2018-10-01 BOS minutes (2
I ,�; Chesterfield Select Board Minutes
�. Monday,October 1,2018 at 4:00 p.m.
Town Office Building-422 Main Road
The Select Board meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Mr. Recos, Chair
Select Board Members Present: Robert Recos, Patricia Colson-Montgomery, Roger Fuller (remotely
Select Board Members Absent:
Town Administrator Present: Susan Labrie
Administrative Assistant Present: Kristine Zdaniewicz
Public Present: Police Chief Ed Murray
Recorder of Minutes: Kristine Zdaniewicz
Common Acronyms:
CDBG: Community Development Block Grant
COA: Council of Aging
DHCD: Department of Housing and Community Development
DLTA: Direct Local Technical Assistance
HCG: Hampshire Council of Governments
HCDC: Hilltown Community Development Corporation
HRHS: Hampshire Regional High School
MPO: Municipal Planning Organization
PVPC: Pioneer Valley Planning Commission
RFP: Request for Proposals
WG&E: Westfield Gas & Electric
Remote Participation:
Mr. Recos announced that Select Board member, Mr. Roger Fuller,would be participating remotely via
Skype. Mr. Fuller was heard clearly via a portable speaker and seen through a large monitor. Mr. Fuller
announced that he would have to temporarily sign-off and leave a portion of the meeting at some point.
The Select Board reviewed the draft minutes from their September 17, 2018 meeting. On a motion by
Ms. Colson-Montgomery, seconded by Mr. Fuller,the Select Board voted unanimously to approve the
September 17,2018 Select Board minutes as amended.
Additions to the Agenda:
Kulik and Blais to Attend Meeting
Mr. Recos announced that State Representative Steve Kulik and presumptive State Representative Ms.
Natalie Blais would be attending the October 15th Select Board meeting at 4:00. He recommended
having a cake and card to thank Rep. Kulik and acknowledge his retirement. The Select Board agreed.
rm panel in the Town Offices:
• Security and Fire Integrations LLC, - $1,170
• Hackworth Systems, LLC- $1,380.94
• Electralarm - $2,100
Ms. Colson-Montgomery made a motion to award the Project to Security and Fire Integrations LLC,
seconded by Mr. Fuller. Unanimous vote.
State Election Warrant:
Town Clerk Sandy Wickland had requested that the Select Board sign the State Election Warrant. Ms.
Colson-Montgomery made a motion to sign the State Election Warrant, seconded by Mr. Fuller.
Unanimous vote. The Select Board signed the Warrant and returned it to the Town Clerk for posting.
CDBG FY'17&FY'18 Quarterly Reports:
HCDC requested that the Select Board review and sign the CDGB FY'17 and FY'18 quarterly reports.
Ms. Colson-Montgomery made a motion to sign the CDBG quarterly reports, seconded by Mr. Fuller.
Unanimous vote. Mr. Recos signed as Select Board Chair.
same concern to discuss the matter further. It was also suggested
that the Select Board send a formal complaint to Eversource. Ms. Labrie will draft the letter. Mr.
Holmberg suggested complaining to the State DPU about the cancellation of the Program or bringing it
up at the annual Eversource Municipal meeting.
Mr. Recos noted that the street light in front of the Town Office building has been out for almost two
months. He stated that he reported the outage 3 times with no results. Ms. Hancock stated this is the
type of issue she can help with and she will make sure it is fixed. She also discussed looking into LED
111409street light replacement.
Stage Road Speed Limit:
limy Mr. Recos stated that Mr. Matt Barron,a Stage Road resident, had called to speak with him about
reducing the speed limit on Stage Road to 25 mph. After a lengthy conversation, Mr. Recos suggested
that Mr. Barron contact Highway Superintendent Smith as well as the Select Board's Highway
Department Liaison, Mr. Fuller. Mr. Recos also relayed this conversation to Mr. Smith. Ms. Labrie
noted he had contacted her about the subject as well. Ms. Labrie reported that she had spoken with
Highway Superintendent Matt Smith who needed to measure the distance between homes on the street.
