2018-10-15 BOS minutes ar
firL Chesterfield Select Board Minutes
Monday,October 15,2018 at 4:00 p.m.
V `— Town Office Building-422 Main Road
The Select Board meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Mr. Recos, Chair
Select Board Members Present: Roger Fuller, Patricia Colson-Montgomery, Robert Recos
Select Board Members Absent:
Town Administrator Present: Susan Labrie
Administrative Assistant Present: Kristine Zdaniewicz
Public Present: State Representative Steve Kulik and Natalie Blais; Police Chief Murray; Highway
Superintendent Matt Smith; Emergency Management Director Larry Holmberg; Melissa Hancock,
Eversource Community Relations Representative; Building Commissioner Paul Tacy
Recorder of Minutes: Kristine Zdaniewicz
Common Acronyms:
CDBG: Community Development Block Grant
COA: Council of Aging
DHCD: Department of Housing and Community Development
DLTA: Direct Local Technical Assistance
HCG: Hampshire Council of Governments
HCDC: Hilltown Community Development Corporation
HRHS: Hampshire Regional High School
MPO: Municipal Planning Organization
PILOT: Payment in lieu of taxes
PVPC: Pioneer Valley Planning Commission
RFP: Request for Proposals
WG&E: Westfield Gas & Electric
The Select Board reviewed the draft minutes from their September 25,2018 meeting. On a motion by
Ms. Colson-Montgomery, seconded by Mr. Fuller, the Select Board voted unanimously to approve the
September 25, 2018 Select Board minutes as amended.
The Select Board reviewed the draft minutes from their October 1, 2018 meeting. On a motion by Ms.
Colson-Montgomery, seconded by Mr. Fuller, the Select Board voted unanimously to approve the
October 1, 2018 Select Board minutes as amended.
Meet & Greet with State Rep.Steve Kulik and Natalie Blais:
State Representative Steve Kulik was present to introduce his likely replacement,Natalie Blais. Ms.
Blais summarized her background. The Select Board discussed some of their concerns such as the
broadband project,replacing the New Hingham roof, and concerns about the amount of State and
Federal conservation land in Chesterfield and low PILOT payments.
in the discussion.
Fire Chief Dave Hewes reported that he had heard from the new owners of the Boy Scout Camp on
Sugar Hill Road. They stated they were holding an event this coming weekend that they have been
holding at the camp for the last several years and expected about 50 people to attend. Chief Hewes
raised concerns because he had not inspected the camp since it had been sold. Building Commissioner
Paul Tacy noted that he had not inspected the property either because the "use"had not been
determined. Mr. Valencik noted he has had phone conversations with the new owners advising them of
the process to apply for a special permit.
NiroThe Select Board discussed their concerns about the inequity in State fund disbursement for broadband
projects. Towns that are building their own networks were not given any additional funds but towns in
which cable providers were going to build the network will be paying less because additional State funds
given as an incentive to the cable providers to build the networks.
New Hingham School Roof:
The Select Board shared their experience with the application process to the MSBA Accelerated Repair
Program to replace the New Hingham School roof The application had been turned down because
MSBA changed the age at which buildings were eligible for funding from 20 years to 25 years,post
application period. Mr. Fuller explained our frustration with the Program because the condition of what
needs to be replaced is irrelevant to the MSBA. The only qualifier for funding was the age of the
Public Safety Complex:
The Select Board inquired if there were any State funds available to assist with constructing a new
public safety complex. Representative Kulik stated there were not but that funds are sometimes
available through random programs and to keep checking.
Conservation Land:
Mr. Recos raised concerns about the Silvio O. Conte U.S. Fish and Wildlife plan to conserve an
additional 8,000 acres of land in Chesterfield and the potential revenue loss that would result. Mr.
Recos explained that some of the proposed land to be conserved has homes. He also noted that PILOT
payments are extremely low in comparison to lost tax revenue and that needs to be changed.
Well Wishes:
'r✓ The Select Board wished Representative Kulik a well-deserved and happy retirement with a card and
delicious cake.
Additions to the Agenda:
Large Events Held in Town:
The Select Board discussed a large event planned at the former Boy Scout Camp on Sugar Hill Road.
The property was purchased this year by Tolgy Wood, LLC. They were advertising for an event to be
held there Saturday, October 20`h called Pirates and Mermaids. Ms. Labrie received an email today from
the coordinator announcing the event. Ms. Labrie reported that she forwarded the email to the Fire
Chief, Police Chief, BOH,Zoning Enforcement Officer, and the Select Board. She noted this was the
first correspondence from the group and that they anticipated 500 people to attend.
The Select Board had learned of the event through social media but had no idea how large it would be.
