17C-252 2010-11-21 17 C HUNTLEY HUNTLEY ASSOCIATES, P.C. 'iURVEW l RS. ENOINEEJL • L.'\Nf.JSCAPE. D£S!(,NI:J.!~ Nu C!mbcl21 2010 Pa tor PeLe Maldonado Floren~ Sc"cnth-Oa~' :\d\'cmbt l hurch J) North MUlIl Str~d I IorencL, \1 \ 0 I 062 RE: T~IIIf'nrarJ' Church S'~ef"1! Wall SUf'Port; 35 North Jfa;II Slrf!t't. Fltlrent'e .lfA In an eftbl1 to hdp ) l1ur dmn.:h plca.<;c ,. I:!e th' IIttllchctl rccnmmc lkd detail for tcmporJril} ,11 )ring lip :. our ~hurch's front [eerie \\all. 0;0 Lhal your contractor can rna 'l: the ncce Sl.lI) <;tuJ \ :111 replacement ht!lnw the c. i~ting I floor k\'el 0.1.'.. behind Ihe remo\ J rronl tair;). 'A Pw\ ide Ihi !>cn ic to yllu al no "os! (Ilnh;..~ the Building Inspc tor v.ill want more detailed phll '. J...l:tch~s olld,or ..:onstructinn ':(llllr)1 I;crtificatiL.rh). tIKrt,;h. ll'-"UmC nn liahility a'i"llciar~1 \~ ith the ten porar: -;hnring IIIe l .. un!'~ tlr LIn;' CUll tn etioll l1W 'lila ill 1t:l\al ILt.' Ih~rt:'nL Your lI'il' ut' () IT recommendation .,ignili~ your a "no\\ kdgement nf /111; '(; '(; ~\)nJiti()n". fhl! attnched lklail (.!ompris\!s l,rboth vertical and lalC!ral 'upp<lrt ror the T'maining fronl slet-plt: Iud ,"al! :-.c'::lion il the IO\\I.T deter il>rated .. HId \vall "cclioil i been IlmU\ cd. Our rcellrnnlendUTill1l ;JlJ{JCipalCs lh~ t:l\lItraclor pursing the following. sequence ofrep<lir/repluccment tor the snid deteriorated If1\\cr ..tuJ wall .,t!clioll, ontractl)r shall in~laIl2:\ 10 (Spr '0' or hcner) \ () den dt:.mcOl (5) «(,1 (7). nn,] IR) 'hlmll \\ ilh 'I." diameter thru (9) and !ag boll:'. ( I I) into a .. oCIf.iled c:\bling ttld . 3-P1Y members making up lleadcr(5) mu 1 he adcquiltt:.l)' la<;h;ncd togdhcr "jill appropriare nailing . f) thallhe~ lIel as ~m~le member prior to plac menl again t th' exteriur face Oflil\! c 'i ling, r.. maming !'.tuu \\all mcmhel"i (12) 1he IIlflcrmnsl 2:-.10 IlIcmlxr \\ ill onl) ..,pun rn:t\\ct!n tht;' \\all' ... tXlsting. C;\rt!rlor corner pos and the main d or's jamb ( 0 a: to bJrass Ihe c\is! II1g Joc r frum.:). o :: In ledger (6) ",,<1 '-pl) pl) lateral hraeC' (7) I11U,,1 be mkquatel. fa~, ned together \\ ilh ,ppropm te nailing prior (0 nlaccment againsllile interi r f<lee or (hI.: existing n.:rnaining ~iud \... all members ( 11), Additional:!, I 0 rTIt'inben ma) be fastened to the ledger (6) al e,lCh end bimilar to the c.\tenor headcr) in order to h~ pass lhl! existing door franll . .~ \ ~-pl)'. 2:.. , II mOl:11t (8) is to hI.! inSlalled bdll\\ c.lch end lor ...he bral.:c ( ) u:<.iug at kal t\\ O\>ur \\()uld tx: prc~:rrcd) h " Ing bolts (11) sct into th respective \o\olls -Iud~ it is pial,; d agaill:;l. L~ngth llf mount to he Jeterrnincd l'Ia' d on c: " 1 il1g. \\(111 ~lIId pdL 11Ig.. The hra<.:c (7) j, thell tu hc .1Jcqll:.ttd)' f~[\.!ncd to eacr ot the mount (8) \\rlh appn>priate nailing o 1hc header (51 and Icdger (6) are lhl!fI III be fash':lIcd t~lgethe \~ illl ~.. di,lrnch:r lhru-h~ I~' (9), n:ls~i ng Ihrou\,!h the e. ·i ting rcmnining '''nil , lUd. (I ~). Illnl..lIlg. sure Ihat the !lender ( -) '1nd I~dgcr (6 ) lill~ up witll IIIit.' another. Ilol\! IllU f b\! prct.lrilled thl High lilt: \!Xlsti g .,lUds II ~ J u.,in!!-1111 grC'ater Ihall 9/16" diruncler bil to eiJminate possible spl fling \lrl11' "Iuds (12). rill! Ihm-hll t (91 h<lll be uflicicl1ll) lighlcm:J t\~ II ure that tJle header (51 and kdgcr (6) <If\.' lightl~ rrc~.,illg ~ i.