If a quarter mile section of the road had homes within 200' of each other, the Select Board could reduce
the speed limit to 25 mph because the Town adopted MGL Chapter 90 Section 17C. Superintendent
Smith will report the results to Ms. Labrie after he has the measuring completed and documented.
The Select Board requested that Police Chief Murray share the results of the vehicle speeds recorded on
Stage Road with Mr. Barron. Mr. Barron was instructed to contact Highway Superintendent Matt Smith
with any further roadway concerns.
Goose Lane Ash Trees:
Mr. Recos reported that Mr. Jonathan Parrot, a resident of Goose Lane, had called to speak with him
about removing Ash trees along Goose Lane. Mr. Parrot is going to harvest his Ash trees in anticipation
that they will be destroyed by the Emerald Ash Borer(EAB) sometime in the near future. He offered to
also harvest the Ash trees in the Town's right-of-way along Goose Lane. Ms. Labrie noted that she had
received an email from Mr. Parrot about the same subject and she had referred the correspondence to
Tree Warden J.B. Lynch. Mr. Lynch had reported to her that he had already spoken with Mr. Parrot
about this subject. Mr. Lynch had already viewed the trees in the Town Right-of-Way on Goose Lane
and thought they were healthy with no signs of the EAB. He had asked Mr. Parrot to flag the trees he
ty,,,, proposed removing so that Mr. Lynch could view the specific trees. Mr. Lynch reported that no trees
had been flagged to date.
Animal Inspector Appointment:
Ms. Labrie reported that Anima] Control Officer(ACO) Don Tryon had to respond to a dog bite incident
on Damon Pond Road last week and the dog needed to be quarantined. The ACO does not have the
authority to order a quarantine, only the Animal Inspector does. Since the quarantine needed to be
ordered immediately and Mr.Tryon could not reach the Town's Animal Control Officer, Mr. Recos, as
Select Board Chair, had made an emergency,temporary appointment of Mr. Don Tryon as Deputy
Animal Inspector last Thursday so he could order the quarantine. Town Clerk Sandy Wickland swore
Mr. Tryon in as temporary Animal Inspector that same day.
The Select Board discussed this dilemma and decided to appoint Mr. Tryon as Deputy Animal Inspector
through April 30, 2019. Mr.Tryon will receive the same pro-rated stipend as the Animal Inspector(paid
from the Dog Control Revolving Fund). Prior to the Animal Inspector's annual appointment on May 1,
2019, the Select Board will revisit the matter. Ms. Colson-Montgomery made a motion to appoint Mr.
Tryon as Deputy Animal Inspector through April 30, 2019. His pay for the position will be a prorated
amount of the annual Animal Inspector's stipend of$226 and come from the Dog Revolving Fund,
seconded by Mr. Recos. Unanimous vote. Ms. Labrie will inform Ms. Mollison, Animal Inspector, that
there is now a Deputy Animal Inspector.
Remote Participation Suspended:
Mr. Recos announced that Select Board member, Mr. Roger Fuller, would be exiting the meeting. Mr.
L Fuller signed off remote participation at 4:45 p.m.
Town Administrator's Report:
vs, Dawson-Greene Dog Update:
Ms. Labrie reported that she had not received any paperwork by the 1"of the month as directed within
the Order of Conditions for the dog Bella. Ms. Labrie noted she had received a phone message from
Ms. Chelsea Dawson-Greene, the dog's owner, asking to call back. Ms. Labrie returned the call and left
a voicemail for Ms. Dawson-Greene. Ms. Labrie will follow up again with Ms. Dawson-Greene.
Transfer Station Steps to Recycle Bin Platform:
Mr. Hank Badner, B.O.H., had informed Ms. Labrie that the steps leading to the recycle bin platform at
the Transfer Station were not level. Mr. Badner noted there were incidents caused by this recently. Ms.
Labrie stated that she had contacted Mr. Ron Loven, Town Maintenance person, to see if he could repair
the issue. Mr. Recos suggested that the entire platform be replaced since it is not ADA accessible. Ms.
Labrie will follow up with Mr. Badner.