Discussion took place over the fact that no Town Officials seemed to have been contacted regarding the
planning for the event. The Select Board discussed the matter with Police Chief Murray and Building
Commissioner Paul Tacy, who is also the Zoning Enforcement Officer. Mr. Tacy was concerned about
zoning violations and was going to contact the property owners to discuss the matter further. The event
was scheduled to be a day-time family event and then an over age 21 evening event. Police Chief
Murray reported back later in the meeting that he had heard back from the event coordinator and there
would be no evening(over 21) activities and no one staying overnight at the facility. The Select Board
requested that Mr. Tacy keep them updated regarding the event.
Transfer Station Platform:
i�r The Select Board discussed how to improve access to the Transfer Station recycling bins. Currently,
there are steps leading to a platform from which people drop their recyclable materials into bins. Mr.
Recos opined the steps should be replaced with an ADA compatible alternative. He shared that
Williamsburg s bins are recessed below grade and accessed from ground level. Ms. Labrie will speak to
Mr. Hank Badner, BOH about alternatives.
Ms. Colson-Montgomery noted that many items are no longer recyclable and inquired if the Town will
need to budget additional funds to dispose of those items. Ms. Labrie will follow up with BOH Chair
John Chandler. It was noted that the BOH receives an annual recycling grant which could be utilized to
mail information about recyclables and the Transfer Station to the public.
Special Town Meeting:
Mr. Fuller suggested the Select Board discuss scheduling a Special Town Meeting to vote on funding
Chesterfield's portion of the New Hingham School roof tarping and architect. The amount needed is
$15,175 per town (Chesterfield and Goshen). The cost of the full roof replacement is not known yet.
The Select Board discussed other items that should be brought to a Special Town Meeting such as plans
for a public safety complex and where it would be located. They decided to wait to schedule the
Public Safety Complex Feasibility Study:
Mr. Fuller requested that a Feasibility Study group meeting be set up to allow Architect Roy Brown to
present his final report and recommendation. Ms. Labrie will reach out to participants to determine
%4" availability and schedule the meeting. Ms. Labrie will draft a list of respondents to the RFP to purchase
land within % mile of Town Center and distribute to attendees.
Eversource Community Relations Representative:
Ms. Melissa Hancock, the new Eversource Community Relations Representative for Chesterfield, was
present to introduce herself to the Select Board. Ms. Hancock stated she was willing to help with any
issue, matter, or concern the Select Board had. Mr. Fuller discussed concerns about the Shared Multi-
Town Mower program that Eversource had sponsored for decades and was going to be discontinuing.
The Select Board opined this was short-sighted as keeping the roadsides mowed, keeps vegetation from
growing up under the utility lines, benefitting the utility companies. Ms. Hancock explained that the
Eversource arborists decided to utilize the Shared Mower Program funds to trim trees over lines instead.
She noted that other towns also expressed the same concern over the discontinuance of the Program.
Ms. Hancock suggested having a meeting with Eversource Vegetation Management as they were the
ones who decided to end the Program. The Select Board suggested having a community forum with
other surrounding towns that share the same concern to discuss the matter further. It was also suggested
that the Select Board send a formal complaint to Eversource. Ms. Labrie will draft the letter. Mr.
Holmberg suggested complaining to the State DPU about the cancellation of the Program or bringing it
up at the annual Eversource Municipal meeting.
Mr. Recos noted that the street light in front of the Town Office building has been out for almost two
months. He stated that he reported the outage 3 times with no results. Ms. Hancock stated this is the
type of issue she can help with and she will make sure it is fixed. She also discussed looking into LED
111409street light replacement.
Emergency Management Director Larry Holmberg was present and spoke about an Emergency
*oarManagement Program app that National Grid had to report infrastructure problems. He asked if
Eversource would be creating something similar. Ms. Hancock would look into this.
Ms. Hancock spoke about a Charitable Grant Program available through Eversource for 501C3 nonprofit
organizations. If the Select Board knew of any,they could relay her contact information to them and
have them contact her.
Town Administrator's Report:
Broadband Hut:
Ms. Labrie informed the Select Board that the Town of Washington had replied about their research into
broadband hut options. They decided to go with a prefabricated concrete hut from United Concrete,
which was slightly more expensive than constructing their own building. They noted that even though
there would have been some cost savings in stick building their own, the potential for error was too high
as the interior component construction was very specific. They opined that savings could be gained if
the town did its own site prep work and underground conduit for the prefab hut. Mr. Fuller had
additional questions regarding the prefab hut construction and warranty. Ms. Labrie noted that the
Town of Plainfield was supposed to have their hut delivered this month and that looking at their's may
help answer some questions. The Select Board agreed to visit the Plainfield hut and that Mr. Fuller
would speak to United Concrete,the company building the prefab huts,to have his questions answered.
Compensation Review Policy:
Ms. Labrie reported that she and Finance Committee Member Mr. John Follet had begun meeting to
draft a Compensation Review Policy. They will be meeting again this week.
