44-129 / GREEN, GREEN, MILES, LIPTON & FITZ- GIBBON, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 77 PLEASANT STREET POST OFFICE BOX 210 NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01061 -0210 (413) 586 -8218 FAX (413) 584 -6278 JOHN J. GREEN, JR. SUSAN L. MILES HARRY L. MILES JOANNE KUZMESKI- JACKSON ROGER P. LIPTON (GEOFFREY B. WHITE- RETIRED) JOHN H. FITZ- GIBBON (BRIAN L. BLACKBURN- 1951 -2007) JOHN M. MCLAUGHLIN" MICHAEL PILL 'ADMITTED ALSO IN CT June 30, 2009 Anthony Patillo, Building Commissoner City of Northampton 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: My Client: Anthony Mederios Date of Accident: June 1, 2007 Location: 292 Old Wilson Road, Northampton Dear Mr. Patillo: Please be advised that Attorney Joanne Kuzmeski- Jackson represents Mr. Mederios with regards to a Workers Compensation claim as a result of the injuries he sustained in a 15 ft fall. At this time, I am requesting a certified copy of the report which you filed with OSHA and any color photos of the scene. If there are any costs associated with this request, kindly bill this office. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, and as always, thank you for your time, attention and cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, f L\ , r� Victoria L. Dant, Assistant to Joanne Kuzmeski- Jackson /vld T:drive/joanc /pers inj/ Clicnts /mcdcrios wc/ Ltr to patillo, bldg commis/ 6 -30 -09