❑ Regular ❑ P.U.D. ❑ Subdivision ❑ Cluster ❑ Other ❑ Subdivision with "Approval- Not - Required " - Stamp: ❑ Planning Board Approval: ❑ Zoning Board Approval (Special Permit 10.9: Variance) ❑ City Council (Special Exception S. 10.10) Watershed Protection District Overlay: (Z.O. Sect. XIV) ❑ Yes 7 No Parking Space Requirements: (Z.O. Sect. 8.1) Required Proposed Loading Space Requirements: (Z.O. Sect. 8.2) Required Proposed Signs: (Z.O. Art. VII) VI Yes ❑ No Environmental Performance Standards: (Z.O. Art. XII) ❑ Yes X1 No Plot Plan C Yes ❑ No Site Plan n Yes ❑ No (S. 10.2) (S. 10.2 and 10.11 Waiver Granted: Date ❑ This section for OFFICIAL use only: • ❑ Approval as presented: p Modifications necessary for approval: tr ❑ Return: (More information needed) Denial: Reasons: I1 a ...,l -C`z/ o' . 6 / / 7 0 7 40 1 /1 W/ /?ii i gnature of Applicant Date Signature of Ad in. Officer Date AT I 1 ' 2- - / 0 - 5? v v 2 i SO Li ,. .. III.......II,HI " f®.......,IIII - 0 I r ti % !4.‘S r ____ 4 _ . . -------------------- - -3,"/ - ------------- - -- . FRONT Gd`"iii`fri r" 1 d.. 3"c A 1 T i`+ A. s • �/e n, y 0a 0 ,e D/e i 1L,4H /) / i 1.1% . 0/060 • joilishea st omp it-WW - r No ._ Erection ............... Alteration ( ) Repair ( ) Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, Repainting ( ) before a permit will be granted, Removal ( ) Q.tt of Northampton, n, as , Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device j eri- (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) � � FEE /t/ PAGE1. m... PLOT..' / ... Northampton, Mass., JULY 8 1987 To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME JA ^"E ALDEN DAIRY STORE 1. LOCATION, STREET and No.100 DAMON ROAD, Northampton 2. Owner's name William Krimsky 3. Owner's address 104 Damon Road, Northampton 4. Maker's name Buchholz Sign Co, Inc. 5. Maker's address 100 Verse Street Springfield 01101 6. Erector's name Buchholz Sign Co, Inc. 7. Erector's address 100 Verge Street, Springfield, 01101 SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated Y non- illuminated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? NO Marquee 3. Lower edge will be ft. ins. above the public way. projecting 4. Upper edge will be ft. ins. above the public way. Roof 5. Height 4 ft 0 ins. Width 16 ft O ins Temporary 6. Face area..1A sq. ft. Wall X 7. Inner edge will be ins from the building or pole. Ground 8. Outer edge will be ins. from the building or pole. Other 9. Face of building or pole is ins. back from the street line. 10. Sign will project- ...0 ins. beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend p ft ins. above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed? Frame Aluminum Face Plastic 13. Estimate cost. S 1.,5.9R... The undersigned certifies that the above statemen are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner or Agent) NOTE: In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above must be set forth PI • P CLEARLY and FULLY. erVerago 0 4, CITY OF NORTHAMPTON 9 MASSACHUSETTS INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS , DATE JULY 10, 1987 SIGN PERMIT ' rl PERMIT NO. 445 PERMIT FEE $ 10.00 BUSINESS JANE ALDEN DAIRY STORE ADDRESS 100 DAMON ROAD OWNER WILLIAM KRIMSKY ADDRESS 104 DAMON POAn APPLICANT BUCHHOLZ SIGN CO., INC. ADDRESS 100 VERGE ST. , SPRINGFIELD PERMIT TO: ERECT A GROUND SIGN 6' X 6' ESTI MATED COST $ 800.00 BUILDING DEPT. BY e.✓4 /64,d-WP)k • P,P oT Oy No .... »: .I el* Erection.. Alteration ( ) Plans must be filed with the Building Inspector, Repair ( ) Repainting ( ) before a permit will be granted, Removal ( ) Tit'R i.t Nortilampton, Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign or other Advertising Device (Application to be filled out in ink or typewritten) FEE /t PAGE/ / Y_1? PLOT /... Northampton, Mass., 67 T 7 l 19 To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permj#� to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME ) / 6 ' r) e"fe`' : , /SE 1. LOCATION, STREET and No. 1 `i' /- /`-! c ) ` - 2. Owner's name �,,� .�..�� �`� , ; f > S 3. Owner's address / V l);:. r- it: ! /<)- J ' ' �� ea "IL 1 1 - '%` /L" 4. Maker's name / k 5. Maker's address 1 6' �` // ,.{'i " C.° 120. C/— 7 /11) tr 6. Erector's name 7. Erector's address J �,... ....s° � 0 cf .!)..:� ��� ��' `' 1f� . 1� 1�r�+,�� -'f'i ° 'L-' SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated non - illuminated 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? /i„,2.0.. Marquee 3. Lower edge will be 7 ft. ins. above the public way. Projecting 4. Upper edge will be j ....ft. ins. above the public way. Roof 5. Height...L... ft ins. Width 1 - ft ins. Temporary 6. Face area 7 , 2 - sq. ft. Wall 7. Inner edge will be 0 ins from the building or pole. Ground 8. Outer edge will be ins. from the building or pole. Other 9. Face of building or pole is ins back from the street line. 10. Sign will project. a ins. beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend ft ins. above the building or pole. 12. Of what mate will sign be constructed ? Frame ',�i L) Face 6-) la f� 13. Estimate cost (/ 6' C> The undersigned certifies that the above statements arytrue to e best of his knowledge and belief. // �` ». ». (Signature of Owner or Ag;nt) NOTE: In order that this application may be accepted, the data called for above mus a set forth CLEARLY and FULLY. 4 5 tiAM pl' 0 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ,r- ) w•- MASSACHUSETTS W �t�, �� � INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS .-J ;`,�_ DATE SezrytAmhpr 1972 . � =s= SIGN PERMIT PERMIT NO. 441 PERMIT FEE $ 10.00 BUSINESS Pinnper Spnrtirg (;enter ADDRESS 10 Damon Road OWNER Willipm Krimsky ADDRESS 1021 'Daman Road, Northampton APPLICANT Same ADDRESS Same PERMIT TO: F,rnnt grrnmct sign ESTI MATED COST $ 600.00 BUILDING DEPT. BY '`l