'r' Generator for Highway Garage:
Ms. Labrie reported that she received one generator quote and is working on obtaining two more.
Town Office Building Alarm Panel:
Ms. Labrie reported the quotes received to replace the malfunctioning alarm panel in the Town Offices:
• Security and Fire Integrations LLC, - $1,170
• Hackworth Systems, LLC- $1,380.94
• Electralarm - $2,100
Ms. Colson-Montgomery made a motion to award the Project to Security and Fire Integrations LLC,
seconded by Mr. Fuller. Unanimous vote.
State Election Warrant:
Town Clerk Sandy Wickland had requested that the Select Board sign the State Election Warrant. Ms.
Colson-Montgomery made a motion to sign the State Election Warrant, seconded by Mr. Fuller.
Unanimous vote. The Select Board signed the Warrant and returned it to the Town Clerk for posting.
CDBG FY'17&FY'18 Quarterly Reports:
HCDC requested that the Select Board review and sign the CDGB FY'17 and FY'18 quarterly reports.
Ms. Colson-Montgomery made a motion to sign the CDBG quarterly reports, seconded by Mr. Fuller.
Unanimous vote. Mr. Recos signed as Select Board Chair.
same concern to discuss the matter further. It was also suggested
that the Select Board send a formal complaint to Eversource. Ms. Labrie will draft the letter. Mr.
Holmberg suggested complaining to the State DPU about the cancellation of the Program or bringing it
up at the annual Eversource Municipal meeting.
Mr. Recos noted that the street light in front of the Town Office building has been out for almost two
months. He stated that he reported the outage 3 times with no results. Ms. Hancock stated this is the
type of issue she can help with and she will make sure it is fixed. She also discussed looking into LED
111409street light replacement.
Highway Department Liaison Report:
\. Highway Superintendent Matt Smith was present to report on Highway Department projects.
Stage Road Speed Limit:
Mr. Smith reported that he did a rough measurement of the distance between homes on Stage Road to
determine if there was any portion that could be considered thickly settled and have the speed limit
reduced to 25 mph. He stated that the homes were not close enough(within 200' of each other)for a
distance of 1/4 mile, which is the determining factor. However, he would like to measure again with
assistance from a Police Officer to be sure. The Select Board suggested that Police Chief Murray share
the vehicle speed data that he had collected with Stage Road residents.
Stage Road Drainage:
Mr. Smith reported that the drainage work had been started on Stage Road. There are several trees that
need to be removed before it can be completed. Northern Tree Service has been contracted with to
remove the trees. Mr. Smith inquired about the funds necessary for this project and where they were
coming from. The Select Board agreed it should not come from the Highway Department budget and
will determine where the funds will come from.
Transfer Station Cap:
The State DEP inspector reported some erosion on the side of the cap at the Transfer station. Mr. Smith
stated that the Highway Department will repair the erosion this week according to the DEP
Tractor Mower Arm:
Mr. Smith stated that Bacon's Equipment estimated a replacement for the Holland Mower arm
attachment would be approximately$78,000.
Cummington Road:
Mr. Fuller reported that a resident commented to him that Cummington Road needs to be re-lined. Mr.
Smith plans on doing the lines in the spring and noted that he typically has roads painted every other
Next Select Board Meeting:
Monday, October 29, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.
With no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
rm panel in the Town Offices:
• Security and Fire Integrations LLC, - $1,170
• Hackworth Systems, LLC- $1,380.94
• Electralarm - $2,100
Ms. Colson-Montgomery made a motion to award the Project to Security and Fire Integrations LLC,
seconded by Mr. Fuller. Unanimous vote.
State Election Warrant:
Town Clerk Sandy Wickland had requested that the Select Board sign the State Election Warrant. Ms.
Colson-Montgomery made a motion to sign the State Election Warrant, seconded by Mr. Fuller.
Unanimous vote. The Select Board signed the Warrant and returned it to the Town Clerk for posting.
CDBG FY'17&FY'18 Quarterly Reports:
HCDC requested that the Select Board review and sign the CDGB FY'17 and FY'18 quarterly reports.
Ms. Colson-Montgomery made a motion to sign the CDBG quarterly reports, seconded by Mr. Fuller.
Unanimous vote. Mr. Recos signed as Select Board Chair.
same concern to discuss the matter further. It was also suggested
that the Select Board send a formal complaint to Eversource. Ms. Labrie will draft the letter. Mr.
Holmberg suggested complaining to the State DPU about the cancellation of the Program or bringing it
up at the annual Eversource Municipal meeting.
Mr. Recos noted that the street light in front of the Town Office building has been out for almost two
months. He stated that he reported the outage 3 times with no results. Ms. Hancock stated this is the
type of issue she can help with and she will make sure it is fixed. She also discussed looking into LED
111409street light replacement.