2018-10-25 BOS minutes ter
`k„ �, Chesterfield Select Board Minutes
Yr, `�,.,. Thursday, October 25,2018 at 6:00 p.m.
` Town Office Building- 422 Main Road
The Select Board meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mr. Recos, Chair
Select Board Members Present: Roger Fuller, Patricia Colson-Montgomery, Robert Recos
Town Administrator Present: Susan Labrie
Public Present: Emergency Management Director Larry Holmberg; Fire Chief Dave Hewes; Building
Commissioner Paul Tacy; Architect Roy Brown;Planning Board Chair Skip Valencik (for the Boy
Scout Camp discussion)
Recorder of Minutes: Susan Labrie
Davenport Site Feasibility Study:
Mr. Fuller welcomed everyone and stated that the purpose of this meeting was to hear the final report of
architect Roy Brown who was hired to complete a Feasibility Study to determine if the Davenport site
could be utilized for a Public Safety Complex and/or new Town Offices. Mr. Brown provided a
summary of previous site plans, building sizes, and estimated costs. He noted that changes had been
proposed at previous meetings to reduce the size of the buildings and change the vehicle access and
parking areas. He also discussed the concerns raised about snow removal capability on previous plans.
Mr. Brown presented the latest plans and explained how he addressed the group's previous concerns.
He determined that both a Public Safety Complex and new Town Offices were feasible for the
Davenport site. He had addressed vehicle access and parking concerns as well as snow plowing
concerns. There was general discussion about the plan. Mr. Holmberg inquired if Mr. Brown had taken
site drainage into consideration. Mr. Brown responded that would be addressed if and when
construction documents were drawn up but was not part of the feasibility study.
Boy Scout Camp on Sugar Hill Road:
Due to the urgent nature of a necessary discussion regarding the use of the Boy Scout Camp on Sugar
Hill Road, the topic was discussed as part of general discussion period during this meeting. All present
for the Davenport Site Feasibility Study remained for this discussion with the exception of Mr. Roy
Brown. Ms. Labrie had contacted Mr. Skip Valencik, Planning Board Chair, who arrived to participate
in the discussion.
Fire Chief Dave Hewes reported that he had heard from the new owners of the Boy Scout Camp on
Sugar Hill Road. They stated they were holding an event this coming weekend that they have been
holding at the camp for the last several years and expected about 50 people to attend. Chief Hewes
raised concerns because he had not inspected the camp since it had been sold. Building Commissioner
Paul Tacy noted that he had not inspected the property either because the "use"had not been
determined. Mr. Valencik noted he has had phone conversations with the new owners advising them of
the process to apply for a special permit.
Chief Hewes noted he would inspect the buildings based on their previous "use" but would not provide
documentation until after the "use"was determined. He would also inform the new owners that no
sleeping is permitted in the main hall. Mr. Tacy noted he could not issue occupancy limits until the
"use" is determined. Town officials noted they would continue to help the new owners navigate the
paperwork and procedures necessary.
Next Select Board Meeting:
Monday, October 29,2018 at 4:00 p.m.
With no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.