Dog Kennel Bylaw:
Ms. Labrie reported that ACO Tryon stated the Chesterfield Bylaws need to be updated. The Dog
Bylaw currently states that a kennel permit is required for a pack of 5 or more dogs. However MGL
states a kennel permit is required for a pack of 4 or more dogs. The Select Board stated that the Town
Bylaw should match MGL and that they should be amended at the Annual Town Meeting.
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness(MVP) Grants:
Ms. Labrie reported that she met with the PVPC and HCDC to learn more about the State's MVP grants
that are available for planning and implementing changes in order to be better prepared for the impact of
climate change. The PVPC is willing to apply for grants on the Town's behalf either as a single town or
as a region of towns. Ms. Labrie noted that representatives of Worthington, Goshen, and Cummington
were also present at the meeting. Ms. Labrie advised that the grant does not require the Town to match
funds but that there are in-kind time requirements for the Planning grant. The Select Board will be
required to submit a letter to PVPC requesting their assistance. PVPC will send a draft letter of request.
Statewide Municipal Officials Conference:
Ms. Labrie reported that she attended a Statewide Municipal Officials Conference in Worcester. She
participated in sessions ranging from economic development to cyber security, and changing
demographics that will require aging friendly communities.
Concert Venue:
Ms. Labrie reported that Abandoned Building Brewery of Easthampton,that had applied for a 1-Day
Alcohol License to serve at 92 North Road,had pulled their application noting that the concert venue
had been moved out of Chesterfield. Ms. Labrie spoke with Police Chief Murray regarding the concert
and Chief Murray had stated the concert producer had called him about 3 weeks ago to discuss parking
restrictions and Police details that would be required. Chief Murray reported that he had advised the
producer to contact the Building Commissioner and Select Board at that time.
Zoning Bylaw Review:
Ms. Colson-Montgomery suggested the Planning Board be contacted to have them review and
potentially update the Zoning Bylaws in regards to music venues and large ticketed gatherings in Town.
She gave examples of the large concert that had been planned for a North Road/Damon Pond Road
the Dog Revolving Fund,
seconded by Mr. Recos. Unanimous vote. Ms. Labrie will inform Ms. Mollison, Animal Inspector, that
there is now a Deputy Animal Inspector.
Remote Participation Suspended:
Mr. Recos announced that Select Board member, Mr. Roger Fuller, would be exiting the meeting. Mr.
L Fuller signed off remote participation at 4:45 p.m.
location and the new intended rental use of the Boy Scout camp on Sugar Hill Road. The Bylaws also
lir need clarification of what constitutes excessive noise by adding a decibel rating. Ms. Colson-
Montgomery researched the Town Bylaws and was prepared to discuss the matter with the Planning
Board. The Select Board agreed that Ms. Colson-Montgomery should meet with the Planning Board to
discuss this.
Ms. Labrie reported that she inquired if Chesterfield could request DLTA funds to complete a study of
how much conservation land the Town's taxpayers could afford. The PVPC thought that study could be
funded. The next round of DLTA requests start in November with projects to be funded in January,
2019. PVPC will notify Ms. Labrie when the next round of applications will begin.
Broadband Hut Site:
Ms. Labrie reported that Mr. Justin West and she had a bi-weekly teleconference with WG&E on
9/19/18. Ms. Labrie relayed concerns about the sizable difference in hut cost after seeing the cost
estimate provided by WG&E. Joe Parda, WG&E, apologized for the confusion. He interpreted"plug
and play" from WG&E's perspective as having the shelter, HVAC system, meter sockets, and wiring
necessary to accept the WG&E install of the rack and fiber management system. Ms. Labrie and Mr.
West interpreted it as having everything necessary for a broadband hut except the generator. Ms. Labrie
is waiting for additional cost breakdown information from WG&E. Ms. Labrie noted that Mr. Bill
Ehnen, State Broadband Liaison, suggested speaking with other towns that have made hut decisions and
he provided a contact list. Ms. Colson-Montgomery suggested that Ms. Labrie contact Mr. Steve Nelson
from the Town of Washington as he had already researched and visited many huts in other towns. Ms.