~ ." hearing) again~ lh~ e:-.isting \all'tulb f 12) I rrm priate \\ asher .. and nub ~h()lI Id he u etl at cue 'lid I rthe Ihru-Ix It.. (9) t~l ell ·ur\. thul [Ire), do Illll ~J II. IlIlu ~lr c.nu.;k Ihl! \\lkxillh:lIlhcr:.. Cl1ntr:leh)f ..hall install ~-pl]. ~\-l (. /IF . N( I nr bettcr) wood"n stud 1'0. ts (4) at h,\th cnu: (If Ihe header (5). Jire "II} bel"v. [he \ 31L c, islmg e"(tl!rior cnn.tr pl.'.'t, ;Uld each of the main UI"X)( jamb 11.\1,;.3t lIb. a. lhc~' I,ll-.uhm C:.tn) Illl' building \ all ~ heinie t \crticalloadinl!. The 2. 4 ~tud 1'0"1-1-) must 01.' lld~qlJlll.ly ra~leneJ IlIl:!-cther \ illl appnpriatl! "siling pnC'lr to placcm\,;nt and installed al the holtom or'IIIl: Ircader (:;) alld mu, a I I • 'ti c HUNTLEY ASSOCIATES, P.C. t grade to en~LJre tlle p(J~ts cannot lal rally di~rlace. lhe ma. imum rod hl.!ight (2) -hall not c\c~cd l} Icct \ ithuut additionallaleral bracing of Ihe posts 1l1l1l·se ' lion or the in:.lullation of an addillOnal stud pi) . 'onLrachlr ~hall in!>tull 2:<4 (SPF. No. l or better) wooden stud wall shoring (3) beneath the e,i ling 110m jo ·S! m mllers on the interior fthe building (within the basement). Vertical stud should be !:II thl!3mC spadng d.'i the 11 or joist:; Clnd be IOCOlcd lIO further than I" from the )0i t members. r-urthcr pacing: , .. ill rcquirl,; the u 'e of a double tllP plate in tJ1C ~"tUd wall shol jng. A maJ1cel> Iiall be made to 1.'llSUIt; that Ihl: :.Iud ,.,.all horing cannot d i"place laterally al jt~ l:nd conn 'clion . with the joi its or lhc a$cmellt Iloor With Ih abo... c h place. the COnlrilctor 'holild lh\;Jl Ill! able 10 l ut and rem()\ e the c. iSling stud men bers (10 ) belo" lh hcader/ledger suppurt u.sscmhly (IT minimum). l"hc heiglll of th~ rcmO\ al ((I) "hall not excecd 1 Icct . OO\lC the existing floor level. 'liauld A_ Y mO\crnenl be cW~J1\;cd upon rcmo\ al oubC!>e deteriorated :.tuds. the ontactor hould illlmcdialdv Rro\ide additional hor.Ln~g b.locin a. flet!dl!d. ttl tabilil.t: tltt! building and calL!lur ofl~ lipon rcmmuJ If the deteriorated stud, net\; studs "hall then he spliced (by 3 teet) to each side of the eXisting rem inlllg "Iud wall memb~rs (12) and adequately fa! telled \\ ilh the appr priale nailtng. Kt:r:p in mind thaI the replacement stud~ need tl) have a bottom. III plate that mu t be anchored to tht: huildings founJation "'~3h:m• . irnilar to the dClcrioriltcd/rcmmcd wall 'ceLlon" "ill plate. The Cl>.iSling intcri()T tllH.>r header ( I.:' 1 rnll~l then be adequarely r fasrend 10 th ne\\ \\all stud..;. Only UPlln c(llllrietion M all [he itelTls listed ablJ\~, enn the mentioned shoring and bracillg S) stems hI! removed We hope th,H you will b able (0 I)hlain the nece"8lj Building f)cpartm"n l apprnvlliu ·jng the nttachcd dctuil "iO your Contractor can mo\ c ton\ ard \\ ilh Ih de ireu repair rlc . tIre Lo give YI)!Lr l nnlr::lclllr a C()ll) 01' bOlh thi" letter and the attached detail so he full) und 'r-tands , ... hal i to be done. Should )OU ha\c HII> questions ab)ullhe aunched. ple3se 1~'t!1 free w gh ~ me a call. vCI) trul) y<'llr. • --__________________ _ en FER ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES JOB__________________ IllR5 't.Il... In!l:I SHEET NO. ____________ SdlClIl'l,;l<iUy,· l'll YlIr~ 1230-1 OF PH: (5]8)]93-476i FAX: (~I S) ll}3-.~.-to CALCULATED BY ___________ OATE____ CHECKED BY___________ DATE ____ SC~E 1 . . -; ------>--t~-,--....... -~'-t-~ ~----[~----------........-/I I I I ;' U ~~ b -~-I