31A-97 December 18, 2011 31.#.- 9 RECEIVED DEC 22 am City of Northampton Assistant Building Commissioner oFsuiumtsp Charles Miller 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Permit for location: 63 Vernon Street, Northampton, MA Owner: Lindsey Rockwell Dear Mr, Miller, I wish to request withdrawal of the above permit and request a refund of the permit fee. 1 thanli you for your assistance with regard to this permit and regret that the homeowner has decided not to proceed at this time to reevaluate her circumstances. Please return to Kevin Downie, 140 Upper Baptist Hill Road, Conway, MA 01341, Sincerely, 4e'rn IP ft eiAmetr Kevin Downie Building Contractor 140 Upper Baptist Hill Road rtinway. MA 01341