NowLabrie did receive some cost breakdown information via email during the Select Board meeting
regarding the concrete shelter, HVAC, and electrical system. However, once again the breakdown
wasn't itemized. The Select Board also wants to know what the warranty on the concrete shelter would
Ms. Labrie also noted that the timeframe to decide which type of shelter to construct is short as it would
be best to install the hut in the fall so it would not delay spring network construction.
Regionalizing EMD Position Meeting:
Ms. Colson-Montgomery reported on the joint meeting that was held with Goshen officials on the
September 25th regarding regionalizing the EMD position. Goshen was interested in the concept and
would be willing to discuss the matter further. They requested the specifications for the Highway
Superintendent's pickup truck that was going to be traded in. Mr. Larry Holmberg, EMD for both
towns, had proposed this vehicle replace his Chesterfield EMD pickup truck and that both Chesterfield
and Goshen own the vehicle jointly. This would require Goshen to reimburse Chesterfield $7,500 as the
trade-in value is $15,000. Ms. Labrie will send the truck specifications to Goshen for their review.
Letter of Interest for Russell Property:
Ms. Labrie stated that Mr. Michael Russell's attorney had emailed her and communicated that he was
not satisfied with the Letter of Interest sent by the Town. The attorney noted it would not benefit his
client to allow the Town to perform soil borings and perc tests prior to the sale. Mr. Fuller reported that
he had left a detailed message for the attorney referencing the email, but that he had not heard back from
him. The Town needs to make sure the property is buildable prior to proposing to purchase it.
r Fuller, would be exiting the meeting. Mr.
L Fuller signed off remote participation at 4:45 p.m.
Tree Removal Bids:
The Select Board reviewed the three quotes received for removing various trees around Town(Quote 1)
and also 7 trees on Stage Road (Quote 2). The bid results were submitted by the Tree Warden:
Tree Removal Bid Results
Company Quote 1-Other Quote 2—Stage Road
Northern Tree Services 2,750.00 2,400.00
American Tree & Shrub 3,600.00 2,400.00/2,750.00
Jeremy Cotton (Lashco) 4,600.00 2,800.00
Ms. Colson-Montgomery made a motion to award the bid to Northern Tree Services, the low bidder, for
$2,750 and $2,400 as quoted, seconded by Mr. Recos. Unanimous vote. It was noted that Northern has
worked satisfactorily for the Town in the past.
Police Department Update:
Police Chief Murray was present to report on Police Department activity. He reported there were 30
calls for service last month with only 2 citation issued. He noted Officers have been asked to monitor
traffic on South Street, Stage Road, Smith Road, and East Street due to resident requests. The Select
Board suggested sharing the collected vehicle speed data from the speed sign with the residents who
have been reporting high rates of speed in their neighborhoods.
The Select Board requested that Chief Murray keep the Select Board informed of any events being
planned in Town. They noted that after finding out about the North Road/Damon Pond Road concert so
late in the planning stages, it would be helpful if they were made aware of such events as soon as there
was any notification to Town officials. Chief Murray agreed to keep the Town Administrator in the
Chief Murray informed the Select Board that the Police cruiser had some rust starting so he brought it in
to have it repaired. He stated Nicki D's Auto in Easthampton offered to paint it to match the newer
Police SUV at no charge.
Remote Participation Rejoined:
Mr. Recos announced that Select Board member, Mr. Roger Fuller, had rejoined the meeting. Mr. Fuller
signed back on to remotely participate at 6:53 p.m.
Highway Department Liaison Report:
New Eversource Representative:
Mr. Fuller reported that there is a new Eversource Representative, Melissa Hancock, for our area. She
is willing to come to a Select Board meeting. Mr. Fuller noted he would like to discuss with her the
shared highway department mower program that Eversouce recently did away with. The Select Board
agreed to invite her to her October 15,2018 meeting. Ms. Labrie will follow up with her.
Ireland Street Bridge:
Mr. Fuller reported that the bridge has been completed. Guardrails are set and the lines have been
d in. Mr. Larry Holmberg, EMD for both
towns, had proposed this vehicle replace his Chesterfield EMD pickup truck and that both Chesterfield
and Goshen own the vehicle jointly. This would require Goshen to reimburse Chesterfield $7,500 as the
trade-in value is $15,000. Ms. Labrie will send the truck specifications to Goshen for their review.
Letter of Interest for Russell Property:
Ms. Labrie stated that Mr. Michael Russell's attorney had emailed her and communicated that he was
not satisfied with the Letter of Interest sent by the Town. The attorney noted it would not benefit his
client to allow the Town to perform soil borings and perc tests prior to the sale. Mr. Fuller reported that
he had left a detailed message for the attorney referencing the email, but that he had not heard back from
him. The Town needs to make sure the property is buildable prior to proposing to purchase it.
r Fuller, would be exiting the meeting. Mr.
L Fuller signed off remote participation at 4:45 p.m.
RFP's for Municipal Property:
'_, The Select Board discussed the RFP responses to acquire property in the center of Town and what the
next step should be. They agreed that the Fire Chief and Police Chief should be invited to a future Select
Board meeting to review the RFP's and hear their input. Ms. Labrie will provide both Chief Hewes and
Chief Murray the list of properties received to date and invite them to a future meeting.
Crocker Communications:
The Select Board members reported that they had each received an email from Crocker Communications
to provide phone service for Town-owned buildings. The Select Board agreed they were not interested
at this time.
Wired West:
The Select Board inquired about the status of WiredWest. Ms. Labrie reported that she was aware they
are still actively meeting and preparing service proposals for the towns.
Next Select Board Meeting:
Monday, October 15,2018 at 4:00 p.m.
With no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
, and East Street due to resident requests. The Select
Board suggested sharing the collected vehicle speed data from the speed sign with the residents who
have been reporting high rates of speed in their neighborhoods.
The Select Board requested that Chief Murray keep the Select Board informed of any events being
planned in Town. They noted that after finding out about the North Road/Damon Pond Road concert so
late in the planning stages, it would be helpful if they were made aware of such events as soon as there
was any notification to Town officials. Chief Murray agreed to keep the Town Administrator in the
Chief Murray informed the Select Board that the Police cruiser had some rust starting so he brought it in
to have it repaired. He stated Nicki D's Auto in Easthampton offered to paint it to match the newer
Police SUV at no charge.
Remote Participation Rejoined:
Mr. Recos announced that Select Board member, Mr. Roger Fuller, had rejoined the meeting. Mr. Fuller
signed back on to remotely participate at 6:53 p.m.
Highway Department Liaison Report:
New Eversource Representative:
Mr. Fuller reported that there is a new Eversource Representative, Melissa Hancock, for our area. She
is willing to come to a Select Board meeting. Mr. Fuller noted he would like to discuss with her the
shared highway department mower program that Eversouce recently did away with. The Select Board
agreed to invite her to her October 15,2018 meeting. Ms. Labrie will follow up with her.
Ireland Street Bridge:
Mr. Fuller reported that the bridge has been completed. Guardrails are set and the lines have been
d in. Mr. Larry Holmberg, EMD for both
towns, had proposed this vehicle replace his Chesterfield EMD pickup truck and that both Chesterfield
and Goshen own the vehicle jointly. This would require Goshen to reimburse Chesterfield $7,500 as the
trade-in value is $15,000. Ms. Labrie will send the truck specifications to Goshen for their review.
Letter of Interest for Russell Property:
Ms. Labrie stated that Mr. Michael Russell's attorney had emailed her and communicated that he was
not satisfied with the Letter of Interest sent by the Town. The attorney noted it would not benefit his
client to allow the Town to perform soil borings and perc tests prior to the sale. Mr. Fuller reported that
he had left a detailed message for the attorney referencing the email, but that he had not heard back from
him. The Town needs to make sure the property is buildable prior to proposing to purchase it.
r Fuller, would be exiting the meeting. Mr.
L Fuller signed off remote participation at 4:45 p.m.